• Published 6th Feb 2017
  • 2,924 Views, 116 Comments

Sci Twi and the Spider's Web - cornholio4

Sci Twi meets up with the MCU Peter Parker and romance ensues.

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Arriving at Canterlot High

Soon it came the day of the Friendship Games and Peter was sitting next to Twilight along with the other Shadowbolts (sounded more like a supervillain team to Peter than a sports team), Peter was sitting next to Twilight on the bus and was going through his backpack where he saw the pictures of the charts from Twilight's room and from the little secret lab she set up Crystal Prep (which she showed Peter) and he even somehow fit all his Spider-Man stuff (including his boots, sweatpants and gloves) along with stuff for the Games. "You seriously brought that with you?" Twilight questioned Peter with a look, "I don't think that's the best way to keeping your identity a secret?" Twilight whispered to him.

"Yeah well you are the one sneaking Spike in your bag..." Peter whispered back to her and smiled at the look she now had as she wisely decided to be quiet about the subject. They heard mutterings from the girls about how Peter must be Twilight's boyfriend and since they heard he was staying at her house it was obvious what they were getting up to. Twilight and Peter blushed at the idea of that but decided to try and ignore it.

Peter found his phone in his bag and deleted some heard voicemails on it like some from Ned and his Aunt May but kept one of them that came from his Uncle Ben. He sighed looking at it, "Are you alright Peter?" Twilight asked Peter putting a hand on his shoulder, who jumped as he put his phone away and told her he was just fine.

"If you don't want to make people think you two are going out, you are being pretty bad at this with how you two are never apart." stated the girl Sugarcoat bluntly from a nearby seat who both blushed as they began spitting out denials. Soon the Bus was there at Canterlot High and they all went out.

Twilight dragged Peter to the statue as more of the strange energy seemed to be going into the device, "so are you sure the statue is not some gargoyle?" Peter asked as Twilight shook her head with a sigh. "I would like to fight a gargoyle myself, I may have helped people and stopped a robber or two but I have not actually faced actual villains before. I bet if I had a rogues gallery it would have a man made out of bees or how about an evil chameleon..." Peter whispered to her who gave him a blank look.

"You have been reading too much of Shining's comic books." Twilight told him bluntly as she dragged him into the entrance of the school as Peter looked aghast. "I mean if you're going to do this then please don't totally throw logic out the window here." Twilight told him sternly as Peter then reminded her that she was the one investigating weird energy at the school and some came from that statue as Twilight just shook her head.

As they entered and walked through the corridors they seemed to notice that the students seemed to be greeting Twilight by her name, "How do they know you Twi?" Peter asked her and she gave him a confused look and said she had no idea.

Twilight bumped into a guy before Peter's Spider-Sense could warn him soon enough to stop and her glasses fell off. The guy seemed to also know her even asking how long she would be here but after Peter gave her back her glasses they went off. "Okay are you sure you don't know the students here, because all these students are acting as if you are all old friends." Peter told her but Twilight did not have an answer for him.

Peter then thought it over and blinked when something came to him, "Well maybe there is a twin of you here from another world herself." Peter suggested and Twilight gave him a look. "On my world there is this TV show called the Flash about this super fast superhero and in the second season he meets the Flash of another Earth to fight an evil speedster called Zoom who is sending bad guys from his Earth to his one, the Flash goes to the other world and finds out there he is married to his best friend. Plus there is this jerk from the other world who is the counterpart of a scientist guy who..." Peter clarified but Twilight stopped him with another look.

"Peter here is some advice to you, please don't focus too much on strange fiction and try to think more logically." Twilight told him sternly but Peter was tempted to remind her that he did come from another Earth where there were superheroes and he had superpowers himself. Then Twilight's device was glowing and showing a direction that they were now following.

"If you are interested I can tell you about the episode where they fight a telepathic gorilla or that there is a hero with fire powers made up of two guys..." Peter told her but Twilight gave him a glare that was daring him to continue.

Meanwhile in the music room of Canterlot High the students Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were talking amongst themselves. "It's bad enough that we are 'Ponying Up' out of nowhere which could interfere in the games but now some guy dressed as some sort of superhero pops out of nowhere..." Sunset was saying and sighed, "Maybe this guy was changed becoming some sort of spider hybrid by the magic around us." Sunset said out loud thinking putting her hand to her chin.

"Well I am grateful he was able to help Sweetie Belle like that, I can't help but look at his tacky outfit." Rarity commented as everyone gave her looks, "What if I came up with a superhero costume, I would make something dazzling like a mask, a cape and a hat which would match! I mean if you are going to be a superhero then you should have a fashionable costume!" Rarity told them as everyone just rolled their eyes at that.

"Well until we can find out more about this guy we should give him a name, how about the Scarlet Spider or the Human Spider?" Rainbow Dash suggested but then the door opened and Twilight was talking to Peter as they entered the room.

"For the last time Peter, I am not interested in your theories based on TV shows..." Twilight warned them but before Peter could respond they were greeted by everyone in the room yelling out Twilight's name.

Twilight was then weirded out as they then began acting like they know her and even knew about Spike, "We are super glad you came here Twilight." Sunset said walking up to her with Peter being forced to stand by the sidelines at how most of the students were focused on Twilight. "There is strange things happening and there is now some guy going around dressed like a costume that can shoot web, Rainbow Dash has some names for him if you want to know..." Sunset said talking to Twilight as if she was the one to come to for this sort of thing.

"Spider-Man." Peter spoke up after coughing for a bit and then everyone looked to Peter and Peter grew nervous at the stares of him. "...I mean I saw the videos of that guy when he was here and I thought the name Spider-Man suits him." Peter said trying to think of an explanation on the fly. Twilight crossed her arms and Peter whispered to her "hey I came up with the name for myself, if people know about me I would want that they at least use the name I had chosen..."

"Who is this guy Twilight, is he your new boyfriend?" Rainbow Dash asked speaking up and then Peter and Twilight shared blushes that did not went unnoticed by Sunset, Applejack and Rarity who grinned at them. "Guess he is cute but won't Flash be jealous?" Rainbow Dash asked and Twilight whispered to Peter to not speak up about his TV show.

Then came in Canterlot High's Principal Celestia who also knew about Twilight it seemed but then Principal Cinch came and said "sorry Celestia for how curious my top student and newest student are being." Cinch told Celestia which got confused glances from everyone in the room as Principal Cinch asked them to follow her to join the fellow Shadowbolts.

"Are you sure you don't want to go with my alternate counterpart idea?" Peter whispered to Twilight's ear but she just gave a sigh which said that she gave up. "Or maybe there is a clone of you hanging around, well I don't know about that because that would sound like a bad comic book plot." Peter told her and Twilight gave him a smile.

"And the stuff from your TV show isn't?" Twilight responded and Peter gave a laugh conceding her point. Well maybe they can sort it out and see if they can find a way for him to get home.

He was wondering what was happening on his Earth anyway...


Meanwhile back on Peter's Earth in the Avengers Facility watching the monitors were the current members of the Avengers; the leader Steve Rogers or Captain America, Sam Wilson the Falcon, the Vision, Natasha Romanoff the Black Widow, Wanda Maximoff the Scar Witch and James Rhodes who was known as War Machine. They were watching monitors with reporter Christine Everhart making the report:

"...we continue the story where in an apartment building in Queens, New York there were reports of a strange portal popping up and sucking in fifteen year old high school student Peter Parker. According to tenants of the apartment the portal seemed to pop out of nowhere and they attempted to pull Mr Parker out but had failed. The teachers at Mr Parker's school Midtown Science High say that Peter was a talented student and the staff of the school plus the students of the school shall continue to hope for his safe return, wherever they are. Mr Parker's aunt Mrs May Parker had this way to say:"

"Peter is a good boy, always had good boy and since the recent death of my husband Ben he is all that I have left. I please ask that anyone could help please bring him back to me..."

The Avengers pondered this, after certain authorities had no luck with this the Avengers had been asked by representatives of the United States Government to pitch in, obviously not liking the idea of portals coming up and sucking in their citizens. "The poor woman, he could be anywhere..." Wanda muttered remembering how she lost the last bit of family she had and Vision comforted her when it looked like she was going to cry over this.

"We are going to return Peter to her safe and sound." Steve told them with a sense of finality, "still I admit it won't be easy, if Thor was here I think he would have a better idea on what happened but we don't exactly have the number to whatever phone or communication device he has on Asgard." Steve muttered trying to think through.

"Well we have his girlfriend Jane Foster being called in to help; maybe she will have the info." Suggested Rhodey (as James Rhodes was known as), "But what I discovered is that there are some recent disappearances; Ian Quinn disappeared from his office when he was left alone and all his bodyguards had said happened was that they heard screams and by the time they entered he was gone and some of the other incidents say the same thing. Maybe some of these disappearances were related but this is just the first one where people saw the portal. This could be some alien kidnapping plot." Rhodey told them all and they did not like the idea of that.

Then came in Maria Hill who told them "There is a weirdly dressed individual who suddenly appeared and said that he could help with the missing Peter Parker case." Maria told them and they shared a look but Steve told her to let him in and see if he can help. "Come on in Mr Strange..." Maria said peeking out the door and in came a strange dressed individual.

"It's doctor actually..."

Author's Note:

So yeah the Dr Strange movie takes palce earlier in the timeline of this story.