• Published 17th Mar 2017
  • 2,524 Views, 193 Comments

In the Absence of Twilight Sparkle - MyHobby

Twilight Sparkle isn't the only human learning magic, as Sunset discovers when she is invited overseas to visit a school run by Starlight Glimmer. She appears to have good intentions, but Sunset's doubts rise when a magic-powered murderer strikes

  • ...

Crossing the Threshold

In the gardens of Canterlot Castle, Starlight Glimmer watched in awe as her students attended an Equestrian kindergarten class, their attention piqued and their minds utterly blown. To these full-grown adults, the information was like learning how to walk after a lifetime on their knees. Cutie marks had appeared on several of them. A few had begun motions to remain full Equestrian citizens. Others wished to show their families what they’d learned.

Starlight Glimmer found herself torn. She wished to stay as much as any of them, but her life was on a different trajectory at the moment. As wonderful as magic was, this world was not her home. She had work to do back in the human world. Work that—as was rapidly becoming clear—only she could do.

Princess Celestia smiled as she watched the class. She leaned close to Starlight’s ear to whisper. “Look how they take to magic as if it’s part of their nature. You’ve done well in teaching them.”

“It’s the air in your world.” Starlight closed her eyes and focused on her horn. She could feel ambient magic practically dancing around her. Pouring from her and into her. Threading through every living thing. “It’s like taking the training weights off.”

“I think, in time, your world can become like ours.” Celestia glanced towards the sun, her wings spreading to catch a few warm rays. “As you grow to understand magic, you’ll better understand how to find it. It’s already all around you… just hidden.”

Starlight leaned back and rested her head against her chair. “There’s a lot of work left over in my world, I guess. Almost doesn’t feel worth it to go back.”

“It’s a good thing for you to return.” Princess Celestia sipped from a small bottle of strawberry fizz. “You can finally confront your demons and put them to rest.”

Starlight sighed. She clomped her front hooves together for lack of anything else to do with them. “All I wanted was to level the playing field a bit. Bring something to the table that excluded no one. Uncover something that united everyone and showed that we’re all the same flesh and bones.” She let out a huff of hot air and shook her head. “I doubt it’ll take.”

“It won’t. Not the way you want.” Celestia’s eyes took on a distant look as she searched the boundless depths of her memory. “I’ve tried to maintain equality between the ponies for a thousand years, now. Magic can be a great equalizer, but it can also tear people apart. Just like any difference.” She reached out to touch Starlight’s hoof with a wingtip. “It’s not a cure-all. People will split over the three types of magic. They will split over skill levels, and depth of knowledge. Those with more talent will hold it over the amateurs. Those who can afford training will outpace those who cannot. Those who struggle will resent those who do not.”

Starlight’s heart dropped. She supposed she’d already realized that. “So there’s no hope?”

“Would I fight for a thousand years for something hopeless?” Celestia shrugged. “Perhaps. But any movement forward, no matter how small, is important. It is something to be celebrated. You have a good heart, Starlight. Don’t let them take it away from you.”

Starlight frowned deeply, dreading the coming lifetime of complications ahead of her. She lowered her face to her hooves and moaned. It was a tiny, defeated sound.

“However, that being said…” Celestia raised an eyebrow. “There are ways to mitigate fissures. At least immediate ones. I suspect you’ve been considering a few?”

Starlight pressed her lips together. “Just the one…”

One of the castle’s exterior doors opened. Hammer Dulcimer strode through, flanked on one side by Double Diamond, and on the other by Princess Twilight Sparkle. The human-turned-pony viscount bowed before Princess Celestia with a flourish that ended when he lost his balance and planted his nose in the grass. He lifted his head and covered his embarrassment with a smile. A slimy smile, in Starlight’s opinion. “Princess Celestia, Bringer of the Dawn, I come bearing a message from the Prime Minister of the Highborn Isles.”

Starlight decided to make her disgust known by blessing the viscount with an open-mouthed gag. “Oh yeah? What’d he say?”

Dulcimer, to his credit, proceeded as if he hadn’t noticed Starlight’s lack of manners. “Fancy Pants has requested to meet with Starlight Glimmer directly, to present her with a mutually-beneficial proposition. A proposition that he says will allow the school to continue its operations.”

Starlight Glimmer snorted. She gave the High Princess a grim smile. “Alright. Looks like it’s time to hear what the grand poohbah has to say.”


Starlight Glimmer stood before the entrance to Fancy Pants’ office, waiting alongside Double Diamond. Her students remained in Equestria, awaiting word on whether they could return home, or if Shining Armor’s third option would be preferable.

“You’ll do fine,” Double said, moving out of the way so that she could pace.

“Like heck.” She rubbed one of her arms. Her outfit was the height of formality; a pencil skirt, button up blouse, her hair done up in a bun, and so many more things she didn’t bother to consider. It was uncomfortable. It was stifling. It was exactly what she hated about the Isles’ leadership: stuffiness without substance. “I spent years protesting their policies, but the instant I decide to focus on something good, Parliament finally decides ‘oh, now that’s unacceptable!’”

She closed her eyes and thought back to the conversation she’d had with Princess Celestia, back in the other world. It seemed that a thousand years lent a person endless wisdom. Though even the height of wisdom wasn’t right every time…

“You said it yourself—”

Double Diamond’s voice brought her back to the moment. She snapped her head towards him as her reverie crumbled. “Wha?”

Double Diamond gave her a cavalier smile. It seemed sincere. “You said it yourself. Everybody deserves to learn about magic. Now it’s time to put your words into action.”

The door opened. Dulcimer stepped out and bowed at the waist. “You are permitted to enter, Starlight Glimmer. Alone.”

Double Diamond gave her a thumbs-up. He sat down in the waiting chair, looking for all the world like he wasn’t going to leave the instant the door closed.

Starlight Glimmer tramped her way into the office, anger fueling her steps. Years of preparation had finally led her to an opportunity for her voice to actually be heard by her opponents. If she had one thing to be thankful to the doctor for, it was this moment.

A pain of sorrow gave her pause, but only for a moment. This was not the doctor’s moment. It was hers.

Dulcimer pulled back a large, red-upholstered chair for her to sit in. He proceeded to stand beside the massive desk, which was made up of an expensive and probably-endangered species of wood. Behind the desk, beyond the sea of paperwork and computers and general atmosphere of authority, was the current Prime Minister of the Highborn Isles. He smiled congenially at her; obviously a practiced expression he was able to summon on the spot.

Fancy Pants spoke before she could formulate a sentence. “Starlight Glimmer, it seems we are in your debt. The quick action of your students saved my life, the life of the crown prince, and many of our people. We thank you for your part in overcoming the otherworldly monster.”

Starlight Glimmer kept silent. She gripped the armrests with a vicelike hold. She was certain she could snap the wood if she wished.

“As such, Parliament—represented by myself, of course—would like to extend an invitation.” Fancy Pants cupped his hands and leaned forward. “Rather than shut your school down for operating without a license, we would like to grant you a license effective retroactively to the moment you began collecting students. We would supply you with monetary resources, grant programs, more effective infrastructure, and all the other benefits a state-sponsored school receives. We will, in essence, legitimize you and allow you to reach more people than ever before.”

Starlight Gimmer returned his smile; hers was a crusty, teeth-grating affair. “What’s the catch?”

Fancy Pants paused for a critical moment. He continued on without delay—audacity being the lesser part of cowardice. “Once your curriculum has been reviewed by the board of education, you shall be free to teach the students as best you see fit. You will report directly to me, though your teachers will have their own agents of the crown who will be responsible for them—”

“There it is!” Starlight Glimmer said, causing Fancy to jump. Dulcimer moved towards her, but stopped just beside her chair. “There’s the catch, you old goat! You’ll allow our school to exist, but only if you have complete control of it, and the students, and magic in general!”

Fancy Pants glared at Dulcimer, who pretended not to notice. “Young lady, you would do well to show a little respect. You are indeed lucky to have made it this far, considering your life’s work seems to have been to undermine Parliament’s authority.”

Starlight Glimmer lit her hand. The phone flew out of Dulcimer’s pocket and hovered just out of Minister Pants’ reach. Fancy Pants’ own unmistakable voice echoed around the room in an electronic hiss.

“What we need is a show of force that does not mark us as villains, but saviors. To show these malcontents that we are not weak, and not even the crowning of Blueblood can change that.”

“You’re suggesting another target? An indirect target?”

“How would the general public feel if they found out that known anti-monarchist Starlight Glimmer was raising a school of militants subversives right on Highborn Isles soil?”

“Is she?”

“Appearances matter more than facts, Upper Crust. And I think the populace would feel downright threatened.”

Starlight Glimmer tossed the phone back to Dulcimer, who caught it deftly. “So which is it, Prime Minister? Are you going to support us or imprison us? It doesn’t matter, because either way, you have sole access to all the secrets of magic.”

Fancy Pants stood to his feet, sputtering. “How did you—where did—Dulcimer, explain this!”

Starlight leaned forward in her seat, her smile increasing with equal parts sincerity and smugness. “Here’s my counter-offer, Prime Minister. You keep your political tripe out of my business, and I make sure that the whole world learns about the wonders of magic.”

Fancy Pants slammed a mug against his desktop. “I’ll have you arrested if you dare to continue your school’s existence.”

“You think the school’s the only way I can share magic?” Starlight Glimmer bared her teeth at the Prime Minister like a cat eating a rat. “Everything I know about magic is freely available on the internet, as of…” She checked the wall clock. “Two hours ago. Anybody can learn magic now, and you’ll never see a cent of it.”

An aide opened the door to the office and scurried up to the fuming Fancy Pants. She tapped his shoulder as sweat beaded on her forehead. “Sir? You may wish to end this meeting with Miss Glimmer prematurely.”


“It seems that the Secret Investigative Services have a warrant for your arrest.” The aide cleared her throat with a squeak. “Conspiracy, wrongful imprisonment, bribery…”

As the aide droned on with the list of crimes, Fancy Pants glared down at Starlight Glimmer. Realization shone in his eyes as he snapped towards Dulcimer. “Hammer Dulcimer, you are fired.”

“On the contrary, Prime Minister.” Dulcimer walked towards the door with Starlight Glimmer in tow. “I think I feel a promotion coming on.”

Starlight Glimmer flashed the soon-to-be-former prime minister a two-handed rude gesture. She exited through the doorway to find the hallway devoid of Double Diamond.

He was waiting in Starlight’s getaway vehicle.

Starlight hopped as she pulled off her high-heeled shoes. She intended to run for the exit. “I’ll admit, Dulcimer. I had you wrong. I thought for sure you were nothing but trouble.”

“You should trust your first impression, Miss Glimmer.” Dulcimer shut the door as the shouting from Fancy Pants reached a crescendo. “I am plenty of trouble. For instance, I knew of the doctor’s intentions but did nothing to stop her. In fact, had I not lied to her and accelerated Fancy Pants’ timetable, she might still be our ally.” He gave her a smirk and rubbed his goatee. “Even now, I’m only assisting you because it benefits me greatly.” He laughed at her sour frown. “I appreciate the compliment regardless of its deservedness. But you have somewhere else to be right now, don’t you?”

Starlight scowled as she sped off down the hallway. “In that case, I hope I don’t see your stupid face ever again!”

“Likewise, Miss Glimmer.” Dulcimer steeled himself and pushed the door open once more, reentering the chaos of a meeting gone awry. “I have what I came for.”

Starlight nearly knocked five people over on her way to the car. She hopped into the back seat behind Double Diamond and slapped him on the back. “Drive!”

Double Diamond pulled smoothly into traffic and headed for the outskirts of the city. “We might just get away without muss or fuss. I’m guessing Parliament has more important things on its mind than a couple of unlicensed educators.”

Starlight grinned wide. “Like maybe appointing the next Prime Minister?” She leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes as a sudden realization struck her. “Oh God. That’s why Dulcimer was helping us, isn’t it? He has his eyes on the Prime Minister’s seat.”

“Does that change the fact that we needed his help?”

“Not really, it’s just…” Starlight threw her hands up. She glanced behind them to see that—for all appearances—they had no pursuers. “Whatever. We aren’t staying in the Isles regardless. Have we heard anything back from Shining Armor?”

“President Cadenza of Libertas and Princess Celestia of Equestria have just signed the treaty. We’re free to set up the Equestrian Embassy outside Peoplesburg.” Double Diamond reached a warm hand towards Starlight. “Do we need to pick up anything at the school?”

Starlight Glimmer sighed, undoing her hair and allowing it to fall loose. She took the hand and gave it a squeeze. “No. It’s all gone. Everything burned down after Twilight and the doctor’s little ‘tête-à-tête.’”

Double Diamond raised his eyebrows, looking at Starlight through the rearview mirror. “Better to start over fresh?”

“Not completely fresh.” She gave him a smile; the most genuine smile she’d given anybody for the past few years. “We’re just going to continue where we left off.”

A while later, they arrived at their destination. They snuck past the guards that had been placed around an aged, weather-worn castle. It was the work of a moment to once again reach the portal to Equestria. The two of them stood hand-in-hand beside the enchanted pool, their faces illuminated by the unknowably powerful magic.

The two of them leaped in and left the Highborn Iles behind. But only for the time being. Only until they could be welcomed back home.


“This is treason, Dulcimer!” Fancy Pants struggled with the agents who had handcuffed him. They led him out of the office with a series of shoves. “I’ll have your head!”

“Understood, Prime Minister.” Dulcimer took a seat in Fancy Pants’ chair, smiling as the politician was hefted out of sight. “I’ll see you at the hearings.”

The door slammed shut and left Dulcimer alone with the aide.

Green fire lit up the room as the aide was incinerated from within. The clothes and skin around her body burned away into ash and cinders. After a brief conflagration, all that was left was the dark, smug visage of Chrysalis. Her gaunt face cracked into a sickly grin while she took the chair opposite Dulcimer. “What a load of bull.”

Dulcimer looked her over. She sat with the worst posture he’d ever seen in his life, legs dangling over the armrest while she thumbed at her phone.

“You did good work today,” Dulcimer said after a beat. “I appreciate your help in discovering that recording… on a device other than my personal phone.”

“Yeah, it was just sitting on the internet where anybody could find it.” She smirked but didn’t look away from her screen. “Wonder how it got there?”

Dulcimer chuckled. “Hackers and leakers are a terrible scourge on the world at the moment. We may never find the culprits.”

Chrysalis smirked as she drained information from a variety of nearby cellphones. “Darn right.”

“I have to wonder…” Dulcimer touched a stack of papers on the desk, perusing them for any useful information. “In a year or so, once I have King Blueblood pardon you, will you have any reason to stick around? I could make it worth your while to work for me rather than scrounge around the dark alleys of the world for chump change.”

“Yeah, that sounds good. I like it around here.” Chrysalis finally put her phone down and fixed Dulcimer with a penetrating glare. “Between you and me… In terms of life goals, I prefer ‘Becoming Prime Minister through questionably-legal means’ to ‘Becoming a god through human sacrifice.’”

Dulcimer nodded. “Not a fan of the doctor’s methods?”

“She scared the hell out of me.” Chrysalis stood up and sat on his desk, resting a hand on the various missing-persons reports that Dr. Twilight had a hand in creating. “I find your brand of subterfuge much more… palatable.”

Dulcimer leaned his elbow on the desk and handed her a bundle of paper containing new identification, an apartment number, and marching orders. “In that case, welcome to the fold, Agent Emerald.”


Time passed. Days turned into weeks and into months. Sunset Shimmer’s recovery proceeded faster than the doctors had expected. But then, what did they expect, dealing with alicorn anatomy?

Twilight Sparkle stood in front of a new-ish building on the outskirts of Canterlot City. It felt good to have fingers and toes again, after spending so much time in Equestria. She went through her mental checklist once again, possibly for the fiftieth time that hour. Everything needed to be perfect. Everything!

Edgy Spike… her Spike… tugged at her sleeve with his teeth. “You’ve got that wild look in your eyes again. Chill.”

“I refuse.” Twilight waved down Big Mac as he passed. He was carrying a crate of drinks to the tables waiting nearby. “Mac! Got a second?”

His eyes sparkled as he set the drinks in their place. “For you, Twi, all the time in the—”

“Does Granny Smith have enough help in the kitchen?”

The sparkle in his eyes died down for only a second before it regained its luster. He reached out and drew her close in a tight hug. “Yes, Twi, just like the other five times yah asked.”

Twilight attempted to slip out of the embrace, but Big Mac held on just a bit longer. “Mac—”

“You’re doin’ fine, Twi.” Mac released her and returned to his job setting up. “We’ve got your back.”

“We’ve got minutes before Sunset gets here! Minutes!” Twilight realized too late that she was shouting into the void. She lowered the index finger she was pointing at the clouds. “Spike, have you done all your tasks?”

Spike scratched behind his ear. “About two hours ago. Like I told you.”

“Something is going to go catastrophically wrong, I just know it!”

Spike rolled his eyes. “At this point, I’m counting on it, if only for your peace of mind.”

Starlight Glimmer and Moondancer walked side-by-side out of the building, carrying a series of tables in a bubble of magic together. Moondancer waved to get Twilight’s attention. “Where do you want these?”

“Set them up in the grass. Line them up for the buffet.” Twilight Sparkle checked her phone for the time. Just as she pulled it out of its holster, a text message flashed across the screen. “They’re just a couple minutes away! Are the chairs set up yet?”

Big Mac rested his arms around her shoulders. “A’yep.”

“Tables set?”


“Plates and silverware?”

“Sure thing.”


“Y’all just watched me set them down.”

Twilight leaned her head against his chest as her stomach did flips. “What would I do without you?”

Spike’s face remained stoic, but he couldn’t hide the wag of his tail. “Spontaneously combust?”

Granny Smith exited the building next, leading a great procession of people carrying trays of food. Principal Celestia and her sister Luna bustled close behind, while a few people later, Dr. Sombra brought up the rear. They carefully set the food in a row on the tables, arranged hot-to-cold.

Dr. Sombra tipped his hat to Twilight—“Miss Sparkle.”—and took Principal Celestia’s hand in his. The two of them took a step back to gaze upon the building, satisfaction evident in their smiles.

Twilight also took a moment to process the gravity of what they’d accomplished together. The sign out front labeled the building as the “Canterlot Academy of Magic.” Completely funded by Dr. Sombra’s family treasury. Fully staffed by alumni from Starlight’s school overseas. Independent from controlling authorities thanks to Shining Armor’s negotiations with the government. They would operate as a public service, so long as they remained transparent about what they were teaching.

Magic was too new to this world for laws to have been written. Too new for courts to have interpreted these laws. Their school was to be a testing ground, heavily scrutinized. Many nations were watching closely. Many people expected them to fail.

But with Starlight, Sombra, and Celestia working together? How could they possibly fail?

Shining and Sunset’s minivan rolled into the parking lot to uproarious cheers from the students. The woman herself stepped out, moving under her own power at long last. She and Shining unhooked Sunny from his car seat together, and she carried her young son over to the people who owed her their freedom. Many hands were shaken, and many hugs were given.

The celebration of the grand opening of the Canterlot Magic Academy went into full swing, and lasted many hours into the evening. Sunset kept busy meeting the new students, reconnecting with the old, and being bombarded by questions about the other world. Twilight Sparkle kept busy being the best host she could be, making sure everybody walked away from the buffet satisfied.

Most of the students had moved into a series of dormitories built near the academy. They filtered back to their apartments as the evening progressed. Scootaloo and Applejack had taken Sunny back to the Apple farm to sleep. Principal Luna had returned home to prepare for her own students the next day. As the sun set over the horizon, Twilight found that only a small core group of teachers and family remained: Starlight, Double Diamond, Celestia, Sombra, Shining, Sunset, Granny, Big Mac, Spike, and herself.

Sunset Shimmer held Celestia’s hand in her own, marveling at the ring on the principal’s finger. “It’s beautiful! Have you guys set a date yet?”

“Altogether not soon enough,” Sombra said with a chuckle. “But after so many years without a compromise… to finally join together to help youngsters learn to better themselves is a joy unlike any other.”

Granny Smith’s wrinkled face curled into a grin. “When Papaw Apple popped the question, I pert near burst right outta my skin. Right bundle of nerves I was!” She sent a wink Big Mac’s way, though Twilight was unsure what it meant. “Best dang decision I ever did make, an’ no mistake.”

Starlight Glimmer kicked back in her folding chair and stretched with a yawn. “Yep. Good, good, mushy stuff all around I’m sure. But…” She folded her arms behind her head and peered at Sunset with one eye. “Are you sure you’re up to teaching full-time? We’re still just running on donations. We aren’t even sure how to move the school towards a for-profit model yet.”

“Thankfully, that check you used to lure me to the Highborn Isles cleared.” Sunset Shimmer folded her hands on her lap, smiling at Shining Armor. “We should be good for a while, with Shining finally working full-time again.”

Shining Armor smiled back at her as he picked at a plate of leftovers from the party. “Turns out military brass is interested in applied magic, and they’re willing to fund research into defensive tactics. They’re even willing to set up a local chapter so I can stay close to the family.”

Starlight glanced at Shining with lidded eyes. “Yeah, sure does feel great to know that magic is already being used for war.”

Shining tapped a fork against his plate. “You’re the one who leaked magic textbooks onto the internet. We’re still reacting to that right now. Training police, fire, and medical on magic is a start, but we also now live in a world where missiles can be guided by a spell rather than a computer.”

Double Diamond tapped his fingers together. “He’s got a point—”

Starlight Glimmer stood up and took her plate to the garbage. “Fine, like I can change anything about it now. It’s not like I can stop you if I wanted to.”

“If it makes you feel any better…” Shining Armor leaned on the table, his face growing serious. “It’s just me, Flash, and my old team doing what we’ve always done, just with magic assisting us now. And what we do is protect people. Dr. Sombra can attest to that.”

“Indeed,” Dr. Sombra said, “of all the soldiers I’ve met in my life, Shining ranks very highly among those I’d trust with magic.”

“Fair dues,” Starlight muttered. She proceeded to commence cleanup, gathering garbage and stuffing it in the bin to distance herself from the conversation.

The rest of them joined in on cleanup once Shining had finished his plate. Spells were used to light up the lawn and parking lot as they cleared away the remains of the day. Even Granny Smith was able to use her newfound earth pony strength to carry away all the tables with one trip to the storage closet.

The group dwindled once again. Celestia and Sombra headed home. Double Diamond and Starlight returned to their rooms inside the school. Big Mac and Shining Armor chatted while Spike and Granny Smith napped inside the minivan. Sunset and Twilight finally had a moment alone.

“So,” Sunset said, her hand holding Twilight’s, “have you tried the spell since that night?”

Teleportation. The ability to be in two places simultaneously. The ability to bend the laws of physics until they were only a joke.

“No.” Twilight slipped her hand away from Sunset’s. She took a seat on the steps in front of the academy. “I discovered the source of its power, and it’s too much for me. Pure hatred. Untamed fury. Rage personified. That’s not something you can tap into on command, not without carrying some serious issues in your back pocket.” She folded her arms atop her knees and peered over the top of her glasses. “In some ways, I think the only way I’d ever be able to teleport is if something horrible happened to my family. So… ”

Sunset’s physical changes were minor in the human world. Slightly taller. Slightly more muscular—and she was already a fit individual. Her eyes contained a slight glimmer of inner fire that had once been merely metaphorical. Now, though, it seemed like Sunset’s very soul seemed ready to ignite the hearts of those around her.

Twilight felt very small beside the woman.

“I saw…” Twilight squeezed her hands together. “I saw those same exact emotions in the doctor… and I realized I’d become just like her if I didn’t stop.”

Sunset sat beside her, her brow furrowed in concentration. She lifted a glowing finger and wrote the spell out in midair. Step by step, line to line, equation after equation. At the center, she wrote the word “anger,” connecting it to several parts of the sequence with arrows. She stared at it, her mouth a grim line. “I suppose it would require a very powerful emotion. Something as dangerous as the spell itself.”

Twilight Sparkle sighed through her nose. She tried to bring magic to her fingertips, but only succeeded in igniting a single spark. “I wish that I’d never figured it out at all.”

“Come on, Twilight.” Sunset touched her friend’s forearm. “You did something most people still think is impossible. That’s amazing—”

“It is impossible.” Twilight removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes. “It’s impossible without breaking something important.”

Sunset fell silent. She turned back to her spellwork and let her eyes run around the glowing schematics.

Twilight waved a hand and wiped away the word “anger,” leaving the spell incomplete. “This dream isn’t worth the price I’d have to pay. Not when I have so much else I want to live for.” She looked up at Sunset Shimmer, her folded glasses hanging loose in her grip. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I can’t complete your work.”

Sunset bobbed her head lightly. She lowered her arm and allowed the spell to dissolve into dust. “No. You’re right, Twi. There are some dreams we should never entertain in the first place. There are some dreams that we learn too late the toll they take to accomplish. We should always count the cost and measure it against what we’re willing to pay. I’m sorry for pushing you to this one.” Sunset Shimmer rested an arm on her raised knee. “I’ve risked so much this year. Relationships, livelihoods, my own life… And it’s only because of you guys that things didn’t turn out horribly.”

She turned around to look at the school. Only a few windows were still lit where Starlight and Double Diamond were still cleaning up. The sign itself had gone dark once the party ended. The culmination of years of work; a dream given form. The legacy of so many great teachers.

“I guess…” Sunset shrugged. “I guess I’m just thankful for the chance to be part of this. To be part of your life.”

Twilight put her glasses back on, and the world fell back into focus. She leaned close to Sunset and wrapped her in a firm hug. “Teleportation isn’t the only spell in existence. We don’t need to focus on one little aspect of magic. There’s a whole world out there, and a lifetime to learn about it.”

She held back a stuttering breath as Sunset returned the embrace. She shut her eyes and cherished the long-awaited moment where the two friends could once again meet eye-to-eye.

They sat together for a while after that, chatting about nothing in particular. Before too long, the night was so late that they had to part ways. Sunset and Shining took Granny back to the farm, while Mac drove Twilight and Spike back to her house. It was a quiet drive, as most drives with Big Mac were. It was comfortable. It was cozy. It was oh-so familiar. Twilight found herself smiling as the tension of the day left her body. The moon was bright overhead, illuminating the passing streets in a rich silver glow.

She must have fallen asleep, because the next thing she noticed was Big Mac’s hand on her shoulder. “We’re here.”

Spike yawned and limped absentmindedly towards the front door. Twilight stretched with a yawn from the depths of her soul. She turned to her boyfriend and quietly looked at the quiet man.

Big Mac opened his mouth to favor her with a smile.

“Stop that. It’s unnatural on you.” She reached up and touched his cheek with a gentle hand. “You never smile with your mouth. Only with your eyes.” The corner of her mouth turned upward. “You have a beautiful smile.”

His mouth returned to its usual neutral position, but his eyes didn’t sparkle in their signature way. Not just yet. “I’ve just… I’ve been thinkin’ a lot lately.”

“Of course. You’re a smart person.” Twilight’s hand next found Mac’s and held it. “What’ve you been thinking about?”

“That… that…” He looked away for a beat, then returned to her, his eyes having finally found that certain green glimmer that made her heart melt and her legs turn to jelly. “We ain’t had a lot of time just you an’ me lately. Wanna fix that?”

“Yeah.” Twilight leaned a little closer to him. “What’d you have in mind?”

“Short term, howsabout we have lunch together tomorrow?”

“Sounds good to me.” She let out a tiny laugh. “I haven’t thanked you yet for rescuing me back in the Reflection. I hear you led the charge. And… you sang?

“Well, with the magic an’ all, I felt somethin’ come over me.” He shook his head lightly. “Probably wouldn’t be able to recreate it.”

Twilight glanced up to see Spike enter the house, a knowing smirk on his muzzle. She sat on her knees to raise herself up high enough to kiss Big Mac. “I love you, Mac.”

“Love you too, Twilight.” He looked like he wanted to say something else, but let whatever it was remain hidden for the moment. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.” She climbed out of the truck and paused with her hand on the door. “I’m paying for lunch and you can’t stop me.”

“Now just a—!” She cut him off when she closed the door and hurried towards the house. She waved goodbye, disappearing inside in the next moment.


Big Mac pulled into the driveway of the Sweet Apple Acres farmhouse. He sat there with the engine running for a moment, leaning against the steering wheel. His headlights illuminated the red barn door, where the tractor was continually undergoing various forms of maintenance. The farmhouse was dark, save for a small light on the porch that welcomed him home.

He pulled a small box out of his pocket and flipped the top open. A small ring lay inside, glinting with a silvery sheen. There was only one person on his mind.

He nodded to himself, the decision already long since made. Tomorrow was the day. Seven years in the making.

He shut the truck off and walked inside, his footsteps a tad bit lighter than normal.


Starlight Glimmer stared at the photograph sitting on the school’s welcome desk. Six people stood around each other, most smiling, some too serious for their own good. It was herself, Double Diamond, Sugar Belle, Party Favor, Night Glider, and Dr. Twilight Sparkle.

Party Favor and Night Glider were dead. The doctor was imprisoned for life in another world because of it. Starlight buried her head in her hands and heaved a breath from her chest.

Double Diamond glanced over her shoulder on his way through the foyer. “Are we sure we want Dr. Sparkle to be the first thing new students see?”

Starlight lowered her hands and shrugged. “It’s the only photo we have of the first five students together. Like it or not… Twilight brought us magic. We have to admit that to ourselves.”

Double Diamond stood beside her, his face somber. He picked up the picture frame and tilted it so that the glare from the overhead lights didn’t obscure the faces. “She did. I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day.”

“So we live with our history.” Starlight nodded. “And we move on from it.”

Diamond set the photo down facing the front door. He gave her a small smile. “She brought it to us, but you brought it to the world. I see that as a very good thing, Starlight.”

“We’ll see.” Starlight set off for her dorm room at a swift clip. “In the meantime, I need to sleep. Tomorrow’s the first day of the rest of our lives, and I’d like to be prepared.” She paused at a fork in the hallway. She looked over her shoulder before she stepped out of sight. “And Double Dee… thank you for sticking with me.”

“I wouldn’t miss a moment of this.”


Twilight Sparkle stood a short distance away from the portal to the reflection. It glistened within the cavern, illuminating everything around it with a ghostly, ethereal sheen. She walked closer to it to peer into its depths.

Spike was already at the edge, a few belongings fastened to his torso in a dog-sized backpack. He looked up to her with a smile. “Thank you for letting me stay with you.”

“I’m glad—I’m glad we could do it.” Twilight knelt down so that she could sit at the water’s edge. “It was a—” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “—It was wonderful to have you. To make the house seem a little less empty. I’ll miss you.”

“It’s just until the war’s over,” he said, resting a paw on her shoulder. “Once my Equestria is free, and Tyrant Cadenza is defeated, thing’ll change. Our words’ll be closer, and that’ll start with us.” He winked. “Make sure Starlight keeps that teaching position open for me.”

“Yessir.” Twilight attempted a smile, but it faded away like dust in the wind. “Stay safe, Spike.”

“Are you kidding? I’m a fire-breathing, scale-armored, invincible dragon.” He let out a tiny laugh—something that had become remarkably frequent the past few months. “Now that there’s an end in sight for all the fighting, for all the evil… Now that there’s something awesome to fight for… There’s no way I’m going down that easily.”

He took a step back, tossed her a salute, and fell backwards into the pool.

Twilight dusted herself off. She strode into the sewers, nodding to the guards along the way. They were military, part of a joint venture between Libertas and the Reflection to keep the connection between the worlds secure. She recognized Shining’s old friend Ironhide but couldn’t place the other. He was probably a loaner from Queen Chrysalis the Loving. The sewer itself was no longer a odorous, filthy affair, but was clean and maintained as an official neutral ground.

She couldn’t stop her heart from sinking as she drove to work. She’d said goodbye to Spike yet again. She felt that gap reappear in her life. It wasn’t quite the same this time—he wasn’t the same person as Big Spike, and he wasn’t gone for good—but the sting still existed.

“They need me, Twilight. Just as much as we need each other.”

She wiped her eyes beneath her glasses, handily smudging the lenses. She knew he was right. She knew it was important for him to return, just as much as it was important for her to return to work. They each had their own lives.

Thankfully, these unique lives had managed to intersect.

She pulled into her usual parking spot and sucked in a huge breath. The world had changed, but crime had not. The police had not. They just had to learn to deal with a magic-enhanced society.

With Twilight as their foremost expert.

Caution tipped his hat to her as she entered. She set her coat on the rack and returned his silent greeting. She walked through the office exchanging greetings with the officers as she went. Her journey hit its midpoint at Chief Carrot’s office.

Chief Care stood as she entered. “Well, well, well; looks like I’ve got access to a certified wizard, now.”

“Moondancer tells me things have gotten pretty crazy while I’ve been on break.” Twilight Sparkle folded her hands behind her back. “Magic is a… very versatile tool.”

“Kinda like a crowbar, yeah.” Chief Care pointed towards the back of the office. “I need you to start helping Moondancer right away. We’re already dealing with the impossible; someone appeared to be in two places at once. Luckily, you’re used to dealing with the ludicrous.”

“Yes, ma’am”

It was a quick jaunt to the lab. Moondancer nodded to Twilight as she walked in. “Sparkle. It’s good to have you back.”

“It’s good to be back.” Twilight smiled at her friend, who sat at her desk with her hands sparkling with magic. She performed a delicate experiment with far greater precision than her hands could allow. “Did we make any progress with the Minuette case?”

“Looks like stolen identity,” Moondancer replied. “She was nowhere near the site of the thefts. The individual seen on security cameras appears to be using some sort of illusion spell.”

“Possibly a changeling, then.” Twilight Sparkle opened up a spellbook on loan from Equestria, courtesy of Princess Twilight. “Time to find out if they can replicate fingerprints and DNA samples.”

The two of them worked through the day, studying magic together just like they had years before. This time, Twilight had magic and friendship on her side. Since her parents had moved away and left her in Shining Armor’s care, since spending three years beneath Abacus Cinch’s clawed hands, since losing Big Spike, she had felt incomplete.

But now, for the first time in a long time, she felt like she wasn’t alone. She felt connected. She felt supported.

Twilight Sparkle felt alive, and she was very much looking forward to sharing that life.