• Published 10th Feb 2017
  • 2,486 Views, 9 Comments

Somepony to Cheer For You - RoyalBardofCanterlot

Dash is no longer free as she once was, so why is she so happy?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Two Pegasii soared through the azure sky, their wings spread wide. The wind sailed through each pegasus' wings, tickling their pinions. Beads of sweat dripped down their foreheads. Rainbow Dash suddenly banked a hard right and shot straight into the air. Dust followed a half-second too late, but Dash's keen eyesight caught it.

She growled. "Alright, let's start over!"

Dust rolled her eyes. "You could've given me a signal!"

"We've been doing this for two hours, you shouldn't need one!" Dash angled her wings and sailed on a thermal, letting it lead her to the ground. Dust landed in the meadow a second later. They were standing upon a thick, rolling carpet of verdant grass. The cloudless, blue sky stretched high above them, spreading out to eternity. The sun was nearing the end of its its westward journey, casting orange light over the trees and grass. An ancient oak spread its moss and lichen covered leafy branches over the landscape. Younger oaks made a small woodland around their elder. Small hills rose and rolled all around the valley. The sun struck the trees and their branches cast strange shadows all across the ground.

A shadow crossed Dust's face. She wiped away the sweat about to drip into her eyes as she rested her green feathers at her sides. Dash walked over to the old oak and her blue pack which was resting beneath it. She pulled out a water bottle and tossed it to her training partner who gulped it down. "Thanks."

Dash leaned against the rough bark of the tree and preened a few feathers that had fallen out of place.

Dust glanced at her feathers. "Your wings look immaculate by the way. Your nest mate do that?"

Dash, for reasons she couldn't entirely explain, gave a goofy grin at the memory of Pinkie's lips on her wings as they straightened out each feather. "Yeah. She's the best. Quick study too."

"Preening's not all that hard. Maybe it is for her, though." She chuckled. "I've met her. A lot of things are hard for her."

Dash glared at her. "Okay, Dust, you realize I'm doing my best to help you for the upcoming Wonderbolt's exam, right? You know, to continue staying in the organization you almost got kicked out of on your first week there? Why are you going out of your way to be a bitch?"

Dust sighed and had the decency to hang her head. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm just...tired."

Dash laid a hoof on Dust's shoulder. "I understand. It's just...I've gotten to know you and I know you are capable of not being a bitch. So, don't be 'kay?"

Dust saluted. "Yes, Ma'am."

Dash decided to accept that was genuine rather than sarcasm. She took a water bottle for herself and sipped it, the cool water heavenly against her parched throat. She yawned and extended her tired wings. "I'm a little tired myself. You keep getting closer. Let's do it one more time."

Dust nodded and similarly spread her wings. As one, they shot into the air. As they rapidly ascended they were in harmony, their wings facing each other. At the silent count of ten, they split apart, flying off in two directions and crossing several times so their contrails formed a double helix pattern.

They flew straight, the wind whipping their manes, tails and feathers. Dash shot straight up and, this time, Dust followed immediately. Dash nearly hugged her, but that would have interrupted the move. They descended quickly and crossed several times, forming another spiral pattern.

"Hey, I did it!" Dust shouted as they sailed down on the ground. She nearly stumbled and growled.

Dash held back her laughter and gave her a hearty slap on the withers. "Good job! Finally!"

Dust stood, trembling and panting. Dash rubbed her back and offered her the water bottle which she gulped down. "You okay?"

She grinned. "Yeah, yeah I am. That was awesome!" She jumped up and winced at the way her wings ached. "Okay, I'm going to hit the spa. And then, I'm hitting the tavern. Want to come?"

Dash glanced up at the sun. Orange and pink streaks painted the heavens. It would soon be dinner time at House RainbowPie and some things in life one didn't want to miss. She scratched her head. A few months ago the answer would have been yes (especially to the tavern), but now...now...

"Actually. Pinks is making hay casserole. You can come, if you want."

Dust shook her head. "Nah. Will she get mad if you don't show up?"

"More like worried. And then mad. But it's not that. I just really like her hay casseroles. And her."

"You really have changed."

"You haven't known me long enough to say that."

"I remember before you were married. You went where you wanted, when you wanted."

Dash frowned. "I do want to be with Pinkie."

"Yeah, I get it. It's cool."

She held out her hoof which Dash bumped though the frown hadn't left her face. Dust flew away, kicking up the wind in her wake. Dash grumbled to herself as she similarly took off. The thatched hamlets of Ponyville appeared below her as she left the meadows behind. The delectable scents of supper smells were carried with the smoke from the chimneys. Dash drifted by the gingerbread-like building of Sugarcube Corner, her wife's former home.

Flying past it, she came to a cottage. A patch of geraniums greeted visitors and wildflowers were scattered around the front yard. Pinkie ran out the front door, a white and blue checkered apron around her waist. Dash could already smell the hay casseroles. They were on the taste of her beloved's lips as they kissed.

Dash wrapped her wings around her wife. "Taste-testing, eh?"

Pinkie wrapped her forelegs around Dash. "They're so tasty! I can't help myself!"

An orange and purple blur rushed out and attached itself to the family group hug. Dash wrapped her wings around her daughter. My daughter... Adoptive daughter, yes technically, but her daughter all the same. She'd grown in her heart rather than her tummy, but it made no difference. With a sudden burst of affection, she pulled away from Pinkie and kissed Scootaloo's forehead. "Let's go inside. I'm hungry!"

Pinkie and Dash nuzzled against each other as they walked into the kitchen. Three white plates filled with hay casserole were placed around the mahogany table. Dash took a seat, crossing the tiled floor. An open window let in the summer breeze, the blue and white curtains fluttering.

There would still be at least three hours of daylight when they finished supper, including dessert. "Hey, Scoots, want to get some practice flying in? I know we haven't been able to do that what with me having to help Dust."

Scootaloo nodded her head as enthusiastically as a bobble head doll. "Sure, Mama Dash!"

Dash's heart fluttered as she raised the delectable piece of casserole to her lips. It had been a month since Scootaloo had started calling her that, three since Pinkie and Dash had tied the knot and adopted her.

The casserole was perfect, so was the dessert. Pinkie shared what had happened today at her job and Scootaloo talked about the latest exploits of the Crusaders and Dash listened and talked about things at the weather factory and new flying techniques she wanted to learn.

After the dishes were put away and the meal was over, they walked into the back yard. Pinkie had switched into a cheer leading outfit with a pair of pom-poms. She giggled as she bounced on the ground. "Let's see you spread those wings, Scoots! Woo!"

Scootaloo obeyed, a cocky smirk on her lips. Dash examined her form. "Good. Now, lift off!"

Scootaloo curved her wings and let the air currents lift her up. Dash ran her through all her drills and then came gliding. Scootaloo took a running start and glided all the way to the bushes.

She returned to her starting form after coming back from the bushes and took off once more. Pinkie cheered for her, waving around her pom-poms. "You can do it, Scoots!"

"This time, fly over the bushes!" Dash ordered when Scootaloo landed and came back.

The filly stared at the bushes, as if trying to memorize them. She pawed at the ground and broke into a gallop, her wings catching the breeze. She glided over the ground and willed her wings to rise up as she cut a path through the air and over the boxwoods.

Pinkie cheered loudly. Dash ran over and tousled her mane when she landed. "Good job, Squirt. If you want to stay in the air longer, flap your wings when you cross over."

Scootaloo ran and got back into position. She broke into a canter, remembering a lesson her mentor had given about pacing herself. She leapt into the air, and let the currents push her. The moment she accelerated, she flapped her wings and stayed in the air past the boxwoods.

"Good job!"

Pinkie shook her pom-poms. "Go Scootaloo!"

Scootaloo beamed at the praise and flapped wildly in her attempt to stay in the air. Unfortunately, she collapsed into the dirt. Both Dash and Pinkie rushed to help her up. Scootaloo, however, had already jumped back up. Dash wiped away the dust on her back.

Scootaloo gave her wings several flaps. "What next?"

Dash smiled. "I like your spirit! Instead of gliding, fly to the bush."

Scootaloo focused her gaze upon the bushes, calculating how much force she would need. She stopped herself from running, lifting her wings and flapping them. She rose up and used the force of her wings to rise on the the current she'd stirred up. Using the force of the current she zoomed over the bush and found herself going into free fall.

Dash quickly leapt into action, darting towards the bushes and catching her before she could hit the ground. Laying her down, she checked to make sure she was okay.

Pinkie bounced over and lifted her head. "You alright, little buddy?"

Scootaloo pushed them both away. "I'm fine! What happened?"

"Too much force and you hyperextended your wings."

Pinkie bounced towards the cottage and vanished inside. Scootaloo now directed an angry glance at the bush as if it had personally offended her. She closed her eyes and focused on her Pegasus magic, sensing the swirling strings of energy that connected her to the air and the sky. Pinkie popped back out the door, a tray of lemonade on her back.

Scootaloo gratefully took the glass when Pinkie came over to her. "Thanks, Mama Pinkie."

Dash took one of the lemonade glasses and Pinkie took one for herself. Scootaloo set the lemonade back on the platter which Pinkie had laid beneath a small birch tree. Scootaloo jumped into the air and flapped her wings at a more even pace. The air stirred around her once more as she went on her way.

Her wings ached, but she ignored it. Pinkie began to cheer for her again and Dash encouraged her. That pushed her to stay in the air as she sailed over the bush.

She got back up and did it again and again and one more time until finally she collapsed into a sweaty pile of fur and feathers. The sun had crossed the western horizon. Dash and Pinkie helped her up and she sat up between them.

Dash massaged her tired wings. "I think that's enough for tonight, huh?"

Scootaloo yawned and stretched. "Yeah."

Dash took hold of one of Scootaloo's wings with her mouth, running her lips over any stray feathers. Pinkie took hold of another wing and gently plucked out an old feather. Scootaloo sighed in contentment as her parents preened her.

Dash gently twisted a broken feather out of its socket and laid it in a pile. The family that preens together stays together...


She ignored the feelings that brought to her chest and continued running her teeth through the feathers. Pinkie straightened out Scootaloo's crooked feathers with an expert's grace. Scootaloo had fallen into a happy, content trance.

Pinkie decided that Scootaloo had been preened enough and instead nestled her muzzle into Dash's wings. Dash felt herself completely relax, but continued preening Scootaloo. She brushed her daughter's wing a few more times, before giving in to her wife's ministrations.

Pinkie shook Scootaloo who didn't stir. "Is it too early for bedtime?"

Dash spread a wing, wrapped it around her wife and daughter. "A little nap would be nice."

Pinkie nuzzled her. They fit. As if they were two puzzle pieces scattered by a petulant child, they fit together. The little orange filly between them stirred, but then nodded back off.

Dash readjusted her position, working a kink out of her back. "Y'wanna know something, Pinks?"

Pinkie turned to her. "What?"

"If somepony had told me five years ago that I'd be spending a Saturday evening at home, I'd have laughed at them."

Pinkie stared at her, saying nothing for a while. "Dashie, you're happy right? Being with me and Scootaloo?"

Dash squeezed them both with her wing, causing the frown on Pinkie's face to be replaced with her characteristic smile. "Of course I'm happy. I guess it's just different."

The stars were beginning to come out. Their dim lights twinkled against a backdrop of the blue-and-purple evening sky.

"Different in a good way or a bad way?"

The moon bathed them and the valley in silvery light. Dash gazed up at the celestial orb. "We should get Scootaloo her bath."


"It's in a good way. Let's get Scootaloo to take her bath."

She gave the filly's shoulder a shake. Scootaloo stood and followed Dash and Pinkie as they went into the house. Scootaloo, old enough to bathe herself, fetched a towel and scampered off to the bathroom. Dash laid down on the pink couch and turned on the TV.

Pinkie sat beside her, leaning into her. Dash looked around the room. The walls were painted pink, Pinkie's design sense taking over as Dash hadn't really cared one way or the other. A glass coffee table held a Daring Do book and a cookbook. One of Scootaloo's comic books laid beside them.

On the right side of the room was an apple wood table, a gift from Applejack. Trinkets and knickknacks scattered the surface. A photograph showed Pinkie, Dash and Scootaloo smiling into a camera. The buildings of Manehattan surrounded them. They had taken the trip a month ago. Was that when they had really started to feel like a family?

Dash really examined the trinkets. It looked like Pinkie's taste, with some of Scootaloo's stuff, dominated among the trinkets and knickknacks. A brown grandfather clock, inlaid with swirling, golden designs held her trophies.

No, not just her trophies. There were Pinkie's trophies too for cooking competitions. The trophy Scootaloo had won when the Cutie Mark Crusaders were voted best comedy act.

It was obvious to anypony that looked that more than one Pony lived here. Evidence of a shared life was everywhere she looked. Dash turned off the TV show she wasn't paying attention too (some Everypony Loves Braymond rerun) and stood. "I'm going to go for a fly."

Pinkie placed a surprisingly strong hoof on her tail. "Dashie? Is...is something wrong?"

Dash pulled her tail away from Pinkie's hoof. "No, of course not."

"Cause you're acting weird."

"Pinkie, if something was wrong, I'd tell you."

"Would you?"

Her tail flicked in annoyance "Yes, I would." She hurried out the front door, trying not to slam it. The cool night air wrapped around her, jolted away any tiredness she felt. She stretched her wings, unfurling her feathers to their full length and floated up to the roof where Pinkie wouldn't be able to follow her.

She forgot that she was married to Pinkie Pie. Nobody escaped Pinkie Pie so about fifteen minutes later after beginning to meditate, her meditation was interrupted by the whirring of chopper blades.

Her eyes sprang open. Pinkie set aside her strange flying contraption and sat several hoof lengths from Dash. Dash closed her eyes and breathed. Her thoughts were jumpy, unfocused. No amount of concentration would reign them in so she decided to let them loose. Thoughts spiraled wildly through her head. She sighed and rested on her back, staring up at the galaxies above her.

"Hey, Pinks?"

"Yes, Dashie?"

"You've gotten better at the personal space thing."

"Thank you!"

"Come over here."

Pinkie trotted and laid next to Dash. Dash kept staring up at the cosmos. "I left school when I was sixteen. Mom and Dad threw a fit, but nothing would make me go back. Too many rules and not enough naptime. Those guys were right. I didn't want to be restrained and I was already the best flyer in Cloudsdale. I went on a journey and traveled the world, resting on clouds and making money doing performances and odd jobs. Let me tell you, some of those jobs were really odd!"

Pinkie giggled. She always did love a good pun.

"I never stayed anywhere too long. I traveled with Gilda for a while, but we split because...well, a lot of things. I had some flings and broke some hearts. Got my heart broken a few times cause that's karma. But I didn't care. Nothing could tie me down. Nothing could hold me back. Two years later I got this job at Ponyville. Met you girls. Became an Element Bearer. Loyalty, because the Gods have a sense of humor. Forgot to leave. Forgot to want to leave."

Pinkie touched a trembling hoof to Dash's shoulder. "Dashie, y-you're not going to leave are you?"

Dash pulled her close with a wing. "Never. I will never leave you or Scootaloo."

Pinkie nestled into her side. "Good! Because I'd catch you!"

"That's not a joke is it?"

"Nope! To the ends of the world, Dashie! You'd never hide from me!"

Dash returned her attention to the constellations. "Dust told me I changed. And she's right. I am tied to you and Scootaloo."

"Y'know we can travel. We do travel!"

Dash smiled. "And I love it. I was even thinking of going up to Cloudsdale next weekend."

"Ooh, sounds fun!"

Silence settled between them.

"Hey, Dashie?"


"Why'd you stay in Ponyville?"

"I...I don't know. I think I was looking for something. I never found it."

Pinkie kissed her. Dash returned the kiss.

"I think you found it, Dashie."

Dash kissed her again, relishing the sweetness of her lips. "I think I did. No, I know I did."

After a few minutes of cuddling, they decided it'd be best to check up on Scootaloo. The orange filly had finished drying off and was in her room getting her blue pajamas on when Dash and Pinkie came into her room.

Scootaloo bounced up to them for her goodnight hug. She hugged Dash and then Pinkie who both hugged her close. Then she drew back and shuffled a hoof. "Hey, um, could you, um..."

Pinkie patted her head. "What?"

Scootaloo blushed. "Could you read me a story?"

Dash pulled the latest Daring Do book off the shelf. "Of course!"

She and Pinkie settled on the bed, pulling the covers up over Scootaloo who laid between them. Dash began to read. After a few pages, Scootaloo's eyes were getting heavy. They silently slipped from the room as Scootaloo's head hit the pillow.

Dash turned out the lights and Pinkie headed towards their bedroom, Dash following her.

"Hey Dash? I thought of something."

They settled beneath the covers of the bed. "What?"

"When Dust said you'd changed, she said it like it was a bad thing right?"


"I think she's jealous."

Dash turned to face her. "Jealous?"

"Yep! Cause you have somepony to come home to. Somepony to cheer for you. Does she?"

"No. No, she really doesn't. So she's jealous. Huh."

"We have something to be jealous of."

Dash scooted closer to her. "Yeah, we do. I love you Pinkie."

"I love you too, Dashie."

Soon, they were asleep in each other's embrace.

Author's Note:

Note to mods-This site needs a heartwarming tag.

Comments ( 9 )

Yep, definitely needs a heartwarming tag. Least there's a group for it, eh?:raritywink:

I like it good job.



Comment posted by Zerocool7785 deleted Feb 26th, 2017

This was awesome! Definitely deserving a favorite. I only spotted a couple errors.

The casserole was perfect, so was the dessert.

Should be "and so was the dessert." (I think.)
Towards the end, you referred to Dust as a guy and then as a girl. Unless Dust is genderfulid, I'd recommend staying consistent.

low quality b8

So you're a homophobe?

So Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are faggots?

That was so adorable

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