• Published 7th Apr 2017
  • 6,748 Views, 365 Comments

The Amulet of Shades - Sparkle Cola

Unfortunately, the Nightmare Moon Incident had one further complication...

  • ...

Chapter Four: Manehattan Library

A thousand years since mother’s banishment… a thousand and twelve, to be precise, though I was only awake for a fraction. Still—I had adequate time to craft a plan to free Luna from Celestia’s grasp. To liberate her from whatever spell or magical influence that restrains her. How could I have been so stupid?

Tempest ground her teeth together as she reflected on the events of that morning. There had to be any of number of ways to handle that situation that didn't involve subjecting that librarian to her Eye. But then again, she was always a studious pony. She usually preferred books. She didn't have the boundless charisma of her mother—she didn't know how to handle situations like those! Besides, being banished to the other side of the planet didn't help with her decidedly introverted manner. She wished she could just blame it on being much further forward in time than she could ever imagine. It did leave her rather disoriented.

Equestria was remarkably different. The buildings and structures had become massive; the cities, more populous. There were little to no tensions between the pony tribes that she could tell, and even the more hostile races like griffons and minotaurs seemed to be walking around without a care—unchallenged and unopposed! How could this level of peace and harmony have been achieved while that usurper sits on the throne? It just wasn’t right.

So much had changed, but the most important thing stayed the same: Luna was still a prisoner after all this time.

Now that she was back from serving her wrongful sentence on the moon, she was apparently a slave to Celestia’s will. That had to be it. It was the only explanation that began to make sense, and it caused Tempest no small amount of fear. If she were to challenge Celestia, and Luna was nearby, she would surely fail. Luna would be forced to defend her sister, and Tempest wouldn’t dare raise a hoof against her own mother. She had to draw Luna far away from her; somewhere clear to the other side of Equestria. And then?

Celestia needed to die.

Tempest shuddered for a moment as she reflected on that simple sentence. It came so easy now. What was once unthinkable—an act that she would never contemplate herself—now it was the end most likely to occur. Circumstances beyond her control had driven her to this. It wasn't her original intent, but now it was all she had left. She would kill the ruler of Equestria. Wouldn’t anypony else, given the same situation?

What about innocents caught in the crossfire?

Tempest squeezed her eyes shut, pushing that thought to the side. Harming innocents was something she would not tolerate. The common pony didn’t have any type of stake in the coming battle—no concept of any wrongdoing by their Ruler of the Day. And Celestia’s ponies would defend her without question, ignorant of the true history of their ruler, and how she wrongfully built up her own power by deposing her sister. She would need to get Celestia away from Canterlot. Surely there could be a way? Perhaps others would get harmed, but she would go to any degree to not allow that to happen.

At the end of the day, the ends will justify the means.

It was a painful thought. Such a stance on morality used to be an affront and she had actually debated on the subject during a philosophy class while at Sisters’ School. The irony of her acceptance of this phrase was not lost on her. Still, she would most likely fail if she did not conduct her affairs in just such a manner. Wasn’t Luna worth it?

Tempest's thoughts wandered back to the events of the library again. After hurrying back to her the study room, she cleaned up the water that had been poured onto the table for an impromptu scrying surface. Rushing to dry the mess, she collected the books she had been reading and left them among the sorting shelves of the lobby. Before doing so, however, she slipped the book from the restricted section into her saddle bags.

Without any more time to waste, Tempest exited the library, visually scanning the area before crossing the street. It wouldn’t be long before the police arrived. Seeing no sign of law enforcement yet, Tempest slipped into an alleyway between two of the taller buildings across the street before performing a vertical teleport. In a flash, she landed with a soft clop on the room of the building that was immediately across the street from the Library.

Tempest walked up to the ledge, carefully scanning around to regain her orientation and make sure the roof was clear. Her stomach fluttered a little as she looked down from her perch, more than fifty meters above the paved surface of the street. It was tempting to leave and move on to the next aspect of her plans, but she felt it would be more valuable to watch events develop below, and to ascertain the capabilities of the responding law enforcement officers. Besides that, Tempest wanted to make sure that Moonlight Sigil was okay.

She frowned, her mind wandering back to her various mistakes again. How could she overlook the necessity of creating identification papers in order to pass through the port? While it was true that Gryphus did not have such regulations, what with their fractured government and the nation as a whole now comprised of clans and semi-organized states, Equestria was different. She should’ve prepared for this, or at least asked around!

Then there was that Krystal’s Crucible magic store. What a mess of confusion and embarrassment, to ask such clumsy questions and arouse the shop owner's suspicions! It would have saved her a lot of trouble to research at the library first.


Then, she would have caught on to the fact that amulet-tech did not even exist in today' day and age. It had apparently been covered up, and the very possession of a unicorn horn was considered verboten.

Finally, her failure in the library was humiliating. Granted, magically sealing the door might have been seen as suspicious, but she could’ve at least hidden books from the restricted section. But she had been too busy patting herself on the back for magically defeating the wards! Then, she made matters worse when she froze up—she could still recall the look of terror in Moonlight Sigil’s eyes. That moment that she had to use the magic of the Eye on her. That was okay, though. At least all the librarian would suffer was some missing memory and a headache. It's not like anything worse was done. Right?

This line of thinking was not helpful. Shaking her head for a moment to clear it, Tempest refocused on the arched entryway of the library. Everything was going to be fine. This little mishap had not caused anypony harm. Moonlight would only be unconscious for about fifteen minutes. Emergency responders would likely just chalk this event up to old age.

Moonlight Sigil was only disconnected from her most recent memories, anyway. Such a spell was considered forbidden at Sisters’ School, but as long as I apply such techniques judiciously for a moral cause, it will be fine. What is more disturbing is the power of this artifact hanging from my neck. The power it grants to see the memories and experiences of another, as if they were scenes played out on stage, could be so easily abused!

Whichever way this event would end up playing out, it was bound to upset Meadow Lark, so hopefully she was running late and all of this would simply blow over. Meadow was a pleasant pony, but that mare was altogether too distracting. That being the case, it was time to distance herself from such distractions and get something done on the work she was here for.

Movement from below recaptured Tempest’s attention as she noticed a few ponies emerging from the Library’s cavernous entrance below. These ponies seemed to be in an awful big hurry. Strike that---they were in an all-out gallop.

Tempest got up stiffly, stretching her knees as she got a better view. Sure enough, the patrons leaving the library were pounding the pavement at all speed, some taking an occasional glance behind them as if checking to see whether or not they were being followed.

The flow quickly started to thin out, but after a few more seconds, another group emerged, these ponies taking their time as they rendered some assistance to the injured. One stallion appeared to be hobbling, wincing in pain, while another pony seemed to be bleeding from her head, her glazed eyes directed straight ahead as she stumbled on unsteady legs. Tempest felt her heart accelerate as her throat felt like it was getting harder to breathe.

Thinking quickly, she enacted an auditory amplification spell, directing its locus to the surface of a statue of Luna by the main doors, using the marble as a medium to pick up sound vibrations. This type of spell required an active mana flow, so she kept her concentration while watching the scene unfold. Immediately, her ears picked up a few scattered cries and fearful shouts coming from within.

She felt sick, thinking that whatever was going on in there was likely her fault, but she couldn’t leave. Not yet. Suddenly, a guttural snarl filled her ears causing her to snap her head to the side to look behind her.

Nothing’s up here on the roof—that was from the Library?

Clenching her jaw as she debated whether or not she should risk a teleport back down to offer assistance, a certain light blue mare emerged from a corner down the street. Tempest heart sank. Meadow Lark must have completed her errands and returned to check up on her, perhaps planning to invite her to dinner as she had planned.

Tempest shook her head slowly as she watched the mare. Meadow was a gentle, innocent pony... and now she was walking straight into danger. Tempest wondered how she could warn her away without giving away her position, but she was drawing a blank. This situation was getting worse---what to do?

And what was that sound? Maybe a wild animal? Not likely. Could it be from her use of the Eye? Not likely... She had used the artifact in the past, and nothing like this had ever happened before.

Tempest watched helplessly as Meadow’s ears perked up, the pony taking notice that something was amiss. She grimaced as she watched Meadow stop a fleeing unicorn mare and exchange a few words with her, before turning and running straight for the entrance.

Don't do it, Meadow! Don’t be foolish!

Before she could think of a way to stop her, Meadow ran straight into the entrance. What could she do? No further ponies were emerging from the library, but Tempest could tell by a couple of intermittent shouts that there were two or three still in there. Were they cornered by whatever was growling? Would Meadow come to harm? Maybe she could teleport directly back to Moonlight Sigil’s office, and from there neutralize the threat before Meadow got hurt.

Confirming to herself that this plan would likely work, Tempest readied another teleportation spell. The occasional snarls and hisses coming from the library interior made it harder to concentrate, but she wouldn’t mess this up. Not now. Just as she was about to complete the spell sequence, Tempest broke off without triggering the spell. A police vehicle came around the corner, speeding towards the library from a side street.

The vehicle had a single unicorn stallion inside, and it was flanked by four winged officers in the air and two more earth pony officers cantering along behind. The almost-black stallion driving the vehicle was notable for his oddly bright orange eyes, and his manestyle was cropped short, accented with heavy sideburns.

Tempest ducked back behind the edge of the parapet, wincing as she felt a few stray sharp pebbles jab into her as she rolled onto her back. Continuing to monitor her auditory spell and noting that the feral growls sounded like they were moving away, she exhaled, releasing a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding.

Now that the police were here, Tempest decided it would be a good idea to cast an invisibility spell, quickly doing so while maintaining the Eavesdrop spell active. Holding up a transparent hoof to confirm her spell was a success, she rolled back over again and climbed to her hooves to peer over the edge.

She watched as the uniformed officers ran or flew towards the building while the single unicorn in the vehicle slowly climbed out. This group of seven seemed like a rather large group to respond to something as minor as a security call from a library. Maybe some of the other ponies who had fled had contacted the police as well?

Two pegusi sped off in separate directions to circle the library in ascending helicals around the perimeter. The other two flew up to the entrance, taking positions to hover near the top of the arched entryway while the two earth ponies took up similar positions below. Both pegusi were armed with a tubular device as wide as a foreleg, while the earth ponies both held black clubs in their mouths. With a wordless signal, they ran inside.

The unicorn that had been driving the vehicle approached the library at a more leisurely pace, studying his surroundings and the front of the building as he walked. His horn began to glow as he apparently used some magic in his assessment of the area.

Tempest’s auditory spell was still active, so she was able to catch a few clipped words between the two earth ponies who were both mares, apparently. She closed her eyes in concentration as she listened for any sign of Meadow. The male unicorn’s voice suddenly drew her attention as he gave the remaining pegusi instructions.

“Wingline and Strafe, break off your aerial sweep and fly in high to provide additional cover. Cloudblue and Thunderspark believe they have the target cornered. I’ll follow and give backup. Go!”

Tempest opened her eyes, watching the two pegusi swing around and fly through the entrance, followed by the unicorn. After a few more seconds, the voice of the unicorn gave a terse command. “Take her.”

There were two or three mysterious pinging sounds before the sounds of a scuffle broke loose, the feral growling becoming far more vicious. After a few more thuds and the what sounded like library furniture toppling over, all grew quiet again, except for some muted sobbing. Before long, other voices were heard, likely belonging to some of the other officers that had run inside.

“Next time don’t wait so long to fire your tranquilizer, Strafe! Celestia’s beard, you’re an idiot—she almost bit me!”

“I’m the idiot? Maybe next time you could wait a second after you fire your net before you jump in like a hoofball player for the tackle! I couldn’t get a clean shot with your fat flank in the way, Wingline!”

“Fat flank? Who was it that polished off the donut box yesterday?”

“Can it, the both of you. Wrap up the… creature, and sweep the building for any more ponies needing help. Cloudblue, there is an emergency medical vehicle pulling up out front. Wait for my signal for the all clear before you let them approach. Go!”

The pony called Cloudblue emerged, and began talking to the ponies inside a second vehicle that was pulling up behind the police vehicle. On its side were the words ‘Emergency Response’ in bright red capital letters. The ponies continued to converse while they pulled some kind of wheeled stretcher out of the back.

Tempest watched and waited. Meadow Lark had not emerged during all of this, so she must have still been inside. She began to tap her hoof nervously while watching more and more ponies gather around in curiosity. Eventually, Cloudblue hovered up and began to urge the gathered ponies to keep their distance.

“C’mon Meadow. Be okay… just, be okay.” After a moment, another police vehicle arrived, providing additional personnel and a better buffer zone to keep the onlookers at bay.

Finally, Tempest noticed a light color of blue emerge… There she is.

She breathed a sigh of relief, sitting back on her haunches. Meadow looked like she wasn’t—wait, she was limping. Tempest clopped her down in frustration. “Dammit, Meadow!”

A medical pony began to assist Meadow Lark on the front porch of the library, helping her sit at the top of the stairs while three more medical ponies ran inside. “You were very brave in there, Ms.?”

“My name is Meadow Lark.” She watched the earth pony in silence for a few moments as he wrapped some bandaging around her hoof until she began to squirm. “Really, I am fine, sir. Dr… Mallet?” She hesitated, reading his name tag. “Y-you need to help those other two ponies in there. One looks like she’s a lot worse off.”

It’s alright, Ms. Lark. My cohorts are assessing her right now, and from the sounds of it she’s going to be okay.” He tapped the communication device attached to his left ear. “Please sit still for a few more moments. We need to observe you for a little while to make sure you don’t go into shock.” The stallion smiled for a moment as he finished bandaging her hoof. “And I’m not a doctor—just an EMT.”

Meadow sat back again and gave a sad smile. “Still, thank you for taking care of me.”

At this, there was some commotion behind her as the two earth pony police officers emerged carrying a form covered in netting across their backs. Tempest studied the bundle for a few seconds before she suddenly felt a chill, like ice water down her back. The coloration this pony had was a give away as to her identity.

“Moonlight Sigil? How— ?”

The librarian was apparently unconscious, likely drugged if the officer’s earlier conversation was any indication following the scuffle inside. The earth ponies lugged their cargo past Meadow and the medical pony that was attending to her, but the unicorn with the bright orange eyes turned to the side to take a seat next to Meadow at the top of the stairs.

“The name is Officer Rebus Hunter. Are you going to be all right, Miss?” He held up a hoof for Meadow to tap her own against.

“I’m Meadow Lark, sir. I-I’ll be fine after a little bit.” Meadow shuddered as she turned to look back at the library over her shoulder. Um, did you see any sign of a yellow unicorn mare when you searched through the building?”

“I’m sorry, ma’am, we didn’t.” The stallion replied in a gentle tone before lifting an eyebrow. “Friend of yours?”


The medical pony placed a blanket around Meadow’s shoulders as she began to shudder again, and Rebus placed a hoof on her shoulder. “What you did in there was very brave, Ms. Lark. You may have just saved two other ponies’ lives—or at least spared them further harm. You did well, when you kicked over that shelf to create a distraction. The younger colt told me about it, and about how you dragged his mom to safety.”

“It... it was nothing.” Meadow wiped a bit of moisture from her eyes, before she stared ahead with a rather vacant look.

Officer Hunter stood up after a bit. “Why don’t you come down to the station with me for a few minutes? I’d like to ask you a few questions. Maybe you could help us by testifying as an eye witness in this case.”

The medical stallion paused in his ministrations to Meadow to glare at the officer. Rebus gave an apologetic smile, not breaking his eye contact before continuing. “After this good fellow gives you the medical all-clear, of course.”

Meadow looked over her shoulder again with concern. “Well, I don’t know. I’d kind of like to relocate my friend, if it is all right...”

“By all means!” Rebus replied. “In fact, our officers can check around more quickly than a single pony. Why don’t you come in and while you visit with us about what happened you can give us your friend’s description. How does that sound?”

“Y-yeah. That sounds good.” Meadow got up with the help of the EMT and another police officer who came to help. Tempest watched them go, briefly thinking about moving the auditory focus she was using for her spell to the police vehicle. The range wouldn’t last long, but at least she would be able to make out a little more of what Meadow might say about her.

The other three EMT’s then exited with a female unicorn on a stretcher with a smaller colt walking along side of her. Tempest couldn’t see what was wrong, but the mare was holding the small colt’s hoof, murmuring something to him.

This was terrible. What had gone so wrong with her spell? She had used it only a hoof-full of times before while in Gryphus, and before that she had used it in the uncharted lands further east. Nothing of this sort had ever taken place! Why was this different, then?

Tempest looked down at the artifact swinging from its cord around her neck. The weight seemed especially heavy right now. “What is the meaning of this?” She spat, glaring into the dull surface of the stone’s eye-like carving. “Is there more to this than you told me?”

The Eye had no answer for her, only looking lifelessly back. Tempest trembled, but she wasn’t sure if it was anger or something else—disillusionment, maybe. Could she simply stop with her current plans just because of one bad result?

No. There is no way I am stopping for this. Besides, nopony seems to have been seriously hurt anyway. All that matters is Luna. Well, keeping the innocents safe also matters, but first comes Luna!

Tempest glanced over the parapet again. While all the other ponies had now left, Rebus Hunter remained, and he seemed to be concentrating with his eyes closed. His horn began to glow a brilliant orange, and soon concentric waves began to expand along the ground away from his position, like ripples in water after a stone’s throw. As the ripples continued to expand outward, they cascaded up the facade of the library and up the statues and pillars. .

Perplexed, Tempest watched with interest. She had never seen this particular magic spell, and wanted to know the effect. As the waves of light continued to radiate outward, they began to coalesce over Luna’s statue, or more specifically, the region that she had anchored her spell to in order to listen in. Her eyes widened as the magic leapt off of the statue and began to cascade directly up her mana stream towards her position.

Gasping for a moment, Tempest backed up, quickly cutting the power to her still active eavesdrop spell. Timidly, she crept forward again to look over the edge, only to find the stallion’s bright orange eyes gazing back, directly at her position. Somehow his spell had traced the mana-stream she was using, and now he had triangulated her position.

Tartarus, this day just got harder.

Author's Note:

So, that happened. Tempest has had a run of bad luck, I guess. Wonder what Rebus's deal is? It's been busy around here, and I need to get back to constructing my pirate ship steering wheel, complete with hidden Schedule 40 PVC pipe for a hidden light-weight frame before a painted screen of cardboard. Has to be light enough for the 16 year old Boatswain to carry it on and off the stage...

Q: What am I doing?
A:Helping my wife in her directing of this Shakespeare play.

Q:The name of the play?
A: The Tempest.

Q: Coincidence?
A: Sort of. When my daughter was studying that play a few years ago, she ripped off the name and gave it to a certain OC of hers, and thus, Tempest was born (before the movie, anyway). Darn movie.