• Published 31st Mar 2017
  • 8,813 Views, 47 Comments

Peephole - 2Merr

Anon finds a hole in the wall of his apartment. When he looks through, he finds a bone-white changeling sleeping in the next room. Instead of calling the guards, he decides to strike up a conversation.

  • ...


Is it alive? You can't tell if it's breathing. Do changelings even need to breathe? You've never seen a changeling before, but from what you've heard, they look kinda like a terrifying fusion of pony, Swiss cheese, and insect; with black chitin and legs that are more hole than leg. The creature on the other side of the wall is certainly bug-like, but it has light pink wings and a stark white exoskeleton. Not exactly terrifying, but ponies are afraid of pretty much anything that isn't a pony. Fucking racists.

Your train of thought is interrupted by the sound of your front door being opened. It seems your roommate is back from his job at the smile clinic or whatever other pony bullshit he does for a living. You briefly consider covering the hole and keeping the changeling a secret, but then you remember that your roommate is nosy as hell. You can probably convince him to stay quiet if you show him now instead of waiting for him to inevitably find it on his own.

"Roommate! Come see this," you whisper-yell at the dark gray unicorn.

"That is not my name, no matter how many times you say it," Roommate sighs. "What are you trying to show me?"

"I found a hole in the wall and there's-"

"Why did you poke a hole in the wall?" Roommate interrupts.

"Fuck you, the hole was already there. I found it when I moved my dresser," you lie. He can't possibly know the truth.

"You're lying."

"Get out of my head, Charles!" you scream, covering your ears in the vain hope of blocking out his invasive magic.

"For the last time, I don't know any telepathy spells. You're just an idiot. And my name is-"

"Shush, Roommate!" you shush your roommate. "You'll wake it up."

"Mmfrggrrmr," you hear a faint voice groan through the wall.

"Nice job, Roommate. You're making us look like terrible neighbors," you scold the unneighborly pony.

Roommate doesn't say anything, undoubtedly feeling ashamed of his rude behavior. Instead, he steps up to the wall and shoves the right side of his massive pony skull against the hole. A few seconds pass before he jumps back and attempts to faint and scream at the same time. He fails miserably, only managing to produce a wet gurgle as he hits the floor. Roommate was never any good at multitasking.

A light scratching sound draws your attention back to the wall. "Huh? Oh no! Uhh... P-Please don't call the guards! I'm not hurting anyone, I swear!" the peephole pleas in a raspy, male-sounding voice. "I only needed a place to sleep for the night! I'll leave immediately, just please don't call the guards!"

You peer through the hole again to see the changeling's eye just inches from your own.

"Hi there, I'm Anon," you introduce yourself. "What's your name?"

The changeling jumps back at the sound of your voice. He seems shocked by your lack of guard-calling, and slowly calms down enough to answer.

"I... I don't have a name," he warily admits.

"What? That's preposterous," you declare, proud that you were able to finally use that word in a sentence.

The nameless changeling takes a few hesitant steps forward, lowering his voice now that he's closer. "I'm a changeling. We don't normally use names," he explains.

You should probably ask about how they can tell each other apart, but there are far more pressing questions on your mind. Unfortunately, Luna is out of town right now, so you have to wait until she gets back to ask her if she pooped on the moon. In the meantime, you decide to learn a bit more about your brand new bug neighbor.

"Why are you white? I thought changelings were supposed to be black," you ask with no regard for social etiquette. It doesn't matter, though. You're technically a minority here, so you can say whatever the fuck you want without having to worry about the consequences.

The privileged changeling takes a minute to think before answering. He closes his eyes in concentration, probably thinking about how good it is to be white.

"I'm an albino. For most species, that just means an absence of color. For changelings, it also means an absence of magic. I can't change forms without magic, so I'm not very good at gathering love. That's why albino changelings are killed. I was lucky to escape before they found me." The little bug pony looks close to tears.

"Well, I think you're pretty cool, so they can go fuck themselves. And if you can't change forms or do magic, then I doubt the Princesses will think you're a threat. Hell, Celestia lets me walk around freely, so I bet you'd be fine too. Just let me talk to her and I promise you can walk around freely." Aside from the constant stares and ponies fainting in fear. "First things first, though. You need a name. I'm gonna call you Peephole."

"Peephole," says Peephole, doing his best Pokémon impression. "I like it. Do you... really think they'll like me?"

"Hell no. Most of them will probably hate you or fear you, but ponies are racist as hell, so that's pretty standard for any non-pony species. I've only met a few ponies that aren't terrified of me, and one of them fainted at the mere sight of you. So no, they won't like you," you say comfortingly.


"Don't worry, I'm sure Roommate will love you once he gets to know you." The unicorn in question starts to stir. "In fact, he's waking up now. You should come over to our room so he can properly meet you."

"A-are you sure? I might be seen." You can hear the slight tremor in his voice.

"Don't worry about it. If anyone sees you, they'll faint before they can call for any guards," you say in a manner that is somehow even more comforting than before. "Besides, we're just one room over."

"...Okay, if you say so." The eye disappears from sight and you can hear Peephole walking away.

"Sorry about earlier. I was just surprised to see a changeling in Canterlot. So... is your name actually Peephole?" Rudemate asks rudely.

"Yep!" Peephole chirps from his spot underneath the windowsill in your room. "Anon named me!"

"That's a terr-"

"-ific name, I know. I'm pretty much the best at names," you humbly admit. You can feel Rollmate rolling his eyes beside you.

"Ignoring that. Do the hives really kill any albino changelings just because they lack magic? That's monstrous, even for them! Er, no offense," Roommate says offensively.

"Yes, I'm actually hiding from ponies because I thought I'd either be killed here or sent back to the hives and killed anyway," Peephole sadly admits.

You tune the rest of their conversation out. Something Roommate said got you thinking. Unicorns have magic—obviously. Pegasi have magic for standing on clouds and doing weathery shit. Earth ponies: What the fuck do they even do? Seriously, farming can't be that hard. Unicorns can surely do it more efficiently with a few spells. Earth ponies are holding back society with their lack of magic. Less ponies would mean less resources needed overall. Equestria can be made exponentially more productive if earth ponies are removed from the equation.

"Anon, are you listening?" Roommate waves a hoof in front of your eyes.

"It needs to look like an accident,” you mutter. “A really big accident. I have to tell Celestia.”

"Close enough. Peephole, you wait here. We'll go talk to Princess Celestia and convince her that you're not dangerous. Hopefully, we can also get her to address the issue of albino changelings being murdered. That’s something that needs to be stopped immediately. Somehow."

"Thank you both so much. I can't tell you how much this means to me. I thought changelings like me shouldn't exist. I had almost given up on having a future," Peephole whispers through barely contained tears.

"Of course you deserve to exist!" you chime in. "Besides, you're not just any changeling. You're our changeling. Our Peephole."

Peephole is openly bawling now. You decide it's best to leave while he's distracted. You don't want him to hug you or anything. That shit's gay.

Roommate catches up with you as you open the door to a world of wonders.

"Why do you always act like you've never been outside before?" Roommate sighs.

"Don't ruin this for me."

"We need to hurry, day court is ending in a couple of hours," Rushmate calls behind him as he rushes ahead on his stumpy pony legs. "Do you have an idea of what we should say?"

"No clue,” you say as you briskly walk to keep up with his pathetic stride. "But one thing is certain."

Roommate tilts his ears back at you inquisitively.

"We must secure the existence of our Peephole and a future for white changelings."

Comments ( 47 )

God damn

I want to be mad but its perfect

The word count should have been a giveaway but it snuck up on me

8064265 I initially wanted to include a cameo for Aryanne, but I felt that was a bit too heavy-handed

This was wrong on so many levels, yet so deliciously smooth in delivery.

Stop being good at awful. :rainbowlaugh:

Not bad, but it seems as the begin of a story mainly, also it was mainly topics and a little more.

Why is this rated M?

8064492 I was paranoid that it wouldn't get approved otherwise. Now that I look at it again, I can probably change it

This is so weird. But I liked it.
What's going on?

Anon best watch out for (((them)))!

8064911 racist black changelings are killing off inferior white changelings


White 'lings matter friendo

Earth ponies. What the fuck do they even do?

Biomancy (insta-grown flowers), superstrength, expertise at ritual magic, "subtle" effects like kicking a tree and getting nice neat piles of apples as a result...

That pun at the end was terrible. Brilliant, but terrible.

This anon is either the worst person ever, or the best person ever. I'm not sure which. No he's not somewhere in between.


This anon is either the worst person ever, or the best person ever.

The answer is yes

*facepalm* :heart:
*facepalm* :heart:
*facepalm* :heart:
*facepalm* :heart:
*facepalm* :heart:

I want to see more from this beautiful bastard Anon, now.

So thanks for that.

8073493 well I have some good news for you

This was actually touching in a weird, goofy sort of way. Wonderful job!

Best thing I've read in a while. Thanks.

Now I wonder if Anon will become a racists to earth ponies as well as black changelings?


8133276 #Albino lives matter

"Earth ponies are holding back society because they don't have magic. "
But wait! The same thing can be said about albino changelings! And Anon obviously knows that!

By "securing future for white changelings" he didn't mean rescuing them.
He meant building gulags.

What a twist.

Two face-palms out of two, would groan again.

Comment posted by Sturleght Glommar deleted May 17th, 2017

8167483 Can you spoiler that, please? I think it has the best effect if it surprises readers.

Comment posted by Sturleght Glommar deleted May 17th, 2017

This is my favorite type of Anon, where his thought process is pretty stupid but shit gets done.

I believe he meant the quote, not the gratuitous German that the vast majority of the English speaking world couldn’t read anyway. :ajbemused:

Comment posted by Sturleght Glommar deleted May 17th, 2017

Peeping through Peephole's peephole with my peephole peeper at peepholes peephole peeper.
Couldnt resist

And btw... Very good story.,.


oh my gosh. That must have been the funniest thing I have ever read.

But I want to find out what happens next........

I love your Anon. Delightfully quirky.

The Monk

This story needs a follow-up.

This is brilliant. And the wordcount, too. Good job.

....I have the urge to hug you now. :pinkiecrazy:

I think my favorite thing about this is the way the story completely subverts expectations. It's not Anon that does anything useful, but his roommate that ends up actually learning more about the situation and decides to act. Anon meanwhile is just sort of drooling in the corner.

I love how true that statement is. :rainbowlaugh:

You got me with that one at the end. Thumbs up, 10/10 IGN, that was hilarious.

Fuck, ya got me. Well played man, well played.

Just gonna put this here: don't go sticking your eye to strange holes in walls unless one is looking to make new friends:trollestia:

KvAT #43 · Feb 28th, 2021 · · 3 ·

Lmao look at the amount of salt this comment got

That ending line was weirdly wholesome..

Would read again.

Agreed. We need more adventures of Anon, Roommate and Peephole

You don't though, because that'd be gay.:derpytongue2:

Peephole is openly bawling now. You decide it's best to leave while he's distracted. You don't want him to hug you or anything. That shit's gay.

Is there any special meaning to the word count number?

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