• Member Since 31st Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen June 1st


My name says it all, I'm a fan of crossover fics. Started watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic when I read about it on /co/ and has been a fan ever seen. I'm also an otaku.


The Elements of Harmony, rather than destroying Nightmare Moon, separated Princess Luna from her evil side. Free from her 'weaker' half, Nightmare Moon sets her sights on a world ravaged by bigotry and war to establish a kingdom of her own-Earth, but not the Earth that we know.

A crossover between My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Code Geass.

Artwork by gavalanche.

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 251 )

I like very much! :)

very good you should consider posting this on fanfiction, I'm a little surprised that nightmare moon hasn't tried to take Lelouch as her king considering there personalities, lelouch wishes to bring peace to the world but in order to do that he must first destroy most of his family

Read this one on the Spacebattles forum and loved it.
But the real question is: Is Lelouch gonna use NMM for his own purposes or will he try to get rid of her
as soon as possible?

That would be cool.

In other news I find myself rooting for NMM...somewhat surprised by that.


May I ask why you want NMM to win? :derpyderp2: Just curious.

There's probably no single reason, it feels more like a confluence of things:
-I just plain like NMM, she has kickass character design and backstory, not just in the series, but in this story as well. I'm enjoying her sections quite a bit, there's just something about that megalomaniac attitude that I find attractive--kind of like Lelouch, she's a Magnificent Bastard in my eyes.
-In a way the story reminds me of the Pony Conversion Bureau stories, what with large amount of humans turning into ponies (granted, here it's by force, although that also happens in some PCB fics as well) and having to deal with that, as we've seen already, a lot don't take it well. A bit of nostalgia at work, and it's a just plain interesting concept to work with. It speaks more towards my feelings for the fic in general (atm 4-5 stars), but since NMM initiated it, the appreciation extends to her as well.
-It just feels like something NMM should win. So far, even weakened, she seems to be shaping up to still be an honest-to-goodness goddess.
-NMM seems to honestly care (albeit for probably negative reasons to a certain extent). That scene near the end of chapter two is particularly interesting, and other points earlier on. For all of her more negative emotions and attitude, she seems to honestly desire good things for the people/ponies. Granted, that particular side only arises after she's actually turned them into ponies...and she'll probably be a total autocrat about it, but then...that's not exactly new in the CG world...
If I had to choose between NMM and someone else from the CG universe to rule the world...well, Lelouch is probably the only one who would stand a chance, maybe Schneizel since his ideologies in the anime seem to be somewhat similar to NMM's. What with the whole force the world into peace idea...

Of course, all of this is complicated in the story, particularly by events such as the death of Kallen's mother. If/once Kallen finds out NMM was responsible for transforming the world, she'll probably hold a serious grudge.

This story is beautiful. Please continue!

A few ideas come to mind about this scenario:

-A lot of people seem to be commit suicide in exactly the same way. Namely, jumping out a window. What if some quick-thinking pegasi decide to catch them? What if a certain pegasus actually makes a full time job (insofar as is possible) to watch the skies for suicidal ponies and saving them and being part suicide prevention hotline? And, MOST IMPORTANTLY, what if catches some dangerous someone Lelouch ordered to die, and it screws up something important?

-As far a I can tell, we are about halfway into season of Code Geass. Lelouch has accomplished surprisingly little by this point. Although, I do believe Suzaku has been commanded to "Live on" at this point. Hmm...since we aren't in R2 territory yet, he hasn't turned that compulsion into a strength, but I do wonder how much its going to come into effect when you oppose NMM.

-Speaking of the big mare herself, I do wonder how she is going to react when she finds out what has been happening. I mean, sure, they did continue fighting. Although... without Sakuradite, the casualties of that particular battle were limited, and NMM even buried poor Miharu, which implies she feels genuine pity (if not necessarily compassion) for the victims.

That being said, though, the greater issue would be tradegies like Prof. Wilhem's family and Kallen's mother, and others who actually would've survived if she had just left humanity alone.

-Speaking of Kallen's Mother, although this is grotesque.

-Once this generation dies out down to their children, history books and other records will be the only proof humanity ever existed. Does that count as an extinction event? Or would that be the moment the last human transformed? I don't expect the story to go that far without resolving this conflict, but interesting thought, that.

-This comes up every time Nightmare Moon steps into the picture, but can Earth survive eternal night? I mean, maybe Equestria, where Day cannot come until the moon has been brought down (or at least that's implied...maybe when Luna first became NMM, she just Eclipsed the Sun during the day while she plotted more permanent ways of dealing with Celestia.), but the Earth revolves around the Sun and its always daytime somewhere (Meaning the closest thing NMM could do is pull a Rock-a-Doodle and cover the world in clouds. On another note, can Pegasi or even Alicorns manipulate earth clouds?), and all plantlife evolved around the assumption of this immutable fact. Perhaps differences between Equestria

-I do wonder how NMM will deal with Geass. And not just Lelouch's.

and now, a silly exchange!

NMM: *Has cornered the Black Knights moments after declaring her intent to rule eternally....somehow these events has occurred in short order and in that sequence.* "The Black Knights, was it? Tell me, how would like to be my royal guard?"
Zero: "Let me answer that question in the form of disappearing." *uses Magic to turn Black Knights invisible*
NMM: "Remarkably skittish, actually." *Dispels Invisibility*
Zero: *Didn't expect that to be foiled so easily* "Um.....Tamaki, attack!" *Levitates Tamaki towards NMM*
Tamaki: "WAAAH!" *Turns his horn all the up to FLOODLIGHT*
Zero: "Just as I planned!" (so totally didn't plan that.) "Black Knights, Retreat!"

....okay, that was stupid.

1147 -Speaking of Kallen's Mother, although this is grotesque.....

(Oops, didn't mean to leave that like that.)

although this is grotesque, and insensitive, I do wonder if Kalen's mother wouldn't be a source valuable scientific data on how magic affects the human body when transforming it.

One question.
Will anypony from Equestria (besides NMM) get involved? Maybe Celestia sending the mane 6 to investigate after feeling the massive magic use or maybe even Lelouch hearing about the element of harmony and going to Equestria to use them against NMM.


That one, I'm sort of debating right now. They will be introduced eventually, if things go as planned, but when I don't know.

I...actually have to say I like this NMM's reaction to Humanity (expecially the grimdark conflict of Code Geass' world)

Normally, the Nietzche wannabe (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NietzscheWannabe) decides that the world is so violent and cursed that the best solution to the problem would be to wipe us all out. (which for a moment, I actually thought NMM was planning to do that, then I realized "Ooooh! She's turning them into PONIES. That makes more sense. ...considering the perpetrator, that is.")

Instead, this villain decides to simply make the world co-exist. But its interesting because this actually fulfills pre-established character motivations.

Nightmare Moon is changing humanity (and taking away their giant killer robots) instead of destroying them because, well, she's lonely.

-She prefers Ponies to Humans. Its what she is and its what she's accustomed to.
-Equestria was much less violent than Earth (probably because the Princesses' rule is uncontested by all who rely the orderly cycle of Night and Day, and in the Geassverse, there's all these different nations and empires struggling for dominance. Kinda makes it seem like Earth DOES need NMM to take control.), and Knightmare Frames are just the latest in a horrifying Runaway Arms Race.
-She's still ultra-jealous of Celestia, how was always loved by the Equestrians. But now...she has a world all to herself. She can't very well just destroy a chance to have a family all to herself now. Its sad because now that Luna is a seperate entity from her, she really doesn't have anywhere she belongs. :raritydespair:

In other words, I can sum up Nightmare Moon's basic message to the world with five simple words.


:flutterrage: "YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!"

What I really, really like about this story right now is that it can literally go anywhere right now. It has that much potential in it.

I can actually see NMM being a good (so to speak) leader/ruler of CG Earth (its so screwed up it needs someone to take charge and make people get along). The real question is this: just how much more will she change the world to get the point across?

I think, eventually, it would be pretty dang cool to have either Celestia and Luna learn of just what Nightmare Moon has done, or have NMM return to Equestria with her own Royal Guard to deliver some, in her mind, much needed payback.

Any info when the next chapter will come out?
Ps: Lelouch and Trixie NEED to meet each other:trixieshiftleft:

okay...during one of my earlier posts, I brought up some difficulties NMM might have bringing Eternal Night to a realistic planet like earth.

First of all, lets assume that Equestria, being a "Bubble world", might actually be able to survive eternal night...possibly with a little restructuring, but its totally possible. Ala "Past Sins" there are crops and plants that can survive off the moonlight (although something is going to have to be done about the declining tempature.) I mean, already in Chapter one, we've established that "for days" there was no sun, and that didn't cause Equestria to suffer an ecological collapse. (Granted, I'm not a horticulturist, but I can tell your that without using an entirely different form of photosynthesis, we would probably run the risk of some extinctions of certain plant species.)

This means that NMM has to overcome a completely different set of rules of physics to bring Night eternal. However, all hope is not lost.

Here's a few ideas that you can totally use, even if they just get you thinking about how you want to do it:

1: The Black Sun-The day just comes from the sun...so why not get rid of it? Well, that might cause problems with the gravitational order of the solar system...But...perhaps she could transform the sun into something more pleasing? Like she did with humanity? Some kind of black sun that is still 'there' but no longer blocking out the other stars in the sky.

But, transforming humanity ate up a lot of magic, and Nightmare spent all Sakurdite on Earth already. Where could she get more?

The answer is: the Sun itself.

Unless the Geassverse's earth got seeded with Sakurdite from "the aliens helping them", then like all other minerals in the earth, Sakurdite was made from various elements pounding together in the young Sun before bits of it were dispersed from the star and clumped together to become a planet. AND! that means theres tons more still in the belly of the sun....and one other planets.

(In fact, all these ideas and various other schemes NMM might hatch can rely on the rest of the Solar System for all her Sakurdite needs! I mean...she doesn't need to breathe in star-cloud form, right?

Or maybe now that she introduced Unicorns into the universe that creates more ambient magic somehow? Or when she gets a new body, she regains her full power?)

Snippy Lelouch remark: "Stand with me, people of Japan! Stand with me, World! Oppose the darkness with all of your heart! Rage against the dying of the light! Stand upright, tall and proud like a human being in your spirit, and the sun will dawn on a world where you and your children can once again do it in body!"

2: Home sweet home- She turns the planet into a Bubble world like Equestria, where the Sun really can't come up without lowering the Moon first. Of course, being the one who is constructing this paradise herself, she fixes up any "complications"

Snippy Lelouch remark: "Nightmare Moon! I now understand you totally and completely. You are hopelessly and pathetically lost trying to reclaim your old world! You've transformed humanity, mutilated our world, taken away our sun even though ours has nothing to do with Celestia! You've stopped the march of time...stolen the future...amputated everybody's destiny...murdered those who couldn't physically or mentally handle the transformation...all in the name of ruling an exact replica of your sister's kingdom.

All in the name of escaping her shadow and, ironically, have your day in the sun."

3: Rock A Doodle- Nightmare Moon creates a veil of storm clouds to blot out the sun on the half of the planet when it is day, and disperses them after Dusk to make way for the night sky. May or may not involve millions of enslaved Pegasi being dedicated to the job.

Snippy Lelouch remark: "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.....what? They can't all be gold."

4: The aura of the Moon Goddess- Equestria actually doesn't have a Sun and Moon. Not like the ones we have. They are actual manifestations of the Princesses' divine power.

The long and short of this idea is, once her "domain" expands over the entire planet, she can in fact encase everything in an artificial night sky that the sun cannot penetrate. Any and all questions can simply be resolved by the same answer:

"Because she's God."

Snippy Lelouch Remark: "If we fail...we will be terribly punished for our disobedience....most likely in the name of the Moon.

In either case, its been a pleasure fighting with you all."


Those are good ideas. My original idea was much more mundane (can't tell you what it is because it would be a spoiler). However, I will take them into consideration. Also, I like the Lelouch quotes, especially #2. He would so say something like that. Would you mind if I use it if I can work it in the story?

For a story, a crossover especially, with an unique premise, I am surprised this story is not more popular. I'm guessing that people might be turned away by the Code Geass part, but crossovers tend to work surprisingly well with MLP.

1576 Go right ahead! That's what they are there for!

1595 Actually, there's also the chance that Rebel Against the Night fell down in the rooster too quickly. As far as I can tell, CrossoverManiac posted the first two chapters side by side. So, its just bad luck, really.

(While I'm posting, I'll take this moment to muse that there might still be some Sakurdite left on earth, but NMM has almost certainly taken all the low-hanging fruit.

The earthlings are going to have dig deep-literally to get more. Assuming NMM doesn't use it to create her Orbital Death Castle.)

One question.
Does this fic play before or after Mao. So far it only seems to take place before Lelouch steals the Gawainn.


I'm leaving that open ended right now. Don't want to paint myself into a corner.

1826 Actually, I thought I posted about this already.

Rivalz is already on record with saying that Shirley is "still avoiding" Lelouch. Which implies Mao happened a while ago and Lelouch erased her memories.

Oh wait!

Actually...Lelouch erased Shirley's memories while Mao was still alive. Here's a time line

14-Shirley almost kills Lelouch but can't. Lelouch erases her memories. Mao escapes.

15-C.C. nearly gives herself up to Mao. However, Lelouch saves her AND gets Mao shot by Geassed Police forces.

16-Lelouch learns the important distinction between "shoot" and "kill". Mao kidnaps Nunnally. C.C. kills Mao.

17-Suzaku is knighted as...oh. ooooh.

Okay....the story could only take place between 15 and 16....or between 16 and 17. SUZAKU CANNOT BE EUPHIE'S KNIGHT YET (although...he is close friends with the princess. She might just have had him over.
Its very good that you didn't outright state Suzaku was her knight yet.)

Suzaku only becomes Euphie's knight when Mao is dead. But as soon as Suzaku becomes her knight a whole bunch of shit happens that Lelouch won't get away from until he gets the Gawain and Euphie knows Zero's identity for a fact (instead of a hunch like the story).

Not just that....but shortly after Suzaku gets Knighted, he nearly kamikaze's Lelouch....gets told to live......Euphie finds out about Zero's identity.....and Lelouch gets the Gawain.

Damn Lelouch has a busy life. I'm dizzy. :derpytongue2:

Okay, you know how I said it could only happen between 15-16 or 16-17? Why not 14-15?

Because after 14-15, Lelouch still believes Mao is alive. He could TRY to fit some fighting to capture Cornelia into his busy schedule, but Mao is (and should be) a top priority. Also, C.C. would've been planning to turn herself over to Mao before the events of 15, and not even the world turning into Ponies would cause her to relax that stance like she seems to have in the story.

But! After 15, they both think Mao is dead. So Lelouch could've refocused on leading the Black Knights, mistakenly believing he and the people close to him were safe.

So, really, there's just two settings.

1-Mao is alive, and probably still planning to kidnap Nunnally. However, the loss of Sakurdite technology as well as his own thumbs might hinder him. Still...I do wonder if he's more dangerous as a pegasus or a unicorn....

2-Mao is dead. Suzaku is recovering from Mao's psychological warfare, and is going to be knighted soon, but there's still a small window of oppurtunity for Lelouch to get into a fight with Cornelia.

Anywhere afterwards and Euphie will have known for a fact Lelouch was Zero. Also, Lelouch would've been riding the Gawain, not a Burai.

Any news on the next chapter?
I'd hate to see such a great fic on permanent hiatus.

The idea of NMM trying to turn the grimdark wartorn world of CG into a copy of her own peaceful world is
very interesting and I'd like to see how she interacts with the Britannian royal family and Zero with his black knights.
Knowing Lelouchs luck she is probably going to appear right in the middle of his Tokyo takeover.

Yes. We'd like to see an update soon. Or at least tell us when we can expect it.

I mean, I took two weeks before I finally updated MY story (the Dark Side)

But come on. Don't make us beg.



Yes. We'd like to see an update soon. Or at least tell us when we can expect it.

I mean, I took two weeks before I finally updated MY story (the Dark Side) But once I actually put out the time to start, I couldn't stop writing.

Come on. Don't make us beg.




I have about 80% of chapter 3 written so far. If God's willing and nothing else comes up, I'll have finished by the end of next week at the latest.

Now I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

Next chapter by the end of the week:

1892 OH YEAH! Suzaku won't be commanded to "Live on" before episode 17. I've been rewatching Code Geass since this fic came out and its amazing just how little slack the Britannians cut Suzaku.

They sent him to blow himself up immediately after being Knighted. Geez.

Sometimes, I feel like I might've been misjudging Suzaku. That he really does have at least a snowball's chance in hell of working with the system to change it. That his destiny might be the sort where even though he doesn't live to see it, his mere existence in the history of the world will have more lasting consequences in civilzing Britania than just another violent uprising.

Except, then he jumps at any chance whatsoever to sacrifice himself and seems to place much more priority on that then actually threatening or challenging the status quo in even the most peaceful ways. He's just kind of..."If I help you enough militarily, will you finally start respecting the num-what's that you say? A chance to blow myself up? I am there! WHEEEEE~!"

And I'm sitting back staring ".......All hail Lelouch! All hail Lelouch!"

I never really watched Code Geass, but you did a really good job from what I can tell! The chapters are wonderfully long, the writing's vivid and decisive enough that I have a good idea what's happening, and the fact I started reading this right on the edge of what's starting to look like a major social upheaval leaves me begging for more!

All in all, it's an awesome story and I can't wait for the update!

Just so you know, I'm now going through Code Geass completely now just because of this story.

2737 Watch out for the end to Season 1.

There IS a second Season: Code Geass R2.

Some might consider this a spoiler, but when I saw the end to Season 1, I was MAD. Mad, man, mad. Its heavily implied (though falsely) that everybody dies.

So...yeah, watch out for that.

Good news: part 3 is almost ready

Bad news: I haven't decided on a major plot point yet. When I post part 3, for good or ill, I'm committed to that plot point and direction that the story is going. So, in order to make a good decision, I'm taking my time before posting it. Otherwise, I've painted myself into a corner.


The plot line in Crossovers is really tricky. You have to think about the way the one universe affects the other, here it is: What will Lelouch do now that everyones a pony and what will he do when NMM reveals herself. Then there's the mane cast. One possibility is that Celestia and Luna felt it when NMM transformed the Code Geass humans into ponies and send Twilight and her friends to investigate.

That brings us to the question when the mane cast will arrive. During, before or after Lelouchs Tokyo takeover and/or before NMM goes public in the CG universe. Their reaction would be similar to NMM's with the drug abuse and suicides added. Otherwhise I can see a plot about Lelouch either teaming up with/using NMM to destroy Britannia or teaming up with/using the mane cast to get rid of NMM.

Don't rush it if you need time. I've seen a bunch of stories ruined like that simply because the author listened to his overzealous fans and released a chapter too early.

2954 Actually, I find myself hoping the mane cast doesn't come in TOO early, simply because its interesting just working with the Black Knights as ponies having to cope with everything.

I really do wonder how Lelouch is going to react to NMM (actually, choosing to work with Nightmare Moon isn't so much a choice as it is a Calculation. There are two questions that need to be resolved in Lelouch's mind before he truly considers genuine loyalty to NMM. As opposed to back stabbing her.

1-Can Earth survive the "Dusk?" If NMM's plans threaten all life on earth, Lelouch and ever other world player will be forced to focus all their resources on trying and take down/reason with Nightmare.

2-Assuming the world CAN survive...there are other concerns. In R2, Lelouch rejected certain ....other people's "solutions" to problems. He said no to a Benevolent dictatorship forcing everyone to get along, and said no to a magical paradise where violence is redundant if not impossible and the boundaries and distinctions that separate you from your enemies get thrown into question. NMM is kind of both...

(Yes. I mean that. Even the I mean, SURE, that Pony SOUNDS like an Eleven...but do you really know? Its going to take forever to identify people again. And lets face it. Racism is right out the window now that everyone, even between family members are completely random colors. Unless all the Native Americans became Buffalo or something...which they didn't because NMM wanted PONIES.)

I love the mane cast, but they do offer an easy way out. That is, the Elements of Harmony. Then again....maybe they don't work since they've already separated NMM from Luna? And there's the wrong kind of Moon to seal her in?

The real trick about introducing them is...well, in any crossover (or during THAT ONE EPISODE that occurs in every Power Rangers season), making sure that neither team overshadows another. They are allowed to do what they do.

Which brings us back to the "not introducing the Mane Cast too soon." This upcoming takeover of Tokyo is going to be a way to show how the Black Knights function without Knightmares.

That. Was. AWESOME :rainbowkiss:

The battle scene was really captivating and I can't wait to see the next part.

Also the scene where Lelouch learned that magic doesn't work the same for everyone was a nice touch.
Have you ever thought about submitting this for Equestria Daily?


When everypony kept complaining about "the sun not coming up" I was thinking "OH SNAP SHE'S BACK", but then 10 days passed and I got confused and now I'm like "oh. She's still asleep. In hindsight 5 AM is a pretty dark hour. False alarm...."

Nightmare Moon's morning breath is going to be able to melt rocks. Although, that probably will just add to her imminent legend.

I'm really curious who the winged pony promoting . . . ponydom, I guess, is. I hope he meets up with Nightmare Moon, they seem the type that would . . . not get along, but at least ally with one another.

Also, I felt that this chapter could have used another look over--it seems like there are words missing here and there throughout the piece.

I bet 10 bucks it's Suzaku.

Ps: Nina is NEVER going to live the thing with the table down.

3057 Nope. Suzaku was already identified as an Earth Pony in an earlier chapter.

His appearance was brief but existent.

Hmmm, all the changes seem to be for the anonymous winged pony . . . now I'm gonna have to go back and read things over again to see if he's already appeared.

Well I gotta admit that was a pretty awesome chapter. Like I said, I don't really watch Code Geass but from the way you put it it sounds like Lelouch is a regular strategic genius! I can't really say anything about how in character you're portraying the characters because of this lack of information on my side, but the story's awesome, and in the end that's the mark of a good writer!

Can't wait to see how things move on from this point! I mean, the enemy suffered a slightly crippling defeat but from what I've seen so far a straight up assault doesn't seem like Zero's M.O.

3096 Why yes. Lelouch is a strategic genius. His plans combined with his ability to do the impossible (without some kind of super power like Mind Control..but thats just crazy talk, right? heheh) is why the Black Knights follow him despite not knowing his identity.

But yes...he was very quick to try and find new tactics. Basically, this fight was against Britannia trying to fight the old way (using ancient phalanx tactics and even an old school Knightmare Frame refitted for a pony), and the Black Knights actually making use of their new pony powers (specifically unicorns)

At least thematically, I think I know which side NMM would back. Technically, the Japanese ALSO tried to negotiate AND dismiss that they even were any differences, if you count those ponies who got, you know, stepped on.

mur? The only change that's taken place in

I mean...sure, we only know that character by his color, so if you needed to change the color, that might've needed to be cleared up...but...we have no idea what this color change means.

His style went from Scootaloo to Flouride. But, like he says, WE CAN'T TELL WHO'S WHO ANYMORE. So he could be anyone. His own anonymity proves his point. Now he just needs to get people to mingle more.

The sad thing is that Lelouch (or worse other Britannian citizens) might not be able to prove who they are...if they were caught outside.

Oh God! Some of them who commited suicide could've taken being ponies and would've survived...if they weren't stuck on the other side of town from their families! Oh god....this story is heavy.

But yeah...this Pegasus. He could be Emperor Charles for all we know!


Actually..now that I think about it.... No...even with those ideals that endgame in mind, its stupid to think he would do THAT....and travel to the other side of the world, too.

Good that the revisions are so few even if I wouldn't mind rereading the chapter after all this is a great fanfiction.
And now that we have chapter 3 we can proceed with nagging your ears off for chapter 4 :twilightsheepish:

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