• Published 4th Apr 2017
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Of Fickle Fates and Eternal Vows - Orkus

Upon the defeat of Calamity Ganon, Mipha, princess and champion to the Zora people of Hyrule, departs the land as a spirit, only to awaken in a strange world ruled by even stranger creatures. She soon seeks to find some way, if any, to return home.

  • ...

Only in Dreams

The Hylian Link stared at the bright, blue sky that laid showed down from where he stood on a grassy field. Just ahead of him was a cliffside, which faced the far distance. Cast aside were the pieces of armor he had gained from his travels to face Ganon. In its place was the regal blue shirt he wore in his journeys before the Calamity's invasion. The kind that once represented the champions of Hyrule.

Yes... the land of Hyrule; a land once besieged by terror, malice, hatred and destruction made manifest, but now free at last from its dreaded blight. Calamity Ganon had been defeated only a month before - banished away from this plane of existence by the newly-freed Princess Zelda, whom served as his jailer for the past century until Link recovered from his wounds in the Fountain of Resurrection and posed a challenge for him once more. With peace restored, for however long it would last, they had taken much time to rest and recuperate. When they felt prepared enough, they were soon off again with adventurous hearts beating in their chests.

Princess Zelda herself, also dressed in the blue clothing matching her old uniform, stood beside Link on the overlook. They had come to this specific area to check over the population of the silent princess - a rare species of flower that was heavily endangered during the time before the Calamity struck. However, as fate decreed, their investigation would have to wait. Currently in the princess' hands was a Sheikah Slate, and she was reading it over after she discovered it possessed rather alarming news.

"We'll make our way to Zora's Domain," she eventually spoke, her brow twitching downward slightly in interest over the piece of information she had known for only a minute. "Divine Beast Vah Ruta... looks like it stopped working." With a puzzled look she read this bit of freshly-given news over again, and a smile of excitement crept over her lips. "Let's investigate the situation," she said with a hint of dauntless glee in her words. The princess held onto the happy expression before one of cold realization set in.

"Mipha's father..." she spoke again to Link, a saddened look overcoming her as she lowered the Sheikah device from it. "I believe he would like to hear more about her. The least we can do is visit him and offer him some closure."

Zelda stared off into the distance, to the as-of-now abandoned Hyrule Castle that could be seen standing far away. Once possessed in its entirety by the Calamity, it was now rid of him and every trace of his accursed corruption, but even still remained mostly devoid of life. The kingdom that once was her own father's was like an empty shell even now, but with the proper touch, it would rise again. They just needed to further instill courage and faith in the minds of those who had lost it to fear and despair.

"Although Ganon is gone for now, there is still so much more for us to do. And so many painful memories for us to bear." Holding in a breath, she took a single step forward, as though to get a closer look at the place where she had kept the Calamity imprisoned for so excruciatingly long; a sentence that had been paid off with the aid of the Hero of Hyrule who stood beside her now. "I believe in my heart, that if all of us work together, we can restore Hyrule to its former glory. Perhaps... even beyond."

Zelda thought of the future for but a moment when her longing visage of hope evolved into one of pure, rigid determination. As did her tone with the words she had to speak next. "But it all must start with us. Let's be off." Turning to the right, she walked past Link and toward the two horses that stood waiting for them a scant few meters. Link watched her for a second before eventually he, too, began to follow in the princess' footsteps.

They both mounted their steeds soon enough and were off like a flash onto the path that would lead them to Lanayru, and to Zora's Domain itself soon after. Link held tightly onto the reins of his horse, hearing the beast snort as it ran faster onward, when his thoughts turned to Mipha.

Link remembered her very well, and every conversation they had was as fresh in his mind as could possibly be. His memory had fully returned to him in the time he spent traveling across Hyrule, giving aid to its people in whatever way he could, freeing the Divine Beasts from their corruption, and felling foes who served the will of evil. Whether it was the uncivilized and porcine Bokoblins, the lanky but sinewy Moblins, or even a great, ferocious and terrible Lynel, none stood in his way.

But those he had lost in the initial struggle weighed heavy on his mind. Mipha was a close friend of his, and that only served to inflict further pain in his very soul, no matter how dogged and determined it was. Yes, she was a dear, dear friend, and... perhaps even more than that, he sometimes imagined with sorrow that hit him like an aching lash. He spent much time with her in the months before Ganon's invasion. After his awakening, in his talks with her father, King Dorephan, he relearned that she loved him unconditionally.

It made sense, as Link himself knew they were like kindred spirits. They were both quiet and reserved individuals, for the most part. They became fast friends in his childhood, and when she was declared as the champion of her people by her fellow Zora, it brought them together that much closer. Nearly like moths to a flame, they found themselves inevitably drawn to one another. If the events that came after had not torn them apart as it did, one would wonder what could have become of it...

Link closed his eyes for a few seconds and shook his head as the feeling of the wind rushed through his hair, hoping to take his thoughts from the past and refocus them onto the near future. He looked forward to seeing her younger brother again, Prince Sidon, when they arrived at Zora's Domain. He was a kindhearted, brave, and noble individual, and one who had lent him great aid in the retaking of Divine Beast Vah Ruta.

With whatever was troubling Ruta now, Sidon would indubitably be willing to help them look into things once more.

The storm lasted through the day and only ended as night was once more approaching. The clouds mostly departed from the sky and left it clear enough to show some stars and the moon. The wind was calm as well, and all, it seemed, was still and sleepy with everything a night like this would entailed.

Except for Mipha.

Where Mipha currently dwelt was at the bottom of the river, specifically the part of it just outside of her cave. She sought the cool and familiar wetness the depths of the water could afford, and so, to find a form of clarity for the time being, she meditated there as she had long ago been trained. Leafy green weeds of some length surrounded her like a field of long and unkempt grass, waving about as the current animated them like puppets. Above them, swimming around in a manner similar to how a those who lived on land would see birds, were fish.

Currently a large school of trout were the ones to pass by in the most notable of a fashion; each of their smooth, scaly, green and speckled hides possessing a reddish, horizontal stripe running from their tails to their heads, while their undersides possessed a more silvery color. The trout swam around her red form, blatantly curious to see an unfamiliar creature such as she, before moving away out of a natural sense of caution.

Mipha herself was lingering over her predicament. If it was all it appeared to be, or otherwise. She felt so very much alive, and every sense of hers told her this was the truth. And yet, like another gathering of storm clouds ready to blot out the sun with ill weather, doubt still consumed her. That single question that stung in her brain like the mark left from a burning brand.

Was she truly alive? Was all real, or was it all some cruel illusion meant to deceive her? Was this some sort of twisted fantasy? A demented dream that had yet to transform into a revolting nightmare? Thoughts like these disturbed her to no end, and she shook her head until it was clear of them, only for them to return moments later and trouble her further. Questions, questions, questions! Just thinking of them was like a maddening choir that wished to sing aloud in her ear until she was driven deaf from their voices.

She anticipated that the sensation of departing from the realm of the living to what was surely the afterlife would bring about a final peace, as she always imagined she would have. A peace she once admitted to have gained after Link set her spirit free, as it had been held hostage for so long from within her Divine Beast. But with this newfound vitality, she didn't know what to think anymore, and her previous contentment had long since faded. Her heart yearned so terribly to again see the face of her friend. Her rescuer. Her...

Mipha tried to stop her train of thought right there, before she added yet another level of pain upon this fragile moment. She was dead. She remembered the last breath of air she ever inhaled before she was struck down by that abomination that had infested Vah Ruta, Waterblight Ganon. As a spirit, she witnessed Link first-hand when he avenged her death by destroying the twisted creation of the Calamity in turn. Though it was an entire century after her passing, just seeing the miraculously still-living Hylian she held so dear to herself come out the victor in the fierce battle brought her more relief than she had ever felt in life.

It was a pity that it was one of the last positive emotions she would feel in his presence, when there was still so much more she wished to experience alongside him. Mipha still remembered that wish she gave to him a meagerly short time before the invasion of the Calamity. The wish was something meant to be simple, beatific, and affectionate. But overall, it was a thing that the two of them would share, alone. The desire was for them each to spend more time with one another, if the chance came around. It was what many would deem a selfish thing to be sure. But for herself... it was, perhaps, her only aspiration up until fate chose to so cruelly separate them.

Though her memories of Link were just some of the few good ones she could think of, all stewing upon this matter ever did was fill her mind and soul with a horrendous, aching pain. A pain that extended well beyond the fact that they were simply apart from each other. Zora lived for so long; their lifespans exceeding centuries, as her own father's long and just era of ruling their kind could attest to. But Hylians... the lifespan of a Hylian - a Hylian like Link - was like a fleeting breeze when compared to a Zora. A bat of an eyelid. A twitch of a finger...

If this heart in her chest was beating with all the life she possessed back in the golden days of Hyrule, it felt incredulously empty now. Mipha wanted to spend as much time as possible with Link before time naturally parted them, and she wanted so desperately to cherish every single second of it. And being stuck in this land stole just about any sort of comfort she could feel upon discovering her newfound existence; purloining her of her more than deserved chance to reunite with her one true love. Were this twist of fate allowed to be played out in song, this cruel happenstance was the enormously sour note that ruined it utterly.

Deciding she had enough meditating and wished now to put her weary mind to rest, Mipha swam up to the river's surface and inhaled a deep, cool breath of air. Climbing onto the riverbank, she slowly entered the dark entrance of the cave she currently called home, quite unaware of the set of eyes that were quietly observing her from the other side of the river...

"Are you comfortable here, my Love?" Mipha questioned Link with a grin.

"Always, when I'm with you," Link replied to her most contently, shifting himself closer to her on the smooth bench they shared. He was dressed in the ocean-blue armor she herself had created for him as a betrothal present, as was the custom of Zora royalty when they wished to propose marriage to another.

Elegant stone architecture, expertly crafted by Zora hands and illuminating a luminescent blue light from within their pillars, surrounded them and made up the smooth floor of the platform they currently sat on together. It was a place she remembered being located in the very heart of Zora's Domain, but at the moment, nobody was around except for them. Quiet intimacy was the only thing to fall over them like a mist, and that was just how Mipha liked it.

She remembered having this dream many times since life returned to her, and it was one she planned on having many times more after tonight. Above them, setting in the sky, was the sun; the horizon showing off a brilliant crimson color that peeked through the clouds in a wonderful display one could only see in a vision such as this.

Her depiction of Link seemed to think it was as stunning as she did. "The sunset reminds me much of you. It's simply marvelous and beautiful," he complimented to his wife. "What do you think of it, Mipha?"

Mipha smiled mirthfully. "I think it is as well, Link," she responded. Leaning closer to her husband, the Zora rested her head against his armored shoulder, admiring the warmth given from absorbing the sun's rays and blissfully ignoring the fact that all of this was merely the machinations of her unconscious imagination. She stayed there with him for what felt like an eternity. An eternity she would be more than happy to live in forever, but could only achieve in a dream such as this. She inhaled a deep breath and closed her eyes, savoring as much of this moment as she could before she inevitably left this wonderful fantasy...

"Are you the one known as Mipha?"

The single question, spoken in an unfamiliar female voice as clear as daylight, forced the Zora's amber eyes open once again. Holding her breath out of shock, she lifted her head from Link's shoulder and looked around, trying to spot the source of the noise. "H-hello?" she called out, evidently anxious and confused. The sound of beating wings suddenly cut through the warm evening air and her view was drawn upward.

The figment of Link stood up from his seat upon sensing her fear. "Do not worry, Mipha. I'll defend you from whatever comes," he spoke to her without even an ounce of worry in his valiant tone, drawing his legendary sword from its sheath on his back. He stood between her and the source of the wingbeats, when seemingly out of nowhere, a dark shape entered their sights.

Right off, Mipha realized it was like that Fluttershy creature - equine in shape, albeit taller, slimmer, and possessing a different fur color altogether that more resembled dark blue than yellow. Two strong wings flapped in broad strokes on her back, and a long mane, resembling a cluster of stars like the kind one would see on a cloudless night, ran down her neck while a regal, golden crown adorned her one-horned head. The being landed on the platform and tucked her wings behind her back, facing Mipha and Link's direction.

While Link stood there between them in a rigid display, Mipha was visibly startled by this unwanted surprise. "Who are you?" she angrily asked, feeling very much threatened by this being's invading presence. "I know you're not some product of my mind. How did you enter my dream?"

"My name is Luna. I am a princess of Equestria, and I mean you no harm. I was told your name by a friend; the same one you allegedly lent your aid to," responded the equine creature in a fairly polite manner. "I stand before you because I hold great authority and influence over all who dream. By finding out your specific name, it shortened my quest to find you."

Luna waited patiently for her words to take affect. When Mipha did eventually gain a more relaxed visage, she continued. "With all the dreams you could have, this is truly a grand one you have made for yourself," she complimented with a kindly smile, inspecting the craftsmanship of the nearest pillar and taking notice of the detail held by the floor as well. "I must admit to you Princess Mipha, your dream is oddly vivid and articulate. It's quite beautiful."

"I'm a lucid dreamer," she spoke with a meek sense of pride, if it was even that. She blushed when she realized that this creature was no doubt witnessing one of her more tender and private fantasies, and with a quick thought, Link's nearby image faded away like a wisp of steam. "I... I practiced it for a while as a child until... I mastered it."

Luna knew she was still troubled by her being here upon seeing her sheepish look. "I see that you are a shy individual," the Princess of the Night said next. "I can assure you that I will not dare pry where your secrets dwell. I merely came here with a few questions I wish for you to answer."

Standing up from her seat, Mipha had a question of her own to ask. "The pony I saved yesterday - Fluttershy, I believe her name was - told me that your kind is peaceful. You said you're a princess; a leader of your kind, if I'm not mistaken. Her words... are they the truth?"

"They are," Luna nodded, walking closer to the Zora. "We value harmony and happiness for all who live within our domain, and even the ones who live outside it. Pony or not, we strive for the well-being and contentment of all. Even if we must defend them from those who would seek to do harm."

Her brow lowering a tad, she cast a more serious look to Mipha. "I want to know, from your words alone, that you are not a creature that sits in that malevolent category."

Mipha's response came swiftly. "I seek nothing of that sort," she answered firmly. "I only wish to discover a way to return to the lands where I originated from, among a few other things."

"And... of the ponies who have vanished?" she brought up next. "Though I sense they are in a state of deep slumber, I cannot seem to find them anywhere in the plane of dreams. Do you know anything at all about them?"

"I have only ever encountered two ponies since I awoke here. You're the third one I've seen, to be honest."

"So it's true, then. You know nothing of their whereabouts," sighed Luna after detecting nothing wrong in her tone, closing her eyes as she dwelt upon this revelation. "As I earnestly suspected. I honestly beg your pardon for so abruptly entering your dream, but Fluttershy is a dear friend. She may not have spoken to me or anyone else of your location, but she told her friends and I of your name, and how she perceived you as having a benevolent nature. I wanted to see for myself if what she said is true."

"Fluttershy said to me that you might be able to help me in my plight," Mipha chose to mention next, after a short silence came between them. "Do you have any idea about it? About why I'm here and how?"

Luna bit her lip and thought for a second. "I have been around for a long time, and I can tell that one thing is for sure," she began. "You are not a creature of this world. I feel that extradimensional magic is involved in your debacle, but I will not know this for certain until I find out more about you. Our city, Canterlot, rests near you. It is your choice to come to it or not. Do you yet wish to pay us a visit, as so we could get better acquainted with one another?"

Mipha sat back down again. She was quiet for a few seconds until she came to her decision, as her sense of caution still remained fresh from the day prior. "I think I'll give it some more time before I decide anything. Apologies to you, your majesty."

"Worry not; you have nothing to apologize for," Luna spoke in an understanding tone. "I must be off now to tend to my duties. Fair thee well Mipha, Princess of the Zora," she then politely bid with a bow of her head. With a single stroke of her wings, Luna ascended from the platform and into the sky, and from there she started to fly off and fade from Mipha's mind, though not before saying a few last words that echoed about long after she vanished. "I implore you to be safe. Something insidious is going on, and I fear it originates from the woods you currently make your residence within..."

The echoes of her forewarning stopped after a short time, leaving Mipha alone to dwell on them. If what she saw was real, as she believed, then these ponies actually did possess some form of magic. To wield power over dreams themselves was an unbelievable ability in on its own, and one that could easily be used to cause irreparable harm to another. And yet this pony, Luna, did nothing to her. Nothing at all, save commence a friendly conversation with her.

Perhaps these creatures really were who they described themselves to be...

Author's Note:

Yes! After so much hard work, I managed to publish this chapter on my birthday. Happy birthday to me, and I give my thanks to all who read this story!