• Published 18th Mar 2017
  • 358 Views, 21 Comments

The Origen of Saint Partrick - Xx soul sorrow xX

A little story just to cekebrate this holiliday yesterday :)

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Bug Mac's Big Break

At the Acres Apples the gang was greeted by old ms. Apple Smith yelling at Apple Bloon about a rake and a pile of leafs. Apple Bloon choked up a ball of leafs.

"Howdy, y'all. Get a Long, little doggies." Said Teilight to the grandma.

"Oh, hey there everypony!" She said back.

"Yeeehaw, whippersnappers get a move on Bessie"

Grandma Apple Smith looked confused.

"Granby Smith, Rainbow is in troubule. Where is Big Macintosh???"

"Why, he's in the house watching a TV."

So they each hugged Granny even Harrison and they went into the old crickety homestead.

When they got inside, Fluttershy saw that the Apple guys remodled. There was a Hot dog rotisary in the kitchen and a Wii U in the living room. And some other furniture. McAppletosh was sitting with his dad in the livingroom watching Ca$h Cube where they go inside and get all the money. Mr. Appleman (his dad) kissed his son on the forehead.
"Thanks, dad." Tosh said back. He noticed Fluttershy and the Gang.

"Hey, homies, what's fly?"

Twlight was panting in a panic.

Then Big stood up and said "G-T-G, daddio, I've got to save Rainbows."
"Isn't that the girl pony you like?"
Bih mac shushued him and he ran off with his buds.

They galllop wild and free like the hoarses they truly are. They ran and run and run and run even more until they saw the two guys with the sackel.

Big mac dropped his hat and started to cry. Inside, he loved Rainbow and didn't want her to be hurt...... But could he save his love? What if he couldn't.... It would be a risk.

"Well whose this beefy boy?" Saint Partick said when he saw the Mac.

Mac said "I am Big Macintosh Appleman. Give back Rainbow Dash. I... i love her."

"Well well well well I am Saint Partick and I love me some Rainbows. I am a lepragan that is why. And you will never get back your beautiful Rainbow Fash. She is mine and also Brody's."

Rainbow poked her face from the sack.

"Bug Mac... Do you really love me....?"

"Of coarse I do, Rainbow... We've been friends for two years ?

Rainbow cried and yell "Let me goo!"

Saint Paetick kept yellung "i No !"

Big mac was a raxist against the Irish so this was his break break he yell "Give her back you bear-guzzling red-head"
Everyone gasp.
Saint Partick was tickled OFF. He charge at the big red horse.
Big Mec stomped his hoofies and prepared for battle.

Author's Note:

They just get shorter and shober ??