• Member Since 8th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen May 21st



Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

Equestria's fastest flier and her biggest fan.

Teacher and student.

Sisters? Or something else entirely?

Dash made the biggest mistake of her life, several years ago in Manehattan, and has now decided to face the music- a decision that threatens to tear her and the orange filly apart. Will telling Scootaloo about her regrets, and her love, persuade Scootaloo to forgive her, to become what they really are together, or will the two remain forced apart by this huge secret of Dash's?

Another oneshot, another mother fic, and another Wahtiff scenario. I hope ya'll enjoy it! Rated teen because I'm paranoid.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

you were doing fine until, you went the instant mom route

Holy crap, I actually inspired someone :rainbowderp:, I did not see that coming.

Actually funny thing is I had intended to bring up some of the parallels like Manehattan and her dad being named Stratosphere... anyway, its a good fic, not perfect, but good, maybe consider writing more based on the idea.

Let's see where to begin. First off Chem-Is-Try I loved the chemistry that your story conveyed. The emotions that a mother/child relationship can stir up and you did a perfect job at that in this story. Second Character, the characters where not unbelievable, even in universe when Dash is under pressure she makes dumb decisions, example sonic rain boom episode. Scootaloo was portrayed very well also. I love that you got the emotions down I almost cried and it's not just because I've had a twenty hour day today, Lastly I loved the premise Scootaloo needs a mommy I feel. Cons. alright here they are even with my loose concern for the English language and the fact that you story was exactly a perfect match for me the spelling errors and omissions made it difficult for me to properly enjoy this story they seemed to pull me out every time I tried to get in. I also feel that the conflict and resolution could have been played stronger than they were, but that's just me.


Like I said at the end, this story was in limbo on my computer along with a bunch of other old fics (written before I really even KNEW MLP) until a few days ago, and believe me the original was much worse. Also, this story's structure I was trying to base more off the 'dangerous confession' in This Is What We Are between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash- we never see the actual confession, but the way they are acting and talking implies that it didn't go well. If the mom route seemed instant, then that's probably because I was trying to do that. :twilightsheepish:

Still, I'm glad that you three at least somewhat enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

6.89/10, Sir. If you've time, writing more is always beneficial. Everybody loves continuity

8074681 Writing more, I can understand, but I'm afraid I don't get what you mean by continuity.

Why do your stories always make me either tear up or happy to the point of *WARNING - combustion certain, over flow of emotions in 3... 2... 1... BOOM*

I honestly have no idea, myself. I just get an idea- a SCENE- in my head and I wonder, "Now then...how do I make the story GET there?" Then boom, a sad/happy story like this.

To be fair, this one actually turned out better than I thought it would. The first draft I wrote of it was HORRIBLE. :rainbowlaugh:

This tory got me teary eyed .:fluttercry::fluttershysad: I myself had lost my mother and my adopted mom . I wish I could be adopted by Princess Celestia , Princess Luna and Princess Nightmare Moon ( She's good now ).Also adopted by Princess Twilight Sparkel .( That would make her brother Shining Armor my....uncle ? :rainbowderp: ) Anyhoof I would be happy if any of them adopt me as their daughter .:unsuresweetie:

This was so sweet and heartwarming, I loved it.

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