• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 2,884 Views, 27 Comments

Lunar Love - Midnight Blackhorn

When Princess Luna meets a human, things get......interesting

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Celestia was walking back to her royal chambers. It had been a long, long day, and she needed sleep. As she walked down the hallway to get to her chambers, she heard giggling, and it was coming from

"Luna's room! But that didn't sound like Luna at all" Celestia said to herself. She was now worried about her little sister. She quickly burst in the door. Luna was sitting down in her favorite gaming chair, which Celestia had bought along with Luna's computer as a welcome home gift. Celestia had wanted Luna to connect with other ponies through the internet ,but instead she spent all of her time on video games. That's Luna for you

"What's wrong Tia?" Luna asked.

"I heard a voice!" Celestia exclaimed. Suddenly, Avril came out of the bathroom, fully dressed. Celestia's jaw dropped. She, unlike Luna, knew what humans were, and what they looked like, but there was one in Luna's room?

"Oh, hello. You must be Luna's sister!" Avril said to they very shocked alicorn. Celestia thought about this: There was a human in Luna's bedroom, she just got dressed, Luna was obviously staring at her.......

"Luna, may i speak to you privately for a minute?"

"Sure!" Luna smiled at her sister, but inside, she was nervous. They went out into the hallway, and Celestia shut the door.

"What the hell were you thinking? Bringing a human here?"

"It was an accident! I didn't know! I don't even know how I did it!"

"And I don't know how to reverse this spell! I leave you alone for a little while and you-"

"I AM NOT A FILLY ANYMORE! I'm over one thousand fucking years old! Quite honestly, i am co-ruler and can do whatever the hell I damn well please! Yes, I accidentally teleported a human here, but she is really nice. Just get to know her before you judge weather she can stay or not." Celestia was shocked at Luna's sudden outburst. It was pretty out of character.

"Fine. I will let your friend stay, but only if I keep tabs on her. Not 24/7, as that would be invasion of privacy, but damnit Luna, keep her out of trouble, okay?"

"Deal. Now c'mon in and meet her" Luna said, happy that her sister had allowed her new friend to stay.

"Hello again Celestia! What's the verdict? Can I stay?" Celestia paused for a minute. As a princess she didn't get many chances to mess with poni...er people. She just stood there with a false glare, which was very convincing to Avril. She smiled and giggled a little.

"Of course! Human or otherwise, any friend of Lulu's is a friend of mine!" Luna huffed. She didn't much care for her sister using her pet name in front of others. Then again....

"Lulu? That's awesome! I was thinking of a cool name I could call Luna. Mind if I call her that too?"

"I don't if she doesn't." Celestia said, smirking at her little sister. Luna gave in.

"Sure, why not" she said, pouting slightly.

"So, how about some video games?" Avril asked.

"Well, I do have Haylo in at the moment. That okay with you?" Avril simply grinned her most devious, challenging grin.

"It is on!" Avril said. They picked up the controllers. They were adapted for hooves, so Avril had a bit of a hard time. Luna realized this, and adjusted the controller with her magic to make it more suitable for the human. It still wasn't the same as a plain Xbox controller but it was easier to navigate now. After a few minutes Avril adjusted.

"Now the fun begins!" Avril exclaimed.

Approximately 5 hours later, they had beaten the campaign, played 2 matches of SWAT, and after drinking over 20 cups of apple cider, they were both really hungry. So Luna called in one of the servants to get them 2 salads. Avril wasn't a vegetarian, but she wasn't meat dependent either, so it wasn't that big of a deal when she realized she couldn't eat meat here, more just inconvenient. After eating their salads, Avril and Luna got to talking.

"So what's your world like?" Luna asked

"Cold, dark, irritating, filled with idiots, the list goes on."

"Dear me that sounds dreadful!" Luna said

"Yeah, it sucks, but I have good friends and family who always have my back."
Avril really wished that was the truth.

Avril was walking home from school. It had been a long day, and she was a little pissed. The weather was bad, she had to put up with idiots all day, she failed another math test, and got detention for breaking some perverted guy's nose. She chuckled at the thought of punching him square in the nose. She realized she would hear from her parents about it, but it was worth it. She was tired of the guy slapping her ass and saying nasty stuff. Why did there have to be so many assholes at her school? Oh well, she had bigger things to worry about at the moment. She walked in the door. The first thing she saw was her mom, sitting on the couch, talking on the phone. She looked angry. Avril's couch was facing away from the door, so Avril got nothing more than a profile view of her distressed mother. Avrlil snuck upstairs into her room. She didn't know what she was going to do about the situation; the most she could do was talk to her mom and tell her about how the guy deserved it, but, no. That was a terrible idea; her mom was always one of those "no matter what they are doing, you can't resort to getting physical" kind of people. Oh well, time to face the music.

"Avril, are you okay?" Luna asked

"What? Oh yeah, I'm good" Avril lied. She had a certain respect for Luna. She could tell Luna was lonely and wanted friends; it was practically written in neon on her face. That's one thing they had in common: loneliness.

"Okay, well, want to play more video games?" Luna said while smiling.

"No thanks Luna. If it's okay with you, I'd like to be alone right now"

"Oh" Luna said, badly masking disappointment. "Yeah that's.....that's fine".

"Luna, it's not your fault. I just got to thinking about my parents, and kinda want to finish said thought"

"You miss them?"

"Hell no! My mom's a total bitch, and my dad is an asshole! However, I do miss my little sister, Taylor. We always hung out together, just the two of us, when my parents were being worse than usual. She was my best friend."

"I know what it's like to be away from your sister. I was away from Tia for a thousand years.

"Holy shit! How old are you two?"

"Pretty old, but we are still young" she said with a laugh.
Morning was coming now, so they woke up Celestia and went to bed. Luna went to sleep pretty fast, but Avril was up for a couple of hours. She thought about her mom, how she had just left her there. Granted she didn't have much of a choice. She could only imagine what was going on in Taylor's head at that moment. Probably just worried about me she thought to herself. She couldn't help but feel guilty about dismissing Luna like she did. Despite the fact that she had only known Luna for a short time, she was her best friend, her only friend. She wondered if Luna thought the same thing about her. She looked over at the alicorn sleeping a mere 3 inches away. She sighed Pony or otherwise, she is beautiful
Avril thought. She stil wasn't sure what her exact feelings were about Luna. She is my best friend, but......would it...could it ever be more? Do I want more? Would it be wrong if I did? Avril sighed, and then covered her mouth with her hand, noticing Luna start to stir. She's adorable Avril thought as she drifted off to sleep.

AN: This one took a while, but here it is! Make sure you keep up with with my tumblr to get more info with each chapter. See ya!