• Member Since 26th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 44 minutes ago

Ron Jeremy Pony

What to say about me... I'm a novelist, I enjoy writing Fanfiction (seriously I like it. Although I mainly do Justice League or Highschool of the Dead), and thanks to Dr. Whooves I found FIM.

Comments ( 44 )

A good start. Bumble will have a good married life, I can tell. Better be careful what you saying about him, not that the Gestapo or SS comes after you for saying something bad about Bumble

Is that Honeypot in the cover art?

I actually don't mind this length for the chapters. Keep it up.

8048955 hot damn also yay i love this already

8048955 hey, edits are up on the chapter, sorry i didn't get to it before now.

Cool chapter, when is the next 1 is gonna be?

Sweet victory? More like Bad victory. I like how you made marelin as capital, it rymhes too. Great job!

Poor diluted foal. She is about to be broken in so many ways. In ways that she thought wasn't possible.

Would be nice to get some subtitles for the german if it's gonna go on longer since half the chapter's dialog was complete gibberish for me and this site does not play nice with cut and paste to use google translate.

Beyond that great chapter and I hope Bumble's humble adventures continue to be awesome

Finally a new chapter, but rather short for my liking

Poor diluted foal. She is about to be broken in so many ways. In ways that she thought wasn't possible.

I normally am not one for ponies getting abused, humiliated, and turned into sluts. And I have a feeling Luna is not going to stop at abuse, humiliation, and sluttification. Her leader will more than likely be more than happy to hand that c:yay: over to Equestria. Luna may have to stop Aryanne(?) from killing this b:yay:. That would be too quick.

8138971 we will skin her alive then heal her just to reskin her again and when that fails salt, then acid forever unending punishment.

8138999 :ajbemused:
Don't joke like that. I actaully stopped reading a story and downvoted it because that was what happened to a villain. And he actually came very close to killing a princess and tortured two others.

Ha, Luna is anything but weak. Süßer Sieg can be glad that Luna did't turned into Nightmare Moon again.

8139069 i would condone that if they actually killed the princess, or prince and other certain circumstances.

8139069 what was the name of the story you downvoted?

When is the next chapter coming out?

I wish this plots and stuff stays and not like last time where its all sex, well mostly sex. Character development is gold.

are you going to update this story?

dude it's been nearly a year since you updated this story, are you going to continue it or what?

Looking like a no, guess this story got abandoned, sad, I was looking forward to it

A true shame, but yeah looks like the author dropped this story.
Was hoping to see more of this story, hope Ron comes back to continue this story as soon as possible

Short but good, Ron! Nice to see it updated!:twilightsmile:

I wonder how many of those ponies Luna crushed and humiliated end up resenting what happened to them. I know scenes like this are supposed to show healing, they should be comforting, but... it's still difficult to forget a plot point I despise so much, you know? Even in the face of an ending far more merciful than a vast majority of stories would've gone for. I liked that part, and yet, the part before...

Maybe because, were I in their shoes, I'd hold a festering grudge 'til the day I die. I also probably wouldn't be in their shoes in the first place, but the contrarian inside is hard to shut up.

I'm sorry for rambling. I don't really know what to think.


It's understandable. But like Twilight said in Bumbling through my Education, Luna's interpation of the law was the most Archaic possible interpation of said law. Granted, it was supported, because the law technically did cover it, but it was following the law to the very letter, and original meaning, as possible. In essence at that moment Luna reached back a thousand years and pretty much used that to lay her 'enemies' low. While I certainly tried to write Luna as more accustomed to the times I did want to show, not tell, but show that she was the more direct and forceful of the two sisters.

When push came to shove she had no problem doing what she deemed as right and correct. Now, that said, was her action the best possible one? No, but then again there wasn't going to be a perfect action either. If the Nobles were to remain in power they would certainly do all they could to not only discredit Bumble's work, but it would be likely they would find a way of ending his life. After all, the Nobles affected by what happened weren't above doing something terrible to those they deemed lower than themselves. And despite the fact that Bumble became the Prince Consort he was certainly of a lower station than the Nobles, at least by their accounts.

Perhaps it would've been easier to swallow if some of those smoothing over Celestia supposedly had to do was shown as well rather than merely told about.

We have Luna stomping them into the ground and Bumble mercifully allowing them to live in his service, or rather he made himself their lord and master and decreed what their life would be, apparently including keeping them cut off from their magic.

Part of me just wants one of the noble scions to walk up to Luna and Bumble and spit in their face how he/she is declaring themselves no longer part of House Hurricane, that they will be leaving Equestria now that their true family is ruined, but they will rebuild outside... and NEVER forget what happened. Heck, it could be a pony barely older than a child or a teen and clearly driven to unreasoning anger by grief and helplessnes. I know it's petty, but it would be cathartic as well.

Let them show pride in their name and house. Despite the princesses and their lover bringing ruin to both. Show some consequences of Luna's actions that aren't wonderful at best or trivial at worst for the main characters. Her approach was exactly the one to create lasting grudges, and the only way they could stop this pony from leaving Equestria would be for Bumble to abandon his principles and become the kind of tyrannic noble he wanted to drive from power. If you wanted to make the emotional gut punch even harder, let her/him struggle with the words, obviously trying not to say any open threat for fear of it being taken as justification to punish them in advance. I bet Bumble would hate that.

That's not even to say that this pony couldn't eventually understand that what happened was way more merciful than what could've been. Or that Bumble, Luna, and Celestia couldn't tell themselves that to comfort each other. Who would honestly believe a life that isn't all that horrible isn't better than being executed? Then again, the pride of noble houses...

As you noted, there wasn't a perfect action. Ah well, more of my ramblings...

Glad to see this continued! was worried you'd died or something!

Good to know that u return to this story



Thanks! I'm planning on continuing the entire Bumbleverse.

This pleases us most greatly. Praise RJP! Not to be confused with RIP, although now I totally have to go re-read all the bumble chapters.

3rd may 2017, full chapter
26th April 2020, mini chapter
Checks out lol

You gonna go back on to other stories like "crystal apple?"

Short but good! And well done with the German Words.

though it reminds me of something i rather want to forget



In short I'm going to get back to the entire Bumbleverse. And thanks. I learned German a while back, although I do open a translator from time to time.

I Think you do pretty well with the German.

The spoiler sentence, sorry, the chapter reminded me of something about ayranne i want to forget:twilightsheepish:

Let's just say, imagine this: She's interested in Bumble, not shy to use drastic measures to claim him. Had a dream once about a OC of mine where that happened

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