• Published 14th Apr 2017
  • 1,837 Views, 11 Comments

The Lady and Her Maid - Jest

Lady Rarity has lived alone with only her maid as company for many years, her heart and home perpetually empty. But after her most recent failure at love she must come to terms with a part of herself shes been avoiding for many years.

  • ...

An Empty Home

Pinkie pie caught a giggle in her mouth, her hoof pressed firmly against her lips as soft laughter came from the open window above her. She swallowed hard, stowing the giggle fit that threatened to break her cover.

This time things are finally going to work out, lady Rarity finally has a stallion she likes. Pinkie’s smile softened and a pang of loneliness came from her heart but she was quick to dismiss it. It wasn't about her she told herself, this night was all about lady Rarity getting what she deserved. The stallion of her dreams.

He was a little pudgy sure but Pinkie had put on a little bit these last few years after her joints started to ache so who was she to judge? Plus he was a business owner like the lady! They would have something in common to talk about and he was apparently pretty successful. He wasn't a minor lord or anything… but the lady had said that didn't matter she was over political marriages anyway and besides he was still a unicorn. Pinkie wasn't sure why the lady had said it that way but Pinkie didn't claim to understand the thoughts of nobility anyway.

He sure seemed dreamy, or so Pinkie was told. She herself never really found stallions interesting in that way. So she went with what the lady Rarity had said which was. “Ruggedly handsome with a strong build and devilishly enchanting smile.” She then giggled behind her hoof like a school filly with a crush.

Now that was a nice memory, the lady Rarity finally smiling. PInkie found herself smiling as well, it was such a nice thing to see the lady truly smiling for once and not giving Pinkie a weak half hearted smile when the maid made a joke. Pinkie snorted, giggling at her own joke. Although she did genuinely smile when Pinkie did that cartwheel when she first started working for the lady… Pinkie wondered if her old bones were still capable of moving the way they did when she had first started working for the Silverbelles.

She looked down at her crumpled uniform, bits of leaves and twigs poking into the fabric randomly. She considered not hiding in the rose bush but it was the only bush directly below the lady’s window and Pinkie wanted to be able to hear everything. Part of her felt a little bad about essentially spying on her employer but she had known Rarity for nearly two decades now and the desire to make sure the lady actually enjoyed herself for once outweighed any feelings of guilt.

Another laugh echoed across the courtyard from the open window above her, startling Pinkie from her inner thoughts. They are still laughing, that's good. A sharp rustling drew Pinkie’s gaze to across the front yard and to the lone apple tree next to the gate. A beaked head poked out of the foliage, only barely visible from the light emanating from the candles in the window above her head.

Pinkie drew her hoof to her lips and shushed the bird. Who in turn cocked it's head before pulling it back into the foliage and vanishing into the night. Pinkie frowned, suddenly very concerned some animal might pop out of nowhere and ruin the lady’s perfect night. Pinkie scanned the yard, noting the flower beds next to the house needed a little pruning, Applejack should be by soon… Pinkie shook her head and kept looking, a six foot high wall clad with a multitude of vines was exactly where it always was. Even the small mostly hidden garden shed nestled between two bushes seemed untouched as usual.

The short bushes next to the wall seemed normal as well though he lawn might need trimming. Stowing those thoughts for when Applejack came around later this week Pinkie nodded resolutely to herself, having dismissed the chance that same crazed animal might leap into the lady’s second story balcony and ruin her evening.

But wait, what about the house?! Pinkie stood back up suddenly, dragging thorns and branches across her uniform. She was pretty sure it didn't rip but that didn't matter. What if some dastardly do badder was trying to break in? Pinkie looked around at the three story tall mansion. Other than the candles Pinkie had left in the window next to the entryway and the lady’s room itself, all other windows were dark. Pinkie crept out of the bush and gave it another look from a better angle.

The lady’s balcony oversaw the garden and front lawn and allowed her to see anypony that came up the long road from ponyville proper to the everfree mansion. Pinkie stood on her hind legs, straining to make sure everything was perfect. No dark shapes scuttled across the white roofs of the mansion and no shadows moved in the darkened rooms. Only the huge trees of the everfree shifting in the background like giants dancing in the wind.

Pinkie shook the silly thought from her head before crouching back down and sneaking back into the bushes. Her apron caught on an exposed thorn and she had to pull the unruly bit of fabric back into her hiding place.

When Pinkie again strained her ear to the sounds of the lady and her guest she heard nothing. Her heart was in her throat and she wanted to get a better view but she waited, panic at the edge of her mind. The soft gentle sound of the lady’s voice slipped out of the window. PInkie let out the breath she was holding, the panic she felt disappearing quickly.

She scolded herself for getting so worked up but Pinkie knew better than most that Rarity’s luck with stallions was historically poor and something about this time stuck out as special and had a strange bit of finality to it. As if this was the last try before she gave up and became the crazy cat lady Rarity always used to joke that she would become. Pinkie rung her hooves together nervously, she wasn't a big fan of cats and that ancient decrepit old cat named Opal that Rarity kept certainly had helped Pinkie’s dislike for the creatures.

Pinkie put her mind back on track, an action only made more difficult as she got older and with her forty eighth birthday coming up it wasn't going to get easier anytime soon. Pinkie looked up at the balcony and noted a slight shift in the shadows, conversation flowing smoothly from the stallions rough masculine voice to the lady’s elegant one. Pinkie smiled, the lady deserved happiness after all these years and the thought that this might be the one gave Pinkie no small amount of joy. But also another strange feeling, one she hadn't experienced in many years… she didn't want to think about it though and thrust it from her mind. The lady deserves this. Pinkie thought with finality, shooing away the selfish thoughts that threatened to ruin things.

What with her parents using her like a pawn in their political games when she was younger and beautiful. Not like she wasn't now -Pinkie thought- she was still as beautiful and radiant as the day they met. But not everypony held Pinkie’s opinion and in the latter years her parents had grown more and more desperate to marry her off to some noble that it had grown depressing having to watch the lady Rarity entertain more and more awful and washed up nobility, half heartedly offering platitudes in the hopes of winning the mare’s heart. Yet still she was nothing if not polite and kind, forever a caring and good pony even when she knew when she was being shopped around like a used couch.

Pinkie wiped the sour look off her face, she had never gotten used to the nobles disdain for love. It just seemed so… wrong to the maid. The heart wasn't something to buy and sell but in the end it wasn't her place to tell the lady how to run her life even if they had shared a home for the last twenty years. A curious sound rocked the pink mare from her inner ramblings. Silence.

Instantly she was on her hooves once more, straining to hear what was happening. She silently cursed herself for not having paid attention, her old wandering mind getting the better of her. Then, an even worse sound met her ears, that of a slamming door. In an instant Pinkie was back at the front door, brushing off the bits of flower and thorns stuck in her uniform before walking inside just in time to see a large shape descend the stairs half hazardly, clearly struggling with something.

The shape was trying to squeeze back into it’s much too small jacket and with one last push the stallion’s gut slipped inside and he descended the last of the stairs in a far more proper manner. Pinkie gasped, this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. Thoughts of the lady finally being happy and having somepony to share her golden years with flew from PInkie's mind. Sure this stallion was… portly, and just ran a large shop in the nearby town of ponyville but Pinkie was sure he had some sort of redeeming quality or the lady wouldn't have bothered to give him the time of day.

“Mister Copper Bit do you need something? Some wine perhaps-” Pinkie’s pleasant smile and helpful tone vanished when the stallion shot her a glare, while still fussing with his cuff links.

“I shan't need much of anything, miss whatever your name is. The lady and I will no longer be seeing each other, good day to you.” He said firmly, his flabby jowls getting in the way of his words.

Pinkie stepped into the stallions path. “Sir, I’m sure this is just a misunderstanding, please allow me to talk to the lady and work this out.”

The stallion snorted angrily. “There is nothing to work out, I will not deal with one of her kind. I am leaving.” The stallion looked past the maid standing in his way before quickly losing patience. “Move.”

Pinkie’s ears flattened against her head and she nervously shifted from hoof to hoof. “Perhaps I can fetch you our finest whiskey while I go talk to-” Noticing the stallion had not stop scowling Pinkie bit her lip nervously. “Or unless there is something else I can get you.” A sultry tone slipping into her voice made the stallion look at her, she stood to the side somewhat displaying her form to the stallion’s gaze.

He stopped eying the hall behind Pinkie and looked the maid up and down, Pinkie tried to smile seductively like how she had seen the lady do to stallions that came to court her but it came off as fake and Copper bit seemed to notice this.

He stopped his appraisal of the posing mare and snorted angrily. “Too old, too fat and your just the help. Now get out of my way.”

The stallion brushed past the stunned Pinkie pie who stood there dumbfounded in his wake. Sure she was getting on in years but she couldn't have been more than a year or two older then the stallion and where she was pleasantly plump he was downright fat. Pinkie spun on her heels and was about to call out -offer him a cake or something- she hadn't thought that far but all she saw was the door.

SLAM. With grim finality the heavy front door slammed shut and with it all trace of the stallion that was there only a moment before.

Just like that it was over, he was gone and any hope the lady had at love and happiness gone with him. She would be stuck here in this empty house with nopony but Pinkie pie to keep her company. Pinkie frowned, maybe that was for the best, that stallion was a brute, surely the lady could do better than that so called gentlecolt.

Pinkie laughed nervously to herself in the darkened hallway. Haha yeah the lady can do better than him! This is just a little bump on the road no problem at all. Pinkie looked herself over one last time and picked a stray branch still stuck to her uniform. Now clean she laughed and walked over to the stairs. It couldn't hurt just to listen though, maybe the lady might need Pinkie to make her something or perhaps to chat about how she was happy that rude ball of flab had finally left.

When Pinkie reached the bottom of the stairs what she heard made her nervous laughter die and her face crease with worry. Crying… no wailing would be a better word for it. The lady Rarity was crying hysterically enough that Pinkie could hear it loud and clear from the bottom of the stairs. Pinkie’s mind raced she had to do… something! A sense of urgency overcame the maid and she danced on her hoof tips, looking around and thinking of what to do.

The kitchen was nearby and the faint glint of polished steel caught Pinkie’s eye. Running quickly she retrieved her candles and gripped the handle firmly in her mouth. Swiftly, she dashed into the kitchen and laid the candle holder in the center of the room allowing enough illumination to see most of it easily. Not like Pinkie even needed that, she was pretty sure that working for twenty years in this kitchen meant she could navigate it blind folded without difficulty.

A pan came flying from the cupboard from over Pinkie’s shoulder and landed almost soundlessly on the center island. Pinkie leapt over to the fridge and retrieved an eclair she had made the day before, her Pinkie sense giving her the impression that somepony was gonna need a delicious dessert soon. Though at the time she had believed that it was for the celebration of the lady finding love and not this awful turn of events. It sailed over the pink mare’s shoulder and landed perfectly center of the pan, next came the lid for the pan that clanged securely into place.

Expert hooves opened the oven and shoved the eclair inside, in just five short minutes the enchanted oven would have the eclair heated to perfection. This was far too much time for the pink mare who still heard the distant cries of her employer. Each second spent listening to her cries without being able to do anything was another nervous minute spent shuffling from hoof to hoof and looking around the room nervously. Five seconds into waiting Pinkie threw her hooves up in an exasperated sigh and then set those same hooves to work.

She found the lady’s favorite sprinkles and put them on the counter next to the chocolate sauce she liked, oh and a fork and knife! (The lady thought it was barbaric to just hold the desert in her magic and eat it.) Unfortunately all that took only seconds so Pinkie was left to fidget nervously once more, looking around the room while her mind raced at what more she could do to help her lady. Suddenly the mare shot bolt upright, an idea striking her.

She leapt into action and opened the cupboard to reveal an entire plethora of pots pans and odds and ends in complete disarray. PInkie rolled her eyes and stuck her hoof through the middle of the mess, metal cookware clattering out of the way as her hoof search for it's prize. When the clink of glass touched her hoof, Pinkie’s face lit up and she grabbed onto it and pulled it out. The relative darkness of the three small candles made reading the label difficult but Pinkie didn't have to, she knew the lady always hid her favorite cider in the same place every time. She was perpetually embarrassed that anyone might find out that her favorite was that low brow garden variety sweet drink that high standing individuals like her were discouraged from partaking in.

Pinkie snorted at the memory of the lady’s mother berating her once she found the bottle, not that she was drinking underage or anything, no the lady was probably thirty three when it happened but rather it the unsophisticated nature of the drink that had urged the elder Silverbelle to make a scene. Even with her mother gone for over a decade the lady still hid it in the same spot out of habit. Retrieving a delicate wine glass and placing it on the table PInkie was about to pour the hard cider into the glass when she thought better and tossed the priceless antique glass over her shoulder where it came to rest in the empty space in the cabinet exactly where it had been a moment before.

Thinking better of it Pinkie grabbed a mug and filled it up with the cheap cider and placed it beside chocolate sauce. With only one minute left Pinkie danced from hoof to hoof staring into the oven with wide panicked eyes.

“Come on come on come on hurry you up you stupid desert.” Pinkie muttered angrily at the desert as it warmed up so very very slowly.

Pinkie reshuffled the cutlery around and made sure everything was just so then with one second left on the dial she threw open the oven grabbed the pan and tossed it on the counter. The metal was hot but Pinkie had decades of calluses and use out of these hooves and they wouldn't be stopped by a little heat. The lid was tossed into the sink without a thought followed by the pan the second the eclair landed on the plate she had set aside.

One hoof tossed the sprinkles over the desert while the other drizzled it with fresh chocolate sauce. A little more chocolate sauce then sprinkles, with the sprinkles under the sauce and not over, exactly how the lady liked it. Pinkie cast a curious gaze over the deserts and took a deep sniff. It was perfect! Quickly Pinkie put the utensils on the plate and gripped it tightly in her teeth, a hoof reaching out and grabbing the mug of cider before she realized her fatal error.

Slapping herself on the head with her free hoof Pinkie tossed open the fridge and threw a few ice cubes into the mug. Three, was the exact number of ice cubes Rarity liked and so that was how many she would get. With a nod and one last glance over the desert and mug she smiled despite the plate in her mouth and set off towards the stairs.

The instant she approached the stairs she could hear the mournful cry of her mistress and her hooves moved faster all on their own. Pinkie ran up the stairs with all the haste she could muster without slipping on the cold marble stairs. Thankfully her experience in the house extended to running up the twisting marble staircase and the second she hit the landing she turned and leaped up the next four stairs, her aging joints crying out at her when she landed. Pinkie ignored the cries of her body and shot up the last few stairs.

At the end of the hall she could see the door to the lady’s room, a faint illumination spilling through the cracks in the door. Pinkie skidded to a halt just outside the door and composed herself quickly. Running a hoof down each side of her maid outfit before checking if the headpiece was on straight as well. That fixed she took a deep breath through the porcelain held in her teeth and knocked twice on the heavy oak door.

The sound of crying suddenly stopped, being strangled by a choked gasp. Pinkie could hear a heavy sniff and followed by the blowing of somepony’s nose came from between the crack in the door. A second later with the lady’s bearings now firmly in hoof she cried out in a shaky voice. “Go away Pinkie!”

Pinkie frowned, though she saw it coming it still wasn't nice to hear her mistress dismiss her. Even when the lady’s parents had left her and taken her sister with her Rarity had still allowed her sole maid to come cheer her up though at the time it had mixed success. The memory was a good one despite the circumstances but Pinkie shook it away, it wasn't the time for that.

“I am going to have to insist!” Is what Pinkie said but through a mouthful of plate she could do little to articulate that so with a shove of her one free forehoof she pushed open the door.

Pinkie’s heart fell a little at the sight before her. The lady’s make up was a mess, having run so far down her face that her eyeshadow spilled into her lipstick turning it into a mess of colors running down the other mare’s face. Her elegant white gown was torn and was splotched with droplets of makeup infused tears. Pinkie felt the plate in her teeth slip but she clamped her jaw closed and made her way over to a nearby end table.

The lady seemed to have regained her composure after her maid burst in and stammered a few seconds before finding her tongue. “P-Pinkie I said go away not come in! Honestly darling your hearing must be going along with…” Her eyes strayed across the eclair now only a few feet away and whatever else she was going to say died when a surge of hunger rose in her belly.

“And your favorite cider.” Pinkie placed the cider next to the desert and smiled widely despite the lady’s tear stained face pulling at her heartstrings. “I hope you don't mind me bursting in but I couldn't wait out there when my friend was crying.” Pinkie stood nervously next to the bed, her ears flat and her hoof pawing nervously at the ground.

Rarity sniffed and wiped some snot from her nose with her hoof, a quite unladylike gesture but they had known each other for half their lives by this point so most barriers had come down years ago. “... Is that a vanilla eclair stuffed with strawberry sauce, drizzled with chocolate sauce with cherry sprinkles?”

Pinkie instantly perked up and brought the plate closer to Rarity. “Yup I made it yesterday but don't worry I heated it up just how you like it!” Pinkie’s smile was infectious but not so much that it could puncture the veil of sadness Rarity wore.

Rarity slowly extended a nervous hoof towards the offered desert as if it was about to grow teeth and bite through the limb. “No I shouldn't,” Rarity whispered without conviction.

“Oh darn, if you don't eat it i'm going to have to throw it away cus it will get all crusty.” Pinkie’s exaggerated sigh made Rarity roll her eyes without looking up from the desert.

Pinkie shook the plate and moved it a little closer to the other mare who panicked and grabbed it in her magic. “Eat up mistress, while it's still warm!” Pinkie’s exuberant voice did wonders for the still downtrodden unicorn who didn't look up from the pastry.

With great reluctance she sat on her haunches and placed the plate on her lap. Once secure the lady daintily cut the eclair with a knife and scooped up the small peice and popped it into her mouth. The low moan of pleasure that came from the aged unicorn made Pinkie smile and clap her hooves quietly, not wanting to distract Rarity with her glee.

Slowly the unicorn chewed and swallowed before cutting off a slightly larger peice and eating it as well. Pinkie meanwhile sat there patiently, her small amount of joy at convincing her lady to eat some comfort food bleeding away as she surveyed her mistresses’ clothing. Her eyes lingering on the hole made in the fabric near the back of Rarity’s right flank. The mare gulped and pulled her eyes away, not wanting to make Rarity anymore self conscious then she already was.

Without thinking the maid asked. “What happened?” Pinkie stuffed a hoof into her mouth then began to spit out an apology only for it to be muddled by her own hoof still in her mouth. She pulled out her hoof quickly and repeated herself. “I’m sorry lady Rarity you don't have to answer that-”

But a weary hoof held before the maid’s face stopped her train of thought. The unicorn still didn't look at her but Pinkie could tell something was wrong as the fork still held aloft in magic teetered before falling to the plate. The unicorn swallowed and opened her hoof towards Pinkie. “I’m parched darling could you pass me my cider?”

Pinkie nodded enthusiastically but couldn't find any words so she just quickly grabbed the cider in both hooves and passed it over to the unicorn’s outstretched hoof. Rarity took the glass in both hooves and moved it up to her lips, hardly caring that her lipstick stained the glass, tilting it back and letting the cool liquid parch her thirst.

The maid’s eyes went wide as the ordinarily dainty unicorn gulped down two, three then four huge mouthfuls of cider. The mug turned back upright and Rarity coughed strangely, it was an odd sputtering cough that indicated a bit of cider might have gone where it shouldn't. Pinkie gave the unicorn a hard slap on the back that seemed to stop the coughing.

“Thank you darling.” Pinkie was about to ask something but the unicorn went right back to her drink, hoisting it back up to her lips and adding another set of lipstick marks on it.

With a swift motion of her hooves more of the sparkling cider flowed into the mare’s mouth only to be greedily swallowed. Again Pinkie had to pick her jaw back up off the ground. She wasn't going to finish the whole thing… was she? In all her years Pinkie hadn't seen the lady act like this. Not when her parents left the manor, not when they took the rest of the staff with them, not when Sweetie Belle left and never came back, not after that disastrous arranged marriage to prince blueblood. Pinkie shook her wandering mind and scolded herself for not paying attention, the lady’s drink was nearly empty and in a quite unladylike display she opened her mouth wide and through one eye looked at the last few drops of cider that refused to leave the mug. With a slight shake she dislodged the last few drops which landed on her outstretched tongue.

This time Pinkie didn't hold back her applause and clapped her hooves loudly. Startling the unicorn from her preoccupation of savoring the last few drops.

Rarity coughed into a hoof to steady herself. “Yes, well then.” Pinkie took the now empty mug from her grasp and placed it on the end table.

“I can go get the bottle if you like mistress…”

Rarity waved a hoof. “No that won't be necessary.” Suddenly her cheeks bulged and an unladylike belch escaped her lips with enough force to leave them flapping in it's wake.

“Pardon me darling.” Rarity’s hoof pressed against her lips as a slight blush covered her face.

Pinkie smiled. “Good one mistress! But I think I can one up you,” The pink mare pulled in a big lungful of air and turned her head to the side.

Rarity’s shame forgotten she frantically pressed a hoof against Pinkie’s lips. “No!”

The little smile that formed behind Rarity’s hoof made her realize she had been had by the clever pink mare and she couldn't stop a giggle from escaping her lips despite the crushing realization of how she must look right now.

Rarity suddenly realized just how poor her appearance must be and she looked around for the mirror she kept close at hoof. Once found she extended her hoof past Pinkie towards the hoof mirror Rarity kept on her night stand. Pinkie gently caught the hoof and guided it back to the lady’s side.

“I don't know if you wanna do that. Just let me get a cloth first, trust me.” Pinkie’s strained but reassuring smile made Rarity rethink simply grabbing the mirror in her magic.

“I suppose that is for the best darling, just be quick please I can't stand looking so ghastly even a moment longer.”

Pinkie shot off the bed and towards the ensuite washroom, recovered a cloth from the it's crystal holder and ran it under the brushed bronze tap and let it sit at the bottom of the marble sink until it was significantly wet. Once done she gave it a squeeze to ensure it wasn't too wet then zipped back to Rarity who was eyeing the mirror while running a hoof through her ruined mane.

“Here you are mistress.” Rarity reached for the cloth but Pinkie pulled it out of reach. “Allow me, you just tell auntie Pinkie what happened while she makes you as right as rain.”

“I can do it darling just... well if you insist.” Rarity fluttered her eyelashes and leaned forward, presenting her face to Pinkie who grinned and got to work.

She cleaned up the mess the lady’s lipstick and other product had become around the lady’s thick kissable lips. Then around her chin to clean up any stray clumps and then her cheeks. Her lips now clean the unicorn cleared her throat and in a hesitant tone began to speak. “That was a lovely eclair by the way, did you make it yourself? Surely you didn't whip that up in those few minutes.”

Pinkie frowned and wiped around the edges of Rarity’s face, cleaning off the foundation and other makeup that had bled into it. “I had it saved in the fridge, don't worry though I made it yesterday so it's still fresh, didn't i mention that? Well whatever, now that's not what auntie Pinkie asked you to talk about. So you best get on with it missy.”

Rarity hesitated, sure she had always considered Pinkie more of a friend then an employee but this was not something she wanted to share with anypony. Then again, what did it matter at this point? That boor of a stallion was the last chance she had at her dream coming true and with that same dream now dead and buried what was the point in hiding it any longer? Especially from her most faithful maid of all ponies.

Pinkie moved her hoof to Rarity’s other eye and gently began to wipe it clean of makeup as well, ignoring the silence that bloomed between them as the unicorn hummed and hawed at what to say. Finally once Rarity’s eyes were clean and make up free Pinkie smiled and absently threw the washcloth into the bathroom and into the sink from her spot sitting on the bed.

A second later the unicorn’s eyes flickered open and she looked up at Pinkie questioningly. “All done?”

Pinkie nodded firmly and brought the hoof mirror around. “Ta da! One clean and gorgeous mare.” She tossed in a wink for good measure making Rarity blush slightly as she inspected herself in the mirror.

Rarity looked at the broken mare in the mirror, she was aged, clearly now that she was free of the makeup. The crow's feet at the corner of her eyes had really started becoming harder to hide over the last year or two. Her cheeks were sullen slightly, as was her eyes, needing more foundation as the years dragged inevitably onward. A frown creased her lips, though she was glad that at least that part of her face had been able to hold off the weight of decades and remained as full and as vibrant as when she was young. Her frown deepened when she took note of the state of her mane, though it held the shape it was supposed to little hairs poked out here and there and where she had ran her hoof through it had let go of it's shape and lay gracelessly across her neck.

Her hair color hadn't fared much better and she could see several grey hairs poking through. A sudden shift behind the mare in the mirror drew Rarity’s eye away from her own face and to Pinkie’s. Her smile faltered somewhat but the second their eyes met Pinkie’s smile redoubled. Oh dear, Rarity thought. I must be worrying the poor thing with all my morbid thoughts.

“Thank you darling, you did an excellent job.” Pinkie smiled at the praise and placed the hoof mirror back on the end table

Happy to be clean of that mess, Rarity’s shoulders slumped as a weight settled off of them. She was a step closer to putting this whole mess behind her though it would be a long time before she would truly forget this most recent bump on the troubled and broken road that was her love life, if she did manage to forget it at all that is.

An awkward silence formed between them and Rarity still wasn't sure how to broach the subject despite her humming and hawing. Pinkie fidgeted on the bed, shifting her weight around and looking at Rarity inquisitively. Until she finally ran out of patience. “Should I go get the the constable?”

Rarity was taken aback, unsure of what to say but when Pinkie’s hoof pointed to the rip in her gown the pieces fell into place and a frown creased the unicorn’s lips. “That was my own fault actually.”

Pinkie raised an eyebrow but otherwise said nothing, making Rarity nervous despite the fact she was telling the truth. “I was hoping spicing things up would you know.” Rarity tapped her hooves together absently, a blush spreading a cross her face. “Get me in the mood.”

Pinkie shared the blush and looked away awkwardly. She coughed into her hoof to dispel the awkwardness and returned her gaze to Rarity. “What all happened?”

The look of concern in Pinkie’s eyes was as it always was, genuine and without restraint or pretext. Which was the main reason Rarity had demanded she stay all those years ago when her parents left along with the staff. She didn't have to hide anything or be somepony else around the maid, she could just be Rarity, not the lady, not a prestigious member of the aristocracy but just a regular pony.

Rarity sighed and decided fessing up was probably for the best, she hadn't even told Pinkie, who was arguably her oldest friend, her deepest secret. Rarity snorted suddenly at the dark humour of it all, her maid was about to know her better than even her own parents. A hint of anger burned in the unicorn’s breast at the thought of her parents but it was drowned by guilt a moment later.

Clearing her throat Rarity discarded her cluttered thoughts and focused on putting one word in front of the other. “Well you see, hmm how do I put this.” Rarity tapped her chin with a thoughtful hoof. “Ah, you remember when I had to go away all those times for treatment?”

“Yes you were gone an awful long time and always came home so tired and sad and you didn't want me to throw anymore welcome home parties.” Pinkie frowned, she opened her mouth as if to say more then thought better of it and closed her mouth.

“That was very nice of you don't get me wrong, I was just really tired and I couldn't bear to see you go through all that trouble only for me to not be able to enjoy it.” Rarity feigned a weak smile.

Rarity ran a hoof through her hair, steadying herself before speaking again. “And you remember when my parents left with the rest of the staff minus you?”

Pinkie nodded gravely, a deep sadness in her eyes and not for the first time Rarity felt a little bad that she wasn't able to talk her parents into letting more of the staff stay. Or at least buying the contract of the other maid Pinkie got along with so well… A thought occurred to the unicorn.

“Do you and White Frill still?” Rarity’s voice died in her throat when she saw the look of sadness on her maid’s face.

“No. She said mistress Cookie caught her sending letters so we couldn't anymore, she still manages to sneak some from time to time but the last time I heard from her was a year ago.” Pinkie kicked her legs back and forth as the hung over the side of the bed.

“I’m terribly sorry darling, I wish I could have done something.” Rarity placed a hoof on the other mare’s shoulder.

“It's okay, you did all you could…” Pinkie replied halfheartedly.

“Ahem, well anyway. You know that Sweetie isn't allowed to visit anymore yes?”

Pinkie nodded grimly. “She was such a sweet girl…”

Rarity felt her heart break a little and she had to look away from those sad blue eyes. “And you know of all those stallions that used to come by and the times my mother tried to marry me off?”

Pinkie nodded weakly, not looking up from the floor. Rarity steeled herself for what she was leading up to, still not quite sure if she should admit to such a thing at all. Part of herself wanting desperately to never mention it again and take this secret with her to the grave. Another part of her, a small but insistent part of her hoped against hope and screamed to tell the one pony left in her life her most closely guarded secret.

She felt a hoof settle onto her shoulder and before she knew it Pinkie had pulled her into a tight hug. Her muzzle thrust against the other girl’s shoulder she suddenly felt tears in her eyes and before she became a blubbering mess she spoke with all the strength she could muster.

“I only like mares, I'm a failure, I can't carry on my family name. Nopony will ever love me.” The damn fell and Rarity cried, her tears landing unnoticed on the other girl’s uniform and fur.

“Your not a failure, Sweetie belle can still have kids and I'm sure somepony will.” Pinkie whispered back, a small part of her twisting around inside her, unsure she had said the right thing.

Pinkie squeezed tightly, holding the unicorn close as she let it all out. She pet the other girl’s back with a hoof, slow long strokes eased her worries while a soft voice hummed. Rarity was reminded of the times when she was very young, before she had to ever worry about being married off or even boys in general when she would get hurt and her mother would hold her like Pinkie was.

Memories of long before any of the complicated facts of adulthood had reared their ugly heads came rushing back. The time she sewed her first dress and pricked her hoof so badly it had bled all over the carpet. The soft quiet words her mother whispered her as she stroked her back. Tentative hooves slowly wrapped around the maid and squeezed back, unsure if it was proper and uncaring if it wasn't.

There they stayed for a long time, the earth pony holding the trembling unicorn and gently whispering until the other girl had let it all out. By then Pinkie’s shoulder had become soaked with Rarity’s tears but she didn't care. She finally understood the big mystery that had plagued this house for years and it all made sense now.

The lady’s parents would never allow her to be anything other a peice of property to be used and sold to the appropriate family in order to elevate their standing. Pinkie steadied her hoof and tried not to squeeze too hard, her anger getting the best of her. The memories would not stop and all the times Rarity cried alone in her room over the years suddenly made sense, Pinkie had always known her excuses were garbage and she had pressed a few times but she never pried too hard, it wasn't her place she reasoned. Pinkie’s hoof stopped as a flood of memories suddenly rushing to the forefront of her mind.


It was only a few days since Pinkie Pie had gotten the job at the everfree mansion and though she was still grieving she was happy to have a place to sleep and hopefully a whole house full of new friends. She looked about the kitchen, looking for a the nutmeg mistress Cookie Crumble had specifically requested to be used in the cookies she wanted.

Pinkie tossed open cupboard after cupboard, drawer after drawer until she finally fell to her bottom on the cold hard floor. It was no use, this kitchen was bigger than most of the houses she had lived in, even when Dash… She shook her long straight mane violently, discarding the thoughts as she focused at the task at hoof. The rest of the staff was busy right now and the chef only worked until after supper was served, it was her job to serve dessert and by golly she was not going to fail at a job before she even got a week in!

She looked across the kitchen one last time, a sudden feeling of vertigo overcoming her she fell back to her bottom. It was useless, she had looked everywhere! Behind every pot every pan everything! For a split second a horrible thought entered Pinkie’s mind. They are going to fire you. She leaped to her hooves, nearly knocking her lace headpiece off and skewing her uniform once more. She ignored her disheveled state and whispered to the empty room. “I can't lose this job, I promised Dashy I could do it.”

The pink mare took a deep breath and puffed out her chest dramatically before letting the air flood out of her once more. Now tall and filled with confidence she realized she would just have to buck up and ask miss Cookie Crumble or what was the stallion's name again? Oh this was bad. She never forgot a name and now she forgot one of her bosses names. Pinkie scratched her head with a hoof. She will figure it out and if not it didn't matter as she was supposed to stop calling them by their names and refer to them as sir and madam, or mistress Cookie and Master…. whatever.

Pinkie shook her head and made for the stairs. By the time she reached the landing she heard the faint sound of talking, her ears perked up at the sound. Aha! With bold confident steps Pinkie bounded up the last half of the stairs. Once cresting the last step she wiggled her ear. Faintly at the end of the hall behind a closed door she could hear more talking, it sounded like both heads of the house as well! Pinkie smiled to herself, now she just had to wait outside the door and think about how she would phrase her words politely.

The talking slowly died down making Pinkie step sneakily up to the door for fear of disturbing them. She wasn't sure if interrupting would be more rude than just standing outside, ultimately she decided inaction was the best course of action so she plunked down next to the door and stared straight ahead, waiting for somepony to leave so she might ask her question.

Unfortunately for her Pinkie’s sense of hearing had yet to be damaged by the travel of time by then and she heard everything through the door, someone obviously not remembering to cast the usual silence charm. So when somepony (Pinkie assumed mister whatever his name was) yelled angrily at somepony else Pinkie heard every word.


Pinkie’s hair stood on end at the scream of rage, she quickly ran a hoof through her mane in order to straighten it back out to it's usual position, missing whatever somepony said in response to the yell. Whatever that pony said it evidently didn't help the stallion’s anger issue as his voice continued to boom past the feeble wooden door.

“MY DAUGHTER IS NOT ONE OF THEM!” He spat the last word with such venom Pinkie could almost imagine the amount of spit that must have flown from his mouth. She shrunk back, her butt hitting the wall as she attempted to escape the source of such rage.

A smaller feminine voice called out next, this one much quieter but with the same amount of venom. “Rarity you are grounded and you will stay in this room until we find a way to salvage this situation.” Somepony’s choked sobs could be heard through the door and a moment later she heard the sound of somepony getting out of a chair and making for the door. “Come on darling, lets leave her to think about what she's done.”

This time the stallion literally spit, Pinkie could almost feel the rage through the door as the stallion hawked and spat. The maid suddenly really didn't want to be here anymore and only a cold fear kept her in place. Images of her own childhood flooding through her fear stricken mind. The door to the room flew open and Cookie crumble stepped out into the hall, as she turned to look at Pinkie time slowed and in an instant Pinkie recalled her promise to Dashy.

I promise Dashy, I will find a way, I won't give up. Not now, not ever!

With the memory of her late beloved fresh in her mind Pinkie stood up, puffed out her chest and put on a politely restrained smile. By the time Cookie turned to look at the mare Pinkie was the perfect picture of a maid. Pinkie opened her mouth to speak but the other mare kept walking, her lip turned up slightly into a small snarl.

After her came the master of the house who looked like he was about to blow his top. This time Pinkie didn't even both opening her mouth and instead merely looked down submissively. The stallion stopped and seemed to calm down, his stomping hooves softening as he approached the mare.

“How much did you hear?”

Pinkie refused the urge to gulp and spoke plainly and quickly, but not too quickly. “I just got hear sir, I heard Mistress Cookie’s voice say something. I was hoping to find out where-”

The stallion snorted angrily, cutting her off. “Good, now forget you heard even that. Also Rarity is not allowed to request any services from the staff until I or my wife say otherwise, understood?”

Pinkie nodded without looking up. The stallion seemed appeased and stomped off down the hall after his wife. Once out of earshot Pinkie gulped audibly, now who would she ask? Lady Rarity was still in her room but judging from the choked gasps coming from beyond the door she was still crying. Pinkie fidgeted nervously, unsure of what to do.

Again her promise to her late marefriend echoed in her mind, and like that she made up her mind. She would ask her now than, when the cookies were done she would sneak a few up to the distraught mare and cheer her up! She nodded firmly to herself and walked up to the door, however the second she reached her destination her knees felt weak. What if. Pinkie shook her head hard sending her straight hair flying. This wasn't the time to spend all day second guessing herself. She drew herself back up and pushed open the still slightly ajar door and peeked her head inside.

The lady Rarity lay in a ball on her bed across the room, the moonlight gently spilling into the room through a crack in a curtain, barely illuminating anything more than unicorn and the bed around her. Pinkie felt her confidence fade once more so before it could slip away completely she coughed into her hoof.

Tear filled eyes suddenly peered at her through the darkness. The face sniffed and gently called out through the dark room. “Wh-who’s there?”

Pinkie stepped fully into the room. “Pinkie, ma'am. Umm.. Do you know where the nutmeg is?”

The maid tapped her hooves together suddenly feeling very out of place asking such a silly question after something so serious just happened. Out of all her expectations the one she didn't see coming was a faint giggle. Pinkie looked up to find the mare, still tears in her eyes, laughing into her hoof. Pinkie cocked her head silently.

“Sorry darling mother does this to every new hire, she hides it everytime to see how new ponies react to failure.” The lady sniffed and wiped a snotty nose with her hoof. “She usually hides it on top of the fridge at the very back.”

Pinkie was confused but she didn't sense that the other girl was being dishonest so Pinkie decided to trust her. Nodding her thanks she made for the door then thought better of it and looked over her shoulder at the still teary eyed mare.

“Hey uh, what's your favorite dessert?”

“Eclairs.” Rarity tapped a hoof to her chin once then added. “Vanilla, stuffed with strawberries and covered in chocolate sauce and cherry sprinkles.” Pinkie’s face lit up and before Rarity could say anything the maid was gone in a flash.

Later that night she managed to sneak the eclair back to lady Rarity and without getting caught. Her good mood was marred somewhat by Pinkie getting a strip torn off her the next day by Cookie, despite the fact she found the nutmeg.

“You must have had to have stood on a chair or the counter to get back there and your dirty hooves do not belong on either of those things!” Though Pinkie had managed to acquire the spice without doing either she thought better of speaking up and let the mistress speak her peice.


Pinkie’s mind whirled as the pieces continued to fall into place and it took all her willpower not squeeze the poor crying girl still held in her hooves. Her mind flew back into her memories, this time not quite as far back but to an equally disturbing memory.


Pinkie hummed softly to herself, her hooves busily working away at the mountain of dishes she had yet to wash. Normally the sight would have annoyed her but time and experience meant this job wouldn't take long. Nevermind the fact that the mid afternoon sun was shining through the window directly in front of her allowing her a nice view of the driveway and garden, rendering the usually boring chore not nearly as bad. Pinkie could hear the birds in the trees and all the other sounds of summer creatures going about their business in the manor’s expansive garden.

Her tune shifted wistfully, no structure or purpose to her adhoc song other than to add something beautiful to the already beautiful day. A rare smile graced the maid’s lips and she had to fight the urge to break out in song. The years had not been kind to her but she had learned how to stand up for herself and though the two eldest occupants of the house were as unpleasant as ever Pinkie couldn't help but feel an endless well of appreciation for the youngest two occupants. Rarity and Sweetie belle were wonderful and the epitome of kindness and generosity which only confused Pinkie as they certainly had not gained that from their parents.

Pinkie mused to herself quietly while scrubbing a plate, where had they gotten that? They had spent a lot of time with their aunt when they were young and they both spent a lot of their formative years in the company of various maids and nannies. Maybe Feather Fall knew, she was one of the oldest maids still employed by the family. Pinkie’s thoughts changed the moment she heard the old iron gate open up and from the corner of her eye a coach slowly came down the last few feet of driveway. Two strong and young earth pony stallions pulled the cart, dressed to the nines as fitting of a driver of nobility.

If they are sticking around maybe I should bake them something… nah, the sun is awful hot. Lemonade would be perfect! Pinkie began scrubbing harder and faster, determined to catch the stallions before they left without getting refreshments.

“Sweetie belle do you have your hat box dear?” Pinkie looked over her shoulder, through the open door Rarity walked behind her sister, a plethora of bags held aloft in her magic. “Are you sure you got everything?” Rarity’s words were as kind as ever but weren't quite as they usually were… there was a sadness and hesitation that was not usually present.

“Yes Rarity, I have every single thing I own now will you please tell me what is going on?” The sound of hooves stopped, and Sweetie’s voice could be heard through the open door.

Pinkie gently put down the cup she was washing and extended an ear to the conversation, curious as to what was going on. “It’s not my place to say darling, now do as mother asks and-”

The stomp of a small hoof against marble floor drew a sigh from what Pinkie assumed was Rarity.

In a hushed and angry tone Sweetie shot back. “Rarity please, suddenly we are leaving the house and taking all the staff but Pinkie Pie, why?”

That was news to Pinkie who would have dropped the cup she was washing had she not placed it down earlier. The others must have packed while Pinkie was trimming the hedges and only been told about it last second because they hadn't mentioned leaving last night during their weekly card game. Images of her newfound friends who worked with her flooded through her mind and she very nearly broke down right then and there.

“You know why Sweetie, mother and father have found a great place to live and I don't want to move my business it's as simple as that.” Rarity’s slightly heavier hooves began moving down the hall but stopped after it was clear her sister wasn't following.

Noisily the smaller mare stomped up to her sister. “You know thats bullshit! So just tell-”

“Sweetie, language! If mother caught you saying that-”

“Mother this mother that, she isn't here so tell me the real reason why you are staying behind.”

Knowing Rarity she was probably biting her lip nervously and looking away, unsure of herself. “A young impressionable girl shouldn't be around a lady as debauched as I am.” Even with Pinkie’s exceptional hearing she was barely able to understand the whispered confession.

Sweetie gasped and took a step toward her sister. “What are you talking about?”

Pinkie took a step closer to the door, her chores forgotten as her curiosity got the better of her. The awkward shuffling meant Rarity was probably biting her hoof nervously and avoiding Sweetie’s puppy dog eyes right about now and the thought would have brought a smile to Pinkie’s face any other day.

“Well you see-”

“SWEETIE BELLE WE ARE LEAVING, HURRY UP YOUNG LADY.” Yelled their father’s voice from outside.

Pinkie could almost feel the despair radiating from the hall, Rarity’s head no doubt hanging in defeat. Rarity’s slightly heavier hoof falls echoed down the silent hall until she reached the door. “Go on Sweetie, everypony is waiting.”

The doors suddenly slammed shut after a brief sound of magic. Sweetie’s voice insistent and desperate. “Please Rarity, tell me whats going on, I’m your sister!”

Rarity hesitated just long enough for her father to wrench open the door and allow her mother entry. She hissed angrily at the pair of unicorns and wrenched the bags from Rarity’s magic into her own. Pinkie could tell as they all floated outside and into the already overburdened carriage waiting outside.

“Come on Sweetie.” Every word was short and punctuated with a short breath and covered with a thin veil of rage. Cookie’s countenance beginning to crumble as her patience waned.

“Go on Sweetie, be a good girl now. I love you.” Rarity’s voice was so pained Pinkie could feel tears brimming in her own eyes just hearing them.

Sweetie Belle was old enough to be an adult and wasn't prone to fits anymore but something told Pinkie the angry stomping was the beginning of one. Some angry gaze or whispered threat must have passed between them as it died down quickly, the only sound before the door closed was Sweetie’s voice.

“I love you too sis.”

Then with a slam the door was closed and the others gone, the carriage leaving mere moments later as soon as the last two passengers were on board. Stifled crying could be heard from the entryway and Pinkie knew then and there she had to do something to comfort the other mare, despite the sudden loss of her own friends. She wiped the tears from her own eyes and breathed hard a few times, steadying herself. When the quiet steps of a forlorn unicorn began to approach the stairs Pinkie popped out of the kitchen.

“Do you need something my lady?” Pinkie poured every ounce of cheerfulness she had into her question which made Rarity stop.

She just kept walking, head down and her tears falling to the floor as she walked. “No thank you Pinkie, take the evening off.”

Pinkie gulped, unsure of what to do. She ran after the unicorn, catching up quickly and walking beside her. “Should I fetch you some wine, or perhaps cider?”

Rarity stopped, her hoof hesitating over the first stair. “Cider… would be nice.”

Pinkie’s ears shot up and her smile regained a hint of genuine joy. “I will meet you in your room in just a moment my lady.” Pinkie turned to go back to the kitchen but felt her tail held tight in the grip of somepony’s magic, drawing her attention back to the unicorn.

“No.” Rarity whispered. “Why don't we share a glass in your room?”

Pinkie cocked an eyebrow at that. “In the servant’s quarters?”

“Yes well after today all of the servant’s rooms are yours so it's more like the Pinkie quarters now.” Rarity smiled weakly at her bit of humour.

“You got it boss!” Pinkie bounced off into the kitchen leaving the distraught mare behind, angrily yelling behind her.

“And don't call me boss! I’m neither old nor a stallion!”
