• Published 18th Feb 2017
  • 865 Views, 29 Comments

Lego World Adventures - markzilla6895

A collection of adventures with the Lego Team and some unexpected faces

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The Beginning

The human version of Twilight Sparkle breathed deeply and adjusted her glasses. It was Saturday and that meant only one thing: Her friends were coming over to play with her Lego sets. As the minute hand on her watch reached the twelve, marking eight AM had arrived, the basement door opened as if on cue. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy headed down the stairs, each one carrying a large box.

"Um, did I miss a memo or something?" Twilight asked, a little dumbfounded.

"Oh, right," Rarity began. "We thought it be a little more fun if we brought some of our own Legos to play with."

"Plus, you did say you wanted to throw in more universes," Applejack added, setting one of the boxes down and opening it. Twilight peered inside to see several buildings such as a skyscraper top and a castle inside.

"So why did you bring these buildings?" She asked, pulling out the skyscraper, which had a large balcony as the centerpiece.

"Because the Avengers need their base, silly!" Pinkie grinned, opening her box which contained numerous accessories.

"Wait, Avengers? As in the comic book team?" Twilight was surprised as Applejack set the Avengers Tower roof on top of one of the skyscrapers in the Canterlot City model.

"Right here, darling," Rarity pulled out a figure from her box, which happened to be one of Iron Man.

"I also have some extra vehicles," Rainbow Dash opened her box and placed several vehicles onto the roads. They included the Batmobile, both versions of the Ghostbusters car, the TARDIS and the Mystery Machine.

"And I brought the animals," Fluttershy placed several cute looking animal figures in the city's park.

"Aha! Found him!" Rarity declared as she pulled out the minifigure she was looking for. The purple skinned girl saw she was holding an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog with red feet.

"Sonic the Hedgehog?" She sweat-dropped, as she did not expect Sonic to be Rarity's first choice to play with.

"We took a vote on who to play with first," the fashion designer explained.

"Sonic won," Rainbow Dash grinned as she snatched the hedgehog from her friend and placed him right by Canterlot Mountain.

Morning had come in the Lego World. Though at the moment, it did not look like morning as the sky was dark and a giant blue portal had appeared in the sky, apparently directly over Canterlot Mountain, home of the base of Canterlot City's Lego Team.

"Should we be prepared, Ms. Playwell?" An aide asked the multicolored haired woman.

"Perhaps," Celestia replied. "Best to get the Lego Team to investigate it though."

"I have already called them, ma'am."


The seven minifigs were at the base of the mountain, looking up at the portal.

"Did Celestia say what caused this, Sunset?" Rarity asked the team leader, a girl with red and yellow hair, pale yellow skin and a determined look on her face.

"She did not, but we need to be prepared for whatever comes out." As soon as she said it, a bright blue light shot out of the portal. The Lego Team went wide-eyed as they realized the light was heading towards them! Jumping out of the way, the object crashed into the ground, tearing up the pieces along the way.

"Ow..." a male voice groaned from the new crater. The Lego Team peeked inside to see the new person was not a person at all, but a blue anthro hedgehog.

"Celestia is not gonna believe this..." Twilight stared in disbelief as the newcomer straightened himself and turned around.

"...what nightmare has Eggman sent me to?" he muttered to himself as he saw the the seven girls with different skin colors.

"Hello," Sunset began. "Welcome to Canterlot City, my name is Sunset Shimmer." She held out her hand in welcome. The stranger nervously shook it as she helped him out of the crater.

"Did you come out of the sky?" Pinkie Pie asked, gently poking the spines on his head.

"Hey, cut it out!" The hedgehog said defensively, jumping away slightly.

"Don't mind Pinkie," Rainbow Dash grinned. "She likes to greet new people up close."

"I don't think we got your name though," Rarity looked up and down at the stranger.

"I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!" His claw hand did an equivalent of a thumbs up. The Lego Team looked dumbfounded at the introduction, except Rainbow Dash, who was grinning.

"I like his style!" The rainbow-haired minifig stated as more lights came from the portal, each one flying off in different directions.

"Wait, more visitors?!" Twilight fell to her knees in shock. "We're going to be really busy, aren't we?"

"Looks that way, but hey, we've saved the Lego World multiple times," Rainbow Dash cracked her knuckles. "Not to mention we got these new superpowers after that incident with Gloriosa." She then dashed off towards the city, leaving a rainbow trail behind.

"This just got interesting," Sonic smirked as he ran off after her, a blue streak following him. Everyone else's jaws were hanging comically at the sight of Sonic's speed.

"...did anyone see what I just saw...?" Twilight's left eye began to twitch as buildings and vehicles began to fall out of the portal as well.

Sonic had caught up to Rainbow Dash in the middle of Canterlot City as a skyscraper roof gently set itself on top of one of the buildings. This one had a large balcony with the letter A on the side.

"Looks like some new neighbors are dropping in," Rainbow Dash looked at Sonic. "Hey, you're pretty fast. Wanna have a little race while we wait for the others?"

"You're on!" The blue hedgehog grinned. But before either of them could take off, another large shape's shadow overlooked them.

"Oh, ho, ho!" A familiar voice chuckled. "If it isn't Sonic!" The two speedsters turned around to see a large egg-shaped flying vehicle lower itself towards them. Piloting it was a man whose body was shaped like an egg. He wore dark blue glasses that hid his eyes, goggles on his bald head and a red uniform. His most distinguishing feature however, was his large brown mustache.

"Look, it's a giant talking egg!" Rainbow Dash snickered.

"Silence!" The man furiously stated. "I am Dr. Eggman, the greatest scientific genius in the world!" Rainbow Dash began to laugh harder at the man's name.

"Sure, whatever you say 'Eggman!'" She was on her back now, still laughing.

"ENOUGH!" Eggman slammed his fists onto the controls of his vehicle, causing it to shake. "I have big plans ahead, and now I am going to put them to work!"

"Yeah, yeah, what is it you want this time, Eggface?" Sonic shrugged as Eggman turned his transport around.

"Why, all of the Chaos Emeralds! Better not interfere, OR ELSE!" He then pushed a button on the control panel, causing a bigger vehicle to rise up from behind him. It had four jets on its back and two stinger-like protrusions on the front. The doctor moved his Eggmobile into the vehicle, locking it in.

"Behold, the Egg Hornet!" He declared. "Now to crush you and your new friend!" He quickly had the vehicle dive towards Sonic and Rainbow Dash. Both blue heroes dived out of the way, causing it to get stuck in the ground.

"I got this one, Sonic," Rainbow Dash quickly zoomed towards Eggman and punched him right in the face, causing the Egg Hornet to take damage.

"You're not going to get away with this!" The villain growled as the rest of the Lego Team showed up.

"Okay, WHO is that?" Applejack adjusted her hat a little.

"Some guy who calls himself Eggman," Rainbow Dash said bluntly. The other members snickered a little at the name.

"I will not be mocked!" Dr. Eggman growled as he pressed another button, releasing several missiles from the back of the Egg Hornet. Rarity quickly put up her diamond shields, deflecting the projectiles back at their source. The Egg Hornet spattered and shuddered before finally blowing to pieces, leaving only the Eggmobile and its pilot.

"Grrrrrrr, where did someone like you learn that?!" He asked angrily.

"Magic," Sunset said smugly, causing Eggman's face to falter a little.

"This is why I hate magic..." he said to himself as he flew towards the outskirts of Canterlot City.

"You sure that guy was a villain?" Rainbow Dash asked Sonic. "He seemed more like a joke to me."

"Well, I have stopped him every single time," the blue hedgehog rubbed the back of his head.

"Hey, what if you joined the Lego Team, Sonic?" Sunset offered. "We could use someone of your speed."

"Lego Team? Is that like the Freedom Fighters?"

"Pretty much, as we help preserve order in the Lego World," Fluttershy explained.

"Sounds like a plan till I can find a way back home," the blue hedgehog shook Sunset's hand again. Pinkie Pie cheered as confetti fired from out of nowhere.

"Another member of the Lego Team!" She began to drag the group back to Canterlot Mountain.

Elsewhere, in a darkened room, a group of shadowy figures were watching the Lego Team's victory through a cauldron.

"Those girls took down that machine like it was nothing," a man wearing a curved horned helmet mused with interest. He was also carrying a staff with a glowing blue gem inside. "Who would have thought?"

"Such is the power of the magic," a woman with long hair and a three-pointed crown replied. Her body seemed to have holes in it, making parts of her body see-through. "Their strength is not their own."

"Why don't we turn them against each other?" A portly woman laughed. The lower half of her body appeared to be octopus tentacles. "That'll settle things quick enough."

"And the brats' new friend happens to be powerful as well," a man with a pirate captain's hat stated. In place of his left hand was a large metal hook. "Swoggle me eyes, they're all bilge rats by the looks of them!"

"You're no prize yourself!" A male voice interjected. This one had wild hair, a goatee and a slender male body. On his mouth, a large fang was visible. He laughed at his own joke.

"Shut up!" The pirate angrily brandished his hook at the man.

"Enough," a new female voice interrupted the arguing. The group turned their heads to see their leader had arrived. She wore a black robe with purple highlights, a headdress that resembled devil horns and carried an ornate staff with a green jewel on it. The most unsettling feature about her however, was her sickly green skin. "The magic has chosen them. Will it be them that conquers the darkness? Or will it be the darkness that swallows them? Either way, they will be of use to us."