• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 17,611 Views, 241 Comments

All I really need's a smile, smile, smile! - Lightening_Zing

Ever wondered why this pony want everypony to be happy? Maybe there is something more about her?

  • ...

Intermission: The Earth is round. There is no up or down. aka World Maps

We interrupting our scheduled story to bring some... MAPS!

It's not finished, but I think it'll help in understanding Swarm situation, and... It's nice to have map.
So, first map: Geographic one.

Bigger version: http://derpibooru.org/100297

Geography... booooring!
I think there is no need to add more on this map, so let's see other one - political:

Bigger Version: http://derpibooru.org/100302

See, we now know where is who. Griffin Kingdoms - Gryperra, Zebras - Zebrica, and Changelings... in between. Uh-Oh. Griffins reason to attack Swarm is visible already - crossroad between Zebrica, Equestria and Gryperra. Traders could travel to Zebra Empire with rivers, faster, and safer than through Tribes territory. More, Travelers Salvation is great outpost for future railroad line to Equestria. If Griffin could take it, they would create there great communication junction, and maybe metropolis. Great progress for Griffin Kingdom, and maybe rest of the world. Faster exchange of goods, people, information, everything. World would became smaller.

Only problem is that Changelings live there...

Few words on other nations.

Zebra Empire – Zebras attempt on creation superpower like Griffin Kingdom or Equestria. They are in constant war with Tribes, which not accepted rule of Empire.

Moose Republic – if Equestria reminds USA… We need Canadians!

Old World Countries – MLP version of Europe. It got better, and species segregation between earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns is no more. Species segregation in general is in decline.

AUS – Apogifia United States. …sorry, I don’t know too. Feel free to imagine.

Lyria, Maluana, Falcalia – not important countries. Mixed ponies, zebras, sometimes other species.

Diamond Dominion – mostly Diamond Dogs.