• Published 17th Feb 2017
  • 4,533 Views, 367 Comments

Sunset Nikos - Diokno44

  • ...

9. Of Kittens and Dragons

Sunset Shimmer groaned as the morning light streamed into the room. As Valor/Jaune's bed could only fit one person comfortably, she had agreed to sleep on a futon one of Jaune's older sisters, Sapphire, an up and coming author, fanfic and published, primarily of the Boys Love variety, had brought out for her. After changing into her pajamas (And totally not noticing Jaune failing to hide the fact he was using the room's mirror to peek at her changing in the bathroom, not that the reincarnated Nikos cared that much), she had bid her friends and boyfriend goodnight, and dozed off.

Jaune's bed was empty, and freshly made. Figuring he had headed downstairs to help with breakfast, Sunset ran a hand through her ketchup and mustard colored hair, and groggily got up. Reaching into her satchel, she grabbed her comb, she trudged over to the connected bathroom, rubbed the sleep out of her eyes with a damp wash cloth, and began doing her hair. An idea came to mind, as the former Mistralian champion styled her vibrant hair into one resembling her old ponytail. That done, she changed out of her pajamas into her usual attire, save her jacket, and headed downstairs.

The group, alongside Jaune's sisters, were all assembled at the table, a hearty meal laid out before them. "Morning guys." Sunset waved, taking a seat the large table, getting a similar reply in turn. Her heart fluttered when Jaune gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, which she returned to his cheek, as he set a piping hot plate of bacon and chocolate chip pancakes at her place. After applying butter, the former Remnantnite began to eat her fill, savoring the warm fluffiness mixed in with the crispy bacon. That was when a thought came to mind.

"Hey Jaune," Sunset piped up, as her reincarnated lover turned his head "I have to ask, where'd you learn to cook?" Aside from basic things like hot cereal, oatmeal, and the like (and microwaveable foodstuffs did not count), she had no memories of Jaune having ever cooked before.

Jaune flashed her a warm smile, and leaned against the counter. "Oh yeah, I took home ec as an elective last year. The teacher, Mr. Emiya, he used to work as the, uh, what was the term, sous-chef, at the Cabaret Grand." The Grand was one of the oldest, and most well respected, cabaret clubs in all of Canterlot City. Opened up a little over thirty years ago, it was currently under the management of the founder's daughter.

Sunset, having taken Home Ec B, having had Mr. S. Yukihira, proprieties of his family's restaurant, and an experimental chef, she had only spoken to Home Ec A's teacher briefly. "Tall, tanned, white haired Neighponese guy?" Jaune nodded, as Sunset tapped her chin. "Alright." she said, and savored her beloved's cooking. Once the group had finished their meals, Sunset helped do the dishes, as a good guest should.

Once done, Sunset decided to go see Blake and Yang, Blake having jotted down her address on a slip of paper Sunset had tucked into one of her jacket pockets. A number of her friends, however, wouldn't be able to go, due to differing reasons, where it be job based, such as Fluttershy volunteering at the local animal shelter or Pinkie helping the Cakes out at the cafe, or personal based, like Rainbow going off for soccer practice.

So, with most of their friends heading out, it was just her, Shimmer, Sci-Twi, and Jaune. Nora had texted that she'd catch up later, while Princess Twilight had to go back to deal with some dragon bandits, but wanted to be filled in on the details once she was finished, and promised she'd try and hop back into Sunset's world.

Shimmer took Sci-Twi on her motorcycle, while Sunset and Jaune took her own motorcycle. Sunset's face lit up like a torch when her beloved's warm hands wrapped around her waist, but she didn't squander the chance to snuggle into him as they zoomed through the early morning air towards Blake and Yang's abode.

About ten minutes later, no small thanks to traffic, the two pairs arrived at the duo's abode. It was a moderately sized home with two floors, a garage, and, if Moogle Maps was correct, then they also had a sizable backyard. "Well, here's the place." Sunset locked her bike in the parking lot, following her counterpart's stead, and then rang the doorbell.

Yang was the one to open the door. Even reincarnated into another dimension, the brawler still had a lush mane of golden hair, an athletically built frame, and, to Sunset's irk, she still had bigger breasts than her. Sunset recalled one, of her well, least proud moments from her past life on Remnant. In a somewhat desperate move to get Jaune to notice her, and being in a bit of a bad mood as, due to maintenance, there was very little hot water in the dorm showers, she had challenged Yang to a bigger breast contest, with both flashing their breasts, and getting Blake and Jaune to judge. "Pyrrha? Jaune?" she asked, having been informed by her wife that their old JNPR friends had arrived on this world.

"Hey Yang." Sunset and Jaune smiled, before they were welcomed by a Yang hug, her toned arms pinning them to her chest. "Its nice to see you too." Sunset's muffled voice said through Yang's chest.

"Its SO good to see you again, come on in!" Yang smiled, pulling the two in. When Yang had been reborn, she had been given the name Golden Wind, while Blake's was, coming from a now Neighponese family, had been christened Kage Neko, or Shadow Cat, a fitting name for the former panther Faunus. Their daughter, Li, had too been reborn in this world, and had found her mothers once more, she still went by the same name though.

"Nice place." Jaune noted, looking around. They had a 60-inch, plasma TV, complete with quite a few gaming systems and two shelves of games on either side, and a massage couch, alongside other items.

"Thanks." Li came in. She had primarily black hair with blonde tips, and a few streaks of gold here and there. Her eyes were a vibrant mixture of lavender and gold. She was, technically speaking, sixteen, but in this new world, she was only seven and a half. "Mama, is it true?" she asked, nuzzling the blonde's leg.

"Yup. Li, meet your auntie Sunset, and uncle Jaune." Yang smiled. Jaune, prior to his death and reincarnation, had been like an uncle to the growing Li. Sunset and Jaune hugged her, before Li scampered off to play.

"So, where's Blake?" Sunset asked, as the five took a seat on the couch, or the weathered recliner, kicking back. Yang brought over some cans of Spryte, as a move played in the background.

"Oh, she went to go pick up something from the shop, but my smitten kitten should be back soon." Yang smiled. It had taken a while for the wounds of Blake leaving her after the Fall of Beacon to heal, but in time, Yang had been able to admit her feelings to Blake, and once the war with Salem was over, though only a few knew where Salem and Ozpin had gone, Yang had proposed to Blake.

Soon, the sound of a key in the doorknob could be heard, as the cat headbanded shopkeep came in. "Hey Yang," she purred, before noticing their guests. "Hey guys." she blushed hotly, as her wife pulled her onto her lap. "I um, got what I was looking for." She slid a book towards Yang, Sunset being able to make out part of the title was Kinbaku. Sunset and Shimmer flashed the couple a knowing smirk, before sipping back their sodas.

"Well, this is fun, but one things still bugging me." Sunset set her soda down, as the others turned to face the former Mistralian champion. "How did we end up in this world, or in my case, on Equiss, and why?"