• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 14,362 Views, 875 Comments

Cutie Mark Catastrophes - Wintergreen Diaries

Cutie Mark Crusaders find their marks and look to new horizons; taming colts for themselves.

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Irresistible Shine

Chapter 19: Irresistible Shine

It really was a beautiful morning. There weren’t many clouds, which was good because every warming ray of dawn was welcome on such a brisk morn, and Ruby found herself unable to keep from happily humming to herself as she cantered alongside her own little bit of bespectacled sunshine. Whether she was just in an inexplicably good mood or she really was falling victim to the air of love pervading the town, given that being so close to Silver Spoon had suddenly become enthralling in its own right, Ruby couldn’t say for sure, but she was okay with that. She told herself that she didn’t mind taking her time to enjoy the discovery of her friendship with Silver Spoon bit by bit, though that wasn’t to say there wasn’t a certain curiosity surrounding the whole subject, and Ruby did not like being curious.

Her desire to understand the strange pangs of excitement, occasional breathlessness, and even nervousness that had seemingly developed overnight wasn’t so overpowering that they were all she could think about, but neither could she fully ignore them, and as she walked, talked, laughed with and sometimes at her endearingly snooty friend, she found herself beginning notice things: things she liked. For instance, every time Silver Spoon reached to adjust her glasses, it seemed to be coupled with a half-hearted glare, only to be followed with a loosely veiled grin. Sure, the first time it happened, Ruby didn’t think anything of it, but by the time they were halfway to their destination, it had begun to make her heart... do things. Silly things, like racing and skipping. It was confusing.

From there, it was just one thing after another. Ruby hadn’t really thought much about what physical traits she found attractive in another pony, filly or colt, but it seemed like every laugh doubled as a secret whisper, guiding a flustered young unicorn’s eyes to notice some other nuance she hadn’t before. Already exasperated with her mind’s stubborn refusal to curb her thoughts, Ruby caved to the intoxicating warmth rising in her cheeks, fell a few steps back, and allowed herself a couple of moments to stare. It was exhilarating, it was gratifying, and, as Silver Spoon turned to wonder why the hay she was being regarded with googly eyes, Ruby found it was incriminating, embarrassing, and inexplicable as well.

“Is something the matter?” Silver Spoon asked, bemused by the filly’s odd behavior.

“It’s nothing!” Ruby immediately shot back, proceeding to cover her muzzle with a hoof for being needlessly loud to the point that her voice had squeaked. Nothing, however, was indeed quite a monumental fib, for it was at that moment that Ruby’s eyes were opened to just how desirable a filly Silver Spoon was, and in that moment of dawning comprehension, when her head and heart aligned for just a few sweet seconds of honesty, Ruby found herself unwilling to look away. Her eyes are... really pretty, especially with the sun hitting them.


The way she wears her mane is so unique. It’s really fashionable, but really functional at the same time! It’s gotta be really full, too. I wonder what she’d look like without that scrunchy?

It’s like she’s off in her own little world or something. I know she can be excitable sometimes, but she’s never spacy, not like this. What’s gotten into her? “...are you even listening?”

“Woooow...” Not as articulate as “No, I’m too busy pinpointing all of your greatest assets,” but it still did the trick, and as much as Ruby would have liked to look a little longer at the radiant grin slowly tugging at the corners of her friend’s muzzle, something told her that her little indulgence had been noticed. “The sun! It’s, uh, really really bright! Yeah, ouch, don’t, um... don’t look at it,” Ruby stammered out, trotting ahead and thanking Celestia for such a light coat to hide the furious burning in her cheeks.

“You’re acting suspicious,” Silver Spoon stated with faint amusement, trotting after her and quickly catching up.

“Am not,” Ruby denied, proud of herself for sounding confident.

“You’re right, there’s nothing strange at all that you’ve found a sudden fascination with my rump.”

“Nope,” Ruby quipped, trotting another few steps before stopping cold and standing ramrod stiff. “Wait, n-no! I meant no interest! Stop smiling like that!” Ruby shouted desperately, digging herself deeper with every attempt to climb out of the pit she had dug. Why the hay am I getting so flustered? This is so frustrating! I’ve got to pull it together... hey, there’s a heart in her Cutie Mark? That’s so cute! No, no cute, it’s just...

“Are you coming?”

“Y-yeah!” Ruby called out, kicking up dust as she sprinted the short distance to Silver Spoon’s side and came skidding to a halt beside her as she waited. “Not a word from you, Spoony,” Ruby warned, waving a hoof at Silver Spoon who gave a nonchalant shrug and kept walking, thankfully leaving Ruby to do the same. Geez... what the hay has gotten into me? I can’t possibly be falling for her... can I? Her mane swished in front of her face for a moment as she slowly shook her head, letting slip a quiet sigh as she did so. Ugh... I know I don’t need to know if I like her or not right this second, but it’s really hard not to think about! Especially now that I know she’s cute, AND good looking! How am I supposed to ignore that?

The thought that perhaps she wasn’t meant to ignore such things did occur to her, and while it was nearly immediately dismissed as sheer craziness, she let the notion linger in the back of her mind, mulling it over as she went. Her friendship with Silver Spoon was as unexpected as the rash of strange emotions convoluting the enjoyment of her morning trot, but Ruby wasn’t just some whimsical filly drifting wherever the winds took her. Watching her mother waste lonely nights in a drunken stupor had impressed upon Ruby that more than any amount of attraction, there had to be a bond stronger than the troubles of life before she were to step into any kind of relationship deeper than simply being friends. She had to be sure that, no matter what, she wouldn’t end up alone, and with her mind made up and her heart calm, she resumed her merry humming, eager to watch for a sign. If Silver Spoon wanted her, she’d have to win more than just her eyes.

Playful banter resumed as Ruby found her peace, and the rest of the trip passed pleasantly and uneventfully. Following a dirt path outside of town, they crossed a bridge over a small stream and were soon standing in front of the local expert on critters, be they small or frighteningly huge. A note had been attached to the door, and snatching it away with her magic, Ruby held the page aloft and read aloud.

“Gon too git criterz... b bak soon?” Silver Spoon was about to inquire into Ruby’s sudden drop into terrible foal speak when she was passed the note to read for herself, where she found it written exactly as it was read. “I guess she’s not home right now. I don’t know how long she’ll be gone, either. Hmmm...” While Ruby began brainstorming activities to pass their time, Silver Spoon took a good look at the preoccupied unicorn and felt a tug within her own heart.

This is my chance. I can show her that I’m not just following anymore, that she’s... that I’m learning. And besides, I... want this. “Let’s head back into town.” Ruby paused and gave the filly an incredulous look, to which she adjusted her glasses, noted once more a subtle shift in expression, and continued. “What I meant to say was if we can’t be helpful here, we should go find somepony else who has work.”

“You... wait, you want to do somepony else’s dirty work?” Ruby asked, her shock on clear display. Silver Spoon dropped her gaze a moment, searching her motives before nodding slowly, chuckling to herself.

“Yeah, Ruby, I guess I do,” she replied, only slightly offended that Ruby was so completely blown away. “Don’t look so surprised. Helping other ponies can be fun, and it’s certainly better than sitting around doing nothing. Now, are you coming?”

She... she wants to help? Ruby had resolved within herself just minutes prior to wait for a sign of character, a spark to prove she wasn’t just something pretty that Silver Spoon wanted to add to her collection of possessions, but she hadn’t expected to be shown so soon and in such a familiar manner. More than the rush of gazing into her eyes, more than the mind-blowing wonder of gentle lips touching her cheek, being witness to obvious proof of an internal transformation from a selfish brat to a selfless, wonderful helping hoof was more moving than Ruby had imagined something could be, and something shifted. More than her appearance, more than her companionship, and even deeper than friendship, something stirred with a filly’s heart, as frightening as it was beautiful.

“Are you...”

“Totally excited! Let’s go!” Ruby shot back, breaking into a sprint to put a little distance between herself and a filly she somehow knew she wouldn’t be able to view the same. Perplexed, Silver Spoon gave chase, and it wasn’t long before they were working side by side, picking weeds, washing dishes, finding creative ways to get Opalescence out of a tree without doing her bodily harm, and other such chores. Ruby had to admit, she was somewhat proud of herself for managing to erect a working catapult to launch Silver Spoon’s catnip bomb, and Rarity thanked the girls profusely before taking her woozy feline, who had simply fallen out of the tree after inhaling enough catnip to keep her happy for days, and trotting away. An easy hour or two had passed by the time they finished with their most bizarre task to date, and with eager grins to hide their inner thoughts, the two made their way back towards a cottage littered with critters where an unusually excited pegasus with a heart for every creature greeted them at the door.

“Oh! Hello, girls. You came just in time!” Fluttershy exclaimed with a squeal as she leapt into the air, twirled twice, and flapped over to the younger ponies. “Oh, this is going to be so much fun, and with your help, I should be able to get most all of them done today! Oh, thank you so much for coming! All of the animals are waiting for us just around there,” she explained, prancing towards the back of the house and looking pleased as punch, and it was little wonder. Whisper was dutifully setting out halved oaken casks which were to serve as wash tubs and filling them with water while countless critters chattered with one another, excited for their favorite pony’s annual ritual. “We’ve got beavers, and, ferrets, and lots of cute little bunnies, and otters, and a seal, and, um...”

“A b-b-bear?!?” Ruby cried out, rightfully terrified of the hulking beast lazing about near the other woodland creatures. Silver Spoon would have liked to show proper flight or flight instincts and tear off towards town, but there was something about having Ruby toss her hooves around the filly’s neck and cling to her for comfort that made her quite content to stay rooted in place.

"Oh, you don't need to be afraid of Mr. Bear, girls," Fluttershy soothed, flapping over to the grizzly that looked on the verge of tears. "He just a big, dirty animal that needs a little care and affection, isn't that right?"

"Hey, that's what you called me last night, Fluttershy! Does that make me a bear, too?" Whisper asked, looking thoughtful as he paused his work to ponder the mystery. The timely interjection of the clueless stallion really helped defuse the tension, and while Fluttershy took a few moments of fuzz therapy to soothe the burning in her rosy cheeks, the bear in question enjoyed a Flutter massage while Ruby quietly tried to quell the trembling excitement racing through her limbs from her unplanned embrace.

This is bad. I can’t let Silver Spoon see how frazzled I’m am until I figure out what the hay is going on. I don’t want to get her hopes up, or...

“Hi!” the stallion called out again, trotting over to the two fillies who were sending off the most curious of signals. “Thanks for coming to help out Fluttershy. She really loves her animals, but they can be a lot of work! I don’t know why she’s acting so funny, though,” he commented, turning around and regarding the mare who had succeeded in reducing a ferocious grizzly to a relaxed puddle of soothed muscle. “I kinda made a mess with paints and stuff yesterday, but that’s no reason for her to get embarrassed... is it? Are paints, um...” He paused, stole a quick glance at Fluttershy, then motioned the fillies closer and whispered, “you know... ‘dirty?’”

It was an ironically fitting note to start things off, though Whisper really had just been curious as to why his inability to keep colors from spreading from his paper to the floor made Fluttershy send off that same funny vibe as when she got all cuddly. Fluttershy, having recovered sufficiently to face her helpers with relative confidence, ushered over the fillies, who were awkwardly looking anywhere but each other, and began explaining what they’d be doing. Winter would soon be upon the woodlands, and Fluttershy simply wouldn’t stand for her forest friends going to sleep with dirty coats, and thus the annual fall bath day was established for all who would attend. The mare’s excitement shifted towards affectionate worrying as she looked out over the many animals who had come, prompting an apologetic slew of warnings for careful handling of all the creatures, what shampoo to use for which critter, a reminder of her warning to be careful, special handling instructions for the little ones, and a final reminder that her creatures needed to be cared for nicely. With a dainty cheer and a cacophony of chatter from those in need of clean coats and a good scrubbing, the two fillies dove into their task with gusto.

That fateful afternoon, Ruby quickly came to conclude, had to have been the worst possible day for engaging in an activity involving both copious quantities of water with which to be drenched and a filly for whom a warm affection was growing. As Fluttershy, her coltfriend Whisper, Silver Spoon, and herself settled in to bathe a veritable horde of adorable critters, the filly just across the way became an ever present cause for distraction. Under normal circumstances, where wet mane and an alluring earth pony had no part or portion, the joy of knowing she was helping somepony in need would have been all the distraction Ruby needed to forget a problem, major or minor. Since that morning, however, she’d felt things within her heart began to change.

“You know, when you mentioned ‘bath time’ earlier, this isn’t what I thought you meant at all!” Silver Spoon called out from across the way, squealing as an eager beaver splashed her with an absolutely smashing cannonball.

Trust me, this isn’t what I expected today either. I mean, how am I supposed to focus on animals when you’re right over there, glasses set aside and... dripping wet... Curious and, for once, not in an amorous mood, Silver Spoon regarded the stare, or leer, she really couldn't tell which, with minor confusion and great amusement as Ruby rubbed her eyes, yelped as the suds induced a rather unpleasant burning sensation, and immediately re-focused herself on her work.

“D-don’t worry, Spoony,” Ruby called out, barely having the wherewithal to maintain an even tone and quickly coming to the conclusion that she would need to take a break in the not-too-distant future, “I’m sure there will be enough time for me to give you a good scouring!” It was not flustered growls of a pony vaguely chagrined that graced her ears, but instead a different sound that really impressed upon Ruby just how mightily things had shifted: cute, sweet, genuine giggles from a prissy pony up to her shoulders in suds and soil. It was too much, and Ruby busied herself with the rabbit within her makeshift tub, though her focus on the task at hoof was disrupted by an unexpected agreement of the most tempting sort.

“Oh? That’s so sweet of you to offer, Ruby. I think I’d like that.”

“W-what?!?” Ruby cried, taking a step back as if stricken. What? But she... she just... really?

“Just remember that I’m a lady of class; my coat is softer, so...” Silver Spoon paused, peering back at Ruby with huge, pleading eyes. “Scrub gently, ok?” Starting in her chest and fanning out like a forest fire in the dead of summer, a rush of heat swept Ruby, forming two little bonfires on either side of her muzzle. The shimmering rosen hue that wrapped around the scrub brush faded along with Ruby’s concentration, and Silver Spoon stared at it for a time and then back at the filly who had moved to a different barrel, pointedly hiding her face.

Wait, is she... getting embarrassed? Silver Spoon caught just a glimpse of the filly’s face as she dropped the soap and fumbled a scouring pad, both jobs things that would normally have been accomplished easily with magic, but pink had taken on a deep crimson, negating any chance a very flustered Ruby had of using her horn for anything other than a distress beacon. Slightly off kilter from having the ball in her court, Silver Spoon returned her attention to finishing up the beaver’s grooming and welcomed the next tenant.

No, I’m just getting my hopes up. Ruby isn’t shallow... It’d take more than a kiss to make her like me. Several minutes went by where nothing more was said, which further impressed upon Silver Spoon that something, though she didn’t know quite what, was definitely going on. Ruby had been chatting all morning, maybe more than normal, and not having a very high tolerance for uncertainty, nor very keen on the idea of letting Ruby continue to stew in whatever it was that struck her dumb, Silver Spoon finished up a cute little doe and sent it scampering off to its parents as she set down her brush and made her way over to the filly mindless brushing whatever critter was in the cask. Ruby was too steeped in thought to notice her approach, and even while Silver Spoon chided herself for getting her hopes up, she couldn’t help but smile as she conjured a little test for her friend.


“Aaaah!” Jumping a full ponylength back, Ruby stared at Silver Spoon as if she had somehow morphed into a grotesquely large spider for a few moments before gulping nervously and putting her hoof down with all the force of Fluttershy’s buck. “D-don’t do that!”

“Do what?” Silver Spoon replied, wearing a faint smile.

“Don’t... do that, that thing... that you... just did... now,” Ruby stammered, shakily making her way back to the barrel. Right. Great way to assert yourself, Ruby. “D-don’t you have your own animals to wash? There are still plenty left, so... so, um... why don’t you go... wash them. Yeah...” Desperate for a distraction, Ruby attempted to resume her work, but grasping the brush in her hooves was like trying to hold a bar of soap covered in grease, and with no other options, she clamped her teeth around the handle and bent over, leaning in to the cask.

“Lucky brush.” Silver Spoon concluded her survey with a round of laughter as Ruby’s forelegs gave out and landed her head first inside the cask with a tremendous sploosh. Sputtering, the filly emerged and pawed at her eyes to clear away the water, and when she had sufficiently cleared her sight, she prepared to give the irksome pony a piece of her mind. Silver Spoon’s grin couldn’t have been any more smug as she rested her chin on crossed hooves, leaning on the rim of the barrel and gleefully swaying back and forth, not out of any attempt to rile Ruby further, but simply because she was filled with hope that maybe, just maybe things weren’t as one sided as she thought they were.

“You’re a... a, um... a... menace. Yeah, that one...” Ruby mumbled, blushing hard and turning her face away. Silver Spoon herself nearly fell victim to her own infatuation as the usually confident filly’s sopping mane tumbled over an eye, making her bashful behavior all the more endearing.

“A menace, hmmm?” Silver Spoon mused aloud, playfully leaning forward a little. No longer the center of attention and finding his bath to be taking a most unexpected turn, the squirrel politely excused himself and scampered over to Fluttershy for a good toweling off while Silver Spoon pondered how to proceed. “You like me.”

Admittedly, subtlety wasn’t the filly’s strong point, and as Ruby shifted forward to make her vehement rebuttal, Silver Spoon’s position of rest was acted upon by an outside force, and she fell forward as the barrel tipped over. With Ruby on the way out and Silver Spoon falling in, the two met in the middle and set sail on a short little love cruise, coming to a rest a short distance away, dripping wet, and breathless as Ruby found herself splayed out atop Silver Spoon. Knowing that they were being observed would likely have fueled enough panic to promote movement, but as they both lay still, hardly daring to breathe as a tumult of emotions and sensations overtook both of them, a curious stallion set aside his towel and turned to his fillyfriend for answers.

“Hey, Fluttershy?” The mare looked up from what she was doing as her coltfriend trotted over with a confused smile.

“What is it, Whisper? Did the those naughty frogs try to invade your mane again? I mean, it does kind of look like moss if you’re in the water, but I’m sure I’ve told them it’s not.” Like a pony born of the forest itself, Whisper’s coat was a vibrant forest green, and he carried with him an exceptionally long mane and tail, never trimmed in the fifteen years that he had indeed lived in the wild. Swishing his verdant-hued tri-toned mane from his eyes, the stallion, still filled with the wonder of youth and lacking a complete understanding of pony society, motioned towards their helpers with an outstretched hoof. The two hadn’t moved much, as they were both somewhat paralyzed by their close proximity to one another, and while Fluttershy would have assumed that the two were simply playing a game of some sort, Whisper’s uncanny attunement to matters of the heart brought a blush to the mare’s cheeks as he cast the two in a different light.

“Which one is the coltfriend?”

“Oh, um... that’s...”

“Is it the pink one? She’s on top, so that would make sense,” he deduced with cheerful innocence, flaunting his somewhat recently acquired understanding of relationships. “But the gray one has been talking a lot, and the pink one has been quiet, like you! So maybe it’s her! Uh... can they both be coltfriends? But, wait, they’re girls, right? Fluttershy, I’m confused.”

“Um, well, actually, you see-”

“Hey, I could ask them! I’m sure they know!” Excited to be learning something new, the arboreal unicorn started towards the pair just barely regaining the wherewithal to speak. Ruby’s attempts at vocalization, having had less time to learn how to grab her emotions by the reins, came out as a muffled moan, so it fell on Silver Spoon to be the first to regain her composure.

“You... you like me, don’t you?” She couldn’t feel ashamed for being so forward as she heard her own voice, barely a whisper and trembling with anxiety. The question had been asked, and there was no taking it back. Ruby could see the excitement in Silver Spoon’s eyes fade to worry as precious seconds ticked by, and she urged herself to say something, anything, but what could she say? Jumping to conclusions and answering affirmative, only to find later that she had spoken in haste would surely lead to heartbreak, and a possible rift in a friendship that meant the world to her. Remaining silent, however, seemed to be having the same effect.

I don’t know! I need time to think, just tell her that! “I... I...”

“Um, excuse me, but...” Whisper began, taking a step back as Ruby spooked, scrambling to get away and falling with a splash in the mud that had formed from the water. “I, um... I know you’re both helping each other get clean since you’re both really dirty and I interrupted your cuddle time, but I really, really want to ask a question. So, um... which one of you is the coltfriend?” At her wits end, Ruby tore off toward town, leaving Silver Spoon somewhat reassured that no, she wasn’t just imagining things, and Whisper immensely satisfied with his answer. “Did you see how she screamed an ran away? That’s like what I did when I first met Fluttershy! That means she’s the coltfriend, and- hey, you’re the fillyfriend!”


“That means it’s your job to go chase her down and make her feel better! So, um, you should probably get going. She’s really fast.” While somewhat bemused by the stranger’s interest in her love life, if it could be so called, Silver Spoon couldn’t help but agree. Ruby had cheered her up plenty, and if she was the cause of her friend’s anxiety, then it was only fair she was the one to fix it.

“You know what... you happen to be right,” Silver Spoon murmured, looking on as Ruby receded in the distance. Giving the stallion and his mare her thanks, an earth pony of changed heart donned her spectacles, dried off, and set out after her friend as thoughts both sultry and serious swirled together. As much as Silver Spoon longed to know if Ruby truly was reciprocating her affections, all it took was a momentary reminisce to realize that such a subject could be delicate, and bluntly asking as she had may have been a bit much for the filly to handle: it certainly would have been for Silver Spoon. And yet... it was this remembrance that made her all the more determined to be whatever Ruby needed her to be, whether it be friend... or something a little bit more.

As rumination occupied a fairly tranquil mind and purposeful strides led the filly through town, a glint caught the corner of her eye, and all the peace that had governed her pool of thoughts dove for cover as reality emptied the pond with a sudden and unexpectedly forceful cannonball. The shimmer had come from a crown, one that belonged to a pony that had been a friend to Silver Spoon since foalhood, and despite every lesson learned and the realization that her ways had been wrong, she didn’t need glasses to see that Diamond Tiara looked straight up miserable.

Bullying is always easier when backed by a pony or two, but word of Silver Spoon’s secession from the sovereignty of Diamond Tiara’s iron-hoofed rule had spread like wildfire, and the abandoned, pathetic looking pony who sat upon a bench, steeping in a mire of isolation, had quickly learned that, one on one, she wasn’t taken seriously. Ponies no longer jumped at her command, didn’t fear her threats, and in fact had raised their hooves in violence a time or two that week. However, what hurt more than anything was seeing her former best friend cavorting around town with the epitome of lower class, watching Silver Spoon toss aside her pride along with their friendship to do charity work while she was shunned. In truth, she had been the one who walked away, but pride ran deep in the filly’s heart. She knew she hated being alone, but she had a ways to go before reaching a breaking point as Silver Spoon had.

I should just walk past her. After treating me the way she did, she doesn’t deserve my time. Holding her head high, Silver Spoon continued at her previous pace, making no point to hide but neither attempting contact, and it wasn’t until she passed Diamond Tiara that her heart began to tug on the reins. Why is this so hard? It doesn’t matter! I’m not even going to try! Each step became harder than the last for the willful filly, but she stopped a good distance away, hanging her head as an overwhelming cry within to try and patch things dredged a myriad of longings and aches to the surface. Silver Spoon slowly turned, feeling a pang of guilt at seeing her former flame so forlorn despite being the one who had been wronged, and without the faintest notion as to how she’d be received, she adjusted her glasses and made her way back, knowing that Ruby would have done the same.

“What do you want?”

Sheesh, I haven’t even sat down yet. Finding it strange that Diamond Tiara’s words didn’t sting nearly as much as he'd had feared, Silver Spoon took her seat on the bench beside Diamond Tiara who continued along her usual lines.

“Don’t you have some filthy, pointless job to be doing right now? You seem to have taken a liking to hanging around garbage.” The fact that the glowering filly was being a total jerk to her didn’t really upset Silver Spoon all that much, and what really impressed Silver Spoon was that the only thing she found infuriating about such a pointed statement was the notion that Diamond Tiara was likely referring to Ruby; it took all Silver Spoon’s strength of will not to up and leave right then and there for that reason alone.

“I’ve already done my deeds for the day, if you really must know,” Silver Spoon managed in an even tone. “You looked miserable, and I thought that maybe you could use a little company.”

“Oh, really? What gave you that idea, huh?” she snapped back, sniffing officiously as she turned her snout skywards.

“Hmmm, I dunno, Diamond Tiara! Maybe the complete lack of anypony paying you the slightest bit of attention? I’m sure that’s exactly how you wanted to spend your afternoon.” Silver Spoon let slip a quiet sight as a pointed silence ensued. It was disheartening to see how quickly she fell into old habits, lashing out with the same sharpened words as her previous teacher when, really, she just wanted to help. Memories of the fun times they’d had, the non-teasing, non-bullying ones, conjured a longing for reconciliation and the assurance that, if she could manage it, she would rather not just walk away from years of friendship.

“Do we have to fight like this?”

“Don’t try to make it sound like this is my fault,” Diamond Tiara snapped back, leaping upright. “You’re the one who ruined everything by kissing me!” With eyes full of malicious intent, Diamond Tiara noted how Silver Spoon shrank back at having her secret shouted to the world and promptly raised her voice. “I had imagined that a pony of class like you wouldn’t stoop to such things, but seeing who you hang with now, I guess it shouldn’t come as any surprise.”

“Leave Ruby out of this!” Silver Spoon cried, standing face to face with the one who had always steered her every thought and action. “You asked me what was wrong! You kept demanding that I tell you why I was so upset, and the moment I did, you pushed me away!”

“It’s not my fault it turned out to be something totally disgusting! You’re lucky I’m even talking to you right now, but given how rude you’re being, I think I’m starting to lose interest. If you really want me to take you back, you’re going to have to beg.” Not even the twin walls of glass could mitigate the cold fury rising within the heart of a filly woefully betrayed. Diamond Tiara quailed as Silver Spoon’s eyes seared into her soul the list of wrongs suffered, causing her to leap from the bench and begin to back away.

“Tell me...” Silver Spoon began, locking eyes and stalking towards a pony that she had once called friend. “Why would anypony beg to have a selfish, untrustworthy, incorrigible, poisonous leech dictate how they live their life? I’m done dancing when you tell me to dance, helping you tear down other ponies to cover up just how inferior you really feel because your precious daddy won’t make time for his snobby little girl! Well, guess what, Diamond Tiara?” Silver Spoon growled, thrusting her face close and towering over the filly who had stumbled back, glaring at her with unsympathetic eyes. “All your bits mean nothing here, because everypony knows what a miserable parasite you are, and I’m not going to let you tarnish my name any longer. I’d much rather spend my time with somepony who can drag me through the mud and still make me feel like I shine.”

Silver Spoon had meant every word, but a few short steps away and the sound of tears being shed began to drizzle the retreating filly in a light shower of remorse. The mist became a downpour as she turned to mumble out some half-hearted apology, only to see Diamond Tiara tear off into town with tears coursing down her cheeks, taking with her any sense of victory Silver Spoon had felt. Sure, she’d stood up for herself, but at what cost? Regardless of how justified it had felt at the time, Silver Spoon hung her head as she realized she had become the traitor, cruelly stabbing Diamond Tiara where she knew it would hurt.

I just... did exactly what she did to me; I took her secret and stomped all over it. Ruby wouldn’t have wanted that... The empty bench made room for another as she returned, shuddering as she felt the warmth of the wooden slats and was forced to wonder just how long Diamond Tiara had been sitting there. This is stupid. Why should I feel sorry for her? She’s the one being such a nasty little troll, acting all high and mighty... Alas, Ruby had bred in Silver Spoon the dastardly peace-keeper known as a conscience, and she knew the answer even as she railed against it. Through rough patches and sunny days, she’d shared most of her life with Diamond Tiara, and knew better than anypony that deep beneath an extremely prickly exterior lay something of true worth. It was just painful to reach for it.

I’d like to help, but... I don't know if I have the strength to face her alone... Ruby, it seemed, was the final piece of her puzzle. Lifelong friends was the very least that Silver Spoon would settle for, but she knew in her heart that she longed for something more from Ruby, something deeper and more cherished than friendship. Even as she stood and began her search anew, she couldn’t say with certainty that she could even accept anything less, because with that hard working unicorn whose laugh was an infectious disease, slowly eating away at every other malady of the heart, it was more than simple attraction that drove each hoof in front of the other.

It took Silver Spoon quite some time to finally track down her enabler, and even when she finally found the Ruby in the rough, she remained at a distance, hesitant and unsure of how to proceed. The despondency of the normally peppy unicorn was visible even from across the park, a realization compounded by the fact that she sat in the exact same place and position Silver Spoon had been in when they first met: alone on the swingset, unmoving, unnoticed. Remembering that Ruby had been the first to reach out, Silver Spoon felt the stirring within her heart to do the same, so she steadied herself and pushed all other thoughts from her mind as she began to cross the grassy divide.

I wonder if I looked this miserable the day we met... Silver Spoon recognized that if Ruby really was struggling with understanding a new slew of desires that were still considered by some to be less reputable than traditional pony relationships, there was a chance she would be rejected outright should she attempt to press the matter. At the same time, a more than comfortable childhood had bred a sense of entitlement that would not in a week be entirely cast aside. The park wasn’t all that large, but it felt like it stretched on for miles as thoughts, doubts, and desires crept out of hiding, and by the time Silver Spoon was standing just a pony length away from the one who she set out to comfort, she found herself wishing she could ask for the same.

I don’t know if she’s even noticed I’m standing here... At first, Ruby had only garnered Silver Spoon’s interest by virtue of her infuriatingly adorable everything, from her eye-catchingly bright coat to her well-bodied mane to everything else on the list, but somewhere over the last week Ruby had taught a stubborn filly to value something deeper. I never thought I’d understand how you glean so much satisfaction from getting covered in grime, but it’s not about that, is it? It’s about the ponies. You make them feel special, and right now, I’d... like to do the same for you. It was time for Ruby to see just how much she’d made a tarnished pony shine.

“If you’d like to talk, I’m here,” Silver Spoon said quietly. Ruby shuddered lightly as she was yanked from her daze, blinking once as she turned to see who was talking and then quickly turning away, returning her gaze to the ground. Several long seconds of silence passed by as Ruby struggled to find the words, her mouth opening once or twice but never making a sound. That’s exactly how I felt, too. Looks like I finally get to help you with something. Well, something that doesn’t get me covered in soot. Silver Spoon couldn’t stop a brief smile from lighting her features as she took a seat on the swing beside the filly, the notion of paying back a portion of the patience and kindness that had been heaped upon her head like so many warm blankets becoming all the strength she needed to know it was time.

“So... I never told you my secret,” Silver Spoon began, stretching out a hind hoof and scratching at the sand. It wasn’t fear of any kind of rejection from the one who’d stood by her side through her deepest need, but simply that she was willing baring wounds that hadn’t fully healed. It’ll be worth it if it’s any help to you. Please, cheer up, Ruby. I’d really... like to see you smile. Stirring for the first time since her arrival, Ruby gave her swing mate a brief sidelong glance before dropping her gaze to the sand again. If it weren’t for the fact that embracing the filly, who may or may not be struggling with a confusing attraction to the one doling out the comfort, struck Silver Spoon as a bad idea, she would have hugged the stuffing out of Ruby then and there. Disregarding the fact that such an action would have been tantamount to running her emotions through a blender on “pureé,” Ruby wouldn’t have refused.

“I think by now you’ve realized where my... attractions lie,” Silver Spoon continued, lifting her eyes to the afternoon sky. “I can... still remember how much the feelings scared me. I seriously doubt my father would be ok with it, and so for a long time, I... just tried to ignore when I noticed how nice another filly’s hair was or if they had pretty eyes. But then... something happened that I couldn’t ignore.” Silver Spoon turned to check on her audience of one to find her riveted, staring back, and while Ruby quickly looked away, Silver Spoon took a deep breath as she readied herself to walk through the briars of her memory for the sake of a caring heart.

“The... the first pony I really fell for ended up being my best friend.” Ruby would have interrupted then and there, exclaiming about how anypony could possibly find anything attractive about such an insufferable troll, but Silver Spoon’s downcast eyes cried in unison with her silence, and Ruby found herself no longer concerned with her own problems.

“Diamond Tiara?” she said softly, without even the slightest hint of judgement. Silver Spoon cringed as she nodded, folding her hooves in her lap as the plunge in her energy forbade further swinging of her legs. “I don’t... she’s kinda like, you know...” Ruby continued, pausing for a few painful seconds before nailing it down to just one word. “Why?”

“Ruby, remember this is a secret,” Silver Spoon said after a time, turning towards Ruby with a face that forbade nonsense and a firm voice to match and, after the filly nodded, she continued. “Diamond Tiara is actually... no, she can be really sweet. I know!” Silver Spoon snapped on accident, cutting Ruby off and dropping back to a gentler tone as she shrank away at the sudden rise in volume. “I’m sorry... Look, I know it sounds totally crazy, and I’m not blind, ok? I know she can be a real...”

“...pain in the flanks?” Ruby offered sheepishly, taking great care in sounding as neutral as possible.

“That’ll do,” Silver Spoon agreed, scoffing a little. “The word I was thinking of, well... I’d need a whole bar of soap to wash the nasty out of my mouth afterwards, and given that I’ve swallowed more than enough for a day, I think I’ll pass.” A hesitant chuckle led to an encouraging giggle, relieving a little tension and clearing the path for Silver Spoon to plow onwards. “Diamond Tiara acts the way she does because she needs the attention. Good, bad, it doesn’t matter, as long as somepony is paying attention to her.”

“That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, but I’ve never really liked the spotlight...” Ruby murmured. “So... if it doesn’t matter to her what kind of attention she gets, why does she act so bossy and mean?”

“Tell me, Ruby,” Silver Spoon countered, capturing the filly’s undivided attention as she prepared to break her longest kept promise for the sake of the one who swore her to secrecy, “what’s it like, having a mother who loves you?”

“What kind of question is...” Ruby began, her voice trailing off as Silver Spoon’s gaze bore into her. “It’s... really amazing. My mother is the sweetest pony I know, and even though I have to help her out a lot, I know there’s nothing she wouldn’t do for me. I don’t know what I’d do without her, but what does that have to do with Diamond Tiara?” In the few seconds of quiet that followed, Ruby began to connect the dots in the back of her mind, and by the time the outline was done, Silver Spoon had only to color it in.

“Diamond Tiara has everything that money can buy at the tip of her hooves, but all she really wants... is to be noticed by her parents.” For Ruby, the mere thought of being neglected by her mother was enough to bring her to tears even knowing it would never happen, but to have both parents pay her no heed was something she couldn’t fathom as anything other than the darkest of nightmares. “Her mother is the disciplinarian,” Silver Spoon continued, herself shaken by the remembrance. “Every time Diamond Tiara gets in trouble, it’s her mother that decides the consequence because Filthy Rich is too busy managing all the businesses he has his hoof into.”

“That’s... so cruel,” Ruby whispered, turning her glassy eyed gaze towards the one who quietly slid off the swing and into the sand with a muffled whumph. A filly who had learned who she really wanted to be presented herself before the one who had shown her the way with just one last request.

“Ruby, I know you’re struggling to try and understand what you’re feeling,” Silver Spoon started, refusing to look away even as guilt at asking anything of the filly rose like the tides behind her eyes. “You’re going through alot right now, and I... know it’s probably all my fault. I really... really like you, Ruby, and so... there’s just one more thing I’d like to ask of you...” Tension hung in the air as Silver Spoon laid aside her pride, bowing her head before the filly on the swing who couldn’t look away. Transfixed, time froze for Ruby as she prepared herself to be asked a question she feared she wouldn’t know how to answer. What was asked, however, simply gave her the answer she was looking for.

“You don’t have to decide right now if you like me or not. Even if you decide we... we can only be friends, I’d come to accept it, even though... though it’d hurt....” Silver Spoon sank to her haunches as tears began to stream from her eyes at the thought, and as all her lauded confidence fractured like a mirror cast to earth, a gentle pressure around her cheeks from two caring hooves guided her eyes to those that shone with kindness. “You... you helped me see worth where I only saw dirt, and made me... somepony that I can be proud of. Please... can you help Diamond Tiara?”

“You... that’s what you wanted to ask?” Ruby managed, her voice barely a whisper. While the filly at her hooves may not have known it, Ruby would have been willing to grant her just about any request, but to see Silver Spoon take her generosity and immediately give it away for the good of the one who had wronged her the most wasn't something so superficial as to be mildly shocking, but radically life-changing. There was no longer any doubt in Ruby’s mind that the stirrings in her heart were genuine, because Silver Spoon had just proved that, after all was said and done, there existed within her the kind of caring, compassionate soul that Ruby knew she would never want to leave.

“It hurt... so much when she turned me away,” Silver Spoon continued, sobbing as quietly as she could. “I trusted her with everything, but she told me I was... disgusting, and it... it broke something inside, but I know she’s hurting, too.” It was selfish and assuming, but Silver Spoon couldn’t stop herself from throwing her hooves around Ruby and clinging tightly around her waist, burying her muzzle into her chest. Any lingering traces of composure quietly drifted away as the warmth of a caring embrace pulled her close, and with the soothing hush of a truer friend whispering that everything would be all right, Silver Spoon found so much more than solace.

The quaking in a yearning filly’s shoulders had just begun to die down when a gentle tug bid her pull away, but fear was unable to corrupt the moment as Silver Spoon found herself looking into adoring emerald eyes. Her lips parted as if to speak, but instead tasted that which is sweeter than honey. Ruby leaned in deep, freely yielding to the tug of her heart to be close to somepony who had just proved the depth of her beauty, not with her mane, nor her eyes, but a heart that truly shone brighter with every passing day. Bathed in the cascade of relief and the assurance that the moment she was sharing with Ruby was more than just curiosity, Silver Spoon leaned forward a little more, savoring every sweet second that slowly slipped past. Pausing to wipe away the tears from a silver muzzle, Ruby giggled shyly as Silver Spoon returned the favor, bringing a smile to them both.

“I always wondered what kind of pony would want to spend their life with somepony who just goes around finding nasty work to do for free,” Ruby whispered, gazing deep into violet eyes. “I didn’t want to rush into anything and get anypony hurt, but when you told me you’d be here, I... wanted you to mean forever. I don’t... ever want to be left alone like my mom. Spoony?” Ruby paused, capturing the filly’s total attention. “Even if the answer is no, or you’re not sure, hearing you ask for my help just so you could help another made you... the most beautiful filly in my eyes, so now it’s my turn to beg. Would you... be the one to stay with me... always?” There was nothing Silver Spoon wanted more, though being too overcome to speak, she answered with a vigorous nod as she threw out her hooves and snatched Ruby into a firm embrace, smiling even as tears of joy trickled down her cheeks.

“I don’t think I’ve ever cried this much in my life,” Ruby murmured after a time, sniffling as she pulled away and laughing weakly as she found Silver Spoon pawing at her eyes the same as she. “Thanks a lot for getting me all sappy, Spoony.”

“Don’t try to blame it on me,” Silver Spoon giggled, wiping her snout on the back of her hoof and making a face as she mistook sand for a dishcloth. “You’re the one who came up with the great idea to take a bath together.”

“T-that sounds, um...” Ruby stammered, flushing deep crimson against her pink coat and hiding her face as Silver Spoon peered back with a triumphant grin. “Don’t get any ideas! Just ‘cause we ki... kissed once doesn’t mean I’m, um... like that, and... stuff... what the hay is that look for?”

“Nothing, I was just thinking that you’re really cute, Pinchy. Also, we should... oh my!” Silver Spoon laughed, covering her own blushing muzzle with a hoof as she discovered that the already weakened filly responded positively to her new pet name. If the brief pulse of light from her horn wasn’t a clear indicator that she found the moniker agreeable, then the hooves covering her burning cheeks were. “Did I say something right?”

“Y-you’re a... a, um...” Finding speech to be uncooperative, Ruby desperately sought to turn the tides in her favor, though as Silver Spoon let out a startled yelp at suddenly being tackled, Ruby found she was every bit as susceptible to infatuation as the filly pinned under her hooves.

“You do seem to be having trouble grasping the concept of ‘gentle...’” Silver Spoon said softly, giggling a little as she slid her hooves around Ruby’s neck and gave a gentle tug. It was an offer that Ruby couldn’t refuse, and she was again reassured that she’d made the right decision by sparks, shivers, and a lot of fireworks. Short, sweet, and packed with meaning, Ruby pulled away from her second kiss and shuddered from the rush; the host of flaming butterflies that had taken up residence in her stomach seemed to have become stuck on tumble-dry. Meeting bashful, timid eyes with the calming reassurance of barely contained jubilance, Silver Spoon said all that was needed with a nod. Ruby gratefully took a few moments to regain her breath and, having done so and quite confident that she couldn’t be any more flushed in the face, she opened her mouth to speak when a familiar voice from nearby proved her very, very wrong.

“You do realize you’re in a park, right?” Sweetie Belle winced as both ponies let out cries of surprised, quickly scrambling upright and looking anywhere but each other. “You know, before I say ‘congratulations’ to the both of you, I’d just like to remind you two that a room might be a more appropriate place for... that.”

“Hmmm, you do have a rather comfortable bed, Pinchy,” Silver Spoon teased with a grin.


“Well, you two clearly have business to attend, and I have a dragon to see, so I’ll make this quick. Ruby, and yes, you too, Silver Spoon, are both invited to join myself and the rest of the crusaders at the tavern tonight.”

“Are you sure you don’t mind me coming?” Silver Spoon asked, taking a few moments to be serious and let Ruby recover. “I’ve... been pretty mean to you all in the past.”

“Yeah, you have,” Sweetie Belle agreed cheerfully, “but you’ve clearly changed your tune. It’s easy to see, and any friend of Ruby’s is a friend of mine. Just... maybe keep the making out to a minimum?”

“There was no tongue!” Ruby shouted, immediately regretting the action as half the ponies in the park turned and gave her a myriad of looks ranging from incredulous to dubiously interested. “...wasn’t making out,” she mumbled in a much quieter tone while Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon bonded over a good laugh.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure we don’t get too distracted and miss out,” Silver Spoon assured the messenger.

“Great! We’ll see you both then,” Sweetie Belle said as she gathered up a neatly wrapped gift box and set off at an easy trot. Silver Spoon silently thanked the retreating filly for her kindness before returning her attention to the adorably flustered filly who was having a little bit of trouble accepting the sudden shift in dominance. It was strange for Silver Spoon, too, but the good kind of strange, very much like trying something new and really, really liking it. Given that what Silver Spoon enjoyed was no “it,” but a very beautiful “she,” the earth pony’s heart was firm in its belief that she’d cherish the bond to the fullest. That didn’t mean she couldn’t tease, though.

“Well, since it’s already been decided that you’re the coltfriend, I-” Silver Spoon began, wincing as Ruby’s indignant exclamation cut her off. It really was too much fun.

“Wait, what? Why am I the coltfriend?” Ruby interjected, becoming frustrated on multiple levels with the filly whose muzzle was covered coyly by a silver hoof.

“You ran off.”

“That doesn’t even make sense!”

“Sure it does!” Silver Spoon laughed, leaning forward a little and leering. “You were on top.”

“Spoony! I’m seriously going to...” she countered, looking as if she were ready to pounce for a moment before thinking better of it and plopping back down in the sand. “Gah, I can’t think like this!”

“You’ll learn to adjust, I’m sure,” Silver Spoon mused in an affectionate tone before adopting a teasing grin and shooting the filly a wink, “and until then, I’ll keep having fun with my Pinchy.”

“T-that’s not fair...”

“Is it really so terrible?” Silver Spoon asked, drawing close and placing a gentle hoof on the filly’s back.

“...No,” Ruby admitted, flopping onto her side and staring listlessly out at the park. “Ugh, my mom is gonna give me so much grief over this...” Raising her eyes to the sky, Ruby gauged the time and decided that there was still enough daylight for a little more dirty work. “Well, I’ve cleaned up a totally mucky spoon, so I guess it’s time to start on polishing a rough-cut diamond.” Expecting enthusiasm, Ruby pulled herself upright and lifted a hoof to start her next project when she glanced back and found Silver Spoon looking away with her cheeks slightly flushed. “Spoony, is... something wrong?”

“I...” Asking for material things had never posed any kind of problem for Silver Spoon, but she couldn’t help but feel selfish, asking another request when her two deepest desires had been fulfilled by the very filly now seated beside her. “Do... you think that maybe... we could wait to see Diamond Tiara until tomorrow?” Swallowing what remained of her pride, Silver Spoon refused to give credence to shame as she sheepishly made one more request. “I’ll follow you either way, but I... was really hoping to spend some time alone with you, tonight...”

“You’re gonna be a high-maintenance fillyfriend, aren’t you?” Ruby replied, chuckling fondly as Silver Spoon turned to her with pleading eyes. “I really am the coltfriend, it seems... I just can’t say no to your beautiful face!”

“Ruby...” Hearing her name spoken with such passion and desperation brought a rush of heat back to cheeks that had only just begun to cool, and assuming her mantle as leader with trembling hooves, the filly slowly reached forward and wrapped her hooves around Silver Spoon’s shoulders.

“Could you... ask me again with my other name, maybe?”

“I... I’d like to spend the night with you... Pinchy.”

“You know what, Spoony?” Ruby replied softly, unwilling to place any restraints on the affection slowly building into a smile. “There’s... nothing I’d like more.” Gratitude instigated one final embrace before the fillies began making their way back towards town, their hearts light and their features alight with anticipation, though Ruby couldn’t have fully understood what kind of an impact she’d had on Silver Spoon. The well-to-do earth pony, who had once been the salt in every wound Diamond Tiara had caused, couldn’t help but beam as she resolved once more to watch and learn from the magnificent pony that had taken the time to show her a better way: a way to truly shine.