• Member Since 9th Apr, 2016
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I hope you have a good day, every single day.

Comments ( 13 )

I quite liked this.

8002729 Thank you so much, that means a lot to me.
This was a challenge I posed to myself. I wrote this in under a day, and I'm afraid its quality may show, but I'm glad it didn't hamper your appreciation/liking of it. I was seeing if I could improve my skills on this front (trying to get out more words per day) and whilst this was something of a success, I think sticking to my longer writing method would probably help on overall quality. Again however, for a third time, thank you. I am gratified with gratitude.

8004153 I didn't notice any glaring issues with the way this was written, so the story's quality didn't suffer. In fact, there were a few words that I had to google for the definition. I really like it when a story does that. :raritystarry:

I don't mind reading really short stories like this one, especially when the author is able to write something that teases at something longer, yet it doesn't necessarily require the story to continue.

A very fun, intimate love fic with best pony. How could I not read it?

Even though the whole "human can't be out at night" thing in the story doesn't make much sense, when I read it, it gave me some "forbidden" love vibes. Which, I think helped make this feel a bit more romantic. I just wish since the original idea of the fic was changed, this part could have been explained better.

Regardless, the descriptions were fun, sweet and especially playful. Making it feel loose and believable. Good job!

8083969 Thank you! Like I stated in the author's box, the original was changed. I am however glad you it sweet and playful, which was my intent whilst writing.

8084058 Oh.. well, don't I feel silly for missing that bit of detail. My bad!

Thanks for correcting me, and you're very welcome!

8084349 :twilightsmile: No problem. Also, thank you for adding this fic to your favorites. I appreciate it immensely. I have written equally as 'lovey dovey' fics. Just avoid my first three, I ever published if you want want something where sweetness if the moan focal point.

8084352 It's no problem at all. :coolphoto: I will probably read your other stories soon. Your style is intriguing, and I can't help myself when it comes to stories like this.

8084409 Thank you! I'm glad you're considering reading them. My style is hopefully improving every time I write. Most of them are experimental, trying to write in a way I haven't done before. This was written in one sitting, whilst my previous work 'No longer customary' was written in a entirely non-normal prose. Actually, something is going up today where without a shadow of a doubt my grammar is actually done correctly! But again, I am gratified with my gratitude, and thanks again for reading.

It's interesting that it tells such a descriptive story despite the lack of dialogue. Good show!

The chapter name reminds me of the song "Blame it on the rain"

It look me about 2k words before I realised this story would have zero dialogue, and it leaves an impression of deep mutual affection and understanding that works well with the "forbidden" aspect from all the sneaking. Next experiment, and thanks for writing!

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