• Published 17th Apr 2017
  • 1,819 Views, 42 Comments

Glitter Shell Volume.1. : Coming Out Of Her Shell. - Undyne Devotion

Life can be weird when growing up. More so for Snails who is suffering from a struggle within, fighting to be who she thinks, she really is. Follow her on her first adventure around Ponyville as she comes out of her shell.

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"Turns out that Rumble loves racing!" Apple Bloom scrunched her muzzle in defeat, not really into the sport at all.

She rested underneath a towering oak tree as a soft sigh escaped her lips. Scootaloo perched above on a low-hanging branch, stretching her small frame with a flutter of orange wings. The mere mention of racing was enough to jolt the filly out of her daze of monotonous indifference. Eyes perked up, as ears pricked high in excitement.

"Racing!? Awesome! " Scootaloo nearly fell out of her branch with a bubbly bounce.

"Glad you think so, 'cause I barely understand a thang that boy goes on about." Bloom blew a raspberry as her attention moved to Sweetie slumped over in a patch of grass under the shade.

"Are you okay, hon?" Bloom lowered her ears softly feeling that something was weighing heavily on her mind.

Sweetie shrugged in reply as a tiny hoof plucked a few petals from a daisy nearby."It's Snails, turns out I made him feel like the world is a place of cruelty and suffering. " She whispered as pain dripped from every word spoken.

"Wowsers, that's dark! I just asked Snips about his favorite chips." Scootaloo spoke awkwardly as if she was unsure that she understood the school's assignment.

After all, she did have a knack for catching a few Z's during Cheerilee's outstandingly long and boring lectures.

"Is everything…" Bloom scooted closer to comfort her friend in a time of need.

And here I was hiding in a nearby bush watching from afar, trying my best to find the correct words to apologize to my new friend. But anything I came up with sounded pathetic or idiotic, I just wish I could turn back the clock and erase my past mistakes. But that's why we make them right?

So we're forced to learn from our actions, grow as ponies, and hopefully better ourselves in the future. Or in my case make myself less of a foolish foal

"Snail's peeping on us!" Scootaloo snapped her head towards the bush like a crazed feline, I screamed in terror before erupting from the brush covered in dozens of leaves.

"What in tarnation!?" Bloom squealed surprised as I was quick to lift to my hooves, walking over clumsily noticing how I towered awkwardly over the girls.

I must look like a total oddball to them. "I need to talk to Sweetie." My voice cracked like crazy as I stumbled over my words, cheeks on fire from embarrassment.

"Phst, as if! Anything you say, you can say in front of us!" Scootaloo pounced out of her floral fortress with fur puffed out defensively.

Sweetie giggled and looked towards Bloom giving a silent knowing nod."It's okay." She whispered as the earth pony nudged the pegasus with her forehead.

"C'mon, Scootaloo I need help with some chores at my farm." Bloom narrowed her eyes towards her friend, who snorted loudly from her nostrils unamused.

Watching both fillies walk away cautiously, I felt amazed at how girls could say so much with so few actions. Fillies were on a different emotional wavelength with each other, trying to get Snips off my tail was like pulling teeth.

I Guess Fillies did mature faster than Colts, or at least understood subtle messaging better.

"Still mad at everything?" Sweetie asked with a thin arched brow as I drug my hooves over, plopping down on my haunches with a dull thud.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, it wasn't right. You have just been trying to help me, guess I'm new to the whole friendship thing." I shrugged lanky shoulders as her hoof planted itself on my shoulder tenderly.

"No problem, girlfriends go through these fights all the time!" She suddenly giggled as my head turned to face her, a weak smile stretched over my lips.

"Hee, you think so?" My words bounced through the air gaining more confidence.

Sweetie nodded slowly as she pointed down the hill toward Ponyville. "Rarity is always butting heads with Rainbow Dash! But in the end, they always come out of it stronger!!" She squeezed my body and I felt myself getting a loving hug.

I couldn’t help but laugh along with her, finally feeling more like myself as I secured a new friendship in my life. Returning the warmth of the embrace we sat on the hillside in a growing silence, the sun's orange rays poured over us both with a promise of a better tomorrow. One I would make sure to treasure, and do all I could to improve.

"So, is Glitter Shell still available for hanging out?" Sweetie teased as she seemed genuinely excited to spend more time with me.

"I think she's also done hiding." I lifted my eyes towards the changing horizon over Ponyville, the orange colors fading to darker blue.

So easy could it change itself to the shift of time, that I knew with a little help, I just might be able to do the same.

"Whoa!?" Sweetie seemed surprised as her eyes widened.

"Yes, I'm tired of living in fear. I just want to…" I fell onto my backside into the soft dew-ridden grass with a loud sigh of contentment.

Sweetie giggled as she went loosey-goosey herself and joined me to gaze towards the sky in awe. "You okay?" She poked my side in a friendly manner as I nodded.

"Mm-hmm, I'm just finally feeling free." My eyes closed as I took a deep breath.

No longer afraid.

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