• Published 10th Feb 2017
  • 2,239 Views, 27 Comments

Spidey & Sci Twi - cornholio4

Oneshots featuring Spider-Man and sci-Twi!

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Chapter 1

In Canterlot and in the Sparkle family residence sixteen year old Twilight Sparkle was getting ready to visit her boyfriend Peter Parker at his home for the first time and she was trying to look her best. It was probably going to be weird, especially since he lived in another dimension. "Oh my gosh, why do I have to go through this..." Twilight muttered in the mirror totally panicking as she got her clothes ready for this visit. "If his family does not approve of me..." Twilight told herself but then Sunset Shimmer came up from behind her and put her hand on Twilight's shoulder.

Sunset volunteered to help Twilight get ready as Applejack and Sweetie Belle would be having a day out with their sisters and Scootaloo, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were dealing with a crisis featuring Fluttershy's brother and Pinkie Pie was volunteering work at Sugarcube Corner. "Don't worry Twilight, I bet it will all go down just fine." Sunset told her with a smile, "I have heard all such stories of students having to meet the parents of their boyfriend and girlfriend, I had to be reintroduced to Flash's parents when we started dating and let me tell you – since you were not a bully before you will have an easier time than I did, that will be a fact." Sunset told her with a mutter which earned a giggle from Twilight.

Soon it was time for Twilight to go to Peter's world with her brother Shining Armor and Cadence, Shining took to the knowledge well of magic (as well as her sister having a boyfriend from a different world... reasonably well). It was with use of Sunset's help as well as the device she had created to study the magic from Canterlot High that she turned it into a way to travel into the world where Peter lived. Appearing in a in a remote place (an area of the city which was not crowded) Twilight fidgeted but Cadence told her that she would be fine.

"Okay so Peter told me the place he lives in is called Queens and he lives in this apartment building..." Twilight muttered showing Cadence and Shining Armor the note she had wrote down and they went to the apartment listed down on it. After finding it they went to the building and travelled up to the stairs until they found the room number listed on the note.

Twilight shuddered as she knocked on the door knowing she was keeping a big secret about her boyfriend from her friends as well as family but it was Peter's secret to tell and she would not spoil it. Then answered the door was a woman and Twilight giggled at the sight of Shining having his jaw opened up at the sight of the woman. "Oh you must be Twilight, Peter told me about his new girlfriend. Come on in!" the woman told them as Cadence elbowed Shining and they went in.

"So hi, are you Peter's sister or something?" Twilight decided to ask and the woman asked shaking her head. "Oh sorry about it, can I ask where is Peter's aunt May as he said that's who he lives with." Twilight asked but then the visitors dropped their jaws in disbelief as the woman pointed to herself.

"Yeah we aunts come in all shapes and sizes, sorry but Peter is not back here yet though. He called and said he would be a bit late due to how long his gaming session with his friend Ned had been going on." May explained inviting them onto the couch. They found themselves and sat onto the couch as something unexpected happened.

"Hey Twilight, are we there yet." came a voice from Twilight's backpack and they shrieked in concern as Spike the dog came out of the backpack. "Oh, we are here yet and she was not to hear me speak..." Spike muttered as the visitors readied themselves for a freak out but then to their surprise they saw that May just shook her head with a sigh as if saying 'of course'.

"Peter already told me there might be something weird with you that I might freak out over, I was ready to think that Twilight was an Inhuman like the news talked about and I thought that would be exciting but no, it's just talking dog." May laughed and then did so again at the looks on their faces, "after all the aliens, robots and super powered beings I don't know if I am literally capable of being surprised anymore." May told them as they all but Twilight processed this, Twilight already heard about this from Peter.

"I should have been warned about this, I have been dragged into a comic book..." whispered Shining; feeling like he was going to faint in surprise but his girlfriend and sister caught him with a laugh. Outside fifteen year old Peter Parker was outside with his best friend Ned Leeds as they were walking to his apartment room.

"I want to see this girlfriend of yours Peter myself, I wonder if she is as pretty as Liz." Ned told him as Peter raised a brow but Ned stopped when he realised something. "Hey Pete, does she know about..." Ned asked as he was imitating the motion of Peter web-slinging about and Peter sighed as he gave a short nod. They both entered and Twilight came up to give Peter a hug.

"Wow so you are Twilight, is that a nickname or something?" Ned asked as Twilight stopped and a quick glance of Peter winking caused her to give a nod with a smile. "Cool, I will leave you to it, catch you later Pete and I hope to see you again as well Twilight." Ned said as he then left the apartment to go home and work with his Lego sets.

Peter then went and sat down with all of them, "So Peter, Twilight has been telling you that you are a bit of a tech whiz." Cadence asked as Peter put his head down a bit embarrassed. "Now don't be so modest, Twilight was telling us all about how you go to a science based high school and that for a hobby, you actually build and fix computers yourself." Cadence said as May gave a smile with pride as Peter did not speak up.

"Yes and Peter gets it from his father my brother in law, Peter even got himself a special grant from Tony Stark himself." May told them with a smile but while Cadence and Shining did not recognise the name, she was using it like everyone in this world would of course know of them so they did their best to look impressed and surprised. "Of course Peter did not tell me beforehand." May told them with a glance to Peter.

"Yeah well I wanted to surprise her, plus Twilight is a prodigy herself. She was up for a spot in an independent study program." Peter told her and May looked intrigued as Twilight gave a smile.

"Yeah I was up for it but I decided I wanted to spend more time with some new friends I had made by transferring to their school instead." Twilight said speaking up and Shining and Cadence looked proud at that plus May looked like she agreed with the decision herself.

"So glad that Peter turned out to be up for that grant, we kind of hit a bit of bad luck after I lost my husband Ben..." May said looking down at the memory and Peter did too. Shining and Cadence looked shocked and sympathetic at hearing that plus Twilight put her hand on Peter's shoulder. "Still we are doing well with what we have and me are marching forwards. Plus Ben would have wanted us to keep going" May said her face looking up.

Peter then thought of something and said "Aunt May, not to be rude to our guests but there is something in New York that I want to show Twilight. You think we can be excused for the minute?" Peter asked and May said that she didn't see why not and the same went for Shining and Cadence. Twilight was perplexed as Peter went to his room to get his backpack and asked Twilight to follow him.

Twilight followed Peter down the stairs and outside of the building and to an alleyway nearby. "Is this one of those clichéd teen things were boys take their girlfriends out back to make out..." Twilight asked having known about that cliché from girls at Crystal Prep and CHS but Peter asked her to look away for a moment. Confused she looked away and when Peter said she could look again she saw that he had changed into his Spider-Man outfit with his clothes put into his backpack and hidden behind a dumpster.

"Peter I have seen you in this outfit before and I know about you having powers and being a superhero so what is it you want to show me?" Twilight asked as Peter had a smirk behind his mask that Twilight could not see. Peter turned around and asked her to put her arms around his neck, confused she did so but then shrieked as he realised what he was going to do but was not able to protest in time as Peter took to the air, with his web-slinging.

Twilight shrieked in terror at first but after seeing the view and how fun it seemed (even when compared to using magic) she then became excited at this. "This is fun but don't think you won't be getting an earful about tricking me into this later Peter." She warned him but Peter just laughed as he kept on going.

After a minute he returned to the alleyway and Twilight looked away so he could get changed back. "Okay apart from you giving me an earful later, maybe sometime I can show you some of my superhero friends." Peter told her and she became excited at the prospect of this and wondered what will happen now.

They then began walking back to the apartment where Twilight was thinking about inviting Peter to come along on a CHS trip to Camp Everfree she and her friends are going to (even asking Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna if she could invite him and they told her as long as they can get proper permission they can make it work).

Magic and super powers, she had a feeling this relationship will not be something that will be like the others...

Author's Note:

After my first story like this I decided to do this series of oneshots. I may do more with other apeparence so from MCU characters. Some maybe before or after Civil War but none of the angst from some of the post ones (nothing against them but angst is not my style).