• Published 14th Feb 2017
  • 1,528 Views, 17 Comments

True Love - Silver Inkwell

What will Spike do on Heart's and Hooves Day to gain the love of Rarity?

  • ...

...Will Always Find A Way

True Love

Spike shuffled slowly up to Twilight. "Say, um, Twi?"

"Mm?" she mumbled, eyes running over the pages of her book.

"You think you could maybe sorta kinda help me out with something?"

"Mm." Twilight still didn't look up.

"I was wondering if maybe you had some books on--"

Twilight spun around, face suddenly shining. "You said books! What about books?"

"Uh, I was wondering if I could borrow a few of them,"

"Sure thing, what books do you want exactly?"

How to Win Over the Mare of Your Life, Finding True Love, How to Date Mares.”

“Twilight? Are you here? I was wondering if I could borrow some books.”

“Yeah, I’m here Spike, what books do you want [exactly?”*]

“How to Win Over the Mare of Your Life, Finding True Love, How to Date Mares.”

“These seem a little bit out of your comfort zone and range, are you sure that everything’s all right?” Twilight said now slightly concerned at his very recent behavior and actions that he had taken so far this whole entire month.

“Yeah, of course it is, why wouldn’t it be?” he said.

“You’ve been acting a bit odder and different as of late,” she said very sternly then now.

“Oh don’t be so ridiculous or silly, what could ever possibly be wrong with my life so long as I’m helping you out with whatever you need, want, and wish for so long as I’m happy doing it?” he said.

“Spike, tell me the truth, stop trying to hide from me, I know all of my friends and you don’t think that I can tell when something’s up and off with one of my oldest, best, and closest ones?”

“Well I had hoped that you wouldn’t notice,” he said sighing very heavily.

“Alright, fine then, here it is, you know that crush I have on Rarity?”

“Yeah?” Twilight said then now.

“Well I think that I don’t just have a crush on her anymore,”- he said as Twilight suddenly interrupted him, “Thank goodness for that, I’m so relieved that I don’t have to keep that secret anymore,”- Spike looked disapprovingly at her due to the statement and she smiled very weakly.

“Anyhow I think that I love her now, not just some stupid silly tiny little baby crush, not just a fad or craze, and not an infatuation either, I think that this is real true love, and I really want her a lot, but I just don’t know how to even catch her attention and get her to notice me, and that’s why I was looking through these old books, I thought that they might have the answers, but clearly I should have talked to you first before trying to do this on my own, after all, you’re clearly the master and expert on books and spells and potions, surely you would know something to help me out, right?” he said smiling very weakly.

“Oh, Spike, I forgive you, I can understand why you not might want to tell me or any pony else about your love for her especially I did break my promise to keep your secret that one time, but while I may be an expert on friendship, potions, and spells, well the simple plain fact is that I don’t have anything here that can help you out. I’ve read through all of these books but nothing ever guarantees a certain answer if you want to take the long hard way and route, I’m sorry, but I just don’t think that I can help you out,”- she said as his face suddenly turned into a frown.

“But I just might know the pony who can help you out, he’s more of an expert of potions and spells than even I am,” she said.

“He? We’re not going to Zecora’s for some spell or potion to fix this?” he said.

“Don’t you remember how well that whole entire affair with the Cutie Mark Crusaders turned out with the love poison that they thought was a potion instead?”

“I remember, but there’s got to be something like that without any side effects or negative consequences that can help me out, right?” he said.

“Maybe, and if any pony knows something to help you out it would be Comet.”

“Is that the name of the stallion that we’re going to see?” Spike said as they left the castle to go out.

“Sort of, I won’t say his real true name because I promised to protect his identity, he doesn’t want any attention on him.”

“So he’s a bit of a loner just like me then?” Spike said.

“Yeah, I guess that you could say that, but he can tend to be a bit moodier at times,” she said.

“Yeah, I can totally get that, I mean Hearts and Hooves day is tomorrow and I wanted to surprise Rarity with something very special and unique, and to make her pay attention and notice me as well too of course.”

“Yes, I know, but here we are,” Twilight said pointing at the very old ruined building that stood before them, and its state and condition it could just barely pass off for a house.

“This is where your friend lives?” Spike said with great shock and surprise now gesturing at it with his claws.

“Yes, but trust me, it’s going to look a lot different in a moment,” she said passing into the front lawn of his house, “Come on, not everything is as it looks at first, and you still do want Rarity to love you, right? Because I’m only doing this to help you out and if you aren’t willing to come any further you should let me know right now.”

“No, I can do this,” he said, and then only to himself very softly, “I can do this for you, Rarity.”

And then with that said he stepped across into the lawn and then gasped with shock and surprise as the house was replaced with a very grand and elegant mansion instead.

“But how?” he said.

“Magic, once you step inside the lawn it’s shown as it really truly is, but outside it’s very useful for keeping unwanted guests and visitors very far away from him, now come on, we don’t have all day to come visit him and talk you know.”

And with that said she slowly knocked on the door now then. “Who is it exactly?”

“It’s me!!!” she said responding to the very old voice from within.

“Twilight? Can that really truly be you? It has it been a very long time now, it feels like it has been months, hold on one moment, I’ll let you in.”

And with that said the voice slowly unlocked the door which took quite a while.

“It’s very nice to see once more again, Twilight,” the stallion said, and from his looks he was about mid-thirties and was very gray in body, coat color, and even his hair and mane and eyes bore tiny little tweaks of it too as well.

“Nice to see you too, Comet,” she said hugging him very lightly.

“Alright, why are you here with your friend? Surely you don’t just want to talk to me? Because that would be very nice since ponies only ever seem to come to me when they want or need something from me, especially when the whole entire land or world is in danger and peril,” he said going into his house and sitting down.

“My friend here wants you to make a love potion for him to win over the heart of a mare that he wants attention and notice from too as well.”

“A love potion? That’s easy, a kid could do that,”

“A kid did try to do that once, it didn’t end very well.”

“That’s because they used a very old recipe of mine, the real true one is here with me of course, far too dangerous to ever let any pony else have, including even your sister Cadence as well too, I could only trust it with myself.”

“Wait, you know the spell for love?” Twilight said with great surprise and shock now then.

“No, I invented it, I’m honestly quite surprised and shocked that you’re like me on this whole entire matter of spells and potions, honestly I expected that you would know a whole lot more about me after reading through all of my journals,” he said as he went over to a bookshelf and pulled several books out to reveal a hidden safe there.

“This was the only place that I could think of to keep it, the most dangerous potion in the whole entire world is behind this door, and if you take it then even I cannot stop what will happen, I won’t be able to change it either, the effect will be permanent until the day that she finally dies.”

“Perfect,” Spike said rubbing his claws together in eager anticipation.

“No, because before I give it to you I only need to know one more thing only, do you love her?” he said slowly opening the door.

“Well of course I do, why would I be here if I wasn’t?”

“Well I don’t know the answer to that now, do I? Only you can tell me that, but if I had to guess I would say that this could be just a silly stupid quest.”

“It’s not, now then are you going to give me the potion or not?”

“I will, but only after I teach you a very valuable lesson, one that you must never forget at all, one that you must always remember no matter what happens, do you understand?” he said.

“Yes, I think that I do,” Spike said.

“Very good then, here it is, the reason why I asked you if you loved her was because it was a test of course, one to test your response, if you said that you weren’t sure then you clearly wouldn’t be ready for this potion yet now.

If you said that you weren’t sure but still felt like this was the right thing to do then I might consider your case, if you said no, well let’s just say I would definitely be very curious as to why you ever came at all in the first place, if you just said yes then I would know that you might be ready, but you said yes that you were and even dared to question me, my authority and power as well too.

Clearly you are either really brave, stupid, crazy, or stupid, or perhaps maybe a combination of all of them, anyhow I now know that you might be finally ready for this after answering a few more of my questions, okay then?”

“Alright, fine then, but make it quick, I want her to love me.”

“Alright, fine then, first question, do you feel like you deserve her love?”

“Maybe, maybe not, but I just want her attention for right now at least.”

“Hmm…” Comet said pondering this response, “Second question, have you ever loved any pony else before, or is this just your first now instead?”

“She’s my very first,” Spike said.

“Yes, I see, next question, have you ever had any romantic relationships with any pony else before?”

“No, I haven’t,” Spike said.

“Yes, I see, alright, fine then, last question, what is love exactly?”

Spike didn’t answer and held his silence for a very long time.

And then eventually he finally gave up. “I really honestly don’t know, what is it exactly though?”

“I really honestly don’t know either, I was just testing if you were honest, and clearly you are, but most ponies fail on some aspect of it, but you, well you passed with complete total success, an accomplishment that no pony I have ever met before has ever achieved before.”

“Wow, that’s just so amazing, cool, awesome and radical too as well."

“If you say so, but the potion is yours if you still want it after I finally finish speaking, because even I cannot stop you if that is fate and destiny, but I do intend and hope to change your mind about using this thing and what eventual side effects and consequences that there will eventually be to it of course.

Anyhow if you do use this potion the effects should last forever until her dying day but I have others that are a lot less potent and last for a much shorter time instead if used. But if you do use this then note just this one small simple tiny little thing that is a fact, what she feels towards you will never be real, it will only be the result of magic and science in a bottle, and it won’t ever be what you could really truly have, so do you want her attention or her love instead?

Love isn’t always easy, if it were we would all have who we wanted, love is very hard, and that’s why it makes it all the worthwhile. I once lost some pony else very special, dear and close to my heart, and I once feared her rejection just as you do with Rarity, but you still have to try or you will never know.

Love or attention, it’s your choice, and even I cannot stop you from your fate and destiny, but I do hope that I may be able to change and persuade it and your mind, so what will it be Spike? What do you really truly want from her?

As he said this last part he held out the potion for Spike.

He struggled with himself in his mind, thoughts and ideas before he finally decided to respond.

“I want her love,” he said pushing the potion back towards Comet.

“Good choice,” Comet said putting the potion back in its proper place, “Anyhow I have a very good idea of where you can start to get her attention,” he said smiling.

And with that said he told him all the ideas and thoughts that he had in his head, and they were all wonderful and genius and excellent too as well.

And so it was that when tomorrow finally eventually came Spike was ready to win over Rarity with his show.

“Hey Rarity, I think that Spike has a surprise for you today,” Twilight said in passing to Rarity now.

“Oh, well what is it exactly?”

“If I told you then it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore,” she said smiling.

And with that said Rarity slowly followed Twilight to the designated spot where there was a very elegant grand fancy table set up for just them.

“What’s all this now then exactly?” she said very shocked and surprised.

“This is my gift to you Rarity,” Spike said making his grand entrance now then wearing a small tiny little plain vest and black bowtie too as well.

“Do you like my outfit?” he said coming to push her in the table on her seat.

“Well yes, of course, it’s very fitting for you.”

“Thank you, I thought so too when I first saw it, but anyhow what do you want for dinner tonight?” he said.

“Uh, well I don’t know, there are so many choices, I think that I’ll just have this,” she said pointing at an item to Spike and the waiter who was Comet of course.

“Excellent choice my dear, I think that I’ll also have this,” he said pointing to another item on the list.

“Alright, I’ll have your food in a moment, that is after the two of you get a chance to talk to each other undisturbed by any distractions,” he said winking at Spike as he left.

“What was that all about?” Rarity said very confused now.

“Nothing, but can you please just answer some of my questions now?”

“Sure, why not? We are going to be here for a while,” she said.

“Thank you very much, okay, tell me this, what do you look for in a stallion?”

“You mean as in what would I want if I was dating one or if I was to marry him?” she said.

“Uh both please,” Spike said now then.

“Very well then, firstly he must be nice and kind and generous just like me.

He must also have a style sense in fashion just like me too of course.

He must be handsome, charming, and sweep me off of my hooves too as well.”

“Well is there any specific race that he would have to be to date you?”

“Well no, of course not, I’m not biased towards any one race Spike.”

“Oh, well are there any preferred colors that you would have him be?”

“No, just so long as it could go along well with my fashion designs and styles.”

“Well what age would he have to be? Is there even such a thing as too young?”

‘Well no, I don’t think so, after all, you never know, but why all the sudden interest in my love life and relationships?” she said.

“Oh, no reason in particular, I just thought it would be a good day to know all of this being Hearts and Hooves day,” Spike said.

“Oh, yes, that’s today, isn’t it? Well I’m glad that you got this together for me, but I do rather must have to admit something rather small and tiny, I actually hate today.”

“Wait, what?” Spike said with great surprise and shock.

“Yes, there’s just too much pressure on me and other singles to go out there and date some pony else, but I just want to take my own time and pace if you know what I mean, love can’t be earned or forced in just one day, sure maybe you could start it one day and today would be a more romantic time to do it, but I just feel like this whole entire holiday is a waste of time and is silly and stupid.

Every pony else goes around telling each other how much they love each other and buying gifts and presents for each other, but I think that the best gift and present that you could give is one that you can’t buy, it has to be one from the deepest darkest part of your heart and mind, one that only you and the one that you love share and know about, one that can never be replaced or broken or torn apart, one that is eternal and will last forever beyond all time and eternity.

One that would mean the whole entire world to both of you, and something that will always keep you together no matter what happens to either of you two.”

“And what would that special gift have to be exactly?” Spike said very curiously.

Rarity smiled, “Well that would have to be something only you and the other pony knew about, right? Because it would have to be special just for them.

I can’t tell you what exactly, but I can give you an example, say if there were two musicians, well they would compose a piece for each other in the other’s respective profession and genre, therefore making them step out of their comfort zones, so you see, it’s not really about the gift that counts it’s the thought.

And Love is nice, but when the whole entire day is themed about it doesn’t it become a little bit silly, stupid, and pointless to declare your love for some pony else when you should already be doing that each and every day?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Spike said coming to a sudden realization.

“Okay, I think that I’ve talked on long enough now, where is our food?”

“It should be here soon enough, but I want to tell you something very important before it does,” Spike said finally ready to face the problem and one of his greatest fears too as well.

“Yes, what is it Spike?” Rarity said.

“Rarity, for the longest time now I’ve had a crush on you, but now I love you.”

Rarity blinked in surprise and shock at this but then smiled very lightly.

“Oh Spike, surely you must be joking, right?” she said.

“This is no joke, I have real actual genuine feelings for you.”

“And you never bothered to tell me this before now because-?”

“Because I was too afraid of not being noticed by you, or even worse, being rejected, but I still have to try, after all, as some wise pony once told me, love isn’t always easy, if it were we would all have who we wanted, love is hard, and that’s what makes it all the worthwhile, and Rarity, I want to try dating you.”

“Spike, that is the sweetest thing that I have ever heard you say, but I just don’t know if I can do it, I mean you’re just a baby dragon and I’m a full grown adult pony, I’m not against interspecies relationships, but the age gap between us, I just don’t know how it can ever work out,” she said.

“Oh, don’t worry about that, I actually have a friend who can help me out in that department, but then again he has something for almost anything and everything at all,” Spike said as Comet came back with the food for them.

“Your food, sir,” Comet said putting down the plates and then very quickly put down the glasses of water while putting something special from a potion inside Spike’s glass now then.

“What did he put in there?” Rarity said.

“Nothing harmful, it’s just a potion that will make me look older and feel so too, because you see I am willing to change for you if you’re ready, because love should always be something you’re ready to fight for!!!”

“Spike, you don’t need to change for me.”

“No, I don’t, but if you want me to, I will.”

“Spike, I think that you are just perfect the way that you already are.”

Spike smiled very slowly at that, “Thank you for that, Rarity.”

And with that said they slowly gazed into each other’s eyes.

“Spike, I think that I’m starting to love you too as well.”

“Rarity, that’s the best gift and thing that you could ever possibly say or give me today,” he said.

“No, there’s something much better that I already have in mind for you.”

And with that said she slowly leaned over and kissed Spike.

Twilight and Comet smiled at this sight, “Mission accomplished,” they said together. And with that said they watched as the two slowly embraced.

“That was… excellent and wonderful to say the least,” Spike said after they finally finished. Rarity smiled, “It wasn’t quite that bad as I imagined it, in fact I think that I rather enjoyed it, do you want some more my dear love?”

“Oh yes please,” Spike said.

Rarity laughed a little bit, “I’m afraid that you’ll have to wait, the first one was nice, but if I do it anymore today it might not be so special, so how about we eat and finish this dinner and then we can spend the rest of the evening just as you planned?”

“Sounds like a very good plan to me,” he said as they ate silently and then after they were finished he took her hooves and led her over to an apple tree.

“Okay, so let’s just sit here and watch the sunset, doesn’t that sound romantic?”

“It depends upon your definition, how about we talk too as well?”

“Yeah, sure thing, but what about exactly?”

“Oh you know, life in general and our beliefs and ideas of love too as well.”

And with that said they did so until the sun finally set, and then they said goodbye and left each other.

“Well, it looks like that turned out very well,” Twilight said after they were finally done.

“Yes, and I think that I found my one real true love for life, and now she finally knows about it, she finally notices me, and I have to thank you for this chance and opportunity.”

“You’re welcome,” Twilight said as Spike watched his love slowly walk away.

“Someday Rarity, we’ll be together forever…”

Author's Note:

so do you want her attention or her love instead?

Love isn’t always easy, if it were we would all have who we wanted, love is very hard, and that’s why it makes it all the worthwhile. I once lost some pony else very special, dear and close to my heart, and I once feared her rejection just as you do with Rarity, but you still have to try or you will never know.
Love or attention, it’s your choice, and even I cannot stop you from your fate and destiny, but I do hope that I may be able to change and persuade it and your mind, so what will it be Spike? What do you really truly want from her?

“Yes, there’s just too much pressure on me and other singles to go out there and date some pony else, but I just want to take my own time and pace if you know what I mean, love can’t be earned or forced in just one day, sure maybe you could start it one day and today would be a more romantic time to do it, but I just feel like this whole entire holiday is a waste of time and is silly and stupid.
Every pony else goes around telling each other how much they love each other and buying gifts and presents for each other, but I think that the best gift and present that you could give is one that you can’t buy, it has to be one from the deepest darkest part of your heart and mind, one that only you and the one that you love share and know about, one that can never be replaced or broken or torn apart, one that is eternal and will last forever beyond all time and eternity.
One that would mean the whole entire world to both of you, and something that will always keep you together no matter what happens to either of you two.”
“And what would that special gift have to be exactly?” Spike said very curiously now then. Rarity smiled, “Well that would have to be something only you and the other pony knew about, right? Because it would have to be special just for them.
I can’t tell you what exactly, but I can give you an example, say if there were two musicians, well they would compose a piece for each other in the other’s respective profession and genre, therefore making them step out of their comfort zones, so you see, it’s not really about the gift that counts it’s the thought.
And Love is nice, but when the whole entire day is themed about it doesn’t it become a little bit silly, stupid, and pointless to declare your love for some pony else when you should already be doing that each and every day?”

Okay, so I just felt like Comet's and Rarity's words are the most important.

And now for very obvious clear references with scenes between the two of them (Spike and Rarity of course).

Because it's what I believe in and also what I just needed to say.

Because I both HATE and LOVE today, shocking and surprising, right?

Anyhow as Spike says...

love should always be something you’re ready to fight for!!!”

And as for the ending, well I just didn't know how to close it, so I left it open for you instead, as my gift to all of you.

I wish you the best of luck and love, a very merry day, afternoon, evening and night, and have a very Happy Valentine's Day or Single Awareness Day!!!

And please make sure to comment down below!!!

Comments ( 17 )




(Each story you see is only the first draft and NOT edited at all.)

Please just tell me already!!!

7948017 Personally, to me it seems like you're posting stories everyday and overwhelming people with them. I think you should just slow down on your posting and take your time. Could be wrong, and probably am, but that's my theory. There are writer's groups you can go to and ask about this problem, more likely to get a better answer there.


'said now then' :twilightangry2:

:moustache: clunky dude clunky reads like a cobble stone path

:duck: editor?


I don't have any editors yet!!!

Ooooh, boy, do I have a comment for you. I'll post it when I get to a computer.

7948074 parts are but there are still a fair number of paragraphs which have two different people talking in them.

Alright, let's do this. This story misses the mark on a number of levels. I'll begin with the technical ones.

1. Grammar

You need an editor. Badly. Get one. I noticed you mention that your stories are all first drafts, or something like that. My suggestion is this: never do that. It's sloppy, amateurish, and just plain awful. AT THE VERY LEAST, you should go through after you're done writing and read it closely to try to catch mistakes and places that could stand to be touched up.

Never publish first drafts.

Also, I'm not quite sure what you're doing with the copious instances of "now then" and "then now", but stop that. It sounds terrible because it is terrible. It should always be "Twilight said," never "Twilight said now then." Do yourself a favor and never put those two words next to each other ever again.

2. Dialogue

The characters' dialogue is so incredibly rushed it makes it exhausting to read. There are sentences that go on for more than twice as long as a normal person's would. You gotta let the characters breathe. Slow it down a bit and give the reader time to settle

It also bears mentioning that these characters do not sound at all like they should. The dialogue is stilted, and it all sounds like the same voice that's being attributed to different characters. You have to make the characters sound like themselves or it all just falls flat.

Spike shuffled slowly up to Twilight. "Say, um, Twi?"

"Mm?" she mumbled, eyes running over the pages of her book.

"You think you could maybe sorta kinda help me out with something?"

"Mm." Twilight still didn't look up.

"I was wondering if maybe you had some books on--"

Twilight spun around, face suddenly shining. "You said books! What about books?"

They need to have distinct voices.

3. The Message

So even if the above issues weren't present, this one's a deal-breaker. You are way way waaaay too hung up on your own message. We're here to read stories about ponies, not to read your opinions being obviously pushed out of ponies' mouths. Don't use stories as a platform to make a point. That's what blog posts are for. Comet is the main offender in this case. He feels almost like a self-insert.

Besides, it doesn't help that the message in this story is so far off the mark as to be laughable. Rarity and Spike have zero chemistry. All the love in the world isn't going to save that relationship, because in order for love to exist in the first place, they have to get along well together. You put them in the same place and had them say they love one another. That's it. You gotta do more to sell it than that.

Rarity just isn't that into him. It feels like you think Spike deserves her because of all the things he's done, but that just isn't how it works. You can't force love; sometimes it just isn't meant to be, and from the way you've written these characters, they just aren't meant to be.

Anyway, that's it. Hope this helped out or something.

Ouch, I was literally in mental pain while I read this (like daggers were being stabbed in my heart and mind... again)

But will do.

7948336 That's how you learn, scrapped knees and bloody noses - It's how you grow. :pinkiehappy: continue.:moustache::raritywink:

Beats having Twilight with Tom and Company showing up...:facehoof:


It now has been GRAMMATICALLY edited, the NARRATION, and DETAIL and RE-EDIT (of both narration and detail) will come later, so yeah, please reread when it comes out and consider changing that thumbs down to a like instead.

I edited it, but it's still only at 58% approval rating, so can anyone tell me what's still wrong? (other than detail because I WILL get to that, eventually.)

I cannot believe the day has finally happened that I had to thumbs down a Sparity fic.

I'm sorry, but what the hell is going on here? This is the most broken story I have seen. First of all, why is the first few lines a repeating? This is completely not needed at all.

Secondly, calm down on the dialogue. I got lost several times, plus some of the dialogue is way too long. I mean breaking into paragraphs is completely not how you write a proper dialogue.

Thirdly, there is a lot of unexplained parts. Heck, I don't think there was a part that said that Comet was Starswirl or how Twilight even knows him. And if that was supposed to be part of some mystery then why the hell is the tag giving it away instantly. In fact you give very little reason for anypony to think it Starswirl at all. This wouldn't that much of a problem except for the fact Starswirl is such a stand out character. In fact he is so blank in this story that I'm sure most of the readers though he was a bad OC.


Now don't I think I completely disliked the story. There were a few good things like how Starswirl hid his home(though in the end, the scene felt about as point as several unneeded scenes.) There were a few good things. The best advice I can tell you is to compare your story with other stories. Not in what scenes they have in them, but how they are written, and not just simply how dialogue goes, but every singly little detail.

Every time I ask for criticism I have to remind myself not to kill anyone because I can handle it (even if I don't like all the hate) because I'm asking to be punched.

Comment posted by ItsPetahhhh deleted Mar 14th, 2017
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