• Published 20th Apr 2017
  • 1,182 Views, 10 Comments

Generations - EclipseSight

Twilight, Starlight and Celestia talk about the incredible bond between teacher and student.

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Teacher and Student

“So, I'm guessing this is the reason Spike was distracting me earlier today?” Starlight asked with a slight laugh, carefully positioning her new mirror over her dresser. The small bathroom mirror she had procured for use in the mornings was now no longer needed. She would have to transfigure it into something more useful later.

Sharing in the moment of laughter, Twilight nodded. “I had to find a way to get the measurements without you catching on to me. Spike and I make a pretty good team.”

Rolling her eyes, Starlight gently poked a hoof into Twilight's chest, which was puffing out a little too proudly. “Yep, you are. Though now I'll just have to be a lot more wise to your little tricks.” Satisfied that the mirror was in place, she took a step back to admire it. Seeing her smiling face framed by all of her friends had her heart thumping wildly in the warm fuzziness of her chest. Mentally, she made a note to acquire duo pictures of herself alongside: Thorax, Sunburst, Discord, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Perhaps it would be prudent for her to make the pictures smaller if she still wanted the mirror to function as a mirror after all that.

She was startled out of her thoughts by Twilight whispering fondly, “You really have come a long way... Haven't you?”

Unable to disagree, Starlight gave a watery smile. She brought up a hoof to stop the flow of water before it started. Turning her old mirror into an ever refilling box of tissues was a tempting idea. “Not without help, a lot of help,” she replied quietly, averting her gaze to the side. “I would be in a very different situation without you all...”

“Perhaps,” Twilight replied sagely, extending a wing and laying over Starlight's shoulder. When Starlight turned to look at her, she grinned from ear to ear. Her cheeks still hurt but it was a hurt she would trade for nothing. “But that's all in the past. You've learned from it, and I couldn't be prouder of you.”

“Indeed,” a merry, musical voice said from the doorway, causing both purple mares to jump. A light giggle followed as Princess Celestia walked into the room. Her horn almost brushed the top of the doorway, which was completely filled by her flowing mane. Suddenly, the small room seemed a little cramped, both by the solar ruler's physical and metaphorical presence. “I apologise for startling you,” she started, then smiled widely, “But I simply could not resist.”

“Do you need something?” Twilight asked, immediately trotting over to her old mentor. Starlight stayed where she was, busying herself with unnecessarily readjusting the mirror, in order to give them some privacy. That plan was soon thwarted and her ears pricked at the sound of her name.

“-So, how are you feeling about your graduation, Starlight?” she heard Celestia say.

Abandoning her pretence with the mirror, Starlight turned around. “Well enough,” she chirped with fake enthusiasm. Even if the whole castle had heard her scream out that she was not ready to leave, saying it one on one to the ruler of the land felt a little awkward. “It's, something I was definitely not expecting for a long time.”

“Yes, I can understand, though events do not often travel at the pace we desire.” Celestia smiled and stepped deeper into the room, dark pink eyes idly surveying the various knick-knacks.

Suddenly getting the uncomfortable feeling that she was being x-rayed, Starlight squirmed slightly and shifted from hoof to hoof. Clearing her throat, she decided to repeat Twilight's earlier question. “So, uh...do you need something?”

Still maintaining her welcoming smile, Celestia regally shook her head. “No, I admit I simply wanted to have a small catch up with you both before I depart for Canterlot. Luna is in charge of the Night Court, so I have some free time.”

“Oh, umm...okay.” Starlight let herself relax, exhaling deeply. Getting worked up over absolutely nothing was not how she wanted to start her next journey. If Twilight was sure she was ready to graduate, then that meant she had to live up to that expectation. “Well, I think we're done here. Right Twilight?”

“Yup,” the smaller alicorn replied energetically, bobbing her head in confirmation. “Should I go make tea?”

“I'll do it!” Starlight interjected before Celestia could even begin to formulate a response. One blinding flash of teal later and the two alicorns were left alone.

Twilight blinked several times, staring at the spot Starlight had just vacated. A sly grin suddenly formed on her face. “Maybe her friendship lessons with Pinkie are paying off.” A subtle blush spread across her cheeks as she felt Celestia's eyes on her. She coughed to compose herself, then straightened up. “Starlight will probably meet us in the living room. Shall we go?”

“That's a good idea,” Celestia agreed with a gentle nod, allowing Twilight to lead her out.

Meanwhile, Starlight was pacing around the kitchen, waiting for water to boil. While she had often wondered how Twilight could often be so on edge around the solar princess, she was beginning to sympathise. Perhaps it was simply her nerves being so on edge, or perhaps it was the realisation that she was now part of the cycle. Celestia had been Twilight's mentor, then Twilight had been hers, and now... She gulped, suddenly feeling very light headed. Several deep, almost hyperventilating breaths helped bring the world back into focus, though the discomfort in her stomach remained.

“Maybe this is going a little quickly Starlight,” she admonished herself, chuckling nervously. “You just graduated and I'm sure no one expects you to suddenly do everything all at once. Oh, how did Twilight deal with this? I didn't even grow wings and I'm a nervous wreck! I just need to think this through and-aaaah!”

A loud whistling rudely interrupted her thoughts, almost separating her skin from the rest of the body. Glaring daggers at the kettle, the source of the noise, once she had returned to earth, Starlight snorted, “I don't know whether that was the castle, me or both. Hmmph, anyway I'd better get on that tea before Twilight comes looking for me.”

With practised efficiency, she levitated three teacups onto a tray and began pouring the hot water onto the bitter green leaves. Having no idea how Celestia took her tea she decided to just bring along the milk and sugar. Something about having two ready made cups alongside one completely blank canvas irked her. Grabbing the now laden tray, she strode out of the kitchen and closed the door behind her.

Having lead Celestia to the best living room in the castle, one that was used only rarely, Twilight settled down on one of four large armchairs. Celestia did the same, secretly pleasantly surprised to discover that it fit her larger frame quite well. She had to try particularly hard to refrain from giggling aloud at just how drowned Twilight was by the large furniture. It was a rather strange thing to explain and would most likely send Twilight frantically combing around the castle for a smaller chair. Also, it did set her mind back to a different time, when Twilight was much smaller and lacked her wings. When Celestia was able to keep her as close as she desired, a time that was both fortunately and unfortunately, long gone.

Nevertheless, she cherished her time with Twilight now, simply listening to her former student talk. Despite the many letters shared between them, there was nothing quite like a proper conversation. She could have sat there for hours, selfishly indulging in Twilight's excited ramblings about her experiences. However, her attention was soon averted by the door creaking open.

“Should have figured you'd use this one. Instead of searching the last three rooms,” Starlight puffed out wearily, letting the door thud shut behind her. “Why does this castle have so many rooms anyway? I swear it makes them up as I go along.”

“I dunno, I didn't design it," Twilight answered, even though the question was rhetorical. "If I did it would be have been smaller, a lot smaller."

“Actually if you designed it, it would be bigger, just with more libraries,” Starlight shot back, clambering onto an unoccupied armchair. The platter she set on a small table, off to the side. “You can umm, add what you like-” she chuckled awkwardly, “I had no idea what you took in your tea, sorry.”

Smiling, Celestia took one of the cups and quietly added both milk and sugar, three lumps of the substance, into her tea. “My tastes do tend to change with the moment, though sugar is usually a rather good bet.”

“I'll keep that in mind,” Starlight replied slowly, keeping her voice neutral, though she did indeed make a mental note. Her own tea she took with nothing. She was drinking it as more of a formality, coffee was much more useful. At least now I know who Twilight got her sweet tooth from, she thought, watching the lavender alicorn put two sugars in her tea alongside milk. “So...uh... what did I miss?”

“Oh, nothing much. Pri- Celestia and I were just reminiscing about old times.”

“Yes, we were just getting on to the rather amusing discovery I made today. It would seem that I'm an expression. It really is true, no matter how old you are, or how much you may know, you learn something new every day.” For all the world, she sounded like a school filly who had just discovered the existence of a new spell that would summon sweets out of thin air. There was a humbleness to it that Starlight found herself respecting, especially coming from one who was so great that their name was an expression of intensity. Perhaps that respect was what caused her guard to lower dangerously.

“And sometimes you need to realise you know nothing to learn anything at all,” Starlight mused, speaking absently. The following silence closed in on her and she realised what she had just said. Turning several shades paler, she shrunk back into the chair. “Oh, sorry...I wasn't trying to- I was talking about myself not...”

“I know,” Celestia chuckled, sipping her tea slowly. “It is a rather astute observation, some that many ponies have trouble understanding. It is commendable that you have accepted the lesson so thoroughly.”

For a moment, Starlight had no idea what to say, she simply chuckled nervously. Then, a sideways glance at Twilight, who was balancing precariously on the edge of her seat, smiling encouragingly, gave her the answer. “Thanks, though... I had a good teacher.”

Twilight almost fell off her chair. She was just able to save herself from face planting, though the vivid red that her face turned more than made up for it. Burying her head in her wing, she made a big show of preening while she collected herself.

“Though, I guess in a way I should be thanking you too.” Starlight saw Celestia's eyebrows raise ever so slightly. She chuckled slightly and explained. “You taught Twilight so in a way that means you played a part as well. In a roundabout way to be sure but it is still there. So, thank you.”

“You are welcome,” Celestia replied, feeling her eyes start to moisten ever so slightly. It was always her ambition to help ponies be the best they could be so that they could spread that quality onto others. “Though, we all responsible for our own choices. It is you who had to put in the effort, just as it was Twilight who had to put in the effort when I was teaching her. Being a teacher is a very rewarding endeavour.”

“I'm afraid I'll have to take your word on that.” Starlight shrugged, putting aside her tea. She really was not interested in it and holding it in her magic would lead to inevitable fidgeting, then the equally inevitable tipping of hot liquid all over her. “I haven't really taught anyone anything.”

“We all teach others, whether we know it or not, through our actions,” Celestia said wisely, then chuckled and lightened her tone. “Though I do understand what you mean. Passively teaching is a little different than taking an active role in another's life when they need you.”

The conversation was rapidly about to hit Starlight's fears directly on the nose. Before beads of sweat began to wet her brow, she decided it was time for a change in subject. There was one that she was curious about and it was close enough to the current topic that it would hopefully not raise suspicion “So, what was teaching Twilight like? Did the castle happen to get flooded by any chance?”

The question dragged Twilight from her impromptu preening session and Starlight was soon on the receiving end of a grumpy alicorn glare. She shrank back in her seat just a little, looking suitably embarrassed. Twilight rolled her eyes in exasperation but decided to say nothing. Celestia chuckled softly, shaking her head.“No, the castle was never flooded. Though that is a rather specific example. I am curious as to how you came up with it.” She was teasing, having already guessed what had happened. Another little bit of self-indulgence to aid lightening the conversation.

Now, Starlight looked like she was trying to sink into the fabric itself. She really had stuck her hoof in it. Her face was now hot enough to boil tea. Now sweat really was pouring from her brow, despite the room being of a pleasant temperature. “Uh...uh...uh...” she stammered, looking desperately to Twilight for assistance. Predictably, she was on her own, as Twilight was too busy trying not to laugh. She sighed heavily, then let the sheepish smile that was tugging at her lips show. “I...may have accidentally caused the castle to flood trying to do five friendship lessons at once. It was, a bit of a disaster that taught me a very valuable lesson.”

“Most disasters do,” Celestia replied, amusement showing on her face. The joy did not quite reach her eyes, something that went unnoticed by the other two. “Teaching Twilight was one of the most interesting times of my life, long as it may be. She was a bright, talented young unicorn who always challenged my teachings, yet took to them so diligently at the same time. She exceeded my expectations in every way. I don't think I have ever met another unicorn with her thirst for knowledge... Though her raw ability has been matched by yourself.”

Starlight nodded quietly, taking Celestia's compliment as elegantly as she could. Despite her best efforts to appear casual, she did sit up straighter. Magic was something she would always be proud of, even if she was learning to function better without it. Her ears perked up as Celestia continued.

“It was a privilege, to be able to watch her grow into the pony she has become today. She is everything I could have wished in a student.”

Suddenly finding her throat constricting tightly, Twilight took a sip of her tea. The relief was brief and she soon found her eyes filling with water. The words brought back fond memories, of a treasured time and the praise made her heart flutter. A loud sniffle escaped her, drawing attention from both her former mentor and her former student. Starlight looked concerned, and more than a little guilty. She had brought the conversation up, unwittingly causing the emotions to surface.

On the other hoof, Celestia was completely calm. She set aside her tea and strode over to Twilight. Reaching down, she cupped the smaller alicorn's chin and gently tilted her tear stained face upwards. Then, she sat down on the floor. Twilight's elevated position allowed Celestia to finally look at her on an even plane. Through her now freely flowing tears, Twilight attempted a shaky apology. “I'm sorry...I just...thinking about all of that again. I just...”

The older alicorn gently pulled Twilight's trembling frame to her chest. “There is no need to apologise. I, did get a little carried away...” Celestia admitted, before closing her eyes and continuing. “Letting you go was one of the hardest things I have had to do. You can understand that well, just as I'm sure Starlight can understand how hard it is to be set free...”

At the mention of her name, Starlight nodded in confirmation, keeping her voice as steady as possible. “Yeah, it's a pretty terrifying prospect that's for sure... Not knowing what you'll do next, not knowing the expectations...”

“...Elevating those expectations to unreasonable levels,” Twilight finished, breathing out slowly.

Celestia nodded slowly. “Neither side is easy to bear. Though as I said before, you never truly lose the one you are letting go or the one you are leaving.” She let out a quiet, warm laugh. “This situation a testament to that.”

Pushing away from Celestia's warm embrace, Twilight sat up under her own power again and rubbed her face clean. It was a shoddy job but it would do. “I know, I just, got to thinking, again...and...”

Both Celestia and Starlight shared a look with each other, then offered Twilight two gentle, knowing smiles. “We know,” they said in unison. Then, Starlight walked over and pressed her head under Twilight's chin. The soft silkiness of the unicorn's mane rubbed against Twilight's fur as she softly nuzzled her friend.

“Like Celestia said, we learn no matter where we are. You just got a lesson from Princess Celestia didn't you, even if you aren't officially her student anymore, right?”

Twilight nodded soberly, the remnants of her emotional outburst coming out as a feeble sniffle. Celestia touched her hoof to her cheek, humming thoughtfully. “I had not thought to put it quite like that. Thank you.”

“You're welcome,” Starlight replied, moving away and sitting down. “And I know for a fact that I'm going to need a lot more guidance from you, no matter where I end up. Though as you aren't getting rid of me quite yet, there's no reason to worry.”

Chuckling, Twilight cracked a watery smile. “I don't think you'll need as much help as you think but, I'll be there...no matter what.”

“Yeah, I know...” Starlight murmured, wrapping her hooves around Twilight's shoulders. She felt Twilight's hooves tighten around her waist and they held the position for a while.

Observing the two, Celestia smiled fondly. Despite her encouragement of Twilight's initial decision, she was pleased with how things had turned out. Just as things could come unexpectedly, others would take their time to run course. Nothing lasted forever, though she was confident that a friendship like this would last the changes. It had already weathered the storm of a very rocky start rather beautifully after all.

Eventually pulling away, Starlight dropped back to all fours. Her own worries were vanquished for now and she knew that when they surfaced again, she would not be alone. Sometimes everyone just needed to be reminded of that, even if they were the literal Princess of Friendship.

Eyes glancing towards the clock, Celestia suppressed a sigh. These meetings really were all too brief. Bringing herself up to her full height, she announced, “I'm afraid that time has marched upon us more quickly than I would have liked. I have duties that I need to attend to back in Canterlot before morning.”

Twilight's ears flattened a little at the news but she recovered quickly. She was used to this by now and knew that it would not be too long before they could talk again. Or, as Celestia had said, she could simply write a letter. “Oh, okay. I'll walk you out.”

“That would be lovely, thank you,” Celestia agreed, smiling softly.

In a bid to excuse herself from intruding, Starlight grabbed the teacups and tray. The still half full cups sloshed their liquid violently but Starlight made sure that nothing spilt onto the floor. “I'll deal with this, or Spike will never know to look in here.”

Twilight nodded, gently brushing the lilac unicorn with a wing. She knew the real reason for the suggestion and was grateful for it. “Thank you.”

Together, Celestia and Twilight left for the exit, while Starlight turned towards the kitchens. Their walk was made in a comfortable silence, as the two alicorns enjoyed each others company. All too soon, the golden doors were upon them. Pulling it open, Twilight turned to her old mentor, who had given her so much, and offered one last smile. “Thank you, for everything.”

“You are very welcome, my faithful friend.”

The slight alteration of Twilight's old title almost caused her to break again. A gentle nuzzle on her forehead helped stem the flow of emotions and she kept her composure. As Celestia departed to her waiting chariot, Twilight waved her off. The ache in her chest grew as the chariot was pulled into the air. She stood there, letting the chilly night air cool her cheeks, and stared into the now empty night sky. For how long she did not know, but a quiet voice behind her put a swift end to her vigil.

“You okay?” Starlight asked, carefully stepping up to be level with Twilight's shoulder.

Without breaking her gaze, Twilight smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I think I am... I'm more okay about this than I have been in a while. I never realised that I was still trying to hold on in a way. I was trying to forget that it was all in the past. I didn't want it to end.”

Turning now, she met Starlight's eyes and grinned widely. “But it hasn't ended, at all. I'm still as close to Celestia as I've always been. Maybe not physically, but in here...” she touched her chest before continuing. “Just like how we'll be when you finally are ready to leave.”

“And you're ready to let me go,” Starlight added firmly, wanting to emphasise how important both sides were to the equation. They would both know when the time was right and that would be that.

Twilight nodded in agreement, wrapping a wing around Starlight's shoulder and drawing her close. They stood in silence, watching the stars slowly turn across the ever changing sky. The moon glittered above them, casting its silver glow across the land. Compared to it, even Canterlot felt so close, as close as she and Starlight were now and as close as she and Celestia had been all those years ago. Letting go was hard and being let go was just as hard but true friendships could withstand anything. No one truly left you, if they were truly your friend. They were as close to you as your heart was. Closing the door slowly, Twilight turned away from the sky and together the two friends walked back into the castle. There was a long road ahead of them and wherever it happened to split, there would always be a connection.

Author's Note:

Well, I wanted to write something about these three, have done for a while. The new episode gave me the inspiration for this and then after the first few paragraphs, it started to write itself. It was a fun thing to do and helped me get out of a writing rut I've been in lately. Hopefully, it isn't just a temporary fix. I hope you all enjoyed. Feel free to leave me some feedback if you didn't, or if you did. Either way, every opinion is welcome. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

Comments ( 10 )

A nice, short, and enjoyable read.

8108205 Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you enjoyed. Have a nice day!

8108382 I'm glad. Thanks for the comment. Have a nice day!

One correction:

Starlight gently poked a hoof into Starlight's chest

I know Starlight has similarities to pre-alicorn Twilight, but they're not THAT similar.

As a whole, this was a nice read.

8109779 Gah! Sorry. Too many lights! It's like trying to find a ship name. Twi-light, no. Star-light.. No! Too many lights! I'll go fix it. Hehehe. Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you enjoyed. Have a nice day!

Very nice story.

I wonder how Starlight's philosophical leaning towards treating all ponies equally impacts her attitude toward royalty and nobility?

8131599 Well I guess I've noticed personally that she's a lot less reverent than most ponies would be. She doesn't really tend to use the princess title for Cadance and she treats dinner with Celestia like just another lesson. She's respectful of their strength and presence but their title is just a thing for her. You've given me an idea though, so thanks. Thanks for the comment too! Have a nice day!

This was a nice story and very enjoyable.

8137980 Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you enjoyed. Have a nice day!

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