• Published 7th Mar 2017
  • 12,192 Views, 288 Comments

How to Raise a Changeling Queen - Captain_HoneyDew

Princess Celestia finds a baby Changeling Queen during her travels. She had intended to bring her back to Canterlot only temporarily, until she could find the hive the Queen belonged to. For now though, the Changeling Queen was just Twilight Sparkle

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Chapter 1: How to Bring a Nymph Home

During all her years of living, Princess Celestia had learned to have a certain level of expectancy during diplomatic trips. Long talks with ambitious politicians, quick discussions with those who were of similar minds, poised banter with nobles and representatives, a few declines of a longer stay in preference for a camp out in nature. A night spent that Celestia wholly expected to be relaxing by examining nature’s beauty, though not without a bit of fuss from her accompanying guards and diplomats, but peaceful nonetheless.

Having a long life allowed a vast amount of experience, granting a pony such levels of certainty. Of course, there was a wide margin left for the unexpected.

A margin that she could not help but be highly amused, and grateful for, during her trip to Prance.

A rookie translator having been assigned to one of her diplomats that nearly created an economical error in trade, had it not been Celestia’s intervention. An exhausted and sleep deprived chef that had nearly started a fire in the castle kitchen, leaving the Princess and her diplomats no choice but to forgo breakfast or go into town to find their own means of food. (A simple breakfast tea and some fruit was enough for the Princess.) A sudden rain shower created by a few pegasi fillies and colts who were playing around in the sky during a tour of the new castle gardens.

Quite a number of things seemed to have occurred that left the nobles to pale with each passing moment and Princess Celestia could not help but share a few chuckles with the Prench Minister.

Accidents happened, and she assured that she was fine with such, allowing the meetings to continue going underway without any political or economical trouble.

Of course, this seemed to continue very well into the camping trip…

However, nothing in all her years could prepared her for finding a pair of large, curious, purple eyes peeking out of the surface of the lake that reflected her sister’s crescent moon, and stare at her moments before having to raise the sun.

For once, Celestia’s mind had seemed to halt in surprise, not knowing what to do in this situation.

So she stared, unblinkingly.

The pair of eyes stared back, unmoving.

After a few more seconds of gathering her wits and bearings, Celestia finally moved.

She took a step back, her horn lighting up in a golden glow at the ready.

Those were not pony eyes.

“Changeling!” She lowly growled, snorting out a quiet puff of air, careful not to wake the other ponies back at the campsite, sleeping peacefully on the other other side of the lake, away from the shore.

“So you’ve finally decided to come out of hiding? To feed on the love of my ponies and drive them to illness again?” She accused more than asked as she reached out with her magic to grab hold of the changeling and began to pull it out of the water, “I will not allow it! I drove more than a few hives away once, and I’ll do it again! So le-”

A sneeze from the changeling interrupted her, but was not what caused Celestia to falter.

This would be the second time that experience had failed her today, as the sudden action had cut the changeling off from Celestia’s magic, causing the golden aura to fizzle out into the night air like dust being blown off in refusal.

A low, watery buzz warbled into the air as the changeling sank just a tad deeper into the water, eyes looking sad as ears wilted. Bubbles rose to the surface of the water from where the changeling’s mouth would be, as ripples continuously formed from behind the changeling’s head. The sight made the creature look most piteous…

For the third time, Celestia found herself befuddled as feelings of guilt rose in her chest.

She quickly shook her head, hardening herself once more as she attempted to muster another glare.

This must be a trap! A ploy to manipulate her into lowering her defenses!

It was a common tactic among changelings after all.


She faltered once more.

It didn’t explain why her magic was shrugged off so easily.

Perhaps the strong desire to stay in the water and not be pulled out was what fueled the Changeling, allowing it to cut off Celestia’s magic with its’ own? That would still require a subconscious understanding of magic though...

Mixed feelings arose in the Princess then. Ranging from curiosity, frustration, amusement, defensiveness… all toward the little creature in the water.

A chirp sounded this time, all previous sounds from the changeling coming to a stop as it caught Celestia’s attention.

Arching a brow, she lowered her head to get a better look at the changeling, who had returned back to staring at her with curious eyes, though with a slightly tilted head, as though asking, “What’s wrong?”

“You are a most curious one.” Celestia huffed with slight exasperation.

The changeling peaked out a bit more from the water, cocking its’ head to the other side in confusion.

Celestia sighed.

She craned her head to the left, then to the right in search of other changelings. Despite the light shining from the moon though, it didn’t provide enough sight for Celestia’s search.

Her horn glowed once more as she casted a spell, just a simple light spell that most foals could cast (though granted, hers had much more flourish to it). Within seconds, little orbs of light appeared around the small area of the lake, brightening the immediate area for her to get a better look around.

As her initial thoughts during her walk around the lake confirmed, this area was completely isolated and undisturbed…

It was just her…

And the changeling in the water.

She turned her attention back to the creature, another question on her lips and mind…

But she faltered once again at the sight of the small, purple crown with pink bulbs growing just behind the changeling’s crooked, and holed horn.

Guilt rushed back into Celestia’s being once more.

The changeling was just a foal. A nymph, her mind helpfully supplied.

While changelings were a ponies’ natural enemy, parasites that fed off their love and drove them to illness, it did not mean that Celestia wished death upon them. Hunts for changelings nearly a millennia ago that occurred commonly at one point, had plagued her during those times, and while those hunts had successfully driven them away into hiding, it was not something she was keen on having be replayed. She especially did not wish death upon their nymphs…

… Or on a new Changeling Queen.

She was fully aware that since the disappearance of the crystal ponies, since the loss of the Crystal Empire, the changeling race had begun to decline even more so despite having already gone into hiding to preserve their numbers from the hunts. She supposed that ever since then, they only appeared in small amounts to feed, but not any more that would signal their location.

… Or survival…

Celestia stared at the nymph with bemused intensity.

How many hives were left?

The last time she kept track was just a few centuries ago….

Five perhaps?

No, at that time one of the hives had been rapidly declining in its’ numbers….

Four sounded more likely.

She faltered once more.

Had three changeling queens really passed from this world? Three supposed immortals?

Her brows knitted in concern.

It seemed as though that the number of immortals were rapidly decreasing… With Discord’s petrification, Trident’s -The King of Seaponies - self imposed isolation, a few deaths (natural, of course. As immortality still came with the cost to take care of one’s self) here and there, Rhulain’s - The King of Dragons - Slumber… Luna’s banishment.

Loneliness washed over Celestia at the reminder, causing her to lower her head in sadness.

Though their numbers had always been a bit small with only a few dozen of them, the presence of one another was constant…

Living was strenuous though, so their numbers had decreased over centuries. Fights occurred between themselves that resulted in; banishment, imprisonment, isolations...

Now it seemed, it was just Celestia, Cadance, and…

A coo sounded once more with the sound of a low buzz, snapping Celestia out of her reminiscence and pulling her attention back to the nymph Queen.

All previous tension in her body dropped at the sight of the nymph, now with her head out of the water, happily staring at the golden bits of magic dancing about like fireflies. Celestia’s own evolution of a simple light spell.

Celestia couldn’t help but to chuckle at the adorable display. Young ones alike were the same anywhere no matter what race it would seem. “You seem to enjoy this little trick.” She said

The nymph merely chirped, reaching out with a holed hoof to touch one, surprising Celestia at the color of nymph’s chitin.

It was lavender matted, instead of the black or brown chitin that three hives ,that she could recall most out of the seven, had.

“I suppose you’re not related to the Lampyridae hive…” Celestia said with a bit of confidence. It was rather easy to eliminate, as the hive were vastly black and green, colors that certainly were not passed down to the nymph in front of her. She was also certain of the hive still being alive, as news of illness plaguing a small village with the symptoms of strained exhaustion, delusion, and amnesia pertaining to loved ones had reached her ears over a century ago.

She had no choice but to send Cadance to help care for the ponies at the time, who reported back with sighting of changelings from said hive.

The remaining hives however, she was unsure of as she could not remember seeing much in the past millennia.

Actually, now that she thought about it, she didn’t even know which hives were still remaining other than the Lampyridae hive. She only knew for certain of one hive, the Culicidae hive, going extinct.

She grimaced in remembrance of the hunt for them in Saddle Arabia, where torches had lit through the desert night and shrieks filled the air.

The nymph before her gave no indication of acknowledgement, still completely absorbed with the magic lights.

Smiling, Celestia brought one to land on the nymph’s horn, causing her to look up cross eyed to see it better, before the Princess caused it to burst like a small firework.

The display did it’s job in amusing the nymph, as the watery, buzzing vibration grew louder and her smile stretched wider.

Celestia giggled as she brought more of her magic lights to dance around the nymph and burst in display. “I don’t suppose you know which hive you belong to do you?” She rhetorically asked.

As expected, the nymph did not provide her with an answer, instead concentrating on the little golden light resting on her nose while the tip of her tongue peeked out at the side of her mouth. The only indication of her hearing the princess being that of a flickering ear.

Celestia smiled in fondness, before a small tugging sensation pulled at the forefront of her mind.

It was time to raise the sun.

Casting her gaze toward the horizon, only to close her eyes in concentration, she allowed her horn to glow as she pushed the sun to its intended course to make way for the dawn while setting the moon.

By the time she opened her eyes, she couldn’t help but lightly gasp in shock.

Raspberry colored magic intermingled with her own bits of golden magic, all dancing about in glee before taking toward the brightening sky and bursting into a fit of sparkling light.

A joyous chirp sounded through the air, accompanied by a low, but clearer buzz along with a bit of splashing.

Looking back down, Celestia found the nymph standing close to the shore, nearly belly deep in the water, but closer nonetheless.

The nymph was giddily stomping in place, causing the water to splash a little, while her four, long, translucent purple wings vibrated so hard that they must have shaken all of the water off as they created a light purple blur. Her navy blue, stringy hair was still sopping wet, as her eyes looked up to the sky at the display, but her horn though, was what drew Celestia’s attention as it was wrapped in the same raspberry glow as the new lights.

Another smile stretched across Celestia’s muzzle at the display, “You have a penchant for magic it seems.” She said, always happy to be surprised with talent. While the light spell was simple, Celestia’s version was a bit more complicated as it required not just more focus, but power as well in order to disperse the little bits of magic to spread light.

The nymph suddenly froze, her wings halted, her magic fizzing out and causing all the lights to cease into sparkling dust as she turned her attention back up to Celestia. Suddenly realizing the vast difference in size, the nymph shied away, taking a step back further into the water as she folded her wings to her sides.

A light pang made it’s way into Celestia’s chest at scaring the nymph away, so she attempted to make herself appear a little smaller by folding her legs to rest on the ground and lower her head. “It’s okay little one,” Celestia assured quietly, “You can come closer.”

The nymph seemed hesitant, though her ears flickered in interest.

Celestia gave a small smile, allowing her horn to light up with magic once more as she created more of her little balls of light to float beside her, hoping it would help encourage the nymph. “Why don’t you show me that little display of yours again?” She suggested in a hopeful tone, making her magic dance about.

It caught the nymph’s attention, but wasn’t enough to bring her out, causing Celestia to inwardly frown in slight disappointment, though she quickly shook it off. Perhaps a new trick was in order.

She slowly gathered the small orbs of light, clustering them together before forming them in the shape of a rabbit. Glancing up, she couldn’t help but feel pleased at herself for perking the nymph’s interest once more as she craned her neck down and forward to get a closer look.

She made the rabbit hop on over to the water, having it jump onto the surface and toward the nymph before it leaned up to sniff at her.

The nymph followed the rabbit’s action, curious as to whether or not it was real, only to jolt her head back when the rabbit reached up, bopped her on the nose, and ran back to shore.

Celestia couldn’t contain the giggle as the nymph shook her head, wrinkling her nose to rid of the sensation before narrowing her eyes down at the rabbit waiting at the shore. Narrowing her eyes and crouching her chest to the ground, the nymph prepared herself to pounce the rabbit by wiggling her flank a bit in the air like a ferocious kitten.

By the time she made her jump, she went right through the magical apparated rabbit, making a small splash and only managing to wet her nose.

She sneezed again, causing Celestia to raise a foreleg to chuckling into her hoof.

The nymph huffed, sounding very similar to how Celestia had done so earlier, wiping her nose with a hoof before pointing to the rabbit indignantly while staring at Celestia and stomping her other hoof with a small splash.

Amused, Celestia brought the rabbit to stop in front of her, “If you want to catch it, you have to make one yourself.” She said, fully knowing that shape manipulation was a bit complicated for young unicorns… Though she wasn’t sure about changelings.

The nymph paused as though contemplating the suggestion, making Celestia briefly wonder if the young Queen could even understand her at this age. However, it seemed as though she did as Celestia watched the young one’s mind work in fascination. The young Queen’s attention turned to the rabbit and the pupils of her eyes shifted back and forth as though searching for something. Finally, widening her stance, the nymph wrinkled her nose, her tongue peeking out at the side of her muzzle in concentration as her horn lit up with her raspberry colored magic.

Celestia watched with interest, wondering if the nymph could achieve something so complicated.

Only to laugh as the nymph’s ears dropped in disappointment when all she could do was summon a shapeless orb of magic.

The nymph was certainly adorable, and Celestia couldn’t help but be endeared by her actions. “Do you want to learn how to make it?” She asked

The nymph chirped.

Celestia grinned as she patted the space in front of her, gesturing for the nymph to come closer.

All shyness forgotten, the nymph clambered out of the water, stumbling over her wobbly hooves just a little, before making her way to the spot Celestia gestured to and plopped her flank down.

Celestia couldn’t help but giggle once again, warm delight spreading through her at the nymph’s urge to learn and rapt attention.

“Why don’t we start with displaying a bit of magic, and then work from there hm?” She asked, garnering another chirp.

Together, the two allowed their magic to form, and in no time there was a shapeless orb of golden and raspberry magic in front of the two, with Celestia’s just a bit larger.

“From here, you just need to picture the shape of a rabbit.” Celestia said, “No need to rush, you can start off slowly.” She finished, doing just that to help the nymph visualize and understand what she was saying.

The nymph didn't give any indication of understanding or acknowledgment, her look of concentration forming once again as she tried to follow Celestia’s magic, rapidly glancing between her own magic and the Princess’s.

Celestia grinned, never in her long life would she ever think that a nymph Queen would be so adorable.

A small frown worked it’s way onto her muzzle though, as she wondered why the nymph was all by herself, isolated on a mountain. Concern for the nymph grew, as confusion worked it’s way to the forefront of Celestia’s mind while she thoughtlessly allowed the rabbit to hop about to and fro

There wasn’t much about changelings that Celestia knew, and the very little that was known about them was in a solitary book hidden somewhere in the depths of the Canterlot library, however she knew that nymphs typically were raised with the hive.

She didn’t know why a nymph Queen would be away from her hive and mother. (At least… She assumed there would be a mother. She highly doubt that changelings could ascend to Queen-hood like Cadance had.)

… Maybe she strayed away?

Celestia suddenly grew concerned for the nymph.

Was she lost? Was that why she was here? On the mountain?


“Princess?” a voice that Celestia recognized to be one of her guards, Swift Strike, called in a loud voice from across the lake.

“Yes Strike, I’m here.” Celestia called back with a voice amplification spell, raising to her hooves to look over the tall grass toward his direction, finding her pegasus guard standing near the shore and looking around for her. She quickly looked back down to keep a watchful eye on the nymph, who merely glanced up at Celestia before returning to the task of forming a rabbit apparition out of her magic.

“We’re just about finished packing Your Highness. Please return soon, as we’ll be departing for Canterlot momentarily.” he informed her.

Widening her eyes in surprise, Celestia casted her gaze to the sky, noting the position of the sun, nearly half an hour above the horizon. “Thank you Strike.” Celestia nodded in dismissal, a smile on her face as she noticed how close the nymph was to forming a rabbit.

A frown quickly replaced her expression though, as the plan to leave for Canterlot began to register in her mind.

She didn’t want to leave the nymph by herself.

Certainly there was a small chance that her hive would search for her, but what if they couldn’t find her?

What if she ended up staying here on this mountain? All by herself?

Celestia’s frown tensed at the thought of leaving the nymph all by herself…

And even though she was a changeling…

She was just a nymph.

Celestia could not, under good conscious, abandon a baby.


She also could not simply bring back a changeling without a long, explanation that would delve into ancient history and-

A giggle and humming vibration.

Looking down in slight confusion at the new giggling sound, Celestia saw a perfect replica of her magical rabbit, but smaller and raspberry colored, hopping around her own. The nymph beamed up at Celestia with a large smile and wide, anticipating eyes.

“Oh my, that’s an excellent job you’ve done there little one!” Celestia praised, her previous confusion all but forgotten as pride welled up in her chest at how quickly the nymph managed to cast the spell.

The nymph beamed once more under the praise before she, and her rabbit, began jumping and running around the princess.

Celestia giggled again, if it weren’t for the fact that the nymph was a changeling, the princess would have thought that she was just like every other-

She paused, thoughtfully staring at the nymph joyfully running around her.

Perhaps, it is possible to not have to leave the nymph alone at all. While bringing a changeling back to Canterlot would cause an uproar, bringing a filly back would not… At most, it would simply raise many questions.

Questions that could easily be answered.

Though, that made another problem rise.

She knew fully well that changelings could change their appearance to easily blend in with other ponies, however, she wasn’t certain if the nymph could do such a thing just yet.

And she couldn’t very well risk attempting to cast an illusion spell over the nymph if previous experience was to go by.

During the hunts for changelings in the long forgotten past when every pony knew of the changeling races, unicorns had discovered that illusion spells did not work on the creatures, simply washing off of them instead. The information then created tests to see who was a pony and who was changeling.

The nymph tripped over her own hooves, stumbling in front of Celestia and nearly falling face first to the ground were it not for the Princess reaching out and catching her.

“Careful now, we don’t want you sustaining any injuries now.” Celestia said.

The nymph chirped, as though in agreement before she gathered her bearings and steadied herself.

Celestia hummed in thought, nodding to herself in reassurance before lowering her head to the nymph’s level. “Would you like to learn a new trick little one?”

The nymph’s eyes brightened as she chirped.

Celestia smiled with a firm nod, her mind made up. She had to try.

She carefully crafted up the illusion of a little filly based off the nymph. In just a few seconds, a small, lavender coated, unicorn filly with a dark, navy blue and straight cut mane (similar to the nymph’s current cut, though albeit cleaner) with a purple and pink highlight appeared before the nymph.

The nymph buzzed in delight, trotting around the illusion to examine it before dropping her chest to the ground, ready to play with her new friend.

Celestia chuckled, “I’m afraid this is not a new playmate little one.”

The nymph glanced up at Celestia, and wilted a little, her ears and wings drooping in disappointment, making Celestia feel just a little bit guilty.

“However, this is going to be you.” Celestia suggested. “Just until we get back to my chambers in Canterlot at least.”

A tilt of head caused Celestia to falter a bit.

She lightly coughed into a hoof, “Perhaps a demonstration is in order.” She suggested with a small smile.

Concentrating back onto the illusion, she tried to recall how other changelings used to take another pony’s appearance and drop their disguise.

One hive in particular, the Rhithrogena hive, came to mind as Celestia could vividly remember their rather, grotesque, process.

She grimaced in remembrance, it was difficult to forget when one constantly saw it during the hunt for them, in the Crystal Empire.

She glanced over to the illusion, and back to the nymph, feeling a little reluctant on showing a young mind this process. However, she supposed that it was an image she would have to get used to if she took the young Queen back to Canterlot.

Focusing on the illusion, she crafted the image of the little filly seemingly drying up into a husk, before the back began to crack open with a little liquid oozing out and the image of the nymph tried to push herself out of the molten skin was animated. Once successful, the nymph had liquid cling to her new, changeling form and stood proudly before drying up into a husk once again. This time, the pony form began climbing out of the skin.

Casting her gaze back to the nymph, Celestia hoped that the young Queen had understood what Celestia was trying to communicate to her.

Purple, concentrated eyes looked up to her with a wrinkled nose, inflating hopeful expectation in Celestia’s chest.

A confused chirp and tilt of the head caused Celestia to deflate though.

“Princess?” She heard Swift Strike call for her.

“Yes! Just a moment Strike.” Celestia assured, inwardly panicking at what to do with the nymph.

“We’ll depart when you return then.” Swift Strike stated.

“Yes, thank you Strike!”

Bending down, her horn glowing with golden magic once more, Celestia tried to cast an illusion spell over the nymph with one last, desperate attempt.

Of course, the illusion spell did not hold, instead being washed off of the nymph’s body and garnering another chirp of confusion.

Celestia sighed, glancing up to the sky as if it would have the answer to her current predicament.

Perhaps she should allow more space for error and surprised in the future if today was starting in such a fashion.

A small bird garnered her attention, whistling peacefully as it flew across the sky, and right into a rather low cloud that hid it from view.

The action gave her idea, as she turned back to the nymph who was still staring at her in confusion.

Tentatively, Celestia reached out with her magic to gently pick the nymph up, hoping that the young Queen would accept it.

Thankfully the nymph seemed all too happy about being lifted and cradled in the air, happily vibrating her wings as though she were the sole source of her flight, spreading her hooves out in front of her.

Celestia giggled at the display, “Not yet little one, perhaps I can help you take flight some other day. For now though,” She said, dropping her package at the back of her neck, hidden by her billowing mane.

To the Princess’s surprise, the nymph was actually soft, almost… squishy, and her chitin was smooth against Celestia’s fur. “We need you to stay quiet.”

The nymph made a confused warble, tilting her head once again.

“Shhh.” Celestia cooed with an amused smile.

Ears swiveled at the hushing sound, seemingly in recognition. The young Queen ducked her head as her mouth slightly opened, “Shhhh.” She mimicked, folding her wings back as she tightened her forehooves onto Celestia’s neck.

Celestia’s eyes twinkled in delight as she nodded. “Yes.”

“Shhh…” The nymph repeated, quieter this time.

The princess couldn’t help but allow a giggle to escape as she spread her vast wings, flapping them to take to air. “That’s right.” She nodded as she flew over the lake, “And if you’d like, you can take a nap. Hopefully, by the time you wake, we should be back into Canterlot. And then…” The princess trailed off.

And then… what?

She would have a changeling wandering around the castle or confined to a small part?

That wasn’t fair to the young Queen…

“... I suppose I will have to send out a trusted party to search for the hive you belong to.” Celestia mused to herself.

There would have to be careful preparations for that; finding trusted ponies, ensuring that they can guard themselves well enough, providing them with necessary equipment…

She hesitated once again, but shook her head.

There was enough to worry about for now, she’ll contemplate and plan everything out more carefully on a later date.

She glided down in a short circle as she reached her waiting ponies, her three personal guards snapping to a crisp salute as she landed by her personal carriage that had two pegasi already harnessed in wait. Three other carriages meant to carry four ponies at a time were in line behind hers, two of them meant for the other diplomats whom were all chattering amongst themselves to the side, while the last one was meant for her personal guards.

“How was your walk your highness?” Stone Wall, one of the other guards, politely asked in his typical, soft tone.

She hummed, “Quite… interesting to say the least.” It was neither a lie or truth. “But peaceful.”

“I’m glad to hear that your highness.” Stone Wall nodded.

“Your highness, please tell me whether or not this interesting thing was not actually troublesome.” Her last guard, Mirror Scry, exasperated as she magically levitated a pocket watch out. “With all due respect your highness, but you said that about our trip to Prance, which we all know that it was anything but. And now, it seems, that this interesting thing has made us a four minutes late to our trip back to Canterlot!” She said, magically tapping the face of her watch to emphasize the time.

Celestia chuckled, albeit nervously as she became conscious of the nymph on the back of her neck. “Then I suggest we be on our way then. We would not want to delay our trip any longer.”

Scry slightly narrowed her eyes at Celestia in suspicion, who merely smiled in return.

“I suppose we should.” Mirror Scry agreed before turning around to help the other diplomats get situated with a loud grumble and some muttering that would usually amuse Celestia though failed to through her worry. (Although, it still successfully did so with the other two guards if the quirk of their lips were anything to go by.)

Swift Strike saluted to her once more before turning to help the unicorn guard.

Instead, the Princess breathed a silent sigh of relief.

So far so good.

Until she heard a light giggle behind her ears, and a loud grumble that was all too similar to Scry’s along with muttered gibberish that sounded more like a warble.

Thankfully, she and Swift Strike was far out of earshot to hear the otherwise amusing imitation, but Stone Wall was not.

Celestia glanced over to him in question, finding him standing still with a stoic expression.

A minuscule twitch at the corner of his mouth was all Celestia needed to know he heard it though.

“Your Highness?” Stone Wall finally voiced out in a near whisper with his deep voice.

“Yes guardsman?” Celestia answered.

“Can I safely assume that this interesting thing will be joining us on the trip back to Canterlot?” He asked


“I see.” He said with a small nod before stepping to the side of the carriage and bowing as a gesture for her to get on.

Celestia inwardly sighed in relief, thankful for how Stone Wall was the most tolerant of her whims, so long as they did not prove to be dangerous.

However, it would seem that he knew when to be cautious, depending on her words of choice. Interesting did not seem to fall under the category.

Regardless, he trusted her enough to explain herself when she felt ready to which she was grateful for.

She still wasn’t sure as to how she would explain having a changeling, and she certainly did not wish to explain herself in front of the other ponies.

Soon enough, they all took off and were well on their way to Canterlot without any further trouble despite Celestia feeling just a bit antsy, fidgeting here and there, though the nymph seemed to have taken to sleeping for most of the trip.

It wasn’t until three hours later, when they were just a few minutes away from landing, did Celestia feel more anxious.

She really should have anticipated that the nymph, being so young, would start feeling restless after waking.

“Shh.” She whispered for the fourth time in as many minutes, ceasing the low buzz of the nymph’s wings and shuffling at the back of her neck for a second. “I promise we’re almost there, just a few minutes.” She said with a hinted tone of urgency.

The nymph grumbled, sounding very much like Mirror Scry once again and making Celestia giggle before stamping her amusement down. She had to be stern, they could not afford getting caught.

“I know you want to move around, but not just yet little one.” Celestia said, pressure weighing down at the back of her mind. She wanted nothing more than to tell the pegasus pulling the carriage to hasten their flight, though knew that she could not. “Just a few more minutes.”

A low buzz sounded with the grumble, showing the young Queen’s immense displeasure. To Celestia’s horror though, the nymph began shuffling about in a move to climb off of her.

“No no, not yet.” Celestia tried in a bit of a panic, her horn lighting up to grab hold of the nymph and position her back.

The buzzing got louder, the vibration of her wings beating harshly as the nymph gave a low growl with a snort of air, not all too different than from how Celestia had initially greeted her, at being handled in such a way.

“I know, I know,” Celestia quickly tried to placate in hushed whispers, “But you need to stay hidden.”

“Is everything alright your highness?” Swift Strike asked from the carriage flying a few meters away while the other carriages flew quite a distance ahead as a means for her privacy.

“Yes.” Celestia said after a bit of a struggle, shuffling her wings up to hold the nymph who had already began to climb down

Mirror Scry narrowed her eyes in suspicion as Swift Strike only grew more concerned at her shuffling while the nymph began to try to slide off of Celestia’s wing, which was thankfully the one out of view from her guards.

She winced though, when a few of her feathers were tugged out of place.

“Are you certain you are alright?” Swift asked once more upon noticing her grimace.

“Yes,” She said in a false cheery voice, secretly annoyed at having her attention be pulled away from the young Queen as she magicked the nymph back into position behind her neck.

This elicited the nymph to loudly grumble and warble in gibberish with an irate buzz, indefinitely attracting her guards’ attention as Scry lightly blushed in indignation.

It was hard not to distinguish that the grumbles took after her own.

“What is it that you’re hiding your highness?” Scry asked in accusation

Celestia paused, “Something… interesting of sorts.” She tried in an attempt to delay their investigation as the nymph once again tried to climb off her wing

Scry narrowed her eyes even further before nudging Swift Strike, saying a few words only the three guards could hear.

Swift Strike gave a quick glance over to Celestia in worry, though a firm nod from Scry made him sigh before he stepped off the carriage, catching wind as he spread his wings and flew over to Celestia despite the fact that they were just about to land.

“My apologies your highness, I just need to check what it is that you’re hiding to ensure that it won’t be… troublesome.” Swift Strike said in a low tone as he hovered in front of the Princess.

Celestia for her part, hummed as she expanded her wings and furled them upward to hide the nymph. “I suppose you could.” She said as the young Queen decided to climb up the feathery wall.

Swift Strike continued hovering, nervously fidgeting with his hooves. “Um… Your highness? Your wings if you would.”

Celestia inwardly sighed, there was no use in stalling any longer.

She could certainly take the nymph and teleport away, the castle was close enough for her to reach, but previous experience from a few centuries ago told her that only made things worse.

So instead, she looked right into Swift Strike’s eyes, “Please understand that I was going to tell you three as soon as I could.” She said with a bit of remorse, fear for the nymph gripping at her heart as she lowered her wings and causing Strike to tense and be on guard.

She didn’t have to lower her wings by much though, as the nymph had nearly achieved her climb, her head peeking out from over her appendage with a chirp of triumph.

Upon meeting Strike’s gaze though, the nymph immediately squeaked in fright as she ducked back behind Celestia’s wing.

Celestia merely, though albeit hesitantly as she wanted nothing more than to keep the nymph hidden from view, folded her wings back to her side, completely revealing the young Queen who had curled up into a ball on Celestia’s back, bringing hooves up to cover her face.

Young minds alike seemed to have similar thoughts when coming in face with something scary. If they could not see it, then it cannot see them.

A peek through a hole in her hoof though, showed the nymph that Strike was still indeed hovering by with wide eyes.

A low, shrill chirp rumbled into the air like a whimper as the nymph scrunched her eyes tighter, flattening her ears to her head while she nosed her way under the closest translucent, purple wing.

“What is it?” Strike asked in curiousity, hovering a bit closer.

Celestia glanced behind her, feeling pity for the nymph who tried to make itself appear smaller, before looking back over to the other two guards though, she found them trying to take a closer look at what it was that she and Swift Strike was talking about. “I’ll tell you about her later with the other two. For now though, I simply ask that you trust me when I say she’s not dangerous.” She paused, “As dangerous as a nymph can be at least.”

“A what?” Strike asked in confusion.

“A foal.” Celestia offered instead.

At the word, Strike seemingly melted as he came a bit closer to the nymph. Remembering himself, he glanced over to Celestia with hopeful eyes. “May I?” He asked.

Celestia nodded, remembering how much Swift Strike adored foals and was curious in seeing how he would react with a different species.

Strike leaned in a bit closer, examining the nymph who was still curled up in a ball, “Hello.” He tried in a soft tone with a smile, “I’m sorry for scaring you. I’m Swift Strike.” He said, not at all minding the difference of race.

The nymph’s ear flickered a bit, before she tentatively lifted her head from under a wing to get a better look to examine the pegasus guard in interest.

Swift Strike merely grinned in delight, showing all of his teeth as he cooed at the nymph, “Does it have a name? I wouldn’t want to keep calling it a nymph.”

“She,” Celestia pointedly corrected, “does not have a name that I know of.”

Though, he had a point.

The nymph shared Celestia’s offense toward herself for being called an object, by huffing in annoyance, turning her head away from Swift Strike as though not bothering to look at him.

“Aw, don’t be like that.” Strike said with a small pout, “I’m sorry little miss. Forgive me?”

Celestia silently approved of Strike’s apology, though the nymph was more open about it as she turned back to the guard with a beam and a happy buzz, loosening up her form as she shuffled up to straighten herself.

The nymph quickly reached up with a hoof and lightly patted Strike on the nose, giggling at the action.

Strike beamed at her, a large smile engulfing his face, once again showing all of his teeth though this time, his dimples showed even through the royal guard’s enchanted armor that allowed them all to look the same, something that never ceased to amuse Celestia, before it faltered a bit. Leaning back, he looked at the Princess with concern. “Your highness, how are you going to bring her back to the castle? The sight of her will indefinitely cause confusion, or even concern from the more... xenophobic nobles.”

“I know,” The Princess sighed, “My hope was to secretly bring her back to my chambers by hiding her in my mane. However the ride to Canterlot has proven that it would prove most difficult, and resulted in failure. As you are no doubt aware.”

Strike nodded in understanding, “If I may, your highness, but perhaps Mirror Scrye, Stone Wall, and I can help you with that. It is one our duties after all.” He said with a tentative grin.

Celestia paused, considering the thought and nodded. “I’d appreciate it.” She said, “Thank you Swift Strike.” She sighed with relief.

“Of course your highness.” Swift Strike bowed his head before excusing himself to fly back to his other two companions to inform them of the nymph’s existence and of their plan as the carriages began to descend for landing.

Celestia sighed once more, feeling a burdensome weight lift off her chest before craning her neck around to the nymph, who merely chirped with a head tilt at the attention.

“Perhaps Mirror Scrye was correct about her assumption.” Celestia mused to the nymph.

The young Queen merely grinned, showing off her baby fangs and creating dimples at her cheeks, eliciting a light chuckle from Celestia as she began to notice a pattern.

“You enjoy copying us don’t you little one?” She playfully accused. She should have realized it earlier, considering how changelings had to mimic pony behavior as best as they could in order to blend in…

Or to replace a pony.

A low buzz sounded as the nymph tilted her head and chirped, not knowing what it was that Celestia was talking about.

Celestia chuckled, “Nevermind. Though I’m sorry to say that it’s time for you to hide once again.” She said taking hold of the nymph in her magic once more to shuffle her back up Celestia’s neck to hide under her mane once again, just as the carriage landed and her guards trotted up to her.

The familiar sounds of the nymph mimicking Mirror Scrye’s grumbling and muttering reached Celestia’s ear, causing her to giggle in amusement as she felt the young Queen tighten her hold on Celestia’s neck regardless.

The actual pony that the nymph was mimicking, snorted a puff of air in slight annoyance as Swift Strike quietly snickered, “How rude.” Scrye sniffed, though it was clear that she did not take offense. “I certainly hope that you teach this, nymph, some manners Princess.” The unicorn guard stated in a low tone, to ensure no other pony heard.

“I can certainly try,” Celestia nodded in amusement. “However it might prove to be a bit difficult. I'll provide more information pertaining to her when we can get a private moment.”

“We’d appreciate it your highness.” Stone Wall nodded, just as some of the accompanying diplomats trotted up to her and gave a low bow.

“Princess, it was an honor to work with you on the trip to Prance.” One of them said.

“Though, we were hoping to discuss some details in regards to-”

“Perhaps at a later date,” Celestia interrupted, “The trip has unexpectedly taken its toll on me, and I wish to return to my chambers to rest.”

“But-” the pony tried to protest before Stone Wall stepped in between the two.

“The Princess wishes to rest.” He slowly said, using his deep voice, height, and stoic demeanor to make him look rather imposing.

It seemed to have worked as the pony backed off and bowed, “Of course. I hope you rest well your highness.”

“Thank you.” Celestia smiled before trotting off, her guards taking their usual positions with Stone Wall and Swift Strike at her sides and Mirror Scrye behind.

Her guards were doing their job well for the duration of their trip to her chambers, intervening or stepping between her and any other noble pony that wished to speak to her before shooing them away. Mirror Scrye, of course, had a notebook levitated out to write down any important ponies that Celestia had promised to reschedule a meeting with.

There were a few times, when the nymph would make a fuss while they were talking, however Swift Strike had easily passed it off by taking credit for whatever sounds were made. Something, he found to his slight dismay, that the nobles accepted rather easily.

However, as more and more ponies came up to her and were dismissed, Celestia could not help but bite the inside of her cheek with worry as she came to a slow realization.

This nymph, was not a pony.

She knew this, of course she did.

And while she had all intention on finding the hive the nymph belonged to and return her back, the idea of caring for the young Queen seemed to have slipped Celestia’s mind.

During all her years of living, Princess Celestia had learned to have a certain level of expectancy when it came to foals.

No matter what tribe, there was always a little trouble that they went through their early years of life; Earth ponies being unable to control their strength relating to nature or physical, Pegasi would misuse their wings or accidentally create some unintended weather with just a cloud, Unicorns made for unpredictable bursts of magic… All was simply natural given the nature of foals. A mishap only need for pulling the foal away, possibly a stern talking to or bout of refusal, or even some encouragement and praise depending.

If the foal cried or whined, some comforting might be due, feeding, bathing, or entertainment.

Certainly, it had been a while since Celestia had handled a foal, but experience of living allowed for her this level of expectancy.

This failed her however, as she pondered; Were nymphs the same? What about newborn Changeling Queens?

She knew that changelings fed on the love of ponies, but how would she even go about feeding the nymph? Do they eat anything else?

Do they take baths? Would the nymph’s chitin allow for the same shampoo ponies use?

The nymph certainly showed some talent for magic, but was there changeling magic that Celestia should worry about? Other than their use of being able to change their form?

Then there was rooming to be concerned about.

While her chambers were spacious, or ostentatious rather, it certainly would not do to keep the nymph secluded in the room.

Foals need space to run around and do, well, foal-like things!

And the Princess did not wish to leave the nymph all by herself in her room for long hours while Celestia had her royal duties to attend to. Yes, it might be the safest place to hide a nymph, it was also rather…


Pressure and light sweat began to build at the back of Celestia’s neck, the ramifications of bringing the nymph back with her began to build, along with the responsibilities that were previously not realized from her sudden decision to do so.

She did not regret this choice, as she couldn’t find it in herself to simply abandon the nymph, but perhaps she should have thought about this more thoroughly before it had all decided to pile on her at this moment.

She could not help though, but to think that it would be easier if she simply knew how to at least disguise the changeling.

If the nymph could look like a filly, then at least she would have a bit more freedom to roam around and Celestia could provide a more suitable excuse rather than having to constantly fret and worry about in secret.

“Aunt Celestia.” A recognizable voice called just before Celestia and her guards were about to exit the somewhat busy main hall.

Celestia inwardly sighed before putting up a small, polite smile on her face before turning around. “Good morning Aristo,” She greeted as warmly as possible to the stallion, wanting nothing more than skip the pleasantries and to leave immediately. However, she had an obligation to participate in small talk with her nephews, even if the titles were just a formality. “And a good morning to you Blueblood.” She smiled, a bit more genuinely, to the young colt.

“Good morning Auntie.” Blueblood greeted.

“I hope that your trip to Prance went well.” Aristo said.

“It was rather interesting.” Celestia mused, causing a quiet snort from Mirror Scrye.

She could feel the nymph begin to shuffle in place, feeling restless once more it would seem. Added points of pressure began to form and indicated that the nymph was trying to stand. A quick fluff of her wings though, seemed enough to cause her to lose balance and lie back down. Though Celestia sent a silent apology to the nymph for making her fall into the sweat that Celestia seemed to be heavily perspiring without her knowing.

Odd, as she couldn’t feel the sensation of it happening. Nonetheless, she noted, with a grimace, the moistness on the back of her neck.

“That’s good.” Aristo nodded.

“And how was yours to Vanhoover?” Celestia politely asked, continuing the small talk despite wishing for it to cease.

“Quaint. My son and I enjoyed ourselves.” Aristo smiled down at Blueblood who seemed to hold his head up high and puffed his chest out, as though preening under the attention. The sight made Celestia smile at the display. “I would not mind visiting again, granted that it occurs around the same time of the year. Otherwise I don’t believe I would be able to stand the constant chill of the area.”

“And the talks?” Celestia asked, fluffing her wings once more the moment she felt another shuffle on her neck that was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. Though, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the wetness did not seem to grow or spread.

“Smooth.” Aristo nodded, “Though, I may have promised the Prime Minister that you would follow up on our agreements as soon as you returned from your trip to Prance. He was most insistent on your review.”

Celestia inwardly groaned at having a responsibility be promised on her behalf, though outwardly only tightened her smile. “Thank you for informing me Aristo, I’ll be certain to get to it as soon as I-”

Warbled grumbling rang into the air as Celestia felt the nymph shuffle a bit more harshly on the back of her neck, spreading the moist patch a bit further into her fur.

Aristo was briefly shocked before he tensely frowned as he looked up at Celestia with disapproval while Blueblood’s eyes widened at his aunt. Never before had she outwardly displayed any form of annoyance.

“What was that?” Aristo asked with slight offense, his tone raising and catching the attention of other passing nobles and castle employees.

“Nothing you need to worry about,” Celestia said as she subtly tried to shuffle backwards in an attempt to get away.

Aristo merely took a step forward, “If you find fault about my performance, then please do speak. By all means, do not hesitate on my behalf.”

“I assure you there is nothing that needs be said.” Celestia tried placating just as she felt the pressure of the nymph turn to four, an indication of the young Changeling now standing. Celestia fluffed her wings out in hopes to get the nymph to lose her balance and fall back down over her neck.

Swift Strike hurriedly stepped in between the two royal members, a nervous grin on his face. “I’m sure you just heard my stomach growl, Prince Aristocrat.” He began, as Celestia began to shuffle her shoulders and neck this time, though the nymph refused to lay back down. “I haven’t had breakfast yet you see, and it’s been making weird noises all morning.”

“I am certain, guardsman, that the sound I heard was not that of a stomach.” Aristo enunciated.

“Then why do other ponies believe it?” Swift Strike muttered to himself before remembering where he was, “I mean-”

Aristo merely pushed Swift Strike to the side to come as closely face to face with Celestia, “Princess, if you find the perfomance in my duties to be lacking, then you only need to say as such in private. There is no reason for you to make such perturbed gestures to-”

The feeling of the nymph shaking herself on Celestia’s back made her blood run cold, the sound of a light humming vibration interrupted Aristo and caught the attention of any nearby pony.

A slip of a hoof made Celestia reflexively raise a wing to catch the nymph, but it would seem that she was just a split second too late as she felt the weight shift off to the side.

In all but a few seconds, the weight was gone, and instead the familiar lavender color ball had rolled off her, onto the ground, and only stopped face first by her right forehoof.

Undeterred, the nymph pushed herself up and shook her whole body, causing a very light and thin mist to spray off of her…

Coat and mane…

The nymph, now disguised as the little filly that Celestia had conjured earlier that morning, proudly stood by Celestia’s side with her head held high as though preening under all the shocked attention.

Which she quickly grew uncomfortable with the moment she opened her eyes, squeaking in fear as her eyes bugged out at all the eyes on her before ducking behind Celestia’s leg.

It was then that Celestia realize how the disguise was not perfect as the nymph seemed to have left her four, translucent purple and bug-like wings on display.

Celestia snapped a wing out, covering most of the nymph to the best of her ability before anypony could notice.

“I’m sorry Aristo,” the princess began in a smooth tone, “But it has been a rather trying trip and as you can see, I have a young filly in my company, one who has become rather grumpy it would seem.” She said with an arched brow toward the nymph.

This nymph was most certainly trying to give her a heart attack, she was sure of it.

The young Queen merely looked up before quickly nosing her way further into Celestia’s wing.

“I hope you understand my urgency to retreat back to my chambers.” Celestia finished, casting her attention back to Aristo.

“I-” he stuttered, rapidly glancing back between the disguised nymph and Celestia, before settling into a bow. It was evident he, and the other surrounding nobles, had questions for her, but the narrowed gaze on her face told them all that this was not the time. “Of course.” He said.

“Thank you,” Celestia sighed with relief before turning with her guards and lightly nudging the nymph with her wing to walk and move around as she very much wished for. “Come along now…”

She hesitated, knowing that a name was needed for the nobles to grab hold of and to pass around.

The image of the nymph’s magic from early morning flashed through Celestia’s mind, allowing her to decide on the nymph’s temporary name.

“Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia settled on, feeling rather pleased with the name if the smile was anything to go by. “Let’s get you settled in shall we?”

Twilight grinned, showing off her dimples and fangs that she had left during her change, and making Celestia chuckle.

This was only temporary, Celestia told herself, just until she could find and return the young Queen back to her hive.

Miles away though, back at the mountain of which they came from, the sounds of tearful wailing and rage rang about in the otherwise peaceful location. A broken, mossy, wet cocoon was clung onto as a mother cried for her lost daughter, the name scratching against her throat and burning against her chest.

Tears of mourn and confusion were shed, rippling across the lake water.

A low, watery buzz warbled into the air as a small swarm took to the sky with sad eyes and wilted ears before they all scattered in search of the young, Changeling Queen.

Author's Note:

I have to say, that the interest in this fic has been a pleasant surprise! So thank you everyone for taking the time to read this! :twilightblush: I sincerely hope that you all enjoyed this chapter.

Also, I'm sorry I couldn't mention anything about Luna's return in this chapter, :fluttershysad: It felt like there was already too much information for the first chapter. I hope you all understand and are patient as I will mention her as soon as I can!