• Published 9th Mar 2017
  • 4,339 Views, 103 Comments

The Guardians of... High School!? - MetalJrock

The Guardians of the Galaxy make an accidental detour to another world filled with magic. Which for some reason is at a high school.

  • ...

I Am Groot

Another school day done, this time for the weekend. The girls all exited the doors as soon as they could, a crowd of people taking their leave as well, all excited that another school week was finished. "So, girls. Are any of you going to the game tonight?"

"Duh!" exclaimed Pinkie, raising her arms in an exaggerated manner, "Rainbow Dash is playing. Of course I'd be there to cheer her on the only way I know how!"

Rainbow smirked, "No doubt about it, Pinkie!"

Rarity rolled her eyes, "Of course. Perhaps I'll attend if I am not busy. What say you, Twilight?"

Twilight stammered, "Me? I-I'm not sure. I wouldn't even know what's happening. Plus, I have homework, and I may be busy with something at home."

Applejack wrapped an arm around her friend's shoulder to ease her, "Don't worry about it too much, Twi. Ya don't have to come if you don't wanna. But it'd be a nice thing to do fer the night. So, how about it?" she offered.

Twilight relented, "Okay."

"Alright!" Pinkie cheered.

"Alright what?"

The voice made the girls flinch. Standing on the roof was Star-Lord, Drax, Gamora, Rocket and Groot. The leader of the galactic team waved at them, him being the first to jump off once the coast was clear. "So, another day down, huh?" he asked. "Truth be told, I kinda lost track of days after being in space for so long. They all just blend in." he told himself moreso the others.

"Um... What are you doing here?" Fluttershy wondered.

Star-Lord pointed to the raccoon, "Rocket wanted to get out of the barn for a bit. He thought he was gonna get jumped or something." he put his hands in his pockets.

"Those horses were givin' me the stink eye!" corrected Rocket, pointing an accusing finger at the outlaw.

The girls held in a chuckle at the raccoon's paranoid antics and changed the subject, "You know, Quill. I got a soccer game tonight. It'd be pretty cool if a bunch of space superheroes came to cheer me on. Give me a morale boost, ya know?" she offered.

"Ego..." Applejack chuckled.

"Tell me that wouldn't be awesome?" Rainbow shot back. "I mean, space heroes are cool in general!"

Quill shrugged, "Could be a nice break. What do you guys say?" he questioned his team.

"I am Groot!" Groot said.

Drax frowned and replied, "I did not know we were below average body temperature. But it is better than staying in a house. Perhaps I will attend as well."

Gamora answered, "Sure. Then we will attend to finding the stone and heading home."

"So long as no one screams, pets, or insults me I'm good for whatever we're doin'." Rocket grumbled. "Just so we're clear, I want none of that to happen!" he added. "Otherwise, I may have to pull out the big guns. Literally."

Star-Lord grinned, "I guess we're sticking around then."


The strange sound alerted the girls, and it came from nearby. It was something they've heard before. "Oh crud." muttered Sunset. "Not now... Luckily the school should be empty." she gestured for her friends to come along, which they did. The Guardians followed as well, wondering what the situation was.

In the back of the school, in the track field was a giant beast. Standing next to a purple rift. "Another one? It's been a while since one opened." Twilight pointed out. "It looks to be a... Manticore." she gulped. The beast could be heard breathing, smoke coming out of its nose. She took a step back.

"Okay, what the hell?" Quill stammered out, putting a hand to his head in disbelief. "Is that some kind of portal? Can anyone explain what's going on and why you're not at all concerned? Cause I am looking at a beast just... standing in your field."

"This isn't the first time this happened, Quill." Rainbow revealed. "It's a long story though."

With a heavy sigh, Gamora revealed her swords. "Good thing I brought these along."

"Same." commented Drax."

Rocket grumbled, "Should'a brought my gun with me..."

"I am Groot."

"How was I supposed to know a cross-dimensional rift was supposed to open?!"

Star-Lord activated his mask and revealed his gun. "I guess we're kicking this thing's ass now? The seven of you stay behind." he ordered, stepping forward to fight. He noticed the girls remaining in their spots. "Are we really doing this? Last thing we need is for the lot of you to get hurt because of this... thing."

"This ain't our first rodeo, Peter." Applejack corrected her new friend. "Ah think we can take care of ourselves."

In an instant, the girls were suddenly covered in their own auras. Each representing a color of the rainbow. "What is this?" asked Drax, glaring back at the monster, who was now enraged over the intruders appearing near the rift. "Allow me to strike the beast down at once, Quill." he ordered.

"Um, go ahead." Quill decided.

Then, the girls' aura faded. It was slightly surreal. For they all had pony ears and their hair extended slightly, a slight glow to them still. "Okay. And I'm the oddball here?" Rocket asked, upon witnessing the girls' transformations. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy even had wings on their backs while Twilight, Sunset and Rarity each had a slight colorful aura in their hands. Applejack and Pinkie looked the same, but judging by the others, something changed.

"Sorry you had to find out this way!" Sunset yelled. Spike hopped out of Twilight's bag to watch was about to come next. "We'll explain once we finish this!"

"Woah. I gotta get the popcorn." Spike said. He faced the others, "You'll get used to this."

"Sure thing, Spike." Quill quipped, aiming his gun outwards. He ran forward and began shooting, the blasts slightly harming the beast each time. It roared. "Okay, can any of you use your horse-type superpowers or some junk? Cause it sounds like you've done this before." he wondered, watching Rainbow Dash swerve down in a rainbow blur, smacking the creature back slightly.

Twilight gulped, "None of this makes sense! Why would a rift suddenly open up now of all times?"

Gamora lunged forward, driving one of her blades into the creature's sides, making it yelp. She removed her weapon and she grunted, "I have a theory."

The Manticore charged forward, missing the girls. Unfortunately, Rocket was in its crosshairs. He dived down in an attempt to dodge it, but in the process, accidentally tossed Groot forward. "Groot!" yelled the racoon, seeing the beast get closer. Luckily, Rarity managed to use her crystal shield to get its attention and away from him. He extended a hand and attempted to run, but Groot fell into a rift. Rocket was ready to jump in, but Rainbow stopped him, "What are ya doin'?! My pal just flew into one of those fraggin' portals!"

"He'll be fine. It happened to Spike from what Twilight and Fluttershy told me." Rainbow assured to calm the alien raccoon. "He's just gotta get right back in."

Drax pierced the Manticore's skin with his own blade, "Quite a strange sight. But I shall retrieve Groot if it is what must be done." he realized, swiping his sword down so he could cut into the creature's skin. It tried to swipe at him, but he dodged the attack, allowing Applejack to kick its stomach, causing it to wheeze. "A good kick. Perhaps I shall learn that one day." he commented.

"Um... Mister Manticore. Can you please stop?" Fluttershy pleaded, diving down to speak with the animal, hoping her abilities would aid them before it got hurt even more. "I don't want to see you get hurt anymore!" she called out.

In response, the Manticore raised its paw. But Rarity used her shield to block it's swipe. "It's not one to listen to reason, darling!" she muttered to her friend. Nearby, Pinkie took a step back as it turned and swiped behind it, suddenly appearing next to it.

Star-Lord grumbled, "Stupid alien threats. Can't escape it no matter where I'm at."

"You're telling me..." grumbled Gamora, kneeing the creature as hard as she could. It tried to bite down, but she held its mouth open and backflipped, driving her feet onto its jaw.

Twilight spoke up, noticing Drax running towards the portal. "I have a theory... Maybe if we were to push the Manticore back into the portal, it will stabilize and close. As it is a creature that doesn't belong here, the anamoly would fix itself."

"I agree with her words!" Drax shouted, "Whatever it is they mean!"

Star-Lord shouted, "Alright everyone! Give it your all! Push that thing back into that odd portal thing."

"Hey! What about Groot!?" Rocket yelled.

"Wait for him first, then push the Manticore back in!" Sunset added, trying to push the creature back slowly. Star-Lord continued to shoot the beast and stun it while Drax retrieved Groot. The destroyer finally neared the rift and slowed his pace for a moment.

"Any second now, Drax!" Quill shouted, seeing the creature open its mouth and lunge forward. Applejack jumped in and delivered a right hook to its cheek, making it yelp in pain and roar in anger now. "Okay. Attacking it is only gonna make it more pissed off. We may need to rethink ourselves here!"

"We're open for suggestions, Quill!" Rainbow called out, smacking the Manticore to the left.

"I was hoping you'd have something!" Star-Lord replied loudly.

Drax looked into the portal and smiled, "I... do not think you should worry any longer."

"I! Am! Groot!"

The Guardians knew those words. Yet it wasn't as high-pitched as it was mere moments ago. Suddenly, a bunch ot branches enveloped the Manticore's legs. "Is it another vine monster? Did it get Groot?!" Twilight wondered with some concern. Peter and Rocket smirked as the monster got dragged back.

"What's happening?" Sunset asked.

Then, something stepped out of the portal. It was connected to the branches holding down the Manticore. It was a giant wooden figure, taller than everyone there, its arm extending to throw the monster back once he was outside. Drax folded his arms in a pleased manner, watching the rift close instantly. "See?" he commented, patting the creature's back proudly.

Rocket smiled, "Hey, buddy! It seems you're back to your old self!" he cheered.

"I am Groot." said Groot, kneeling down to look his friend in the eyes, a soft smile on his face.

"That's Groot?" the girls asked.

Star-Lord nodded, "Yep. This is what he usually looks like. Don't worry, he's a nice guy once you get to know him. It's great to see you in action again, buddy."

"I am Groot." said Groot. He opened his palm and faced the girls, who began to depower from their transformations now that the threat was gone. Seven flowers began to bloom, one on each finger and two on his palm. He smiled at them and allowed them to grab one, in awe over what they knew as a small twig.

"He said thanks for helpin' us." Rocket translated.

"Why thank you, Groot." Rarity said softly. "It seems you are quite a gentlemen."

"That's pretty cool." Spike complimented. Groot nodded.

"The big guy is back." Rocket said.

"Not that I don't appreciate this, but how did Groot suddenly get bigger again? What was that rift?" Star-Lord finally asked.

"A portal to another dimension." Sunset answered slowly, "I-It's hard to explain. Perhaps, the magic of the rift altered Groot's form into what you knew him as. Basically magic leaked into this world and as a result, sometimes there's an imbalance and rifts open. We're tasked to keep this contained and so far it has."

"But why would they open now?" Twilight wondered. "They haven't done that in a while."

"The Infinity Stone." Gamora deduced. The others looked at her strangely for a moment, "The stone Ronan used could be altering this magic you mentioned and opening these rifts. We already mentioned how powerful it was. Leaving it exposed could be causing these rifts to come back. We have to find it as soon as possible in this case. Before any more rifts accidentally open."

"So, this stone's doin' all this?" Applejack asked, "What kinda threat are we dealin' with?"

"One that could destroy the universe." Star-Lord said in a serious tone for a moment. "Hopefully that's the only thing we have to worry about for now."

"No pressure or anything." grumbled Rainbow.

"You are correct, there is no pressure." Drax corrected, "But it is a rather unnerving thought."

Rainbow sighed, "Look. I have a game to worry about right now. Can we leave the fate of the world thing for tomorrow?"

"Rainbow is right... Give ourselves time to prepare at the very least. This isn't something we can focus on when we know we can." Sunset said in a stern tone.

Gamora crossed her arms, "Fine. But we're going to start looking tomorrow."

"That'll give me time to build a sweet weapon." Rocket chuckled mischievously to himself.

"Uh. We can here you." Sunset spoke up.

"Zip it! I need to think of the perfect toy... heh." Rocket snapped back, folding his arms as he pondered what type of gun he should create for whatever came next.

Author's Note:

I hope you all don't mind the explanation for Adult Groot coming back for this story.

Don't worry, he'll be Baby Groot by the end. I can't mess with MCU continuity too much (I only have a three month time-span to work with anyhow).

Next time, the Ravagers are coming.