• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.


A young man of no real consequence is making dinner when he spots a girl. She's in the rain. She's soaked, she's miserable and she's the most forlorn thing he thinks he's probably ever seen. Overcome with a surge of pity like nothing he's ever felt before he invites her in to dry off. She eats his dinner, and things progress from there.

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 87 )

It may be due to the fact that I'm reading this at two in the morning, but I have quite enjoyed this fic so far. It seems to flow well and the awkwardness of the conversations leave a smile on my face, keep up the good work!

Well, I can imagine lots of different directions for this story..... I wonder what the author intended.....

How much time has passed since this story was updated? 1 year? I honestly did not expect it to be updated, but I'm glad I was wrong.

So Sunset is angry about the situation of the protagonist (I do not remember the name, I blame you for having taken 1 year to update) and it seems to be a little obvious the reason why he acts like this, unless he is wrong.

I wait for the next cap ... hopefully it will not take a year for me to leave.

I'm like the wind, son, you can't cage me.

And there's actually a bit that was meant to be on the end of this but I fucked up and missed it off. Will put it in place when I get back home.

Rereading this to remember why I don't like it. I can already see some of the minor things that turned me off of the story. Starting with Sunset I can't see her talking like this especially about "bedding" someone, for hitles sake she's a teenager written for a children's show not for "adults", hate it when people can't write teenagers realistically, the closet thing she'd of done is kiss flash, for Gameras sake there's no such thing as alcohol in either universes and before anyone says anything ciders can be none alcoholic. Moving on to chapter 2.

And like that, I'm hooked. Can't wait to see how this escalates.

I'm genuinely amazed anyone is even reading this.

[Insert Spanish Inquisition joke here.]

Only caught a couple errors, like the bit with the sprinkles. I'm really enjoying how awkward this guy is.

Glad to see the story progressing!

Hmm. My curiosity is now piqued. :duck:


Cool story so far. Feels like I can hear him telling the story. Great work.

You said your social interactions weren't your strong suit, but honestly it's fine. Especially with the undertones in his relationship with Sunset. Great work.

Love this story. Hope you can continue it sometime in the future.

It's my old shame! Entirely forgotten where I was meaning to go with it. But who knows? Anything's possible.

Hi, been reading some of your newer material and I loved it, so I figured I'd read some of your earlier work and was not disappointed. Sad it's unfinished, but I understand sometimes the spark just isn't there. It's better then forcing yourself to write something just for the sake of it.

I like the way your main characters act. Mostly because I am also a shut in who thinks and worries too much. I also liked how these stories have no romance tag, even though there it's an OBVIOUS romantic subplot going on (at least in the ones I've read). I think it's because while there is romance involved it's not the focus of the story so that's why it's not a tag? Regardless I like the choice of excluding the tag, it feels strangely refreshing. It's both hilarious and exasperating how oblivious He is.

That's it. I've done my spiel. I suck at outros.

Awesome that you've started this again! Shame more people don't see it.

Everywhere had a place like this, I reckoned. Must be fundamental, somehow.

My friendly neighborhood Mr. Gatti's Pizza with bullet holes in the windows.

The bit there having been a corpse in the kitchen happened in my town a few years back.


Allegedly. Place did shut down.

And open up across the street again.

I'd pay to hear the culprits thought process on how he thought he'd not get caught.

Read all your stuff yesterday and today (I'd read one of your RD one shots a while back, but Bedbound made me go through and read the rest). I'm really enjoying these! Your humans feel very real.

“I’m not going to tell her if you’re not, and what Sunset doesn’t know won’t hurt her, will it?”

Well bud, you're fucked.

I've heard my gender is highly prone to questionable decision but since the closest I'd ever come to romance was ship fics I wrote I never really understood what people meant; now I do. That man, that poor dense soul has just primed a nuclear weapon and he didn't even see the flashing red lights

“I’m not going to tell her if you’re not, and what Sunset doesn’t know won’t hurt her, will it?”

It kind of hurts more that way

yep. I hate her.

Really glad, too, cause I think Sunset's way better.

Sunset is extremely lovely...

Not in this story, she isn't. More and more, it seems like she's been a complete hypocrite (shunning Adagio and likely the sirens in general and suggesting Anon throw her out on the street because "It's not your problem!", ignoring her own similar situation not so long ago) and is even working the loathesome, entitled, "I shouldn't have to say anything or put forth any effort, he'll obviously fall for me eventually, no chance he'll meet and develop feelings for anyone else before then" angle.

That said, I'm not sure if an actual relationship with Adagio would be best either, especially as it looks like she's still working out what exactly her feelings are (and possibly using her old magic without meaning to, though it's a little ambiguous), but it'd be better than giving in to Sunset's demands at this point.

I have a soft spot for Sunset, really, and while here she may be overreacting she is likely feeling a touch frustrated from having been at the coalface of obliviousness that is the protagonist with nothing to show for it, in spite of it him (fairly obviously, to me) being at the cusp of catching on but deliberately holding himself back.

Eh, it'll all work out I'm sure.

I agree in that Sunset is definitely not the one at fault. I'm thicker than anyone else when it comes to trying to understand women, but even I'd pick up by this point. She couldn't be anymore obvious unless she straight climbed on top of him, and Adagio has proven that doesnt work too well either.

Poor Sunset did everything she was meant to, but unfortunately she was dealing with a male protagonist written by me!

Never stood a chance. Could have nailed a love letter to his forehead and he'd still think it was just a friendly jape.

"Haha. Sunset, you're such a great pal."

Given your past stories I think I will read this

This is the pastest of my past stories.

I remember this story!
Here it was burried in my favorites list and I just now got around to catching up.
I'm the type to react to awkward situations like someone would to watching a horror movie, so let's just say I read some of this through my fingers...:twilightblush:
Well written anyway, good job so far!

I remember the reason I even clicked on this story was because I'd heard Matt Gray on the Technical Difficulties talk about beans on toast and I thought, "Well, you've got my attention."

I do that too! Makes writing it hard, let me tell you.

At this point beans on toast have not featured as heavily as the title might lead you to believe they should.

Well, her personality changed pretty abruptly. If the idea is to erase the sympathy for her that the first ten chapters or so built up, I guess it'll do, but it's a pretty jarring shift. Not that it makes Sunset look any better.



A bright side of being a pessimist is that you can be thrilled to be wrong about things. :raritystarry:
In this case, I'm abundantly pleased to report that I don't know where exactly this story is going, which sets it apart from countless other siren fics in which it seems the same events play out over and over again. I first commented because it looked like things were going to go one of the usual routes, but if not, I'll try not to jump the gun again.

I heard about a thing called Stockholm syndrome once.

Will the other Dazzlings appear?

Good Story,

My only complaint is that the main character seems to loose IQ points as the story progresses. He is fairly well put together and reasonably intelligent in the first several chapters, while in the last few he can barely bang two rocks together.

Other than that, I rather liked it.

The Monk
“On her doorstep was Twilight Sparkle. While Derpy deeply respected the mare, like most in Ponyville, they wished she'd either switch to decaf, or start hitting the harder stuff.” -Dan_s Comments

It's probably because I just started making shit up.

Well, more than usual.


Isn't that was all fiction writing is?

Like I say, its a dam good story, in my opinion.

The Monk
"Knowledge is power and power corrupts, so study and be evil." - Reykan

Wow, can't believe I missed nearly two months of this story. Oh, how much I missed reading other people's stories.

Gotta agree with 9456000 on this, he does seem a little... Slower than usual, but I chalk it up to Adagio just wearing his mind thin with her magic. Can't imagine being sane after having been manipulated by magic for so long, and with no breaks, either. The dude is either figuring out a way to escape, figuring out a way to calm Adagio down, or being manipulated.

And on this note, I can completely understand. I'm doing the same with my story, just writing whatever feels like the most natural way to go. I do have appointments in my head that needs to happen, which was the whole reason I started it, but it takes time to get there. Don't feel bad man.

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