• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 2,817 Views, 98 Comments

Of Innocence Lost - Lunafan1k

A book of evil finds its way into innocent hooves.

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Chapter 6.5: Diamond Tiara

A/N: I shortened Diamond Tiara to DT because her full name is a bitch to read and write. Makes sense, because she is a bitch.

Diamond Tiara was unable to do anything but lay there on the ground, holding her hoof in pain. She watched as Sweetie Belle, a blank flank in the same class as her, spoke down to her. Then, the blank flank cast some sort of weird spell on her, a spell that no doubt failed because it didn’t do anything.

She was told to run as a bit of advice. What kind of advice is that? Diamond Tiara glared daggers at Sweetie Belle, who after taking two punches to the face had nothing to show for it. She slowly got to her hooves, favoring her right foreleg as she continued to glare and wishing hateful things on the one responsible for ruining her life.

As she was mentally screaming in anger, she noticed a slight shimmer under one of the many trees leading to Sweet Apple Acres. Looking closer, she felt a feeling of pure dread and foreboding, forcing her to look away. She closed her eyes and took several deep, calming breaths. Mustering up her courage she looked back at the tree, however there was nothing odd to be felt about it.

Grunting in anger she spun around and headed back into town, towards her home. Along the way she crossed paths with another filly in her class, Twist. Diamond Tiara hated Twist with every fiber of her being. She had no idea why, but the lisp, the pitch of her voice grating on her eardrums, and her obsession with being a teacher’s pet just made her blood boil. Add the fact that DT was in a very bad mood looking to blow some steam on an easy target and that made for a non-friendly confrontation.

“Hey Sickie Twistie!” DT really didn’t have a mean name for Twist, but in the end it was the sneer that made it a mean name. “Who said you can cross in front of me? I don’t want your gross lisp germs!”

“Oh, uh, hey DT…” Twist said carefully.

“Don’t ‘hey’ me! I asked you a question and you’re going to answer or suffer the consequences!” Her hoof was sore, but that wasn’t going to stop her from passing up the last chance she’s going to get to beat the snot out of an ugly filly.

“I-I wasn’t—I didn’t mean-!”

“Shut it! You came out here thinking it would be funny to spread your sickly disease and filth all over me!”

“N-no!” Twist was now on the ground, crying, her hooves over her head in an effort to protect herself. DT saw this and was filled with pride, pride that she could turn a usually happy and carefree filly into a sniveling mess.

“I told you to answer me!” She yelled, bringing her good hoof down upon Twist’s head just hard enough to hurt and get her point across. Twist yowled, actually yowled like she was a cat! This alone brought DT an almost euphoric pleasure. Here she was, asserting her dominance over someone who should be treated like trash, and it felt good.

“Next time I ask something, I want you to answer! Got it?” Twist nodded and as quickly as she could she ran down the street with tears streaming down her face. DT smiled as she ran off like a bawling foal, her eyes following her movement as she crossed in front of an alley.

So intent on Twist, she didn’t see what was lurking in the shadows of that alley, but she sure as hell felt it. The fur all over her body instantly stood on end, her throat dried and her tongue swelled as a strong tingling feeling ran down her spine, through her legs, and to her hooves. She quickly looked closer at the alley, yet she was unable to see whatever was lurking in the shadows.

Then, as suddenly as it began, the feeling was gone. She blinked in confusion before very warily turning back down the road, fully intent on returning home. Moving at a brisk trot, she was out in front of her house in seemingly no time at all. She glanced around quickly, looking for any sign of the thing in the shadows. To her great relief she neither saw nor felt its presence.

She made her way through the front gate of her estate and upon approaching the house she saw a rather disturbing sight. Her father and mother were yelling at each other while tearing down all the photos from the walls and piling them out in the backyard.

“Mommy? Daddy? What’s going on?” DT said, once more pretending to be the perfect daughter. What she didn’t expect was for her parents to round on her with pure hatred.

“What’s going on?! Because of that shit you pulled in school my life is ruined! My family have disowned us and we have been cast out of our own home! And not just us, the Silver family got royally screwed over alongside us! You are lucky I am even allowing you to pack up a single suitcase of shit you want to keep, you got one hour and whatever is not in the suitcase will be burned out back!”

Her father never yelled at her or got mad at her in her entire life. Seeing him this way and having that anger directed at her broke her heart. She was crying harder than Twist was just a few minutes prior. Was this the torment she inflicted on others? She didn’t enjoy it at all. Besides, those other ponies she picked on deserved to feel this way, not her. She didn’t deserve this.

She ran up the stairs to her bedroom on the third floor as fast as her little legs could carry her. Once she was inside she slammed the door shut behind her and ran to her bed. She took a flying leap and landed in the softness of the blankets where she continued to cry her eyes out.

After a few minutes her tears finally let up. She pulled herself up on her bed and gazed out the window and froze with fear. She could see it, the thing that seemed to follow her around. It was on the roof of a building a few blocks away. At first it would appear to simply be a well-dressed pony, but this pony was tall, far taller than it should have been. It had no tail, no mane, and no FACE.

As if it knew that she saw it, it turned its head in her direction and seemed to gaze into her very soul. As she kept staring, unable to break eye contact, it seemed to grow taller and stretch several tendrils from its back. It reached out to her, tried to grab her, yet she could only look on in horror as her impending doom swiftly approached.

A loud crash in the hall right outside her door made her jump a foot in the air and spin around, breaking eye contact with the monster. Fearing impending doom, she whipped right back around again, but the monster was gone. The door was thrown open by her father a moment later.

“Did… did you even start packing?! I knew you were worthless but this is just ridiculous, you can’t even follow a simple order! ‘Pack your shit’ and here you are just staring out the window!” He stormed to her closet and threw the doors open and grabbed a suitcase and then threw it violently onto her bed.

He returned to the closet and pulled out several dresses, some ripping and tearing. “You want to keep these?” he asked forcibly, to which DT nodded. “Too bad, these have been claimed by Ponyville. How about these?” he shoved her jewelry box under her nose, then pulled it away. “Nope, not yours either. These were bought from Ponyville with Ponyville’s money!” he yelled, throwing the beautiful box against the wall, shattering it to pieces. “Grab some blankets to keep warm and pack them, that’s all you are allowed to bring.” He stormed out, slamming the door shut behind him.

Diamond Tiara was staring at the floor between her hooves, fresh tears falling from her eyes to pool on the floor. She hated this, hated her father, hated those blank flanks and everypony else she could think of. She wished the pain would go away, that she could have her old life back, where she was on top and treating others like they deserved.

She arched her head back with the intent of cursing the heavens themselves, but her breath caught in her throat. Staring down at her from her ceiling was the head of the same faceless pony from before. Its legs were stretched up to the ceiling into a swarming black mass of tentacles, from which its neck was stretched out to the center of her ceiling.

She let out an earth shattering scream and bolted to the door as fast as she could, she turned the knob and pulled, it didn’t open. She tried again, twisting the knob the other way, the door remained shut. She spun around and screamed again, it was even closer now, almost able to grab her. Seeing no other option, she dove to the side and ran toward the opposite wall. Filled with pure terror, she reared up and began beating on the window and crying for help.

Seeing that help was much farther away than the monster in her room, she picked up a larger chunk of her jewelry box and threw it through the window. Seeing her ticket to freedom, she leaped out the open window, away from the monster in her room.

Her parents were outside, piling on more fuel to feed the upcoming fire when they heard their daughter’s screams. Thinking she was just throwing a tantrum they ignored her. That was until her window was shattered and a piece of her jewelry box smashed at their hooves amidst the glass. To their horror, when they looked up they saw her leap from the broken window, a small smile forming on her lips as she fell.

With a sickening crunch, she landed head first on the cement, splattering her parents with her blood and brain matter.