• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 744 Views, 2 Comments

Civil War Skrimish at Canterlot - efug25g

As Twilight and Twinklestar went back to Ponyville, the royal sisters, Gladius Strife, and Discord made a desperate counterattack against the Unicornians.

  • ...

Falling back to the Crystal Empire

After staring at Tirek for a couple of seconds, Discord finally snapped out of it when Princess Luna shook him in the side.

"Discord, are you okay?!" Luna asked. "You seemed pale."

"Well I, uh, um...." Discord stuttered as he looked at Luna. "I could've sworn I thought I saw Tirek in a distance."

When Discord turned his face at the direction where Tirek was at, he was gone.

"Actually, I don't really know what I saw." Discord said as he changed the subject. "But I've got a very bad feeling about this."

"LUNA!!! HELP ME!!!!" Celestia shouted as she was loosing her stamina while fending herself from the invaders. The next thing Luna and Discord saw from her was when they started swarming over Celestia like they were army ants overwhelming their prey. Gladius Strife was there too but he was getting beaten back by the invaders as well.

Without hesitation, Luna and Discord moved in and repelled the invaders with their magic. Luna cast a massive chain lighting spell that struck at several Unicornian soldiers, before they collapsed in a state of shock. As Celestia started getting back up, Discord summoned a Plunder Vine whip in his claw and started whip lashing the invaders with full fury, while Luna and some of her men escorted Princess Celestia back into the palace to treat her injuries.

After a few hours of standing their ground at the palace courtyard, the enemy catapults started bombarding the entire area. The royal sisters, Discord, Gladius, and the rest of the Equestrian guards ran inside to seek shelter in the palace while a couple of their unicorn guards stayed outside to form a magical shield barrier around the palace, in hopes of protecting their fortress from enemy bombardment. As soon as their artillery stopped firing, Unicornian troops started charging straight out of the wreckage and into the courtyard from all directions. Discord used the last of his Plunder Vines to form up a defensive circle of living plants around the palace, while the other royal guards started firing their handguns, rifles, and their magic at the advancing Unicornians from the palace windows. As the invaders got closer, the Plunder Vines started hissing at them before they gassed them but not before some of the invaders returned fire with their magic, vaporizing most of the Plunder vines.

"Princess Celestia, what do we do?!" One of the commanders asked her. "We got too many wounded soldiers to take care of. We're sitting ducks here."

Princess Celestia had to find a way to drive back the invaders from the city, but she is running out of ideas. "I don't think we can hold them off any longer, we have to come up with an idea fast."

Luna wasn't able to come up any more ideas. Ultimately, Discord had a light bulb appear on top of his heading, claiming that he have one more trick up his sleeve.

"Sunbutt! Moonbutt! I have an idea." Discord announced. "But I may need both of your help in order to make this one succeed."

"What is it, Discord?!" Luna asked.

The royal sisters and Discord gather around and whispered to each other. After a while, they disengaged from their conversation.

"If you think this is going to work, we'll have to do this carefully at the right time." Celestia suggested Discord.

"There's no easy way out of this Sunbutt." Discord replied to Celestia. "You just have to trust me since we won't get another chance at this."

Meanwhile outside of the palace, the Unicornian guards are able to successfully breach the Plunder Vine defensive circle and charged forward. However, before they can storm into the palace, Discord appeared in front of the palace entrance, standing a couple of feet away from the advancing Unicornian guards.

"Hello, Unicornians. Are you ready for some wind blowing?!" Discord smirked as he snapped his claws to summon a giant leaf blower.

Before any of the invaders could make a move, they started getting blown away by Discord's contraption. They were sent flying from Canterlot all the way to the open fields outside the city. Just when they got back up on their hooves, Discord appeared again. Just in an instant, his claw started glowing yellow before he casting one of his spells on the Unicornians. His magic made a blinding, harmless flash in front of the invaders. As soon as the light faded away, they started turning into a grayish color. Suddenly, without warning, some of the Unicornian soldiers started attacking each other.

"You!! You're a traitor!!!" The 1st Unicornian guard snarled as he pounced a Unicornian guard on his right.

"Come here you fiend, I'll rip you apart!!" The 2nd guard hissed as he unleash a flurry of blows at a nearby guard on his left.

"You want a piece of me?!" The 3rd guard snarled as he lunged at a nearby army officer.

"I'm going to kick your bucking flank!!!" The 4th guard growled as he attacked a nearby guard at the front with his sword.

"You and what army?!" A nearby military officer hissed as he started firing his magic at a nearby guard.

The rest of the Unicornian guards started attacking and beating each other up in similar ways. During the fiasco that Discord had caused, he started displaying a really big smile as he took pictures of the scene with his camera.

"I should put all of this in my photo albums later on." Discord laughed as he teleported himself away from the fiasco.

WHAT IN THE NAME OF TARTARUS IS GOING ON HERE?!!? A unicornian general appeared as he shouted at the top of his lungs.

"It looks like that Draconeques demon has placed a curse on some of our men, making them fight amongst themselves." One of his lieutenants answered to the general.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE, YOU FLASHY IDIOT!!!!" The general roared at the lieutenant. "STOP THEM, NOW!!!!"

Wasting no more time dilly dallying, the startled lieutenant rushed forward with a few of his non-afflicted guards and attempted to stop the guards that turned traitor in their ranks.

"General, what is going on out there?!" Queen Majesty asked as she spoke from inside the Royal Unicornian Caravan.

"Your Highness, were having a bit of a free-for-all insurrection that needs to be taken care of." The general answered.

Meanwhile back at Canterlot, Discord appeared again at the palace grounds where Celestia and Luna were helping their guards treat the wounded.

"Sunbutt! Moonbutt!! The distraction is now underway. It's time." Discord said to the royal sisters.

"Alright, then." Celestia responded. "On the count of three."

As their countdown began, Celestia began to unleash her magic by aiming her horn up into the sky, while it started glowing yellow.


Luna aimed her horn up into the sky too while it started glowing blue.


Finally, Discord raised his claw into the air before summoning his magic.


The royal sisters and Discord shot out magic beams up into the sky. As their magic combined into one big glowing orb, it exploded 200 feet above Canterlot, forming a huge shield barrier around the city.

"That should buy us some time to recover and plan our next counterattack against the Unicornian Invaders." Luna said.

"Commander, I'm leaving you in charge in defending Canterlot from here on out." Celestia commanded one of her superior officers in a royal Canterlot voice. "If anything happens, you report back to me immediately."

"Yes, your majesty!!!" The Commander acknowledged with a military salute before moving on.

"Time to go, Princess!!" Discord said as he summoned a doorway leading to the Crystal Empire.

Since the Royal Sisters needed time to recover and think about the situation at hand, they were the first to disappear into the doorway that Discord summoned. Gladius Strife followed them next.

"So long, losers!!!" Discord said to the Unicornians outside of Canterlot. It was the last thing he said before he went through the doorway leading to the Crystal Empire.

After the royal sisters, Gladius, and Discord left Canterlot, the doorway disappeared immediately.

Before the commander continued giving out orders to the rest of Canterlot's defenders, he prayed for one last wish to his Princess. "Farewell, Princess Celestia. May the glory of Queen Faust protect you."

Author's Note:

This is just the beginning of the Civil War that Amadeus and his associates declared upon Equestria. I'll stop there for now. Hope you folks enjoyed this short story. Good bye.

Some of the stuff that I wrote in the first chapter were references based on the movie scenes that I watch from my favorite videos: Return of the King and Deathly Hallows part 2. Also, in the second chapter of this story, when I made the enemy general shout at one of officers, his first speech was a reference from a scene in One Piece; where a cloaked Buggy the Clown spots Luffy and Zoro leave the restaurant that they were in and orders one of his lackeys to get them.

[youtube= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9-Jx-DjDaU]

Comments ( 1 )

Good side-story.

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