• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 3,442 Views, 116 Comments

Zombies to Ponies in Ten Seconds Flat - 8r0ny

The Zombie apocalypse, it sucks. A group of survivors made a portal to a new world, sending me and a few friends I was surviving with to the other side. What happenes next? Well thats just a few clicks away.

  • ...

23. Mind Games

The impromptu party didn't last too long. Everyone was tired after all, and after filling their bellies with food and some booze they promptly passed out. Well, all except the security team that is. Even with constant reassurance that the island was safe, they were just too scarred by the horrors of the past to sleep peacefully. Maybe in time that will change, if not maybe Celestia or Chloris could help.

Also when I said passed out...that was literal. Only a handful of people actually made it inside to sleep, and most of them left before the party. The rest of them just kinda found a spot on the ground and passed out. But again, they’ve been cooped up inside for years now. With only a few opportunities each year to go outside. So if they want a spontaneous sleep outside campy thing who am I to say no. Well...I am the King, but I’m not saying no.

Another fun fact about Changelings, they can sleep anytime, because of the dense covers they put over their eyes blocks out light, and anywhere, because they can lock their legs in place, and only require two hours of sleep each day but can survive with less. Now, in my human form I don't have the first two abilities, but my scrambled insides make the sleep thing true. So I get really bored usually, that is until Chloris contacted me through the link.

Good morning Shawn.” Chloris said cheerily. “I know you didn’t want this link used but you need to get used to it eventually.

“Yah, I know.” I said unenthused. “It’s still just wrong to me. Telepathy isn’t supposed to be real...you know what, forget I said that. I’m in a land that slaps logic in the face and takes it's lunch money and I’m complaining about telepathy.”

Back to why I was bothering you.” She said pulling my from my thoughts. “I have a swarm of bored Changelings and nowhere to build a hive. Think you could point us it the right direction?

“Sure, meet me out back and we can get you settled.” I said making my way outside.

Will do.” She said as she silenced the link again.

The sun was just starting to rise and I’m sure that people would be sleeping in today. But just in case I left a note as to what I was up to. I wasn’t really sure where I would be but I’d check in again around noon at the latest.

I arrived out back to find Chloris and her...our hive? Whatever, the Changelings. I dropped my disguise and walked over to Chloris to discuss a home for them.

“Good morning Chloris, hive.” I said nodding to each in turn. “So today is the day you start your hive.”

“Our hive.” She said smiling. “In all actuality it's really your hive, but seeing as you don't know shit, I’ll do all the work.”

“You’re mannerisms are very different than they were before.” I said honestly shocked. “Why are you talking like someone from earth?”

“Well constantly hearing your thoughts I decided to match my speech to yours to make you more comfortable.” She said confused. “Was I wrong?”

“Yes...well no…” I tripped over my words. “The real problem here is I’m not used to people reading my thoughts. Or picking at my brain.”

“That's a common misconception.” She corrected. “We can not go through your memories and the only reason we hear your thoughts is because you can’t control the link yet. Once you can control it, we will only know what you want us to.”

“Ahh.” I said a little embarrassed. “I apologize for everything you heard. You and your hive, I’ll learn to do better.”

“Actually they haven’t heard you since you asked me to silence the link.” She said correcting me again. Give me some slack, I know literally nothing as of yet. “But our bond is stronger, so our link is different. And I left it open in case of emergencies.”

“So about this hive.” I said getting us back on track. “I can learn later, hive is more important. How much room do you need, can you build close to, or, underwater, and what do you need?”

“Our hive will be completely underground except for an entrance the size of your smallest building. The material we use is waterproof but building underwater is a pain because it will take longer and then we need to remove all the water. A viable option with a large hive but with our small one it is unwise.” She said answering my questions. “And as for what we need...love and water.”

“Water isn’t a problem if you don't mind the salt.” I said receiving a confirmation from Chloris. “Love...is another issue. I guess if you’re changelings get to know the humans at least a few will think they’re cute or create friendships. Will that work?”

“It will.” She replied smiling. “And a few Changelings already have some human friends from last night. That and the love you give us.”

“I do what now?” I said confused. “I mean no offense but I hardly know you guys.”

“Your love is different.” She said tapping her chin with her hoof. “It’s like a fatherly love, but stronger. The love of a King for his people perhaps.”

“But it’s not enough.” I said sadly. I felt bad not giving them more ‘love’ but I didn't know what to do.

“Enough to live on, yes.” Chloris said trying to cheer me up. “But it takes a large amount to build a hive, and at the rate we are receiving it, it would take almost a year to have enough to complete it.”

“Right, so we need more hugs for bugs.” I said. “Moving on, location. Do you have a preference?”

“Only that I’m close to you.” She said seductively. “But in actuality no, as long as it’s not underwater.”

“Well, the main island hasn't even been completely explored yet, so there is plenty of room there.” I said looking over to the larger island. “And I hope to move us all over there one day. This island will be reserved for government and whatnot. But would you mind being the first to claim some land over there?”

“Not at all, first pick is an honor.” She said. “Will you be joining us to look?”

“Indeed I will.” I said buzzing my wings. “What kind of host would I be if I didn't?”

“Why, you’d be even worse than you are now!” Chloris said with mock shock. “I didn’t even think it was possible.”

“Har har.” I said rolling my eyes. Not that you could tell, them all being one color and all. “Now let's get moving, I have to be back here to check up on stuff by noon.”

“Very will. Lead the way.” She said buzzing her wings and lifting off the ground.

I took off myself and started my flight with my other people...or other...umm, never mind, I took off with the Changelings. We flew over the water separating us from the other island. As I was looking at the distance Chloris chimed in.

“We could build a bridge but it would setback our hive.” She said reading my thoughts again.

“Sorry, it was just a thought.” I said sheepishly. “You guys are just super useful, but I don't want to overstep my bounds.”

“What bounds, you’re the king.” She said laughing. “You can tell us to do anything you want. I’m just telling you what the repercussions are.”
“Well thanks...I guess.” I said not to sure how to feel about that statement. “So do you want to be on the water or inland?”

“Inland preferably.” She replied. “I’ve never known a Changeling hive to be located on an island. So I’d like to be fairly central.”

“You want more rock than sand and dirt correct?” I asked as we started to pass over land again. “To anchor or whatnot.”

“Yup.” She said as she scanned. “A cliff face would be great because we know we will have stone.”

“I know of one somewhat inland but it also has a waterfall.” I said as I too scanned.

“That wouldn't do, if the river floods it would flood the hive.” She replied.

“Guess there's nothing to do but look then.” I said getting a nod in reply.

So we looked. We flew all over the island looking for a place to set up the new hive. It took a while but we eventually found a spot Chloris said would be ideal. It was a cliff like she wanted but it was almost at the other end of the island from the rest of us. But she said the link would still work at that distance so she was ok with it. Without a word the drones started working at the cliff, digging a hole into the rock with surprising ease.

“Do you need any of the materials we’ll dig up?” Chloris asked. “Mostly stone, maybe some coal and ores.”

“Yes, yes, and yes.” I said enthusiastically. “ We could use all that. The problem is how to get it back...just push it off to the side for now I guess.”

“We will recycle much of the stone but the rest is worthless to us.” She said watching her drones. “But you have plans it seems.”

“Yes, if it isn’t too much to ask.” I said smiling. “Once the hive is done if we could put up a stone house facade. It will keep out curious people and match what I expect this area to become. People will venture out and start building soon, trading, surviving, starting an economy. And the stone house will just help out.”

“I understand.” She said shaking her head whilst grinning. “If it wasn't for the fact that I can hear your thoughts I would say that you were being insensitive. But I can tell you’re doing this for the best of everyone so I will comply.”

“Thanks. Glad you understand.” I said. “By the way, can we work on my control over the link now?”

“Very well.” She said giving one last look to the changelings. “They should be busy for a while. Lets get started.”

Gaining control over the link consisted of changing the way I thought. It sounds hard but really...it was. You know how you don't think about how you think? Yah, that's pretty universal and involuntary. Well now change how you do that. It’s like someone telling you to blink one eye at a time from now on. Try that, I’ll wait.

Hard, isn't it? Yah, I was having trouble too. The best way I could describe it was thinking in a whisper because if you thought at normal volume everyone would hear it. It was exceptionally difficult but I understood the basics so I could keep practicing on my own. Good thing because I was getting frustrated and everything happening in my head was being broadcast to my teacher...yah it wasn’t a good relationship builder.

“Well now that you know the basics you can practice on your own.” She said annoyed at me. For good reasons, I’m a bitch when I’m frustrated. “It’s not quite noon but maybe you should go check on what is happening in town, cool off.”

“Yah, thanks for the lessons.” I said calming a little. “I’ll go check, don't shitpost too much while I’m gone.”

We both smiled since she could see what I meant by that, because I can't control my thoughts yet, and I took off to check on how my people were. On my way I thought about my predicament. I really didn’t think it was possible, I wasn't born into a hive mind. I would try to learn, but in the meantime I was going to ask Twilight if there was a spell that she knew of to help. One that stopped thought reading unless I willed it to be heard. That’s how it was with Chloris, because she has those instincts or whatever. She used this time to remind me she can still hear me.

I can still hear you you know.” She said. See? “And that isn’t a bad idea, but if such a spell existed I’m sure they would have used it against Chrysalis.

“Good point.” I said out loud because old habits die hard. “However now she has the opportunity to work with a Changeling hive to help understand it. Maybe we can work something out.”

Oh joy.” She said enthusiastically. “I get to work with the know-it-all because you’re lazy.

“I’m on the right track baby, I was born this way.” I said as I approached town. “It’s worth a shot. Especially if I can’t learn the ways of the hive mind.”

Don’t think I’m going to let that quote go unnoticed.” She said with a grin I could hear. “But you have a point, go talk with Purple Smart about it.

“Will do.” I said scanning the town. “Wherever she may be.”

Author's Note:

Woot woot, another chapter. Gotta make up for that awful two month gap with no chapter posted. Hope y'all comment on enjoy it!

(And also comment :p)