• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Exile: Mayhem

The first thing that Torn told Jak and Pinkie about, so they could get started on their mission to tear apart the KG defenses, was that there was a missile launcher outside the Naughty Ottsel, one that could potentially destroy the barrier that was between the port and the Industrial section of the city. The downside was that someone had to actually ride on the small missile and take it all over the port, collecting Eco charges in order to fully power up the missile, though what surprised most of the group was that Daxter was more than willing to take up the task. Jak and Pinkie stood by where the missile was supposed to be and let their friend have his fun, though while they got on their zoomers to watch Raven decided to head over to the barrier in his hybrid form... so he could catch Daxter, once he jumped off the missile.

Jak and Pinkie found it amusing to watch Daxter fly around the port with such a dangerous payload, because this wasn't something that he would normally do, but they kept their mouths shut and watched their friend... before they followed Daxter to the barrier and watched the barrier fall apart thanks to the missile, and Raven swooping in to prevent any lasting damage to Daxter's body. Instead of charging into the Industrial section of the city immediately, and fulfilling whatever mission Torn had next, Jak noticed that he was starting to run a little low on ammunition, low enough that he wanted to check the gun course and see what they had left.

When they entered the building, however, they found Tess working on what appeared to be a new gun modification, for one of the Blast side of the Morph Gun... and she only stopped working when she noticed that she had company, to which she smiled at the group.

"Daxter! You're back!" Tess said, bending down to catch Daxter as he jumped into her arms, while at the same time Jak and Pinkie simply looked at the pair, "Ooh, did that mean old desert burn your itty-bitty paws?"

"Hey, Tess baby. Don't crush-a the merchandise." Daxter stated, once more confirming that sometimes Daxter's attention was more focused on his appearance and his life, rather than the safety of Haven City or the people that called the place home, before he jumped back to the floor after getting his hug in, "How's biz?"

"I'm designing new guns to help out the war effort." Tess replied, though that was followed her her picking up the weapon that was sitting behind her, while at the same time surprising Jak and Pinkie a tiny bit.

"You make guns now?" Jak asked, but even as he spoke he had to wonder what Tess came up with for the weapon, as it might be valuable in the near future, unless Pinkie broke everything with her own powers.

"Yeah. I just finished this new gun." Tess answered, to which she lifted the gun up and pointed it at the wall, where everyone could tell that she was excited about talking about the weapon, "It sports a multi-port, large-bore, gyro-burst launcher with blowback breech assist, using full-jacket, Eco-depleted, armor-piercing slugs, and a continuous kill zone scanner for tight groupings at a high-cycle rate of fire... it's a hobby."

Pinkie had to admit that it was best that such a weapon had been created now, instead of a year ago when it could have been used to kill more of the Krimzon Guard, though she shook the thought from her mind as Jak reached for the weapon modification.

"Not so fast." Tess said, holding the weapon behind her back with one hand and beckoned to the two doors that rested nearby, "First, you have to prove you can protect my little schnookums in the new gun course."

"Sounds fair enough," Raven commented, knowing that Tess and Daxter were definitely a thing, despite the fact that one was a human and the other was an ottsel, and that this was a test of sorts for them.

Jak and Pinkie took turns inside the gun course, as they were purposely designed for one person to take on a challenge at a time, and when Jak was done he had been awarded the Bronze Award, which he admitted was fine because the new course was actually challenging and it would be some time before he got to the Silver Award. Pinkie, of course, managed to make her way through the challenge and end up with the Gold Award, surprising Tess in the process, because she had designed the course to make getting the Gold Award too difficult for someone to get on their first try. Jak simply said that it was Pinkie being Pinkie, as these days she was always doing something strange and weird, before he turned back to Tess and the weapon she was holding.

"Not bad shooting Jak... for a guy." Tess said, handing both Jak and Pinkie their weapon mods, while at the same time noticing Pinkie's turned into a bead on her bracelet, before she decided not to say anything about that, "Now, I want you to protect my little baby with this, or else I'll hunt you down and hurt you real bad. Okay?"

"Wow!" Daxter commented, a grin appearing on his face, as he had never seen this side of Tess before, even before they had been banished to the Wastelands, "I didn't know you had so much rawr!"

Once Jak and Pinkie had their new weapon mods, and Jak had restocked his ammunition, they bid Tess farewell for now and headed back out into the port, where they decided that it was time to speak with Torn once more... where they discovered that Torn was still standing by the table and that he was patiently waiting for them to arrive.

"We've got some KG defenses we need eliminated." Torn stated, to which the communication table brought up an image of the sector he was referring to, "Super-range sniper cannons are keeping our men pinned down. Jak, Pinkie, the two of you need to find those hidden cannons and take 'em out. There's sure to be a counterattack when they see what you're up to, so watch out. You know the routine!"

"Yeah," Daxter commented, remembering the other missions that Torn had sent them on, while the man did next to nothing while they worked, "we do all the work, while you stay in a secure location!"

"Considering that almost all of my forces are spread out among the port, I'm the only one left who can use the communication table," Torn said, meaning that since he was one of the few high ranking officers in the Freedom League, if not the only one to be sent here, it the priority of the other soldiers to keep this place secure, which explained why he wasn't fighting like everyone else, "Now get going and give those robots everything you've got."

Jak and Pinkie determined that Torn was right, especially since they hadn't heard anything from the Neo Metal Heads that were supposed to be guarding this area, so they gently pulled Daxter away and walked out of the Naughty Ottsel. They climbed back onto their zoomers and headed back towards the location that the barrier had been resting in, though when they arrived they discovered that the Freedom League was already engaging the robots that chose this time to attack, which meant that they had to deal with Jak and Pinkie as well. Since the attacking group was a little small, however, the siblings were able to progress into the Industrial sector of the city and began looking for anything that resembled the cannons that Torn had told them about.

Pinkie, using Raven's hybrid form to their advantage, discovered that their targets were actually on the walkways above them and that there appeared to be a few switches that they needed to press in order to reveal the power conduits that powered the cannons. The first cannon the siblings came to, which turned on the moment they neared it, was surrounded by a few of the smaller robots that were guarding the two switches they needed to press. They easily separated from each other and made sure to have one of the switches secured, so that way when they had the area cleared, and had avoided the cannon, they activated their switches and smashed the power conduit that revealed itself... destroying the cannon in the process.

The second cannon they came across, which was a little bit further along the path they were following, had three switches for them to activate, so they made sure to swiftly activate them all before they shattered the power conduit and eliminated another target. As they looked for another cannon they took out some of the KG robots that were coming at them with the intent to kill them, though after a few seconds Pinkie spotted a cannon resting in front of the Power Station, to which she and Jak walked over there and accessed the three switches that were around the opening. With the third cannon taken care of they moved around the corner and spotted another group of three switches waiting for them, so they quickly took care of the robots around the area they needed to work in and took out the cannon that they had discovered... to which they resumed the search for the final cannon that Torn knew about.

It actually didn't take them long to find where the final target was located, though they did discover that this one was guarded by four switches instead of three... but that number really didn't protect the cannon, because not a few seconds later Jak and Pinkie were on their way out of the Industrial sector with news of their success. When they returned to the Naughty Ottsel they found that Torn was a little busy reading something, so they helped themselves to one of the bottles of water that had been stored inside the building and relaxed a little bit... until Torn approached them anyway.

"Jak, Pinkie, I need the two you to go into the sewers, into the Metal Head City section." Torn said, which made sense to the siblings, as someone was controlling the Metal Heads and their forces needed to be taken out before someone got hurt, "We need to attack their hive from below and the sewers are the only way in right now. We haven't been in those old passageways since the war broke out, but no scouts have reported movement down there."

"So? That's a good thing, right?" Daxter asked, though even as he said that he realized that Torn was talking about Metal Heads and not the KG robots, which meant two different things and he didn't want to think about one of them.

"I mean, none of the scouts that we sent into the sewers have ever come back alive to tell us." Torn replied, though at the same time there was something else he wanted to tell them, "I've asked Stalker to use some of her scouts to search the area, but with the increased number of Metal Head attacks her forces have been preoccupied lately."

"Dark, dirty, dangerous..." Jak commented, to which turned around and stared at the door, remembering the assault the KG had launched on this location not even an hour ago, where he grinned, "I'm beginning to like this war."

Pinkie grinned as she and Jak returned to their zoomers and headed towards the Industrial sector once more, though once they had entered the area, and flew over the ongoing war between the Freedom League and the KG robots, they carefully made their way towards the Power Station, as Jak recalled seeing something that resembled a sewer entrance near there. It didn't take them long to retrace their steps and find the area that Jak was remembering, though once they reached their destination they discarded their zoomers, which would no doubt be destroyed by the KG robots moments later, and entered the door that they discovered. They then rode the elevator down into a part of the sewer that they had never been in before, to which Jak and Pinkie pulled out their weapons, Jak his gun and Pinkie her scythe, as they progressed into uncharted territory... for the four of them anyway.

Pinkie had the feeling that traveling through the sewers, and the Metal Head part of the city, was going to be quite the adventure, to which she smiled as she imagined all the fun she and Jak were about to have.

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