• Member Since 21st Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Just a casual reader and occasional writer. I know I make mistakes and I'll try my best to prevent them, but I write mostly to relax or just pass the time. Also English isn't my native language.

Comments ( 227 )

This trail is going to be fun.

Trial, not trail. You made the same mistake at the end of the last chapter.

8064500 Thank you
English isn't my first language so mistakes might happen.

I want more please it calls for my attention I'm hooked and it's not at all confusing

WTF! This is one of the biggest surprises I had in years. It's really rare for me to be surprised.

very interesting, i'm looking forward for more of this, seems very promising

The pictures are cool and all, but please, stop including them in the text of the story. It is very hard to read around the images.

use links if you must, hyperlink the words you wish to illustrate, but stop the inline images.

“Family reunions a so beautiful,”


” pardon me your majesties, but Ah should we move this reunion to the castle, you're kinda making a scene,” she added.

I suggest "Ah think we should"

"Guards let us return to the castle and resume your duties as my sister and I have much to talk with our father."

talk about

The ponies with their very strong herd mentality just accepted their princesses answer and followed the royal sisters orders.

princess's, since it was only Celestia answering

“Oh shouuuc,”

i believe you mean shucks.

We find Princess Celestia, an alicorn mare with a white coat, a mane and tail with hues of blue, green and pink flowing in a unseeing wind, the mark of the sun on her flank, (1)wearing a tiara/crown(1), a (2)necklace/breastplate(2) like jewellery and decorated (3)horseshoe(3).

(1) is it a tiara (which is a type of diadem used to maintain the hair on top of the head so it doesn't go everywhere) or a crown (which is mainly used as a symbol for the kings and queens). Judging by the fact that Celestia is a monarch what she is wearing is a crown.

(2) a necklace is only used for decoration (and to show people how much money are you willing to spend is useless trivialities) while a breastplate is used to stop arrows from skewering you I highly doubt anyone in the MLP series (except the guards) use breastplates.

(3) it's kinda stupid to only use one (singular) horseshoe. It would be like going to jog while only using one shoe.

(1)These (2)were(2) the diarchs(1) the royal sisters, the (3)ruling princesses of this (4)magic(4)and magnificent land called Equestria(3).

(1) so. . . are Celeatia and Luna inanimate objects? Because when you use the word "these" you normally refer to objects or to people in a demeaning way. I think you meant to type the word they instead of these

(2) interesting, so who is ruling Canterlot now? Because since both Celestia and Luna were the rulers (which means that they are not the rulers anymore) means that the Equestrians need a new ruler(s). So, who is/are the new ruler(s)

(3) not true. Yes, both rule Canterlot. But Mi Amore Candenza and Shining Armor rule the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle rules over Ponyville. And what of Ember, ruler of the Dragonlands and the Yak King (who's son almost called for war against the Equestrians) I believe you are missing a lot of history of the planet.

(4) if you remove the word magnificent from that part of the sentence, it would say "the ruling princesses of this magic land called Equestria" I think you meant magical

(1)Celestia was observing Luna, she is adapting well to modern times, just last month she came back from spending Nightmare Night in Ponyville with the Elements of Harmony, she was also getting better with modern speech, only slipping to the old equestrian when she is to upset, angry or surprised to noticed but she is getting better.(1)

(1) this is a runon sentence. Sure, it was comas, but it doesn't have a single period.

At least Luna has made some friends and she was (1)being accepted by (2)her subject(1)(2) but she still have a long way to recover from her thousand years banishment to the moon, a banishment that she caused.

(1) this means that, even though the Equestrians in Canterlot are ruled by a diarchy (which means both are equally powerful), the subject has befriended Luna.

(2) in other words, out of all the population that belongs to the Equestrians, only one individual has become a friend to Luna? Damn, that's both sad and pathetic.

Celestia, despite what her little ponies think, has flaws and she always had a bit of arrogance but she (1)hind it well(1), it was (2)this attitude that (3)made ignore(3) the signs of Luna emotional distress(2), she always brushed off her worries by saying something like “They will come to appreciate you and your night” or “They need to prepare for the next day”, while she basked in their love, it was only when Luna’s (4)repressed feelings exploded on her face, figuratively and literally(4) she felt the consequences of her actions not only on herself but on a loved one.

(1) I am so much better at hinding. Once I hind, no one can find me from my hinding place. The reason? I am an expert at hinding very hindingly while playing hind and seek. Get it? I am making fun of you from the fact that you thought the word hind and hide are the same thing.

(2) I am a very arrogant individual, I won't deny that. But I am not uncaring. If Celestia was arrogant (which she never was to begin with) she would've stated "my time is more important than yours" or "my day will always be more loved than your night" because she's exaggerating her own importance (in other words p, being arrogant)

(3) made ignore the signs huh? I believe you meant to write, made her ignore.

(4) if anything would've exploded in her face, she wouldn't have a face to begin with. And since emotions don't literally explode (just like you've stated) then she would've been dead (which is impossible because emotions don't explode).

She looked back at her life reevaluating herself, her first humbling experience was when she saw and understood the mortality of those around her as she and (1)Luna watched their mothers and half-siblings(1) age and die but at least they lived good lives, that was the first time she realized that Luna would be at her side for the rest of her life, her long possibly immortal life, Her second and third humbling experiences were her and Luna’s (2)defeat by King Sombra(2) and (3)Discord(3) but she rationalized that their (4)powers were unnatural(4) and that's why it took both princesses to stop them, but her most humbling experience was Luna’s banishment, in her hubris she wanted her problems go away and the elements made it so, maybe the elements (5)punished both of them with a thousand years of loneliness(5).

(1) you do know that what you just said means that both Luna and Celestia aren't actually sisters right! I mean, if my step-sister and I saw our mothers die (note, mothers means plural, in other words more than one) means that we are at best only half related. You describe at the beginning both Luna and Celestia as sisters instead of step-sisters. And what race were their step-siblings? Because according to Mendelian genetics (primitive genetics) there would be a minimum percentage of 25% chance for their step siblings for being pure alicorns, 50% chance for being highbreeds (mixture of any of the two races or more) and a 25% for being anything but an alicorn. But, in modern genetics, as long as one member has alicorn DNA there would've been a very high chance for the offspring being either alicorns (alicorn DNA would've been dominant) or any other race with characteristics of another race.

(2) you do know that the King was defeated by the solar princesses, right? I mean, casting that umbra pony King into the deepest bowels of the ice is a defeat in almost any book. But it seems that you have another definition for "victory"

(3) Discord was defeated by both of them remember? They used the Elements of Harmony to petrify him. Again, another case scenario in which they won.

(4) that means that their powers either corrupt, twist or mutate everything their magic does contact with. . . right? I mean, that's the definition of "unnatural" similar to the Corruption in darksiders 2. Everything the Corruption does contact with in that game, it twists it and transforms it into an abomination that will only seek to destroy or devour everything untouched of the Corruption.

(5) again, wrong. Luna was casted to the moon for a thousand years, while there, she had only herself and Nightmare Moon as company. While Celestia still had all of her subjects who loved and worshiped her with their last breath.

While they both love their father but he has duties in a distant realm, (1)only coming to visit once every three or four centuries(1).

(1) which means that when Luna was casted to the moon by the Elements of Harmony, their father would've visited Celestia at least 2 times. Which only supports my point that Celestia wasn't alone for her father had visited her twice.

Unknown to her she is about to meet a very peculiar member of (1)her extended family(1).

(1) good to know that Loki isn't part of Luna's direct family then

You desperately need a co-author that would've easily spotted all of these problems.

Sorry for the mistakes. English is neither my first nor my main language.
Also I was in a hurry at the time, I fixed most mistakes.
For the context in the universe of my story:

Equestria is the name of both the continent and their kingdom, well princessdom. Statera one of the names of the dimension and the world, like Midgard or Asgard, in marvel comics it’s the name of both the world and the dimension they are in. On a side note, different species have different names for the planet but ponies call it Equestria anyway.

Celestia's arrogance came from the fact that she thought she knew that was best for her sister and all her subjects. In Luna’s case it is because of an age gap, Celestia was in her late-teens when luna was born, at least in my story.

Celestia and Luna have the same father but different mothers and each of the mothers had other foals. One of which is the ancestor of Prince Blueblood, that my way of explaining how he is Celestia and Luna’s (many times ‘great’)-grandnephew even if they call him just nephew.

Celestia is natural born alicorn and that’s because she is Sleipnir’s offspring with a mare from Statera, the land wasn’t called Equestria yet, the same applies to Luna. The only other way for alicorns to exist is when ponies go through ‘ascension’. In this case being a alicorn is like being a demigod it’s a status that can be archived with enough power and/or effort and by fulfilling certain requirements.

Just because they are alicorns doesn’t mean that they have genes from all the three tribes. Besides, magic can interfere and interact with their physiology so a trait like being either a pegasus or a unicorn can appear in a long line of earth ponies. The three tribes are subspecies but magic complicates things.

Celestia and Luna defeated Sombra but they did it together and I doubt it was on their first attempt. Same applies to Discord but this time even together they couldn’t defeat him it took finding and using the Elements of Harmony to accomplish that.

As for the ‘unnatural powers’, Sombra used hate and fear to fuel his magic and he used that magic to bend the Crystal Empire and his inhabitants to his will. On the alternative timeline he even had a mind controlled army of (I assume) slaves.

Discord bends and twist reality, enough said. Besides, he can corrupt the minds of other if he wants, he did it with the mane six in “The Return of Harmony” after all.

It isn’t impossible to feel alone in a crowd especially for Celestia to her subjects she is a immortal ruler, a idol to worship, and a goddess in their eyes not a friend. Besides, any friends that she could have would live a century at most. I’m not saying she didn't have friends but none of them could sympathize with her like her sister.

Thanks for the advice.

so every version of loki was a fragment of him?
if so how is he sane
Like the story so far

Not every version of Loki and not all fragments lived as Loki.
And who said he is sane?

I really love the use of lore, here. for that, i'm giving you a bonus point.

Forgot to mention but as his fragments were scattered into the multiverse and beyond some of them ended up in the multiverses/universes of other franchises including comics, animes, cartoons, etc.
But don’t worry I won’t make Loki too OP, since he is pretty OP in the comics to begin with, but he will emulate many different abilities using his magic. I will try to give a spin on this to fit his mythology. For more information click here, here.

Exactly, in my opinion lore is what makes a fictional world more ‘alive’ and complete, it gives more substance to story and the world that the story takes place. As you can probably tell, I’m a big fan of worldbuilding.

The story sounds promising, but you should try and get an editor for the grammar, because some sentences just doesn't make sense.

if what we felt from him in our first meeting in the courtyard is right, he could, if he wanted, conquer the this world without much resistant.


It gave us much think about and proved how ignorant we really are about the universe and its inhabitants,

much to think

“Thank you sister, good night, see you at breakfast,” said Luna as she starts the walk to her chambers, night court might have been cancelled for the next few days but she still have the duty of watch over the dreams of her little ponies.

that should go more like
“Thank you, sister., Good night. See you at breakfast.” said Luna as she started the walk to her chambers. Night court might have been cancelled for the next few days, but she still had the duty of watching over the dreams of their little ponies.

I would like to formally extend my offer of services as a proofreader. If you have one, he/she isn't very good. PM me.

I don't have a proofreader at the moment, I'm actually waiting the answer of few possible proofreaders.
May I contact you later?

8096073 Certainly. I mean no offence, it's just that (having seen a forum post a while back on what makes a good story) the vast majority of those on the site that i know of consider good grammar to be an essential part of it. While i can look past that, if necessary, this story has en masse potentiale, if i may say so. I'd hate to see it go without the acclaim it might deserve in the future because of some grammatical errors.

None taken, english isn't my native language and this is my first history.
I appreciate the advice and constructive criticism.
Thank you.

Before I read this, what is the Gore tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

It will be very late in the story and it might involve certains Thor's stories like the 'War of Realms' or the 'God-Butcher' but for now it's more world-building.
Don't worry I will put a note at the top before the chapter starts.

did you discovered who or what that presence was?,

discover, remove the .

The change was so subtle that didn't noticed at first, it was only when his voice changed to a silken, honeyed almost sultry tone that could enthrall anyone regardless of gender or species, did they noticed that he, now a she, was not the same as before.

Better to say
The change was so subtle that they didn't notice at first. It was only when his voice changed to a silken, honeyed, almost sultry tone that could enthrall anyone -regardless of gender or species- that they noticed that he -now a she- was not the same as before.

that demonstrate his, now her, mastery of magic.


“The Infinity Gems or Stones are artefact of great power that exist in the universe since the Big Bang,

It should also be noted that -as far as i'm concerned- an artefact is a relic of a long-gone civilization, or something similar. An artifact is more like a powerful magical item that existed for a very long time, but still reains its power or significance.

“Actually, that make sense and also answered a lot of questions that I had," said Celestia remembering Candace ascension to alicornhood.

makes, Cadence's

“Once a being archives the status of a demigod the prayers of your worshipers empowers you further and gives you additional powers besides you original ones," added Loki before getting up and walking to the entrance of the dining room.

achieves, worshippers, your

Putting the book on the ground in front of her and she starts to read it.

no need for that and

Also, too. Many. Commas.

Sorry about the mistakes, still without a proofreader.
Are you interested in be a proofreader for this story?


It should also be noted that -as far as i'm concerned- an artefact is a relic of a long-gone civilization, or something similar. An artifact is more like a powerful magical item that existed for a very long time, but still reains its power or significance.

noun [ C ] UK ​ /ˈɑː.tə.fækt/ US ​ /ˈɑːr.t̬ə.fækt/
​US spelling of artefact


Sorry about the commas, we use them a lot in portuguese (my native language).

I tried the ‘Proofreader Group’ but all the ones tied were either too busy and declined my request or didn’t respond at all.
The only one that accepted my request said he would do it but after that he didn’t respond to any of my messages, that was a week ago.
I was about to post a request for a proofreader on their forum when I saw your comment and it reminded me of your offer.

1) I have made the offer to several others.
2) I said "as far as I'm concerned". It's a good way to separate the two definitions.
3) I can understand that.
4) If you need it, I'd be glad to provide it.

Given the Authors Note, would his catting around be partly responsible for the old wives tales of Changelings for some storys? "I am an ordinary mortal! How could I have a child with magic, minor though it is..." :raritywink:

More or less, many creatures of european folklore like fey, both of lighter and darker nature, are considered elves, which in old norse is alf, the inhabitants of Alfheim, also called Ljosalfheim home of the Ljósálfar or light elves, and Svartalfheim home or the Dökkálfar/Svartálfr or dark elves.
Elves are a very broad category of supernatural beings.
Some of this creatures are descendent of Loki but not all of them.
To the vikings many children without one or both parents was also called a "child of Loki", especially if the parent(s) just left without a good reason, basically undesired children and orphans, that does not apply if they know where the parent(s) went or how they died.

You will say how to pronounce the norse words, right?

“You are right Spike my friends will know what to do, it is just a casual visit there is nothing to worry about,” said Twilight agreeing with Spike on the first half of her phrase and the latter half to herself before adding, still talking to herself nervously, “What could go wrong?”

Spike looked at her unkempt mane and twitching eye and it didn’t inspired confidence.

“Yeah, what could go wrong?” Spike said deadpan tone.

And just like that, you killed it. :facehoof:

I still advice you to get an editor for the grammar.

The story is good, but it's a pain to read through so many punctuation errors. :facehoof:

:rainbowlaugh: this isn't going to go end well in fact this will end in tree sap :scootangel: :rainbowlaugh:

Still searching for one.

Thor insisted on coming in this mission to learn more about Loki but has to keep his, literal, thunderous rage in check as to not give a reason to start another war, Balder was here as a diplomat just in case, he wished that Lady Sif and the Warriors Three were with him on this mission having his friends close would help but they were busy with another mission just as important, he hoped they were faring better than him.

That might go better as
Thor insisted on coming in this mission to learn more about Loki, but has to keep his -literally- thunderous rage in check, as to not give a reason to start another war. Balder was here as a diplomat, just in case. He wished that Lady Sif and the Warriors Three were with him on this mission. having his friends close would help, but they were busy with another mission just as important. He hoped they were faring better than him.

“Asgardians, what an honor it's been so long since one of you visited my humble abode,”

“Asgardians! What an honor. It's been so long since one of you visited my humble abode.”
Since you said that he's being melodramatic and all.

“you promise answers, how did you survived? I saw you die.”

“I am not sure myself, when I was about to die time stopped and I could see that the beam of Gungnir frozen a few inches shy of hitting me when he appeared he told me what his younger self was about to do and he offered me deal he would save me and Jotunheim of that fate and give us back the Fimbulvetr in exchange for helping him in the future with his plans,” narrated Laufey.

“You promise answers. How did you survive? I saw you die.”

“I am not sure myself. When I was about to die, time stopped and I could see the beam of Gungnir frozen a few inches shy of hitting me. When he appeared he told me what his younger self was about to do and he offered me a deal. He would save me and Jotunheim from that fate and give us back the Fimbulvetr in exchange for helping him in the future with his plans.” narrated Laufey.

Sorry. This single chapter thing just seems to work for me.

I've seen this before... Is this a rewrite?

No, but you might have seen it here.

Scootaloo was flying.

Damned cliff hangers all ways showing up right when things get good

he is to unpredictable, he could be just enjoying the scenery or he could be planning to conquer the world.”

He is too unpredictable. He

that what I would do if I had to wait for too long.


This trio of fillies can’t be as bad as you made them out to be and even if they are as you said our grandfather will probably find their mayhem amusing more than anything else,

make might be better.

so much so that it send shivers down their spines,


On Asgard, where I’m from, seidr is considered a art only for females and males are expected to be warriors,


she is a great warrior but I think the only reason she became one in the first place was get closer to my brother.

was to get

“Stigma: a strong feeling of disapproval that most ponies in a society have about something, especially when this is unfair,” said Sweetie Belle and the other two are looking at her again, “what?” she asked.

As i understand, it's sort of like a taboo.

And yet you go out of you way to bully them, quite a paradox isn’t it?


A alicorn?


Indeed I am. This group of fillies were kind enough to give me a tour of the town,

was, since you're talking about the group of them.

you can raise.

you may rise

Are you the father of this two?


Did you know that they have bulling ponies without a cutie mark in and out of the school?

have been bullying

I checked the Cosmic Hierarchy you're using, and it's missing the Speed Force, whilst listing Cosmic Force, among other, lesser and greater known, forces and entities; nothing wrong with you using, merely noting an error you might have to address, should a reader question it's absence.

That Cosmic Hierarchy is from Marvel.

Speed Force is from DC.

Right, sorry; still kinda recovering from my stroke.:twilightsheepish:

Ahh subscribing to the MommyTwi camp, I've always liked that. Also I think Twilight being and intersection of Celestia's and Luna's bloodlines is an interesting idea.

If you want a example of a pegasus who learned to late in life how to fly,


unlike what others think, her propensity for accidents in the air comes from the fact that she concentrates on her flight too much and doesn’t notices her surroundings

Despite, focus on

if Scoots learn how to fly to late she would have to spend a great deal of concentration on keeping herself in the air and not develop the observational skill need for high risk maneuvers. Just like Ditzy, her depth perception problem notwithstanding.

learned, too

As I am,” answered Loki.

As am I

be the way you might feel hungrier than normal so don’t be afraid to eat more than you usually eat,


Loki looked around the library. it is quaint in his opinion, but he is bias since he saw the Library of the Gods in Omnipotence City, so it was not fair to compare this place with another he knows.
Sitting around the table was the mane six, the CMC on the side of their sisters, himself, Princess Luna and a dragon hatchling that brought tea for them sitting at Twilight side.


It not that complicated,


“Well me and my sister, we're pretty open when it comes to relationships, needless to say we had many lovers and a few foal but all of them were normal ponies, a bit stronger than average but normal ponies, they lived their lives and had children and they lived their lives as well, so me and my sister having descendants somewhere on Equestria it isn’t that surprising,” said Luna.

My sister and I (x2), were, foals

“How are we related,


Regardless of who are his birth parents he is alive because he has your seidr flowing in his veins so he is by all intents and purposes your son,

who his birth parents are, for

My Æsir form? It’s biped, has two arms, two hands with five fingers, light peach colored furless skin, black fur on top of my head called hair and no tail,

bipedal, I imagine that they know what hair is.

Every legend has a bit of truth in them. it has to start somewhere. Statera, this realm, and Midgard, the human realm, had a powerful connection in a distant past but this connection is almost nonexistent now. Just as you have legends of humans here, on Midgard there are legends of unicorns and pegasi,” said Loki.

Before anypony could answer a thud was heard near the front door, standing there in the doorway of the public library with a mouth open in surprise and a book on the floor was a earth pony mare with light blue eyes, beige coat, pink and dark blue mane.

But the one that drew their attention was the pony next to her, the smiling green unicorn that was accompanying her.

Lyra Heartstrings just heard that humans are real.

the, her
The exultant squee that followed shattered most of the windows in the room

Thanks, just two things.

Regardless of who are his birth parents he is alive because he has your seidr flowing in his veins so he is by all intents and purposes your son,

who his birth parents ate, for

I think it's a "r" instead of a "t".

My Æsir form? It’s biped, has two arms, two hands with five fingers, light peach colored furless skin, black fur on top of my head called hair and no tail,

bipedal, I imagine that they know what hair is.

To ponies, as far as I know is just "mane".

8237774 well, i'm not perfect either. Fix'd!:twilightsheepish:

I can't say it often enough,

GET AN EDITOR :flutterrage:

sorry, but reading this chapter was painful
storywise just as good as the previous ones, but the grammar is horrible :twilightoops:

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