• Published 24th Feb 2017
  • 4,915 Views, 71 Comments

Don't Blink - FoalsHalf

Every action has consequences but some actions MUST be taken.The Student of Twilight Sparkle will not Blink.

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8. Pieces

Author's Note:

With my wife starting to recover from persistent vertigo, I feel like I can spend some time writing. So FINALLY I have Chapter 8 ready.

Thanks to RK_Striker for editing and please enjoy!

8. Pieces

In Human legend, the Gordian Knot was a knot of such complexity that it was said that he who untied it would rule all of Asia. That Alexander; King of Macedon, ‘solved’ this knot by the cut of his sword is telling in both the genius and the tragedy of the man. An Empire forged by might but not guided by wisdom could not endure.

For all that, Shooting Star could have only wished to have been in Alexander’s shoes, At least the knot of his contention was one that a sword could cut. Her’s was infinitely more complicated. But then that’s what fiddling with time got you, she sighed. There was a possible solution. The problem was that for it to work, it would require an absolute trust and faith for the pony who would become her teacher to quite intentionally do something in the wrong manner.

And it had to be that way! Her whole plan was dedicated to preventing anypony from using that flawed spell and experiencing that hell. Yet if Twilight Sparkle did not perform the spell, then a very beloved pony would never exist.

So going to Princess Celestia seemed the only possible option. The only question was ‘when’. Obviously immediately but would it be today, yesterday, or decades past? In the now, Princess Celestia would be easier to convince, but in the past was when Star needed for her to listen. So the answer was both. So Shooting Star would see Celestia thrice.

In the present, (Or rather ten minutes ago when Star was sure of where Princess Celestia was) the meeting was a relatively calm thing. It seemed she had been expected, if not precisely at that moment, then at some point. It was probably as well for Shooting Star that this fact did not register in her mind until much later.

“Ah! Shooting Star. How may I help you, my little pony?”

“Your Highness… I think I may have bitten off a little more than I can chew. Um… So to speak.” The young unicorn told her as sweat rolled down her face.

“Well… That’s usually the case where time travel is involved.” Celestia noted drily. “Wait here and I will give you the letter you need. But when this is all done, I expect you to give me a full report on what you have learned from all this.” Celestia added sternly, not giving Star the time to notice that she had not yet asked Princess Celestia for the letter.

Presently Celestia retired to her study and retrieved a sealed envelope. She then returned and gave it to Shooting Star

“Give this to Twilight. I’m certain it will be sufficient.”

“Yes, Princess.” Star bowed and readied to take her leave. As she left, Celestia called to her.

“I will expect your report by the time my sister raises the moon.”

Who knows? Maybe I’ll luck out and get eaten by a Krakodile first… Princess Twilight’s pupil thought hopefully to herself, thinking of the huge half alligator, half squid-like predators that filled the tales of old seafaring ponies.

This done, Star turned to the matter of when to go next. A thought struck her: The basic teleportation spell had existed since the days of Star Swirl the Bearded at least! Why had not one other unicorn… Why had not even Celestia herself become aware of the dangerous flaws in the spell until Twilight Sparkle managed to escape? She needed to do some studying.

I need to see Princess Twilight’s study books! My gut is screaming that I’ll find the answer there!

Concentrating on the Palace’s School Library at the start of Princess Twilight’s third year of studies. Appearing outside, she walked in and up to the main desk.

“Excuse me, Miss! Do you have Teleportation: Basic Principles and Practice?”

The librarian smiled. “Why yes! You are in luck! Twilight Sparkle just brought it back this morning!”

The poor mare had no idea why Star groaned and face hoofed in disbelief.


She shook herself. “No! No! No!” she said as she raced out of the library and readied to teleport, hoping that she wouldn’t find anything when she got there but knowing that she would. Twilight Sparkle was nothing if not a determined scholar. But what awaited Shooting Star was beyond her worst imaginings.

Six! Six tiny little purple unicorn fillies were trapped in that awful bubble. One trying to squeeze out another burst of magic. One was checking her study books. One was trying to boost up a fourth to see if she could see further. Two more were huddled, clutching identical hoof-made dolls tight. Tears flowing.

“Excuse me?” Star called their attention to her. Six fillies turned, asking questions all at once as they turned and saw her:

“Who are you?”

“Did Princess Celestia send you to find us?”

“Where are we?”

“I want to go home!”

“I’m hungry.”

“Are we going to be sent back to magic kindergarten?”

“One question at a time!” Star called and then pointed to each filly in turn. “My name is Shooting Star. Yes. You’re in a dimensional void…. Don’t try looking it up. It’s not in your books yet… I’m going to take you all home and we’ll get you some food as soon as we get there. And no…. Nobody is being sent back to Magic Kindergarten." With the possible exception of me… She mused to herself.

“Now I want you to line up from left to right by order of who got here first. Can you do that for me?”

The Twilights nodded and lined up quickly. Star turned to the last one.

“I expected to find one or two of you but not six. What happened?” She asked, remembering to keep a gentle tone.

“We just started practicing. We practiced all afternoon until we started to get tired. I guess we stopped after that.”

“Good. I don’t want any more little Twilights coming in while I’m trying to get you all out.” Shooting Star replied. “Now everypony listen up! Link forelegs together and count off from left to right.”







Star smiled. “Very good! Now I want number one to grab hold of my left foreleg and number six? Grab onto my right foreleg.”

The fillies quickly complied and Star grunted as she threw all the magic she could muster into her teleport. She sighed in tired relief as she and her tiny passengers appeared once more in front of a slightly bemused Trixie.

“Trixie sees our friend has taken up Twilight farming.” The Great and Powerful told her younger self and young Sunset Shimmer.

“Very funny.”

“Trixie thought so.”

“Don’t give up your day job.” Shooting Star grumbled. “These fillies need food and rest and I trust you will teach them the new spell like you are Sunset?”

“It would be a Great and Powerful honor.”

“Good!” Star nodded. “Thank you, Miss Trixie,” Star said and then turned to the Twilights.

“I need one of you to hand me her copy of Teleportation: Basic Principles and Practice.

Twilight number five pulled out her copy and offered it to her.

“Hey! I have that book!” Sunset Shimmer chimed and pulled out her copy. Star took both books and quickly skimmed them. When she was done, her face had taken on a hard, grim look. Anger simmering under her eyes.

“Thank you, girls. I want you to do exactly as Miss Trixie tells you. I need to see Princess Celestia again.” And then after that I have a feeling I’m going to be tearing the hide off somepony…