• Published 25th Mar 2017
  • 1,512 Views, 23 Comments

𝐻𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑜 𝒪𝓁𝒹 𝐹𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹... - Alyssa Hartwick

A Friend is a hard thing to find, it's an Even Harder to Lose....... and Luna is that Friend,

  • ...

Good Bye Old Friend

It was the witching hour.

A lone mare trotted along a gloomy path that sat along the winding roots of the Everfree forest’s mangled trees and plants.

The path was rough and uneven. Seemed only to be used by the forests inhabitants and the lost souls who traveled it

The young mare trotted quickly along the path, many a time her hooves got caught on haphazardly placed stones or rampant roots that stuck out from the soil. Many times, the hood of her cloak would get snagged in the wiry tree branches above causing a few strands of her turquoise hair to spill out on to her concealed face and into her eyes.

But she continued, her resolve never wavering for a moment.

The mare’s pace quickened as the glare of the moon began to fade into the knotted treetops.

Her green slitted eyes glistened in the moons fading light as they glanced in all directions, scanning for any movement in the bushes.

The only sounds that permeated the night sky was the howl of the wind, the sounds of tree branches shaking with every gust and well as the crunching and cracking of dried leafs and sticks under the cloaked mare’s hooves.

As she walked something caught her eye.

It was a lone broken down statue that sat a few meters away on the side of the rough path.

When she walked past it she saw it was of a thestral pony. The statue sat crooked, yet it still loomed over the tall mare.

One of the bat like wings laid cracked on the ground a few feet away. The statue itself was eroded, covered in small cracks and winding vines. It was crumbling yet still noticeable as the thestral pony the statue was supposed to mimic.

As she continued along her path she knew that was a sign that she was nearing her destination, continuing along the trail more, she noticed as more and more debris appeared along the sides and in even in the middle of the pathway.

She knew she was getting close.

Her pace doubled.

She galloped along the pathway dodging branches and rocks as she ran. The forest seemed to grow even thicker as she ran deeper and more branches reached out like claws as they dug into her sides and scraped at her ankles. The wiry limbs tore at her hood as if trying to get a look at her face.

She didn’t cry out when she stepped onto sharp stones that stood out jagged from the rugged path nor did she stop when sticks cut into her hooves.

Suddenly she stopped.

She stood in front of a large clearing as she exited the woods. She stared off into the distance, a large castle loomed eerily in the moons harsh glow. The outside walls uneven and falling apart, the towers stood unstable as their torn-up flags gently waved in the breeze.

She looked around the clearing starring at the individual pieces of rubble that was scattered across the field as she walked at a moderate pace.

Her mind filled with a gentle nostalgia as she starred up at the decaying walls and ruins of a place she once called a second home.

As she stared, her eyes widened in somber joy as her eyes gazed upon the crumbling ruins of a once beautiful home.


Screams of joy bellowed out through the castle.

Rebounding off the brightly painted walls and into the sun filled air as songs of laughter rang out through the halls.

A large rumble suddenly sounded from one of the many brightly light halls. The sound gained momentum as many priceless pieces of pottery and paintings alike began to shake as the sounds became louder.


A small voice shouted as a small blue pony flew through the air, her large ice blue eyes glowed with childhood amusement as she landed with a small thud against the plush red carpet that lined the halls floor.

The force caused by her landing made the wall shake and in turn made knock some priceless and irreplaceable oil paintings fall off the wall and onto the floor.

The small blue filly ran down the halls, an over-sized guards helm sat upon her little blue head as she squealed with delight.

“COME ON BEFORE IT CATCHES US!” The small blue filly called out as her bright blue hair flew into her face as she ran, the helm still weighing her down as she ran as fast as she possibly could that moment.

“IMTH COMIN!” called out in her muffled high-pitched voice as the rumble grew even louder from the hallway.

That’s when a charcoal black foal ran from the hall, her turquoise hair flying all about her head, her eye’s alight with mischief and bliss as she sharply turned the corner. Her lanky small legs were filled with small holes of various size and placement making one think of swiss cheese.

Her transparent bug-like wings buzzed in giddiness as she followed her friend, and in her mouth sat a small short-sword that looked comically big as she dragged it with her relatively small mouth.

That’s when a large monster appeared behind them.

Its coarse pearl white fur glistened in the light that shone through one of the many windows

Large lavender eyes burned into the minds of the foals haunting them as they screamed!

It was huge! Its massive wings blocked one of the windows out entirely causing the hallway to slightly dim.

The monster wore a golden crown as if to taunt the royal name!

The beast roared a ghastly roar!


The fillies screamed.


The mare slowly took off her hood, her turquoise hair fell upon her shoulders gently. Using one of her fore hooves she brushed away the remaining strands of hair from her eyes.

Her large slitted pupils sat in the poison green pools of her irises as she starred of in bittersweet thought, her large crooked horn jutted out from her head with an alien grace as she looked upon her surroundings as if with fresh eyes.

Slowly as the memory of a time long since gone faded she once again focused on her task.

Finding her old friend.

She began walking once more, her hooves once again dodging the many debris that littered the ground.

As she continued her mind kept wandering to sunny memories full of days filled joy, happiness

and love.


The small lanky black filly walked among the towering shelves, each filled to its highest capacity with books filled with various spells, potions, history and magic.

Her mind was alight with curiosity for she, even at the ripe age of 7, knew what secrets the books could hold.


A small shout awoke her from the misty thoughts of her daydreams.

“Hey Lulu!” She called back.

“What are yah doing here?” Lulu asked curiously.

“I’m just looking!” Chrissy stated matter-of-factly, “But what are you doing here?” she asked smugly.

“looking for you silly! Now C’mon, Tia’s calling us!” Lulu stated before she ran off.

“Hey! Wait for me!”


Chrysalis snapped once again out of her day dreams of days of old, she had finally found an entrance into the old falling castle.

It was an old passage way that lead up from the cellar below the castle. She faintly smelled aged cider and wines.

She gazed down at the old moss covered stone steps that lead into the blackness of the passage. The tip of her horn glowed a sickly green hue as it lit up the darkness revealing the wet floor of the passage.

Slowly and cautiously she walked down the slightly slippery stairs and into the dank tunnel below. As she did the faint scents of ciders and wines never fading from her senses.

Step by step, her hooves clicked against the stone floor.

Moment by moment, she felt as the drag of time stretch on as she walked at a steady pace.

She continued.

As her mind wandered, she never strayed off the path, she knew this ancient place to well to get lost in its depths.

As her thoughts progressed more nostalgia filled up her minds cavern as if she was swimming through the murky waters of memory.

Soon she was met by another flight of stairs.

She took it step by step, though she needn’t be any more cautious for the steps inside were dry and free of slippery moss though they were covered in thick black roots that stemmed from the cracks in the wall.

Her eyes lazily followed the vines that lined the aged walls, they looked as if a spider had decided to make her large webs from roots and vines instead of her own delicate silk.

Soon enough she reached the landing.

To her right sat an unlit torch sitting in its perch that was bolted to the wall. Dust sat undisturbed as did the cobwebs that sat blowing softly in the wind.

Gently using her magic, she summoned a levitation spell, lifting the slightly decayed torch.

She eyed it carefully to ensure it wasn’t damp or unusable. But only the sight of ash and kindling shined in her eye.

Deeming it fit, she dimed her horns light, in return the torch lit with a frosty green flame. The room was bathed in a greenish glow as the flames lightly flickered against the cool breeze that wafted through the passage behind her

Now relived from the strain of constantly casting the light spell from her horn, slowly her neck and shoulders untensed and slightly relaxed.

When had she become so tense?

She honestly didn’t know.

Soon enough she was walking once more.

Slowly walking inside, she had realized where she had ended up from the passage, it was the great hall.


“Are You Sure I look okay in this gown?” Chrysalis said. A small amount of childishness still rang about in her voice.

Her dress was a bright olive green with hints of sea greens and blues. Her blue sleeves went down to her knee’s. Her feet adorned with silver shoes each with a small sapphire in the middle.

Her hair was up in an elegant braided bun that sat atop her head, it was weaved with a small green vine that was blooming with small white flowers

“Yes Chrissy! You look lovely!” Luna said back, her smile like the cheerful waning moon above that night.

Her dress was a deep violet complemented by the dark blues and the stark red’s. Her Puffy sleeves only went down to her shoulders, her hooves adorned with gold bracelets and bands.

Her hair was braided of to the side, small pink flowers were delicately placed inside.

Soon enough they danced, they ate and they talked the night away.

Chrysalis remembered how beautiful Luna was that night, how could she not.

Her eyes glowed as so that the stars where envious, her smile made the moon wane with jealousy as it could not light up the room as much as those curled lips did, the howling wind groaned with frustration as it could not match the songs of her voice and laughter.

Chrysalis had not but one thought, why do I love-


The sound of hoof steps awoke her from her thoughts, her head snapped in the direction the sound.

Her head was tilted up towards the ceiling, her ears were now perked, listening, and were her eyes wide, searching for any movement.

Click. Click. Click.

There it was! It was coming from upstairs.

She ran.


Chrysalis was running.

Her dress was torn apart, her make up running down her cheeks.

She was running through the castle garden, her dress getting stained with mud and torn on thorns from the many bushes that sat among the garden.

She wasn’t watching where she was going, she didn’t she a large stone that sat in the center of the path.

She fell to the ground with a large thud, she skidded onto her side, she didn’t care that she twisted her ankle, she didn’t care that her dress was shredded or that her makeup was messed up or that her hair was tangled.

She laid in the dirt and cried.

She didn’t know how long she laid there crying, she cried until no tears left her eyes.

She just laid there, her mind only filled with embarrassment and sorrow.

That’s when she heard soft hoof steps approaching her, she was too tired to look up and see who it was, not that it mattered. Soon the mystery pony was by her side that when they slowly lifted their hoof up, chrysalis instinctively flinched.

But instead of a beating she was met by a gentle caress to her cheek, she then felt as something dripped onto her face.

Confused she looked up at the mystery pony above her, it was Luna.

Tears were streaming down the mare’s face, her face read only pain and grief for her friend, or maybe it was pity?

Chrysalis didn’t care now, she didn’t want to do anything.

She just wanted to disappear.

Luna sighed.

“I’m…. I’m sorry”

Chrysalis felt as tears welled up in her eyes again, her head was pounding, her body was sore.

“just…can we go home?” She croaked in her shaky, strained voice. Chrysalis’s eyes starred up into Luna’s, they were red and puffy from the countless tears she had wept that night.

“Of course, Chrissy…. let’s go home…”


Chrysalis’s heart was thumping fast as she ran up an old flight of stairs.

Her hood flapping behind her head as her hooves kept at a rapid pace as she chased after what she hoped was her.

The stairs were in a major need of repair, the railing in some places was completely gone as well as some of the supports had already collapsed and others on the brink.

The once regal red carpet now nothing but moldy and rotting as it sat on the groaning wooden steps that lead up to the second floor.

But Chrysalis didn’t have time to notice such trivial details.


One of her back hooves fell through one of the old boards of wood, she cried out slightly at that as her momentum made her to lurch forward causing the sharp splinters to dig into her ankle creating a large gash.

To her horror, she felt as the entire stairway began to crumble under her weight, the jostling of her body proving to much for the old structure to handle.

She gasped as part of the stairwell behind her simply evaporated, the entire section collapsing in on itself as the crumbling pieces pilled on to the ground below.

It was only a few meters down, even if she fell she wouldn’t die but if the stairs came down with her …that was another thing.

Looking back behind herself she watched as pieces collapsed, and the collapse was right behind her.

She tried running again only to be met by pain in in her ankle.

Startled, her magic went out. Her torch fell next to her, she didn’t even realize she still had it till that moment.

Thinking quickly, she grabbed it in her teeth almost scorching herself in the process. She turned her head almost entirety of the stair case that lead up to her was gone now, she knew she had to get out right then and there.

Using her magic, she pried the wood away piece by piece as fast as she could, her ankle now slightly swollen made the task all the more threatening as small amounts of blood flowed from the rather large gash.

Looking back once more,

She was out of time.

Prying the last piece of wood away she made a run for it.

But it was too late.

She fell.

Everything went in slow motion. She watched as if viewing it from afar as her body fell downwards, the flame of the torch flickering as its flames licked the air violently. Around her pieces of old wood fell as her vision was clouded with dust that once sat long since undisturbed.

But before everything went black, in the dust on the balcony was a figure.

Was it death herself?

Before she could even wonder everything went dark.


It was a long night for her, full of emotion, of fun and joy and then…

She didn’t let her mind wander too much on that second part. She just wanted to forget everything, well accept one thing.

“Chrissy, I’m back!” Lunas voice rang softly, it had an odd somberness to it but it was still filled with earnest care.

“I brought your favorite.” She sing-songed gently.

Chrysalis smiled at that, it was small but it gave Luna some feeling of accomplishment, well that’s what Chrysalis sensed.

She was a monster after all.

Her smile didn’t fade until she was handed the warm beverage. She slowly inhaled the sweet scent of chocolate, whipped cream and salt.

She sighed happily as she took a dainty sip from the large mug in her hooves. As she did a sizable portion of whipped cream landed on her nose. She didn’t notice until she looked at Luna.

Luna looked in to Chrysalis’s eyes playfully as she giggled at her friend’s silliness.

Chrysalis looked about curiously wondering what she was laughing about that’s when she saw the big blob of whip cream on her nose. She felt her face heat up as she used her long-forked tongue to clean up said blob.

She looked away from Luna embarrassed of what had just occurred.

Suddenly all the color drained from her face.

“Why?” She asked quietly.

Luna stopped giggling. Her eye’s flashed pain as she softly starred at her friend.

“Chrissy…” she said almost muffled.

“Luna…just tell me why…”

“Chrissy.” she said a bit more stern

“why can’t you just- “



Chrysalis’s eyes slowly opened. As she did the light stung her eye slightly, she shut them tight in response. She became hyperaware of her body as she sat in the darkness of her closed eyes. Her body was sore, very sore, she felt stiff as if she was an unoiled machine that had rusted over the years.

That’s when a small jolt of pain went through her body.

She felt as her ankle throbbed, as did her head.

“Here this spell should help with the pain for now.” the voice spoke still muffled yet familiar.

She felt the cool electric tingles of magic flow across her body as it soothed her nerve’s. She sighed as the pain dissipated into a memory within a few short moments.

Slowly she opened her eyes again.

In front of her sat the princess of the night. Behind her sat the waning moon its fading smile lighting the sky in a quiet glow making the night princess all the more beautiful.

Making Luna beautiful.

Their eyes locked.

Chrysalis slowly sat up, struggling to as she starred into those beautiful pools of her ice blue pupil’s. It was so hard to even move as she was lost in them.

Though there was something off about them. Like tiny tendrils of Black were floating behind her pupil but that didn’t matter to her at the time.

After a few moments, she had finally sat up straight, she could see her face clearly now. Her eyes were tired but still full of joy. Her face glowed with a small smile as she starred back.

Tears welled up in both their eyes as they sat silently. Tentatively Luna lifted a hoof to Chrysalis’s cheek. She leaned into her friend’s warm touch reaching up a hoof of her own to place upon Luna’s.

Clear as day in Lunas eyes was love but something darker sat behind the loving glow that came from her lidded eyes.

“Hello old friend.” Chrysalis whispered calmly as she cried silent tears.

“Hello my dearest.” Luna said back before smashing her face into Chrysalis’s own.

Chrysalis had never been so happy to accept her lover’s affection’s.

It wasn’t wild.


But what it was, was powerful.

Chrysalis tasted the passion, the love, the joy as all those emotions filled her. She never realized how hungry she was until this moment.

She felt as her heart fluttered like that of a humming bird, her brain buzzed as if it was full of honey bee’s dripping with honey as she got high from the amount of emotion, her stomach knotted most delightfully as it filled with her loves intoxicating…love.

Something was off though, she couldn’t put her hoof on it but something didn’t taste…right.

Luna quickly broke the kiss.

“I take it you didn’t come here to feed?” Luna said cheekily whilst giggling.

“Huh?...” Was the only response Chrysalis gave as she sat there dumbfounded and high from the intimate moment.

Luna let out as small chuckle as she started walking away.

Chrysalis could only sit there before her mind registered what had happened, slowly she got off her haunches. As she did she looked around.

It was a rather large room, the walls and floor were bare of tapestries, rugs and painting that were so accustom to the regular palace décor. She gave herself a quick once over, she was still in her torn up cloak, but her back left hoof… it didn’t look like a million bits to say the least.

It was wrapped up in cloth, fresh red blood stained nearly the entirety of it. It looked like it hurt a whole lot, the spell that Luna casted was probably the only reason that she was able to even breath properly with that thing. Other than her mutilated hoof she escaped with only a few deep bruises, scratches and scrapes.

She was lucky she was alive.

As she continues looking around she saw old decaying furniture, as well as a simple bed along with sheets in the far-right corner of room. Candles littered the entire room encompassing it in a soft warm glow as gentle shadows danced their lovely dance

Where were they?

“Chrissy!” Lunas voice rang out.

Chrysalis turned her head toward her lover’s voice. Luna starred at her with a gentle smile before turning her head back towards the balcony and resumed her walking.

How long had she just been standing there?

Chrysalis quickly followed Luna like a lost puppy who had fallen behind, quickly she caught up to her and was soon by her side.

Soon they were sitting on the balcony overlooking the night sky. Chrysalis knew where they were now.


She didn’t know where Luna was taking her.

They climbed and climbed and climbed up so many flights of stairs that Chrissy thought she was going to pass out from the amount of walking.

Luna on the other hoof was fine if anything she was better than before they started climbing the stairs. The young fillies kept on however. Chrissy kept moping and complaining about how far they were climbing up until Luna shouted.

“Oh, shut up were almost there anyway!”

Chrissy sighed as she was sick of walking let alone with a ton of stuff that Lulu shoved onto her back to carry up.

She grumbled under breath cursing herself for agreeing to this in the first place.

“Come on! One more flight Chrissy!” Luna called from above her head.

She glared up at her friend as she blew at a strand of hair in her eye in an attempt to remove it from her vision but failed miserably as it just plopped back into her eye. She grunted in frustration of the weight on her back as well as the small sting in her eye.

She felt as her legs burned from walking what felt like a mile's worth of steps.

Without realizing that her trek was over she misplaced her hoof as she tripped into the door way.

She landed face first onto the dusty wood floor with a thud.

“Ouch.” Chrysalis said, her muzzle still stuck to the musty floor.

Quickly she sat up not wanting to embarrass herself more than she had already. Sitting up she was able to see the room in its entirety.

It was plain, no furniture, no décor.

Where were they?

“CHRISSSSY!” Luna practically screamed from across the medium sized room.

The spindly black filly looked over to her friend who was standing the center of the room, her eyes expectant and waiting as her tail wagged like an exited puppy as she waited up on her friend.

“Ima coming!” Chrissy said as she rubbed her snout with her front hoof.

She steadily rose, careful not to drop the heavy load sitting on her back. Slowly she began following her waiting friend.

Quickly Luna hopped up as began to run to a large pair of door’s. Using her blue aura, she tried open the large oak door’s but not without struggle though.

She tugged with her magic.

No budge.

She pulled with her hooves.

Didn’t work either.

Bingo! She had an idea!

She summoned her magic, grabbing the door handle with both her hooves and her aura and she pulled.

Wait she felt something! It was-

Suddenly without warning the door flew back into her face with a loud thud.

Chrissy cringed at her friend’s stupidity as got flung into the wall where boxes sat. She winced with every thump and bang that emitted from the corner.

Slowly she peered around the door to be met my Luna covered in various beads an oversized necklace and a comically large crown.

“Pffffffffffff!” Chrissy started giggling at her friend’s failure.

“Sorry! You know the door was locked right?” She said in between giggles.

Luna sneezed from the amount of dust she stirred from her crash. She glared at her friend ash she got up. As she did the large crown fell into her face.

Chrysalis began to laugh even harder at her friend’s misery as she laid on her belly laughing and banging her hoof against the dusty floor.

Luna scowled as he tossed off the oversized crown into a random box along with the beads and the large necklace.

She shook herself off, as she did a large amount of dust formed a cloud around her as she shook off said dust.

Letting out another sneeze she walked over to her friend her lips in a sour pout as she glared at her friend as she stomped over to the door.

She walked through before disappearing behind the other door that was still locked.

Slowly Chrissy got back up, using one of her hooves to wipe the tears from her eye’s before following her friend like a lost puppy.

As soon as she walked through the doorway her eyes were met by one of the prettiest things she had ever saw.

You could see the tops of trees for what seemed like miles, their leaves gently wavering in the warm winds of the summer looking like an ocean of green, only stopping where large stone mountains rose from the earth.

Their faces almost white with the pale moon’s glow from above.

Above the mountains sat a spider web of constellations and stars each twinkling like diamonds set against black silk as they glittered softly.

Her eyes were wide with awe as she starred up in wonder.

“Chrissy” her friend called.


Chrysalis looked over at her friend with a warm smile.

But it quickly vanished.

The ice cold feeling of responsibility sent a shiver down her spine, she remembered why she was her. She looked away from Luna her eyes glaring into the ground, her brow was tensed in thought as she did so.

Luna quickly noticed her lovers distress and before she could stop herself the words slipped from her lips.

“What’s wrong love?” she asked her voice soft and nurturing.

Reading more into Chrysalis’s features she saw her answer.

“Oh…” Luna's eyes glanced down in understanding of her loves plight.

“Why are going through with this?” Chrysalis said her voice sounding almost strained.

Luna sighed at that before looking up to her beautiful sky. Her moon casting its soft glare down onto Equestria and the rest of the world.

“You of all ponies should know why Chrissy.” She said in melancholy.

“Yes, but still… you? I never thought...” Chrysalis paused her own words falling silent on her lips.

“That I would let the darkness in?” Luna finished.

Chrysalis sat silent for a moment unsure of what to say. Should she support her? Or should she… No.

She couldn’t side with Celestia… not with all she’s been through because of her.

“Luna… Eternal Night? Is that really the answer to this?” She asked desperate to figure out a way to convince her of another way to over-though her sister.


“Chrysalis Nymphine Carapace, You and your people are here by banished to the Badlands for the following crimes.”

Celestia began her list, venom etched in every word as she glared down at the Queen before her.


Chrysalis stood there, her head hung. Not in shame but in pain. The lies.

“Attempted assassination of high ranking authority,”

Tears flowed freely from her eyes as she tugged on her chains. She heard as the ponies in the court room around her were screaming threats of death and violence at her as she silently wept.

“Impersonation of high ranking authority.”


Lies. Nothing but hate seeded lies, Chrysalis’s mind screamed out at the crowd, but no words spilled from her charcoal lips.

“Holding innocent as hostage and something unforgivable in the eyes of the law…”

Chrysalis jerked her head up, her body tensed, her wings buzzed. Her eyes were puffy and red yet they still held a sense of authority as they glared up at who she once considered a sister.


With that Chrysalis screamed.


“I know it sounds rash but ill figure something out once I’m there.” Luna said her stoic expression reading of one who was determined.

“Are you sure this will even work?” Chrysalis questioned.

“It has to… or history my repeat itself. What happened to you may happen once more and I simply cannot sit by and watch that…again.”

“I know Luna… I know…but”

Chrysalis couldn’t let this happen.

Chrysalis couldn’t let her lose herself to this madness.

“You don’t need to do this! You don’t need to give yourself over to darkness to bring light! You of all ponies should know!” Chrysalis practically screamed.

She stood there looking at her friend with hope and determination.

Luna didn’t move.

Slowly Chrysalis lifted a hoof to Lunas cheek, Luna happily leaned into her touch.

“We can figure this out. Together, just come with me, to the Badlands where we don’t have to hide. You don’t have to go into the darkness.” She said her words filled with emotion and care.

Yet they fell on deaf ears.

“Oh Chrissy…You have always been so blind.”

Chrysalis drew back at that.

“What?” her mind confused from the answer.

Luna slowly stood up, her eyes had changed.

They were no longer an icy blue, they were now a milky sea green her pupils now slits not unlike her own.

Luna shook her head violently before looking back at her love, her eyes back to their original color and shape.

“It’s too late Chrissy… its already begun.” Luna said her voice almost void of emotion.

“Your mad Luna!” Chrysalis yelled.

“What have you done!”

“I have done the best I can without turning to the use of the dark arts, now it’s time for me to fight for my right to be loved” Luna said her words now empty

“But I love you…I have always loved you…” Her words but a whisper.

“That’s not enough for me anymore… that’s why you came isn’t it? Because you love me?”

“Of course!” Chrysalis cried confused on what her friend was implying.

“Then leave.” Luna turned her head away from her.

“why?” Chrysalis asked as tears began to form.

“Go Chrissy! Can’t you tell I don’t love you anymore!” Her words were filled with venom now.

But her eyes told a different story. They were filled with fear.

Chrysalis understood.

Using her magic, she removed her cloak, her wings were now free of their binds. She let the cloak fall to the ground as she took off, tears free falling down her face.

She looked behind her to see Luna cradling her cloak as she appeared to weep.

Suddenly a jolt of pain echoed from her ankle, she looked down to see that blood had once again started to seep from her wound.

She glanced back at Luna one more time before flying off into the night. “What have we done?” She asked herself as she flew

Luna watched as the only pony who had ever truly loved her flied away.

“What have I done?” she questioned herself as she gave into the tears, the pain, the darkness.

Both whispered one last thing before they lost sight of the other.

“Good Bye Old Friend”

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!:pinkiecrazy:

Leave your thoughts in the comments!!!!:pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 23 )

That was really good. I'm happy with the way you took the idea I tossed out. Truth be told Ive been kinking around this idea for quite a wile now. I might still use it for a story.....If I ever get off my butt and write one.

That's weird. I'm on Chrome on mobile and your story title is just boxes.


Thats probably because i used a text generator to give it a special cover:twilightsheepish::rainbowlaugh:

8050321 :rainbowhuh: I'm on the same yet I see the name perfectly.

Anyone else thinking what I am?
Hello Darkness my old friend?


Actually i based this fic off that song:rainbowkiss::heart:

I can read minds!
(LOL, Not really, but people usually have a predictable pattern... generally)
P. S. How did you do that with the font/style?

How the Hell did you get that format for the story title?

Well thats simple :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:



I see boxes filled with [A] in the tab. but the boxes were mostly empty before. Just replace it with [A]'s or call it Something Different:Firefly's Rejoice.

That was interesting. It was a bit unclear on when it took place. The story itself I REALLY liked. I would definitely enjoy more in this vein.

8051097 Well that was the point in not specifying the date:trollestia: , you see intended to give one a feeling of nostalgia as if they themselves were remembering this as if it was their own distant memory:twilightsmile: I hope i gave you that feeling :derpytongue2:

8051143 Not really. Honestly not having any idea when it was all happening just kind of annoyed me. But that's probably just because of how I read. But it was still a good story and I would still love to see more about these two.

8051159 THERE SHALL BE A SEQUAL THEN:pinkiecrazy:

You have too many genre tags yo. :/

What exactly happened? :O

Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?


Its Not Nightmare fuel Its quite subtle :twilightsmile:

Nice little one shot. Well written and would love to see more.

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