• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 4,660 Views, 546 Comments

We Need A Medic - Onomonopia

Fluttershy gets a new ambulance. And a giant robot

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“Two weeks. It has been two weeks now and no sign of any Con activity,” Optimus muttered to Ratchet.

“And it’s not like we’ve just been partying in here while ignoring the Cons. We’ve been actively searching for the and still nothing,” Ratchet agreed with Prime, before a smile crossed his face. “Though that party thrown by Pinkie was quite a fun time. I don’t know how she managed to make the cake transform into a pie, though.”

“I have learned with her sometimes it is better to enjoy the confusion instead of questioning it,” Optimus wisely advised Ratchet with a smirk, before his normal, serious look crossed his face. “But this silence concerns me far more than any Con sighting or attack that they have done. They are not gone, yet we cannot find them. Are they bidding their time or is this something far more sinister?”

“At this point I have no idea, Optimus. I have fought the Cons just as long as you have and I’ve never seen them be this quiet for so long,” Ratchet muttered in a worried tone. “But they’re up to something. My gears and spark say that the storm is on the horizon.”

“And my spark would agree with you, old friend. The worst is yet to come,” Optimus agreed before he reached up and turned off the map of the planet they had been looking over. “But until that storm comes, there is nothing we can do for the time being. How are Fluttershy and her friends? I believe a few days ago there was a confrontation between them that I was not here for?”

“You are correct, Optimus, but the girls came out of that stronger than before. Fluttershy managed to not only stop the group from fighting, but also helped Rainbow and Sunset heal a bit,” Ratchet said with nothing but pride in his voice. “Hard to imagine that she’s the very same girl that was scared of her own shadow when we first picked her up. Has Pinkie changed in any way since you first met her?”

“Aside from her watching more anime with giant robots in them, I do not believe she has changed all that much. Though I cannot say the same for myself. I seem to be…drawn to pop music now,” Optimus admitted with a smile. “But then again, she and I have not been through anything remotely like what you and Fluttershy have been through. It does not surprise me that I haven’t had that much of an influence on her like you have with Shy.”

“What influence? All being around me has done is make her as stubborn as me!” Ratchet lamented. “When I first met her, she would listen to my orders and not follow me into dangerous situations! Now it seems that all she does is risk her own life especially against my wishes.”

“She cares for you, old friend. And she is determined to save as many as she can. She reminds me of a younger you,” Optimus said and Ratchet scoffed.

“Please, if she was a younger me she would be letting all of my praise go right to her head. No, she’s a better version of a younger me. Though sadly, not as good looking or intelligent.”

“I am glad to see that you are as humble as ever,” Optimus chuckled.

“Optimus!” Both Ratchet and Optimus turned to see Redheart racing towards them, panic on her face and fear in her eyes. “Optimus, the scanners have just revealed a massive army of Deceptacons heading our way! It-it must be there entire force! There’s no way it could be anything else!”

“Sound the alarm!” Optimus roared before he raced to the control panel. Ratchet was right behind him when he activated the bases outer cameras, revealing that what Redheart had said to be true. Over a hundred Deceptacons were all heading for the base in one, giant swarm, clearly with the knowledge of where the Autobot’s were located.

A siren started to wail inside the base, but all of the Autobots had already gathered around Optimus open hearing his words. “Autobot’s, the Deceptacon threat is now at our front doors. You have each been trained and preparing for this moment. We will not let them get into this chamber. They are here for the girls and if they get their hands on them, it could shift the war in the Deceptacons favor.”

“Ratchet, you, Red Alert and Redheart will stay behind and be ready to provide medical support! If they manage to get past us, use your combination with Fluttershy if you must. The rest of you are with me! We shall either drive them back or finish this war here and now! Autobots, roll out!”

Optimus and all of the other Autobots transformed into their vehicle forms and raced to the three exits, filling the chamber with the sound of the roar of engines. Ratchet raced to the control panel to monitor the fight while Redheart stayed at his side, awaiting his instructions. Red Alert ran around the base and gathered up medical supplies and tools, which they would be needing very soon.

“Ratchet, what do you want me to do?” Fluttershy said into her comms. She and her friends had been on the couches when they heard the news of the attack by the Cons.

“Stay there and don’t do anything. Right now, we need to have faith that Prime and the others will be able to drive the Cons off,” Ratchet replied, but knew that wouldn’t be enough to keep Fluttershy in her seat. “Fluttershy, I need you to store your strength. If the Cons do get in here, you and I will combine to fight them. And I’m going to need you at one hundred percent if we wish to have any chance of driving them off. Am I clear?”

“Yes sir,” Fluttershy muttered, clearly unhappy that she was being benched but knew that Ratchet was right about the combination. Then she glanced over at Curbcheck, who was starting to wake up thanks to all the noise, and placed her hand back on her communicator once more. “Ratchet, if they do get in here, what’s the plan to evacuate the wounded?”

“If they manage to break through Optimus and the others, we have ground bridge coordinates set up that will transport them and your friends to a safe location, one the Cons won’t be able to track,” Ratchet stated before he yelled a warning at one of the Autobots on the battlefield. “But for now sit tight and trust Optimus. He’s gotten us out of worse situations than this.”

Begrudgingly Fluttershy sat back down, wanting to do more but knowing that she had to stay rested in case she was called upon. While she was simply annoyed, a glance at her friends showed that they were resting more in the afraid category, especially Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer.

“Don’t worry, Optimus will keep us safe,” Pinkie said with certainty to her friends, but they didn’t look convinced. Fluttershy on the other hand, was staring at the floor with a look of concern on her face. Something, deep within her very being, was screaming at her, telling her that something was horribly wrong.

“Something doesn’t add up,” Fluttershy muttered to herself, getting her friends to glance at her. “There’s something else going on, something else that we’ve missed. But what?”

Fluttershy then rose to her feet and glanced around the room, trying to figure out what it was. She glanced over at Ratchet, but nothing seemed to be wrong there. A glance at Red Alert showed that he was doing fine. And then when she glanced at Curbcheck she saw that he was awake and had his arm as a shotgun, but he was ready for battle. So what was…

And then she saw it. As she gazes at Curbcheck, out of the corner of her eye she could see the holding cells. The Con that they had captured was standing at the front of the cells with a look of mad glee on his face. And in the other cell the Con stood at the door waiting. That Con never stood up.

Then she moved her head back to Ratchet and she unintentionally locked eyes with Redheart. And then Fluttershy’s heart plummeted into her stomach.

“Ratchet, move!”

Ratchet might have understood what Fluttershy was talking about, but he knew better than to doubt her words. The moment Ratchet rolled out of the way a blast of energon struck the panel, frying it to bits. Fluttershy took a few steps towards Ratchet, just before a barrier of energon shot up behind her. She whipped her head around to see that four walls and a ceiling of energon had formed around her friends, trapping them in an energon cage.

With the destruction of the panel the Cons within their cells burst out to freedom, quickly flanking either side of Redheart. Red Alert transformed his left hand into a red cannon, but Redheart quickly shot him in the chest and sent him sprawling.

Then “Redheart” began to transform. Her white paint with red crosses on it transformed into a murky black with green highlights. She grew in size until she was a full head and shoulders taller than Ratchet. Her wheels that formed on her back blazed with green fire and spikes formed along her shoulders and frame. Finally, her face twisted into a look of evil with a malicious grin, one that stared down at the last Autobot standing, who glared up at her with loathing.

“Very good, Fluttershy. How did you know what I was about to do?” the transformed Con asked Fluttershy.

“I had a feeling something was wrong. Also your Con in the cell gave it away,” Fluttershy spat back, but before she could do anything else Ratchet took control of the conversation.

“So this is where you’ve been. Right alongside us this entire time,” Ratchet snarled as he summoned hi machine gun and scalpel, but he knew it wouldn’t be enough. “That’s why we could never find you, because you’ve been here the whole time.”

“Isn’t that right, Ultracon?”