• Published 10th Mar 2017
  • 1,255 Views, 33 Comments

In The Forest - Darkness Moon

It's been almost a year since Sunset and the Dazzlings began their friendship. So they decide to take a trip. But things get complicated when their plane crashes on a deserted island and they find themselves looking for a way to survive, but that wil

  • ...

All Ends Here

Aria lit a torch and Sonata used the lighter, creating a powerful flame together, which was very effective, eliminating a lot of the cannibals. They ran into the forest away from the beach until they reached a lake.

"Wait, we need more food if we're going to go." said Sonata, pulling out a bag full of spears. "Help me."

Together they hunted a lot of fish, unfortunately they couldn't continue because they heard roars of mutants. They ran away further and further, until they reached the snowy area. They took out their winter clothes and ran until they reached the cabin. They left their heavy things and entered. Aria lit the fireplace and sat on the couch, while Sonata prepared some fish and began cooking.

"I think we're ready for tomorrow. Aria could you tell Adagio to come to eat?"

"Okay." Aria got up from the sofa and went to the room. She was about to knock, but she heard some noise. She slowly opened the door, closed it after a second and returned to the living room.

"What happened? And where's Adagio?”

"She... is with Sunset… who is awake."

"Awake?! Can we see her?" she smiled happily.

"No! She and Sunset are busy. They will be for a few hours. ”

“Huh? What are you talking about?" Sonata asked innocently.

“Sonata… do you remember Christmas? Or the new year?”

"Oh ... that." the poor siren blushed.

"Yes, I think it will only be you and me." she sighed.

“A date together! We haven't had one for a long time.” she said clinging to her girlfriend's arm.

"Yes, it's been a while." Aria said blushing.

They sat together on the couch and enjoyed their meal. Although it was not a very elegant dinner, just roasted fish and two sodas, but they enjoyed their moment of peace. There was just the sound of the campfire and the snow falling outside. When they finished their dinner they relaxed in silence.



"I want to go home," he curled up in his arm.

“We will leave here, and we will never go camping again, I promise"

“Awww! But I like camping, without cannibals, and without monsters, ”Sonata complained.

"If you want, but it will be difficult to go back to a forest, at least for me"

"Would you go alone with me?" Sonata asked.

"B-Well, if you put it that way, I would go alone with you" she blushed.

"And can we do those same things that Sunset and Adagio do?"

"WHAT??" she yelled surprised, almost jumping. “You just asked me about sex? This is the most awkward conversation we've ever had.”

"I'm sorry, but I always hear how Adagio proposes it to Sunset every time." young siren said.

“Because Adagio is a damn sexual maniac! And Sunset is very submissive to her."

"I'm sorry... it's just that I've asked myself many times, if you and I…"

"Sonata." Aria took her hand. "If I want to, but only if it seems good to you." she blushed intensely.

"I... I want." she gave her a broad smile.

"Well ... we could, but I feel weird doing it here with Adagio and Sunset in the other room." she muttered.

"Then... maybe, when we get out of here?" Sonata asked hopefully.

"I would like that." Aria smiled.

"But, can I still lie on your lap?"

"You have done a great job and you deserve it" she layed on the couch. "so it's okay"

Sonata squeaked with happiness and laid her body on her beloved one's. They curled up on the wooden sofa and animal skins, enjoying each other's company. Soon fell asleep together in their favorite position.

In the other room, Adagio covered her girlfriend and herself in an animal skin mantle, enjoying one of many passionate moments that they hadn't had in a long time.

"Oh my~ I needed this." Adagio said snuggling into Sunset.

"Yes... but you stink" other girl smiled.

"Of course no!" she whined.

"You are, but I don't dislike it, after all, it was my fault that we lost our home, and your beloved shower system"

"Sunset, I already told you and I showed you~ that we are fine." the siren smiled. “The important thing is to leave this place."

"You're right. Also I think Aria and Sonata have already returned."

"I don't know, I could only hear you~~" she whispered kissing her again.

"Yes~ I know you want more but, I would like to eat something."

"Oh! It's true you haven't eaten anything.” she got up and put on her clothes. "I'll prepare your favorite stew, don't go back to sleep~" she leaned in, stroked Sunset's face and kissed her lips.

"Sure, don't worry." Sunset laughed.

Adagio smiled for the last time and left the room. She came to the main room and saw her friends in a tender hug. It would be a good opportunity to annoy Aria, but she decided to leave it and heat the stew. Luckily Sonata always thinks about having food. Although she didn't want to make noise, Aria woke up.

"Hey, you didn't have enough from eating Sunset~?" she smiled wickedly.

"Shut up." Adagio yawned. "Did you repair the boat?"

"Yes, it's ready." she got up carefully without waking Sonata.

"The problem is Sunset. The trip will be long, how will it take?"


"Maybe Sunset knows." Sonata woke up. “She is better at giving ideas, no offence Dagi”

"How can I be offended, if you compare me with my wife?" the siren smiled.

"Anyway, can we figure out how to plan the escape?" Aria asked.

"Sunset just woke up, let her eat first." Adagio served some stew in a wooden bowl.

"That she didn't have enough of you~?" Aria winked.

"Jealous~?" the older siren teased.

"Of you? Not even in dreams! ”Aria shouted. "Calm down, don't fight." Sonata said calming the situation. "Can I see Sunset when she's done eating?"

"Yes Sonata." Adagio said. "If we are really going to plan the escape, it will be better to pack everything." she walked out of the room, while Aria and Sonata obeyed the indication.

After two hours, everything was ready. Food, weapons, water, and medicine. They used boxes and suitcases to storage it and to carry everything they used a log conveyor. They went to Sunset's room where she was playing with Onix and Adagio was sitting next to her.

"Everything is ready," said Aria.

"Well, that's it, let's review the plan." said Sunset. “Aria will take care of you, Adagio will carry the things and I will be protecting you with the spear or spring. Until we'll leave the snowy area.” Sonata explained.

"And when we'll enter the forest" continued Aria. "We will change. Adagio will take Sunset, Sonata the things and I will be defending against the cannibals with the crossbow or chainsaw."

"This is how we will get to the beach." Adagio continued. "Sonata will take you to the yacht while Aria and I will protect you from the mutants and cannibals. Then Sonata will return to replace Aria, so she can carry all the provisions."

“And finally, once we arrive we will activate the bombs that connect the beach to the yacht to make sure that monsters don't follow us. Even if you will help me get to the boat, I'm going to support you and help to defend.” Sunset said. "Now, no matter what happens I want you to know that despite everything we've lived through here, I'm glad it was you three who were on my side." she smiled.

“Awww! Sunny.” Sonata smiled.

"You are part of us now." Adagio took his hand. "We will always be grateful for everything since the asylum until now."

"Yes, despite the differences you ended up liking us." Aria smiled.

"Thank you girls," the pony girl almost cried.

"Let's get out of here."

With their winter suits,the transporters with the things supported with ropes and Sunset with some things they were ready.

"Ready?" Sonata asked.

“Ready!” Sunset said with Onix in her backpack.

"Okay, let's go." the youngest siren prepared her weapon.

As the plan said, they ran outside the snowy area, and as expected there were several cannibals. Only a few that Sonata could control. She attacked them with the spring, but it wasn't enough so she continued with the bow. She finally chased them away with the flare gun. She continued running with the spear in hand. They stopped in the forest and changed positions. The things became more difficult. There were not only cannibals, but also some mutants, a virginia and an armsy. Aria's chainsaw was good against the cannibals. She used the crossbow with poisoned or fire arrows. Sunset, even though she couldn't walk or move very much, helped Aria with some Molotov cocktails, giving her enough time to activate the hidden traps in the trees. Two Rope Swing Traps destroyed them all at the same time. Once safe, they ran towards the beach.

"We're almost there." Aria gasped.

"This is where the real action begins, get ready." Sunset said.

It was true. Their old house was full of mutants, and in the center of the beach were many cannibals. As planned they ran to the pier. Sonata took the things to the yacht while Adagio and Aria protected Sunset. It wasn't the same as the other times. There were more cannibals than they have ever faced. Even though they were able to defeat them, it wasn't the end. The mutants came too. Sonata returned for Sunset, but she barely got to the middle of the dock, when she saw Aria and Adagio having problems with the mutants.

"Go help them!"

"But Sunset, that's not part of the plan." Sonata was surprised.

"I know! But they need you, go! ”Sunset shouted.

"But you-"

"I'll be fine Sonata!"

Sonata ran to their aid and attacked some cannibals. Sunset saw in the distance mutants that were on their way. She took some projectiles and threw them at them. She obviously couldn't kill them, but she left them weak enough for her friends to give them the final blow. But then came the mutant worm. She didn't know what to do, until she saw Onix trying to get the attention of the mutant. That made her react, besides worrying her ferret helped her to have the time. Sunset prepared herself with some fire arrows and passed them to her friends. She prepared some Molotov cocktail and got ready. As soon as her friends shot the arrows, the monster changed shape and dissolved into parts again. But Sunset was ready. She threw the Molotov cocktails into the air and the dazzlings fired again. It worked. The flames burned every piece of the mutant, who screamed in pain.

“Now girls! Let's go!” Sunset shouted.

The dazzlings obeyed running to the yacht. The first to arrive was Sonata who hurried to put all things, Aria took Onix on her back and followed her to turn on the yacht and Adagio took her girlfriend. Sonata returned to help her. Once in the boat, they watched as the cannibals and mutants advanced. They attacked back with their last arrows and they fired at the hidden bombs. Some cannibals and mutants flew into the air, even pieces of meat fell on the yacht. Some mutants roared for not being able to follow them and cannibals drowned in salt water. Soon that peninsula where they have lived for a month and a half, was lost In the distance.

"We've... escaped..." Sunset whispered.

"Yes, we did it." Adagio said smiling.

“WE DID IT!!!” Sonata shouted happily hugging Aria.

"And all thanks to you little friend" Sunset stroked her ferret.

"And Adagio, if Onix hadn't distracted her, I don't know if the escape had worked"

“HURRAY FOR ONIX!!” Sonata charged the happy animal.

"True… But where are we going now?” Aria ask confused.

"Don't worry Aria, luckily we have the map we packed before and we have the compass."

“I hope so Sunset, we are in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean."

"It's more like the Pacific." Adagio said.

"Are you going to start again?!"

"Enough of it you two. Let's focus on sailing north. If you remember well it's where we left from the airport." Sunset explained.

"I just want to rest." said Sonata.

"You're right, especially you." Adagio took Sunset up. "You still haven't fully recovered"

"I think it's one of the few things that I agree with you Dazzle. Sonata, do you want to help?"

"Okay!" she smiled helping her friend. “I will go to the kitchen to prepare something later”

"That sounds good. Something tells me that we will be in the sea for some time." Adagio said entering the interior of the boat.

"I hope it won't be as much as on the island." Aria said.

Things didn't turn out as bad as they thought they will. A week passed since they escaped. Aria was the only one who could operate the yacht, so she had to spend some sleepless nights. Sunset used to go out a little to help Aria. Adagio didn't want her to do it and that made her argue with Aria. Luckily Sonata was always there with her food to calm the atmosphere.

Even though they were no longer on the peninsula, they were still "surviving". The food was not only a problem, but the fuel was. They had enough, but they had no idea how long they would be at sea. Their routine was Aria conducting the ship with Sonata keeping her company. She also fished to have even more food. Adagio took care of Sunset since she couldn't move much. They were always stopping the yacht to eat and sleep at night. A few more days went by like that. It's been something about two more weeks, until... they saw land in the distance.

"Hey! Girls come here!” Aria shouted.

"What's up?" Sonata replied.

"Is there something in the distance? Like a land?"

"Are you sure Aria?" Adagio tried to see the horizon.

"I just hope it's not another desert island. It will be better to go find out."

"Okay Sunset, here we go." Aria said accelerating.

Once they arrived on the land they hid the yacht, kept their weapons and went out to investigate. For their luck it wasn't a desert island, there was civilization and a very heavenly one.

"Where are we?" Sonata asked.

"I don't know but I like it. Finally a decent place." Adagio smiled. "Luckily I kept my bag. I can use my card to get some money, rent a hotel and we'll investigate in the morning, ok?"

"Sounds good, I miss sleeping in a decent bed." Aria sighed.

“Yes, everything is very rustic here.” Sonata admired.

"Oh no! I will not sleep in a hut again.” Adagio complained. “Wait… Oh! Sunsy~!"

Two hours later the girls were on the roof of a hotel, wearing swimsuits. Aria and Sonata were in the pool, Adagio was sunbathing, and Sunset rested under an umbrella with Onix in her lap drinking refreshing drinks.

"Adagio, this looks very expensive." Sunset complained.

"Oh come on Sunsy, we were on a peninsula for almost two months. We deserve this don't you think?"

"Maybe, but was it necessary to ask for a room with a pool?"

"Okay, but don't you think we deserve it?" she repeated approaching her girlfriend. “We've been through a lot, and I'm not only talking about the island, but also about the asylum. Anyway, I have something to tell you.”

"What's going on?"

"Well, did you talk to your friends?"

"Yes, I sent them a message they haven't answered me yet. I hope they are ok."

"Hopefully, but do you remember what we talked about meeting them?"


"Well, I talked to Aria and Sonata and... we agreed for you to tell them about us."

"Really?" Sunset was surprised.

"Yes. It wasn't fair for us to deny you and make you choose us over your friends."

“I respected your decision and I understand it very well. You don't have to do this.”

“I know, but I want to do it. We are ready I just hope they'll take it well.” Adagio gave her a warm smile.

"I think so, but as you said, we deserve this." Sunset returned the smile for her beloved.

"Well, I'm sorry you can't enjoy this much because of your cast." she hugged her carefully to not disturb Onix.

"It's okay, I like to watch." Sunset smiled, stroking her hair.

After a few days Sunset and the Dazzlings returned home. Of course they kept the yacht.

Sonata was with Adagio planning next Christmas, because they will have more guests. Aria went to look for Sunset in her room where she was playing with Onix.

"Hey Sunset." she entered the room.

"Hi Aria, what's up?"

"Don't tell Adagio, but I recovered this." she showed her the sphere of the resurrection artifact.

"But how-"

"While we were fighting I saw that Adagio and Sonata handled the situation alone, so I took the opportunity to see if it was there, I thought you would like to get it." she handed it to her.

"Wow, thanks Aria, seriously."

"Just don't turn it on, ok?"

"Haha, don't worry, I'll make sure to keep it very well."

"Okay, whatever." walking to the door. "Sonata is making her plans, are you coming?"

"In a second."

"Okay, see ya." Aria closed the door after she walked out.

Sunset smiled at her friend until she left the room. She took her crutches and went to her closet. On one of the walls she had a hidden place that she didn't tell the dazzlings about. Not even Twilight and the others. She contemplate the interior because of its valuable objects. A paper with a drawing of a very tall being without a face with the word "FOLLOWS", another was a wave receiver with compass installed, with a radio, a white hokey mask with dried blood, and of course, the camera with which she was recording in the asylum. She placed the next to it.

"Another piece to the collection." she patted Onix who was on her shoulder. "And another one that we managed to escape with life friend."

The ferret seemed happy, but worried at the same time.

“Don't worry, I also hope it's the last one. Now.” she took out her phone. “It's amazing that they noticed my absence after a week… I was gone for almost two months.”

She waited with the ring tone, until she heard the response.

"Hey Twilight? Could you gather the girls as soon as they come back… I have to talk to you.”

Author's Note:

Finally, Sunset and the dazzlings they managed to escape, and also took the opportunity to take a well-deserved rest, :twilightsmile:

But now the question is ... how do others react? :rainbowhuh:

I hope you liked this story :pinkiehappy:

By the way, on the end, just so that you would like my story, and have followed it, And especially so you can guess every object in the Sunset closet, and where they belong; There may be more stories :raritywink:

I hope you support the story :yay:

See you in the next story (I hope) :applejackunsure:

See ya later! :moustache:

Comments ( 3 )

Well, we come to the end. Of one story. Hopefully, these four friends have more adventures, but ones with less risk of death or serious injury. Will we read about those adventures? Maybe. But you can be damn sure that they will happen.

Ps: Author PM me your reply to this. Its supposed to be a surprise for everyone else. I dont care either way.

10080546 Thank you for comment in this story, I appreciate:twilightsmile:

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