• Published 23rd Feb 2017
  • 508 Views, 16 Comments

Power Ponies 3: Perilous - Epicdiscord214

Ever look in a mirror. Well, the Power Ponies did. Heads up, it doesn't end well.

  • ...

Dreams of Reformation

"And over here, the guards have a mess hall that, in my humble opinion, could use a bit sprucing up for the comfort of the prisoners."

"Radiance, we can't have the prisoners feeling comfortable." Mistress Marevelous said. "We're trying to punish them, not make them feel like it didn't matter if they got caught."

The two heroes carried the dragons toward the guards, who caught them when Radiance broke apart her construct.

"Don't worry about a thing, ma'm." one of the guards said. "These creatures won't escape under our watch. We've been upping our security since last night."

"Why?" Radiance asked. "What happened?"

"You didn't hear?" the guard asked. "Last night, the Mane-iac and Gryphon Galore escaped."

"Again?" Mistress Marevelous asked. "Those varmints escape more than a caged mouse covered in butter."

"Well, nothing to worry about." Radiance said. "As soon as they strike again, we'll be ready for them."


The two heroes followed the voice to Gladmane, who looked frightened.

"Who, us?" Radiance asked.

"Yeah!" Gladmane said. "I know where they're going, and you need to stop them pronto or we're all going to be ash!"

Radiance and Marevelous looked at each other confusingly. They turned back to Gladmane.

"Could you repeat that last part, please?" Radiance asked.

The Mane-iac stealthily snuck down the warehouse docks and found herself in front of a storage space labeled 7.

"'Above the fishes and behind a lucky number' he said." she chuckled. "Sometimes, I'm surprised how easy it is. I didn't even need to think."

"Well, that seems to be your go-to method."

The Mane-iac knew the voice well, so when she turned to Gryphon Galore, she gave her a casual smile.

"If it isn't my favorite cross-species bully. What brings you out of prison, Gilda?"

"Same as you, crazy." Gryphon Galore replied. "And don't call me that. Only my friends call me Gilda."

"Sounds like no one calls you Gilda." the Mane-iac said. "Oh, come on. Why do you always got to be a party-pooper?"

"Don't play dumb." Gryphon Galore said. "You've done enough of that when you tricked Gladmane into revealing to you where he hid that bomb. And knowing you, you'll blow up the town without making a threat."

"What's the point of a bomb if I can't detonate it?" the Mane-iac said.

"I want to live, you lunatic!" Gryphon Galore said. "But since we're already here, I suppose this can be the Sisterhood of Evil's last act. So, and it pains me in my mouth to say it, let's work together on this."

"What if I refuse?"

"Let me put it to you this way." Gryphon Galore held up her fist and allowed it to glow. "We can either team up one last time and use the bomb as a threat together, or I can pound you to the ground and use the bomb as a threat by myself!"

The Mane-iac chuckled quietly. "I see your point. All right, but you're taking all the fun out of it."

Gryphon Galore approached the storage door and punched right through it. She pried it apart revealing a large dust cover taking up half of the room. The Mane-iac removed it and revealed a large, metal sphere with a number screen on the front. At the sight of it, the Mane-iac whistled one note.

"Now, that's a great, big bubble."

"All that's left is to find out where to place it." Gryphon Galore said. "We need somewhere discrete and hidden."

"Ooh, I know!" the Mane-iac said. "I know just the place!"

The Star-Swirl the Bearded wing's doors were kept shut. When the Ponies and the Machines arrived, the princesses and Blue Comet were standing outside waiting for them.

"Thank goodness you're here." Princess Luna said. "I've never seen your friend like this."

"Me either," Blue Comet said, "And she's my wife."

"What's she been doing in there?" Zapp asked.

"I'm afraid I don't know." Princess Celestia said. "I've asked her about it through the door, and she just responded with 'I'm helping the world'. Those were her exact words."

"Okay, that's weird." the Shadow Blot said. Suddenly, he felt a nudge in his back. He looked behind him and saw Masque gesturing him toward Celestia. "What?"

"Just tell her how you feel." Masque whispered. "Remember what you've been through to see her again."

"Joe, this is neither the time nor the place to confess anything." the Shadow Blot whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Celestia asked spooking the pack leader.

"We were... just thinking if it's a good idea to force our way in."

"Nice save." Dusk whispered.

"Actually, there might be another way." Princess Luna said. "One of my guards told me that there's a window on the top floor with a busted lock, but I didn't think much of it. It could give us a more subtle entrance."

"Yes!" Filli-Second exclaimed. "Broken lock powers... activate!" She then ran up the wall quickly toward the window.

"Or, at lease, subtle as we can with her around." Princess Luna continued.

The Masked Matterhorn scribbled on a blank piece of paper next to an open book she was looking at. When she was done, she breathed in and out.

"All right." she said. "I think I'm done. Although, I'm not sure how it'll work."

"How what'll work?"

The British stallion voice spooked Twilight until she saw who was behind her.

"The Doctor?" the Masked Matterhorn asked. "What are you doing here? You're usually don't appear unless there's something big going on."

"Well, as a living personification of the forces of time whose job it is that the timestream stays on track, I happen to have not too much time on my hands... or in your case, hooves. So, what might you be working on?"

"Actually, since you're here, I might need your help." The Masked Matterhorn held up the page she was just writing. "Take a look at this spell I've been working on and tell me what you think."

The Doctor looked at the paper and what written on it word for word. He rubbed his chin and stared. "Hmm. Interesting."

"So what?" the Masked Matterhorn asked. "You look at all points in time. I know it's a little spoiler-y, but will the spell work or is there something I missed."

"Actually, Matterhorn, I can't give you an answer."

"What?" the alicorn was confused. "Why not?"

The Doctor didn't respond. "Twilight Sparkle, the truth is, I came here to warn you. Be careful what you do, for you are entering waters even I haven't charted."

"Your highness," a new voice called out. The Masked Matterhorn looked at the orange unicorn in the blue coat and glasses. "Who are you talking to?"

"What do you mean?" the Masked Matterhorn asked. "This is..." But when she turned back, the Doctor wasn't there anymore. All that's left is a blank pace where he stood. Normally, it would freak out any pony, but for the Masked Matterhorn, she just sighed. "I wish he wouldn't do that."

"Twilight!" the voices of several girls shouted.

The Masked Matterhorn saw her friends at the other end of the hallway who walked up and hugged her.

"Oh, hey, everyone." the Masked Matterhorn said. Suddenly, Zapp hit her over the head. "OW! What was that for?"

"For making us worry." Zapp said. "You said you were out on a business trip, but all you've been doing is sit in this library all week. I know you're an egghead, but this is a new low for you."

"I'm sorry." the Masked Matterhorn said. "I know I should have said something, but I didn't have much time."

"Time for what?" Blue Comet asked.

"For this." the Masked Matterhorn said holding up the piece of paper. She was allowing everyone to see it.

"What's that?" Devastator asked.

"Ooh, I know!" Filli-Second shouted. "It's a piece of paper! I win!"

"Hold on." Princess Celestia said. "Is this some kind of... reforming spell?"

"Right." the Masked Matterhorn said. "I know Star-Swirl the Bearded had some notes on reforming enchantments, even though none of them worked the way he wanted. Luckily, Sunburst, he's the librarian here, he knew where the spells I needed would be. I think I may have created a completely working reforming spell out of what worked in Star-Swirl's spells."

"And here, I thought you were doing something crazy." Hum Drum said sarcastically.

"Now, hold on, kid." the Shadow Blot said. "What's all this about? Where did you even get the idea?"

"Actually, this all came to me in a dream." the Masked Matterhorn said. "You see, last week, I had a nightmare. I saw an entirely destroyed city with ponies suffering. I then saw a bomb, big enough to take out Maretropolis. I was frightened until I saw a light singing above me. It looked like a black spot until it changes to light. I then heard a voice telling me to get to work immediately. When I woke up, I instantly knew what I had to do. That's why I had to leave early without telling you."

"Luna?" Princess Celestia asked.

"I did sense a drastic change to the dreamscape some time ago," Princess Luna said, "But it was so strange, I couldn't isolate where the dream came from. If something did change the Matterhorn's dreams into some sort of vision, it's out of my knowledge."

"Twilight, why would you want to try this?" Saddle Rager asked. "This seems like a bit much."

"Sorry, everyone." the Masked Matterhorn said. "But this might be our last chance to ending all crime. My uncle, Darkmatter, grew evil out of jealousy for my dad. The Siren Sisters became evil out of anger for what happened to their pony bodies. The Red Eye felt betrayed. Don't you think things could've been a lot better if any of that was different?"

"You mean Tambelon?" the Shadow Blot asked. "That stuff was supposed to happen, remember? All that was supposed to keep Grogar in the time loop."

"I know, but ponies and others still suffered because of it."

"What happened to Anar D was not your fault." Rodan said. "He exposed himself and the Red Eye to the Harmony Gems to stop him. That was his choice."

"Twilight, we all miss him." Princess Celestia said.

"Speak for yourself!" Timberwolf said. "The first day I met him, he left me beheaded for days."

"Granted, Anar D had his ups and downs," Princess Luna said, "But he still had an impact on all our lives. We wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for him."

"Honey, maybe we just need a change of scenery." Blue Comet said. "Maybe we should take a vacation or something."

The Masked Matterhorn only responded with a song.

"Hey, I'll get to that vacation

But first, I got something to do

I'm about to finish this spell

It's just about to pull through

The evil forces have done too much

To us and to our friends

But just wait until they get a full blast

All of our worries will end

Soon, evil will be gone

Evil will be gone

Criminals may think they're doing fine

But not for long

It's a superhero's duty

To right any wrong

So watch and behold my latest trick

Evil will be gone

You know how the old saying goes

"Nice guys always finish last"

But I'm here to prove that theory wrong

With this spell I'm about to cast

So we don't have to worry anymore

We'll do what he couldn't before

Make Equestria a peaceful place


And evil will be gone

Evil will be gone

After many years, justice will have won

And evil will be gone

It's a superhero's duty

To right any wrong






"I can tell your heart is in the right place, Twilight," Princess Celestia said, "So if you think this will work, then I won't raise a hoof against you."

"Thank you." the Masked Matterhorn said. "Now, I just need a villain to test this on. But it can't just be anyone. It has to be someone who has such a little grasp on reality, that if the spell does damage the brain, they wouldn't notice."

Suddenly, a handheld radio buzzed out from Zapp's waist. When it died down, Mistress Marevelous' voice called out from it.

"Hey, y'all, we need you back in Maretropolis pronto!"

"Marevelous, what's the matter?" the Masked Matterhorn replied into the radio. "Is something wrong?"

"Good to hear from you again, sugarcube, but we've got big trouble here!"

"It's the Mane-iac and Gryphon Galore!" Radiance's voice called out. "They got a bomb and they're going to blow up Maretropolis!"

Everyone looked at each other in shock. They couldn't believe what they had heard.

"Yeah, one of those days." Masque said. "Am I right?"

"Hey, Matterhorn," Dusk said nervously, "If you're still looking for a villain to test your spell on, I think I got just the psycho."

Author's Note:

Well, I only just finished this. My schedule's going to be so packed, you might have to wait a bit for the next chapter. But I'll do what I can.

The song here is a parody of "Almost There" from the Princess and the Frog.