• Published 26th Mar 2017
  • 4,316 Views, 27 Comments

Mommydagio - CGPH

Sonata gets Adagio presents for Mothers Day. Aria is confused.

  • ...

Ice Cream









“That’s not nice.”


“I love Adagio,” Sonata smiled sweetly, taking a lick of her ice cream.

Beside her, Aria was pale in the face and wrapped tight in a blanket. She was shivering - which was nothing to do with the bowl of ice cream abandoned by her side.

“Existence is pain,” she stated blankly.

Sonata frowned at her sister, then noticed her untouched ice cream.

“You gon finish that?”

If looks could kill, Sonata would be cold on the floor..

“Knock yourself out. Please.”

“Yippie!” Sonata squealed as she graciously swooped Aria’s ice cream into her arms.

The sudden movement on Sonata’s side shifted the couch, which was more than enough movement to trigger Aria again.

“I’m gonna hurl."

She spluttered a serious of horrific gagging noise before rushing out of the room.

Sonata, bemused, watched as her sister disappeared into the bathroom and continued to eat her ice cream, oblivious to the wretched dry-heaving sounds from the room opposite.

Minutes later, Aria returned, sporting her best living dead impression, with her blanket hunched over her head.

“You ‘kay?” Sonata asked.

She groaned.

“I can taste last week’s breakfast.”

“What’s it taste like?”


Sonata gasped.

“I love waffles!”

“Eat shit and die."

Aria dropped onto the couch, not much caring what position she landed in. She pulled her legs off the floor and curled into the fetal position.

“What’re we watching?” she asked quietly.

“Monster movie.”

“Oh fuck off, not today Sonata,” Aria groaned.

Sonata let out an ear-piercingly high-pitched whine, causing Aria to cringe in pain.

“Buuuuut it’s Ghidorah The Three Headed Monster! We’ve been waiting to watch this one since May!”

“If you make that noise again I swear I will break your jaw.”

“But Ariaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

Aria went crosseyed.

“Please Christ, end me.”

“So we can keep watching the movie?”



She bounced on the couch again - luckily Aria was now entirely empty on the inside and didn’t vomit. Instead, she simply groaned and collapsed off the side, taking a face full of pillow.

“Mmers amabio?”

“What?” Sonata asked.

Aria lifted her head up.

“Where’s Adagio?”

“Still getting the tires fixed."

“I’m surprised we didn’t lose the car axel,” Aria muttered.

Sonata shrugged.

“If Adagio had just got ice cream in the first plac-“

She was silenced by Aria’s finger of death pointing at her.

“Shut. Up.”

Seeing straight past Aria’s finger, she eyed her sister instead.

“You know what this means?” she asked quietly.

“What?” Aria asked unenthusiastically.

Sonata gave a naughty smile and lifted herself up. She pulled herself to a kneeling position, craning awkwardly over Aria.

“It means... we have the house to ourselves.”

Aria’s brows hit the roof as she turned to Sonata, who she now saw was way too close for comfort.


“And you know what… that… means?” she asked in a husky voice, leaning closer.

Aria craned her neck back, moving as far away from her younger sister as she could.

“I will fanny smack you if you don't remove yourself immediately.”

“It means… !”

Sonata span around, plucking up a plastic carrier bag from behind the sofa and placed it down between them.

"We can wrap Adagio’s presents!”

Aria sighed a breath of relief.

“Thank god for that.”

Sonata frowned, before skipping over it and pushing the carrier bag further into Aria.

“I got these the other night! I just needed an excuse to get Adagio out of the house so we could wrap them!”

Aria’s killer glare returned.

“Wait, you did that whole performance in the car, just so we could wrap her presents!?”

“Sure did!”

“Sonata, we killed a cat!”

“Sure did!”

“There’s blood in my puke!”

She frowned.

“Okay, that’s actually quite serious you should get that checked out.”

Aria held her hand up, stopping them getting off topic. In a quieter voice, she carried on.

“How did you know she’d ruin the tires? Surely there’s easier ways to get her out the house?”

Sonata waved her off with a smile.

“I had to make it look like it was her idea… I’m a master at getting what I want.”

Aria scoffed.

“You are not.”

“I ammmmmmmmmm,” she shrieked.

“Argh!” Aria growled, holding her hands to her ears. “Fine, fine, you are, you are!”

Sonata crossed her arms, smiling adorably.

“... Point taken.”

Aria shook her head clean from the ridiculousness that just occurred and picked up the carrier bag.

And then, reality hit her like a frying pan to the face. She frowned.

“Hang on… why does Adagio have presents? Her birthday is in December?”

Sonata giggled into her hands.

“It’s not for her birthday silly… Look at the date!”

She pointed towards the calendar in the corner of the room. Aria turned and squinted, struggling to see it from afar.

“Sunday, Twenty-Seventh of March, Twenty Seventeen?” she asked, confused.


Aria turned to her younger sister, almost dreading the asking the question.

“What’s so special about Twenty-Seventh of March?”

“It’s Mother’s Day!”

“No, it isn’t.”

“Yes, it is!”

“No, it’s not.”

“It is.”




“Is, is, is, is, is!”

Sonata,” Aria growled, “Mother’s Day is in May.”

Sonata frowned.

“No, it isn’t.”

“Yes, it is.”

No, it isn-“

“SONATA!” Aria shouted, before regretting it instantly and clutching her head in pain.

“But it is Mother’s Day… I read it online!” Sonata pouted.

Aria sighed at her sister’s baby face. She knew exactly the right buttons to push.

Where did you read it online?”

Sonata took out her mobile phone.

“MyStable, I’ll show you.”

She spent a second flicking through her phone, before passing it to Aria. Squinting to focus her vision, she read the screen.

“Sonata…” she gave a disappointed sigh. “This is a British website.”

Sonata frowned, confused.


Aria rolled her eyes.

“They have Mother’s Day in March. We live in America. I think.”

At this revelation, the upbeat energy Sonata had been radiating all day suddenly deflated. Her eyes sank and her head dropped down onto her carrier bag.


Aria groaned.

As much as she absolutely despised her younger sister and everything she ever did, ever… she hated the sight of her puppy dog face. She gestured to the bag,

“Why don’t you show me what you got her anyway?”

Sonata smiled, quickly rearranged herself into the sitting position and took the bag into her lap.

“Okay so first…”

Her hand went into the bag, but was stopped by Aria's finger in the air.

“Hold up."

Sonata paused, watching her sister expectantly.

“I don’t know why this is only occurring to me now,” she said more to herself than her, “but, you know… Adagio’s…. not our mom, right?”

Sonata chuckled.

“Of course I do, silly! Not really, anyway.”

Aria eyed her sister.

What delusions were going on inside her head and pray tell, was she about to shatter them?

The answer was absolutely.

“Not… at all, you mean. She’s our older sister.”

Sonata shrugged.

“Yeah, but she’s basically our mom.”

Aria squinted.

“No, Sonata, she’s not.”

But she shook her head.

“No, she is! I realized when we were in Miss Cheerlies class and we were talking about Biology! You don’t have to actually be somebodies mom, to still be their mom. Like, we haven’t really lost mom and dad, but they’re in a different dimension so that’s basically the same thing. But Adagio takes care of us instead, she drives us everywhere, gets us food, pays the bills, talks to you when you wake up crying at night-“

“I didn’t know you knew about that.”

“But you see what I mean! So Adagio is basically our mom.”

Aria frowned. The cogs in her head were ticking over, and they were getting uncomfortable with the logic they were being fed.

“I… guess, you have a point.”

“I do! I’ve been thinking about it really closely. And I figured, since Adagio’s our mom now, we should get her something for Mother’s Day! I even got her some stuff off you as well!”

At the mention of her inclusion, her interest peaked. She wasn’t going to lie, Sonata was making an annoying amount of sense for once. Reluctantly, she gestured towards the bag.

“What’d you get?”

“Weelllll….” she rooted around inside the bag,”… first we got… candles!”

She took out a pair of scented candles and handed them over to Aria.

“For her room when she relaxes.”

Aria shrugged.

“Very… white girl, but nice, she’ll like them.”

Sonata wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

“Aria approved?”

Aria chuckled and nodded.

“Aria approved.”

“Goodie!” she squealed.

Her hands returned back into the bag, rising up a second later with something new in her hands.


“Aw, I love those things,” Aria smiled.

“Yeah!” Sonata smiled. “These are proper ones too, not like that toaster you tried!”

Aria winced. Smiling through the pain, she grinded her teeth together.

“You were doing so well Sonata…”

“Here, look at them!”

She rushed them into Aria’s hands, who lifted them up to examine.

“She’ll enjoy these. Adagio loves her baths. Good work.”

“Aria approved…?”

Aria smiled, shaking her head.

“Aria approved.”

“Awesome sauce!”

Sonata returned to the bag and pulled out the next item.

“Next I got an alcohol!”

“Oooooooh,” Aria’s eyes lit up, “This is really good wine.”

“I know right, took forever to get it!”

Aria frowned, reading the label.

“Sonata, this is expensive shit, where’d did you get the money for it?”

“What’d you mean?” she asked, her smile intact.

“How’d you pay for it?”

“Pay for…?”

They locked eyes. Aria’s mouth opened, first in shock, then into a cheeky grin.

“You didn’t!”

“Didn’t what?”

“Were you shoplifting again!?” she asked, almost impressed.

Sonata waved her off casually.

“I only shoplift what I can’t afford. And for the record, I didn’t, it was buy one get one free.”


“I took the free one.”

Aria pursed her lips, impressed.

She hadn’t thought of that one.

“What else you got?” she asked, placing all of the items onto the coffee table before her.

“Wellllll,” Sonata sang, digging through her bag of goodies.

Next, Sonata pulled out a picture frame that was disproportionally big for the size of the bag. Aria considered being confused, but figured when dealing with Sonata, sometimes it’s easier to just accept what happens and not ask questions.

“I got this!”

She turned the frame around - Aria gasped in delight.

It was a beautiful, hand painted scene of the sun setting over a still beach. The sky was dark orange, the sea was a murky blue and the whole picture had an air of not just relaxation, but nostalgia to it.

“That’s gorgeous.”

“I figured,” she began, “since she misses home so much, she’d like something to remember it! I know it’s not of Equestria, and we can’t live underwater in this world, but I figured anything would be nice to remind her of the old days.”

Aria took the frame into her hands and admired it in greater detail.

“Sonata, that’s… actually, really thoughtful.”

She beamed hard, blushing.

“Think she’ll like it?”

“She’ll love it,” Aria nodded, before smiling herself. “Aria approved.”

“Yay!” Sonata squealed.

“One last thing!”


“Hold out your hand!”

She held out hand, only to have a small gold locket get dropped into it.

“A necklace?”

“I got it from the pawn shop, open the piece in the middle, it’s got a little picture of us inside!”

Aria wrestled with the locket for a second, before it clicked open and she saw the picture in question.

“Oh... shit.”

“It’s shit?”

“What? No! It’s just…”


“We had this done so long ago, I didn’t know it still existed..."

Aria held the picture closer to her face.

“Oh tell me about it! It took suuuuuper long to track down and a lot of Dracula movies. And then I had to print a copy small enough that I could put it there. It was really tricky, the printer is super difficult to use. I had to do it like twenty times before I got the right size… We need more paper by the way.”

“Sonata, we don’t own a printer.”

“That explains many things.”

“But, seriously,” Aria continued, ignoring her comment, “This is really nice.”

Sonata smiled at her words, then quieter, replied, “You think so?”

“Yeah, I do,” she smiled.

Attached inside the locket was a miniaturized version of a portrait they had painted of them in the 19th century. Adagio sat in the middle, Sonata beside her on her knees and Aria stood to their right. The three of them were dressed in corsets, capes and a lot of black and red.

“Remember when they tried to burn you for being a witch?” Sonata giggled.

“They did burn me Sonata, I lost a leg.”

“Yeaaaaah…” she sighed.

She leaned forward and knocked on Aria’s leg, which sounded wooden and hollow.

“That’s really cool though.”

“I know, right?”

“Adagio saved me from that,” Aria thought back, reminiscing. “Took the mayor under her control. Had every member of that village executed. Even the children, bless her."

“See? That’s mom stuff,” Sonata smiled sweetly. “Oh, what about the time she taught me to cook?”

She nodded.

“The night we had to emergency leave Chernobyl, yeah.”

Sonata laughed.

“And the time we got that boat!”

“The Somalian Civil War, fun times,” Aria smiled. “Or, that time when she discovered human blood was the secret to immortality.”

Sonata laughed aloud.

"Yeah! W-what name did she used back then?”

“Elizabeth-something, I don’t know. The Mistress of Death, something edgy like that."

The two grew silent, letting the happy mood hang in the air for a second.

It wasn’t everyday Aria and Sonata played well together. They both had their own ‘thing’. Sonata’s was being the clueless funny one, Aria’s was being the miserable tough one. They’d be lying if they said those personas were a hundred percent natural, as they did over exaggerate them at times, purely for their own amusement. But they were definitely based in truth, Aria indeed had the punk vibe about her and Sonata was the runt of the litter.

The few times they connected well together was over things they shared a love of, the main of which used to be feeding on people’s misery. And with that option long gone, little had kept the two connected and these days the bickering was the worst it had ever been.

Rather fitting then, that it was Adagio to give them this brief moment of peace between the two. She always was the moderator, the referee, and as it turned out, the mother.

Aria smiled at the thought.

Adagio had become a bit of a mother towards them recently.

The weird part?

She didn’t know where ‘recently’ began.

Now that she was thinking about it properly, for as long as she could remember Adagio had always acted motherly towards them. Yes, they’d bicker, sometimes they’d even have blazing arguments, but they’d always end up back together in the end. Even before they got trapped in this world, which if she was perfectly honest about, her memory of was a blur, Adagio was one of her most predominate faces she recalled from then.

In fact… she would go as far as, whenever Aria thought of their mother, it was usually Adagio’s face that came to mind.

“… huh.”

Sonata perked up, having caught her mumbling.


“Nothing,” she shook her head. “Just thinking… hey, pass me that wrapping paper.”


“Get the fuck out of my face, you spaz.”

“Adagio!” Aria laughed. “It’s Mother’s Day!”

“I don’t fu-“

Adagio stopped mid-march.

Her eagle-eyes had spotted something across the room..

“That present is wine shaped.”

Aria and Sonata shared a laugh.

“Well, it’s yours,” Aria said.

“It’s all yours!” Sonata exclaimed, gesturing towards the small pile of presents lay on the couch.

Adagio squinted, eyeing her two sisters suspiciously.

“… why? What have you two done?”

“Already told you, egghead.” Aria shrugged, “It’s Mother’s Day.”

“So …?”

Aria turned to her side, locked eyes with Sonata and smiled.

“It’s your special day!” Sonata squealed.

Aria folded her arms, smirking.

“Yeah, Mom."

Adagio let loose a low, drawling sigh, putting her hands on her forehead.

“How'd you guys find out?”


Author's Note:

Just a little bit of Siren love for Mother's Day!

Love you Mummy :heart:

Comments ( 27 )

“I had to make it look like it was her idea… I’m a master at getting what I want.”
Aria scoffed.
“You are not.”
“I ammmmmmmmmm,” she shrieked.
“Argh!” Aria growled, holding her hands to her ears. “Fine, fine, you are, you are!”
Sonata crossed her arms and smiled adorably, “see?”

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and see a positive angle to them, but I absolutely despise your Sonata, and if Aria can survive being burned badly enough that a leg comes off, I hope she's hit by several buses. With winter tires. :facehoof:
(I mean, unless they've since lost that toughness, in which case I would tone it down to a dope-slap for every time she pushes the others like she does. :twilightsheepish:)

Fuck… you found the test didn’t you?

Not sure if she's just messing with them, or... if that would explain a little too much. :twilightoops:

And, happy Mothering Sunday, I guess! :twilightsmile:
(Today's comment brought to you by Twi-face!)

This had a disproportionate amount of swearing for something so adorable. I don't think I minded very much.

I gotta tell you, I've always been a sucker for domestic Dazzlings. Something about them just going about their day-to-day is extremely captivating to me. And you did them well (for the most part. I had issues with Sonata, but nothing damning). Despite being a touch rough around the edges, I quite enjoyed this.

The artist is dilemmas4u, btw. It's amazing what you can find with a simple reverse-image search.

“Thank god for that.”


But wait a minute, why would Aria thank God?

“I was getting nun school flashbacks for a minute.”

Ohhhhhhh... :rainbowlaugh:

I wasn't combing through it, but a couple of lines I spotted appeared to have words missing:

She wasn’t going to lie, Sonata was an uncomfortable amount of sense for once.

Next Sonata pulled out a picture frame that was disproportionally for the size of the bag


“Adagio saved me from that,” Aria thought, remising. “Took the mayor under her control. Had every member of that village executed. Even the younglings.”

'Reminiscing,' I'd guess? I looked up 'remise,' and, uh... 'make a second thrust after the first has failed.' ...that makes it sound like a slightly different kind of story.

Also, this?

“The British have Mother’s Day in March.

“I don’t fu-“ Adagio stopped mid-march.

I see what you did there.

And then there was the line I most appreciated:

“Elizabeth something, I don’t know. The Mistress of Death, something edgy like that,” Aria smiled.

I hope the blood of the executed younglings mentioned above didn't go to waste!

I was hoping to save the third line for a chapter title (I checked: one topaz variant is red), but...

Maleficent in dusky rose,
Gathered satin lapped her breasts like blood upon the snow.
A tourniquet of topaz glistened at her throat.

Awakening, pulled from the tomb,
Her spirit freed eclipsed the moon
That she outshone, as a fallen star,
A regal ornament from a far-flung nebular.

...Yeah, there's no way Adagio wasn't the Blood Countess.

8052272 I wrote this more of a parody than anything serious. I usually get bored with stories that have Aria and Sonata as polar opposites and never stray from their character, but I thought what the hell, I'd have a bit of fun :pinkiehappy:

8052296 Domestic Dazzlings are best Dazzlings, I think 80% of my stories on here are about exactly that :rainbowlaugh:

8052413 My savior as usual, thank you for that :twilightblush: Adagio being the Mistress of Death is the best headcanon and I've tried to inject it into as many fics as I can :pinkiecrazy:

“That bottle is wine shaped.”

I think you mean, "That present is bottle-shaped." I take it your version of Adagio is a real heavy "conisseur," not that I'd blame her.

I can't stop laughing
That was cute tho

I'm saying it here for the first time is almost two years: Everything was perfect. Beyond the shadow of a doubt. Storytelling done right. Smooth, edgy, never droling and fun from start to finish.

And that God damn twist... You, sir or madam, are f**king genius.


Adagio you got some explaining to do!

This is absolutely amazing, fantastic, and cool.

I loved every aspect of it, and it's woosh, in my favourites.

Wait... WHAT? Adagio Aphrodite Dazzle, what have you been up to?!?

8052457 No worries! What did your mum say when you read the story to her?

8054100 :pinkiegasp: She's been doing a bit of the sex! :pinkiegasp:

im going to assume in this universe they are not evil sirens? :rainbowhuh:

I'm just going to say that Elizabeth Bathory is fucking metal which makes Adagio metal by proxy media1.giphy.com/media/cnKxdCIih7yIU/giphy.gif

8056011 I was about to say that she showed up to a MLP movie covered in spikes, and has even bigger hair than the guys in Nitro, so we can probably do away with the 'by proxy.'

Then I googled Jim Gillette just to check, and, Jesus, I think he might actually have her beat...


You almost lost me at the wooden leg joke.

“Yeah!” Sonata smiled. “These are proper ones too, not like that toaster you tried that time!”

“Were you shoplifting again!?” Aria asked, almost impressed.

“Fuck… you found the test didn’t you?”

After that first quote, I legitimate had to scroll back up to the top of the page to make sure I had read the author name correctly and hadn't somehow misread Majin Syeekoh. I just finished reading Burnonomics, so I got the sense of humor mixed up. Still, they were really funny lines. :rainbowlaugh:

This made me laugh so much, I'm so happy I read it. Mondays are the worst, so it was nice to be recommended this one.

8054100 Can we agree on that as her middle name? I would not put it passed Sirens, I mean they are Greek...

8058587 Only thing she's missing are the tattoos and I am totally willing to draw a tattooed Adagio.

I thought long and hard on what Greek goddess was perfect for Adagio's middle name and I think that Aphrodite was perfect. Please feel free to use it! :pinkiehappy:

Wow, all the history points! Adagio was Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess!?! And a mini follow-up for the test thing would be perfect 😀

Adagio is Elizabeth Bathory, accepted. What I want to know is does she still bathe in human blood or do you just have to do that x number of times before immortality kicks in.

Sonata really is, like, the siren version of Pinkie Pie. Not just because of her silliness, but because she deeply cares for her fellow sirens and wants them to be happy.

Great story.

omg...I wanted to read this story and just left it on hold for a while...that was back in 2017...holy crap.
this was a cute story regardless

The ending made me do a spit take lmao

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