• Published 13th Feb 2017
  • 588 Views, 3 Comments

Turnip & Aquamarine - grl6p

A really horrible parody of Romeo and Juliet starring the Hooffields and the McColts

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Act I Scene 4


Enter Turnip, Hilly, and Fireball in fancy outfits getting ready to sneak into the party.

Turnip told Fireball, "Thanks for sneaking us in."

Fireball replied, "No prob dude. I'm more than happy to help you get Sequoia back."

Hilly complained, "I just don't understand why we have to sneak into the party wearing these fancy-shmancy outfits. Ah can't run in these fancy slippers!"

Fireball said, "The party's black tie and I didn't want Big Daddy to recognize you. If he did, shit's gonna hit the fan."

Hilly then looked at Fireball, "Wait a minute?" she questioned him, "Why are you invited to this party?"

Fireball said, "My cousin Spitfire's in the Wonderbolts. When they got invited, I asked Spitfire for an invitation and she said yes only if I agreed to leave her alone."

Turnip added, "I don't know if I can actually do this. What if I win back Sequoia and she wants me to dance with her. I'm too weighed down by my own sadness to dance with anyone."

Fireball said, "Cupid must have struck you pretty hard."

"Oh he did. The arrow struck me so hard it hurts."

Fireball put his hoof on Turnip, "From one guy to another I'll say this, love hurts. I remember when my high school marefriend dumped me, you know how I coped? I met another mare and we had sex. It was precious."

Turnip said, "Dude, I love you like a brother, but sometimes you are just so incomprehensible."

Fireball giggled, "This reminds me of a story Soarin used to tell me back when Spitfire used to bring him over to our family gatherings."

Hilly whispered to her cousin, "What's he doing?"

"You'll see,"

Fireball started on an elaborate story,

"Once upon a time there was a farmer called Plow Man. He loved to plow the fields of everything he saw. But one day, he decided to take up a new hobby: planting seeds. So he went around to various fields and plowed them. And right afterwards, he popped his seeds into the dirt one by one. About 9 months later, a baby seedling was born. His routine was plow fields, plant seed, and hopefully wait for something awesome to grow. One time, he went to the garden of Miss Chastity. Plow Man told him he was a farmer and a planter and he asked him if he could plow her field. The mare was unsure because her ground was all dry, whithered, and covered in crabgrass. Plow Man took one look and said, ‘I'm gonna give it my seeds by force.’
So he took Miss Chastity into her bed and then they-"

Turnip interrupted, "Turnip, not in front of Hilly!"


All the while, Hilly's mouth hung wide open and her face was bright red.

Turnip said, "Now look, you've scarred her for life!"

"What I was trying to teach you is that Miss Chastity had a lot of problems. But taking Plow Man's seed in her garden made her life all better. Turnip should plow other girl's fields to make himself feel better." said Fireball.

Hilly got out of her shock and said to Fireball, "Not if you want my cousin to become a registered sex offender."

"He won't be. The Plow Man always asked for consent."

"Anyways, can we go in now, this dress is making me very uncomfortable."

"Totally. I wanna chow down on some burgers and have lots of Apple Family Cider."

The three hoof-bumped for hopes of a sucessful evening.

Turnip said, "I think tonight will be the start of something new. Who knows, I might get Sequoia back"

The trio entered the party from behind the shrubs.


Author's Note:

I hoped you liked Fireball's story about plowing fields and planting seeds. If you know what I mean, wink wink.

Also, sorry this was so short.