• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Just some loser with an unusual interest no one else has.


Rainbow Dash and Rarity do to each other what Fluttershy has done to both of them, and what they have done to her, but not each other - biting each others' tails!

I like seeing Rainbow Dash and Rarity together and I want one to bite the other's tail in the show, but they have never been paired together this way, even though they've been on both ends of this with Fluttershy. As to the RariDash, this might not strictly be shipping, closest it gets to that is finding each others' tails to be cute and wanting to bite them, even though they do get very affectionate to one another.

I wanted to go for a more cute lighthearted story one after the adventure-themed battle ones I usually do.

Cover art is a modification of Applejack biting Rainbow Dash's tail in The Ticket Master, with Rarity when she bites Fluttershy's tail in Putting Your Hoof Down.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 11 )

...why does it say Chapter 1 is 2,084 words, Chapter 2 is 1,214 words, and in total it,s 2,280 words? Shouldn't the total be 3,298?

Rainbow Dash and Rarity do to each other what Fluttershy has done to both of them, and what they have done to her, but not each other - biting each others' tails!

I like seeing Rainbow Dash and Rarity together and I want one to bite the other's tail in the show, but they have never been paired together this way, even though they've been on both ends of this with Fluttershy.

I can't seem to recall this ever happening in the show itself. I remember Applejack biting Rainbow's tail plenty of times, though. Care to refresh my memory?


(this is funny)

8115626 Don't mind if I do

In Friendship is Magic Part 2, the second episode of the series, Nightmare Moon sends the Mane 6 falling down a cliff, except the two pegasi. When Rainbow Dash catches Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy bites Rarity's tail.

In A Dog and Pony Show, when Spike is "fishing" for the Diamond Dogs to get into their cave, Applejack bites his tail, leading to a biting tails chain, and Fluttershy is the one who bites Rainbow Dash's tail.

In Putting Your Hoof Down, when the salespony tries to force Fluttershy to pay 10 bits for a cherry, and she screws up Pinkie Pie's tactic and almost pays 12 bits, Rarity bites her tail to pull her back.

Finally, at the beginning of Dragon Quest, Rainbow Dash bites Fluttershy's tail when she tries to avoid going to see the dragons. This is before the opening sequence, and Fluttershy's only appearance this episode.

This is all in the course of the first two seasons. I could PM you more details, but each of the Mane 6 has bitten the tail of at least one of the Mane 6, and had her tail bitten by at least one of them. Of course, Applejack holds the record, biting Rainbow Dash's tail eight times.

8115655 Should I put a Comedy tag on it then? :raritystarry:

8115777 I think you should! It's a funny and cute story.

8115777 That sounds like a good idea

This was an adorable piece of friendshipping.

Only one upvote? I know at least four people liked this story

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