• Published 7th Jul 2012
  • 3,951 Views, 140 Comments

The Scoot of My Life: Sisterhooving - epicdonus1123 BOT

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1. The Meeting

Chapter 1

As Rainbow Dash was soaring the sky, she felt the breeze from the clouds that she didn't clean up. Rainbow knew that if she didn't fix it, all of Ponville would start to complain that the Pegasus can't get their jobs done. She then bolted to them, knocking them out in a mere three seconds, a tiny bit longer than she was used to. Then she noticed a storm cloud raining directly above a little Pegasus filly. Rainbow flew over to the cloud and cleared it. She then looked at the kid, but the kid stood up and trotted off. Rainbow knew that little filly, but not her name. Rainbow knew that she was the leader of her fan club. She also knew that her parents died in a horrific accident, and she had to live with her very sick uncle. On her fourth birthday, her uncle died at the dinner table. Ever since, the filly had to live on her own. She'd feed herself, bathe herself, and house herself. Her house was, however, an insignificant cardboard box. How in Celestia is that supposed to help her, she thought. Rainbow thought again for a moment, then she just glided home. When she got there, the memories of that little girl started to frighten her. What if the girl dies from, starvation.... or worse! That little girl seemed to have everything under control. The next morning, she made herself breakfast and started off for Ponyville. Rainbow Dash flew to Sweet Apple Acres, for which she promised Applejack to do. As she came over there, Applejack trotted up next to her.

"Howdy Rainbow, thanks fer coming," said the eager, country pony.

"What did you need Applejack," asked Rainbow.

"I just needed yer help to buck sum apples," replied Applejack. Out of all the things she could need, and that was all?

"That's it," asked Rainbow again.

"Eeeeyup," said Big Mac from behind an apple tree, and with that Rainbow began. Her job was to buck the apples into the barrels, nothing more. It took them only two hours to buck all the apples, and Rainbow started off for Ponyville again.

"Thank yer kindly, Rainbow," said Applejack. She then returned to the barn with the crates of apples. Rainbow was living the dream, as she did yesterday. She then realized that during this time, this is where she met that little girl. She ought to go and find her. After a few minutes of continuous searching, she gave up and flew to Sugarcube Corner. There, she found herself in the middle of the workaholic side of Pinkie. She was diving from the kitchen to the desk and vice versa. Pinkie had to make dozens of those scrumptious desserts, for the town of Ponyville was hungry. She was getting extremely tired and breathless at the moment. When she finally came to the front desk, Rainbow greeted her.

"Good morning Rainbow, how are you doing right now," pondered the overworked pink pony. Every now and then, Rainbow would hear an intense breath of air.

"Ugh, nothing has changed my good mood so far, so yeah I'm pretty good," stated Rainbow.

"That's good to hear. Hey, while I still gotcha here, would you help me make some treats," asked the pertinacious party pony.

"You know, for the thousandth time, I am bad at baking," replied Rainbow.

"Don't worry, there is a cookbook and measurements and everything. Just follow the instructions and you'll do just fine," responded Pinkie. Rainbow thought, well, why not, and went into the kitchen. The worst that could happen is Rainbow will burn down the whole kitchen, right? Just as Pinkie said, there are measurements on all utensils and cups. The cookbook easy to read, so she got started. With Rainbow on board, the madness started to relieve. Everything went accordingly and precise. After a few hours, Pinkie thanked Rainbow for her help and she flew off. Now it's noon....no sign of the kid. Maybe just maybe, she thought, that she'd be in the library or the boutique, so she went to both. The girl was at neither places, but Rainbow thought to help out Rarity and Twilight. When she was done, it was four o'clock.... still no sign of the girl. Rainbow decided it was hopeless and flew off. While she was flying, she noticed the little girl. She had been looking for what? Eight hours, and then the kid shows up? Rainbow, who was feeling concerned, irritated, and excited, decided to fly over to her.

"Hey kid...whatcha doing," asked Rainbow. After a long and dramatic pause, the girl finally spoke.


"Well you gotta be doing something."

"Well now, I am hoping that you'd leave me alone.....Rainbow Dash," said the little girl. Rainbow knew she was famous, but she didn't think the girl knew her name.

"Whatcha got there?" The girl plainly ignored that question. Replying that your house is really in the palms of your hands, not gonna happen. "Interesting....um.... hey kid.... want to stay at my place for a bit?"

"I'm to much for you," she said.

"No you're not, you'll fit in just fine," stated Rainbow.

"Are you sure." At that moment, she knew that the little girl wanted to come.

"Yeah, of course. By the way, name?"

"Um....call me Scootaloo." responded the girl.

"Okay, Scootaloo... let's go." In Scootaloo's mind, she was never invited to someone's house before. Rainbow lifted Scootaloo onto her back, started to do some stretches and flew up. When they got to her house, Scootaloo stepped in and sat down quietly, not moving an inch. "Scootaloo? Are you paranoid of a house," Rainbow immediately regretted it. Scootaloo looked up and almost cried. "I am so sorry, wrong thing to say," said Rainbow. No response. She just sat there and said nor did anything. "So Scootaloo, let me show you your room," whispered Rainbow. My own room, Scootaloo thought, and I am only nine. Rainbow pointed towards the door of Scootaloo's room. When she opened the door, the room was moderately small but still big enough for her to sleep in. Rainbow then lead Scootaloo to her room. Rainbow's room was bigger by a couple feet on every wall. "If you need me at all. just knock on the door," and with that Rainbow closed the door and went asleep. Scootaloo decided it was about the right to go to bed herself. She trotted to her room, opened the door, turned off the light, and jumped in bed and fell asleep. The next morning, she awoke to a amazing aroma. She opened the door, and saw Rainbow in the kitchen handling a pan. "I can cook, but I can't bake," joked Rainbow. Scootaloo laughed alongside her, also thinking about her living in her heroine's house. "Hey Scootaloo, better eat up. The foods getting cold." Getting cold, Scootaloo's breakfast usually always cold. On the table, laid a delicious omelet. Scootaloo paitently sat there and ate. When she was done, Rainbow sat down at the table. "What? Are you afraid of me," Rainbow remembered asking the question and almost making Scootaloo cry, but this time she laughed. Scootaloo then went and sat down on the couch, same as yesterday, not making a sound or movement. The thing with the quietness and shyness was bugging Rainbow. She didn't want the little champ to be bored to death. Then Scootaloo finally spoke.

"Um," and nothing. Rainbow sat there in an awkward silence. She hated to have to sit through one. Then, Rainbow finally broke it.

"Hey champ, what gotcha down... or in our case, UP," boasted Rainbow. The joke was enough to make Scootaloo laugh. Rainbow decided to cool down on the jokes or the kid might think else of her. "So champ, whatcha wanna do, play cards or video games, watch TV, eat cupcakes... you name it," said Rainbow.

"Um," is all she could say again. Rainbow then turned got up, and trotted to turn on the TV.

"Here's the remote. You can scroll through channels on it," stated Rainbow.

"Um." Not again, Rainbow thought, until "thanks." Finally she spoke something other than um. "Rainbow, how do you use this thing," A full sentence? Rainbow was now excited.

"Just, give it to me," said Dash. Scootaloo started to think that Rainbow didn't like her. Rainbow pressed the "POWER" button, and the TV turned on. She flipped it to a channel that Scootaloo might like and sat down. Scootaloo just stared at the TV blankly as the cartoons on the screen were fighting. Eventually, one of the cartoons pulled a string, and an anvil fell on the other. It was more then enough to grab her attention. She watched as the two were battling it out. Rainbow, then, got up and trotted out the door, hoping the TV will distract her all day. Since today was Sunday, there was no school. She knew that the girl goes to school, so she didn't have to worry about that. Rainbow, oddly enough, felt something in her chest that she hasn't felt before. It never appealed to her that she could feel this way for anyone, especially her number one fan. Even though it was bound to happen. However, she didn't even feel it like that for her friends. Then she had, however, an idea that would change her and Scootaloo's relationship forever. Scootaloo, back at the house, got tired of the TV and turned it off. For a few hours, she stood blankly. She always wondered how it would feel to be bored. She now realized that it isn't fun. Rainbow then came home with some papers, and Scootaloo jerked her head to the left to find out what they were. "Hey champ," greeted Rainbow.

"Wh....what are those Miss Rainbow." Miss? Why was she all of the sudden calling her Miss?

"These are some important papers, that I want and need to keep," replied Rainbow.

"What are they Rainbow?" She was on the edge of the couch. The pain in her stomach now turned from fear to anxiety.

"They are... your adoption papers." Scootaloo's heart sank. Rainbow gave her up in a heartbeat. She wanted her to leave right now. Scootaloo just couldn't believe it. In this case, she was confused if Rainbow was helping her or getting rid of her.

"Wh..who signed them, Rainbow Dash," asked Scootaloo. Rainbow came over and hugged her. Tears started to fill up both their eyes.

"I did.....little sis," responded Rainbow.

To be continued......