• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 683 Views, 2 Comments

In the name of Canterlot - Goldenglint

the acting captain of the royal canterlot guard must take up arms in the defense of his people.

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a small reprieve

The next few days are spent lying in the bed, the forced trip to the princess actually used up a lot of Glint's strength. During those days Glint drifts in and out of consciousness, he woke during a visit from I.M. and once when his parents were there, but other than that its all a blur. during the time he was asleep he lived in his dreams which other than playing his fight with chrysalis and his near death over and over, he only had one good dream. He dreamed of the mare who saved him, she was there with him at the hospital caring for him tenderly while he lay there unconscious. In the dream he was watching over himself seeing her caring in her eyes treating his wounds, something about her made him remember somepony, but he couldn't place her. As she tended to his wounds she took time with each bandage careful to never disturb him, she would take to singing him sweet lullabies whenever he would stir. her voice was soft as fresh fallen snow and sweet as honey, but her words were muffled so he couldn't understand what she said. as he watched her finish treating him she left with a saddened look and tears welling in her eyes, Glint could feel himself drift away from his self then darkness.

As his eyes blink open he hears the door opening, he rises in the bed quickly finding Shining Armor entering his room. disappointed with his new guest Glint lets out an audible sigh.

"Well I guess I'll just leave." Shining scoffs

"No don't go!" he sounds worried. "It's just i was expecting somepony else." he says downtrodden.

Shining turns to his friend with new found interest. "And who might that be?" a slight smirk forming.

Glint tries to think of what to say, but comes up blank. "To be honest i don't know." he sounds very distraught at the thought of not knowing his savior.

Shining seems very confused. "What do you mean you were expecting somepony, but you have no clue who they are?" honestly curious now.

Glint shakes his head and laughs at himself. "I know it sounds weird, but trust me i know her. i just haven't got her name yet." a chuckle still to his tone. "she's so beautiful her peach coat seems to glisten, and her mane white as snow seems to sparkle." he stops himself from reminiscing further.

Shining Armor looks at him for the longest time, this makes Glint feel oddly uncomfortable. "I believe I've seen her..." he starts only to be met by a up-and-at-em Golden Glint, looking very healthy.

"YOU MUST TELL ME WHERE YOU SAW HER!" his face inches from Shining's own.

"Whoa there soldier you better calm down or you'll pull a stitch." him trying to calm his friend.

"I don't know what you mean, you know just as well as I that the last couple days have been merely observation." Glint of hoovedly remarks. "Just tell me so i can try to thank her for saving my life." true honesty coloring his tone.

Shining Armor sighs hoping to at least win this once. "I saw her leaving the hospital just when i arrived. Other than that i don't know where she was headed." with that glint blows past him, and is down the hall in moments, Shining watches his friend race down the hall with a sense of joy.

as Glint races down past doctors, and nurses all of which yelling for him to return, their word never reaching him his excitement acting a shield to all the things that may slow him. he reaches the entrance looks around seeing many ponies coming, and going. He searches frantically hoping to see to see her, but all hope seems lost when he catches a glimpse of her just cresting over the hill. he began his chase anew, as he made his way to the apex of the hill he sees her turn the corner down another street. He turns the corner finding he only a small distance away now, as the distance closes he feels his heart race, and he finally reaches her when she turns about suddenly.

This catches her off guard, and she lets out a loud scream which catches everyponies attention. "WHY WOULD YOU SNEAK UP ON A LADY LIKE THAT?!" she yells at Glint, then she notices who he is a flush of red colors her cheeks then she bows. "Sir Glint I am so sorry that i made an outburst like that." she looks up expecting the worst.

Glint smiles down at her then begins. "Now don't be so hard on yourself I would expect that from anypony, i mean really if a stallion my size were to be behind me when i turned around it would startle me too." she relaxes at his words. "Now i would like to do something for you as a thank you to show you my appreciation for your saving me." he says eagerly.

She looks to him, and shakes her head. "You haven't even learned my name, and you wish to take me out." she teases. this causes a flush in glints cheeks, he begins to apologizes, but is cut off. "Now let me introduce myself, I am Eminent Kindness, you may call me Emy." she speaks these words carry a sort of power Glint had only seen in ponies of high birth.

Glint clears his throat before he starts. "Well Emy i would be honored if you would accompany me this evening." he pause for a moment to think of where then it hits him. 'As if it could be anywhere else' he thinks to himself. "Meet me at the Griffons roost at four, and be prepared for a great night." this causes her to let out a slight giggle, Glint smiles triumphantly.

She bows slightly then looks up to him. "Sir Glint if you would explain why do you wish to go to that place." she doesn't say it in a quizzical way she almost says if like it isn't a place mentioned in good company.

Glint simply shakes his head. "Just be there at four." he says trotting off. Glint feels very strong right now stronger than he has in a very long time. As he makes his way around the city of Canterlot seeing the remnants of the changeling attack. he wonders if he has it in him to go after Chrysalis, to do justice for what happened to his guardsponies, for the countless civilians harmed or killed in the attack. He holds back his resentment, and anger for that monster. he continues to walk lost in his own mind only half watching where he goes, then as if from nowhere at all I.M. drops right in front of him causing Glint to smack right into him knocking both of them down. "Hey watch it buddy!" he says angrily.

"You know i could say the same to you Glint." he teases. this causes Glint to look up, when he sees who said it he jumps to his hooves picking I.M. up to his giving him a great hug. "Yeah i know man thought i wouldn't see you again either." he says digging into the embrace.

Glint pulls away from his friend. "Did anything happen to you during the attack?" as I.M. explains that he survived with nary a scratch, they stroll on trotting and talking. this continues for a coupe hours, during the time Glint can't help but think how much he will miss these casual talks in the times to come. he decides then, and there that he will make the most of this day. he will take the entire bounty this day holds, never letting go of a scrap, for it will give him strength for the impending decisions he no doubt would have to make.

their talk continues for even more time when finally they stroll past a clock tower Glint catching the time 3:15, he quickly explains to I.M., and dashes down the back alleys and dark corridors of Canterlot. he hopes against hope to make it there in time. when he finally arrives he conjures up a clock to check the time 3:52. he wipes his brow and lets out sigh of relief. he is in a dimly lit back alley with a ornate sign of a Griffon atop a mighty peak, the words painted in golden letters above read Griffons Roost. he stands there for a few minutes gathering himself trying his best to look presentable after his mad dash to this side of the city. time seems to drag on forever, when Glint notices something coming up behind him. his mind runs quickly he turns setting himself low so as to not be pushed around easily. his turn causes the pony behind him to let out a surprised squeal. he sees that it's Emy he relaxes quickly.

she catches her breath. "Glint you should really stop making me scream so much." she says with a awkward chuckle.

he blushes profusely. "So sorry Emy it's the recovery i'm still on edge. I'm sure you know how it goes." he smirks. she relaxes at his words letting a small smile spread across her lips. he gets a good look at her she decided to dress very casual, which he thought was smart considering the local. "So follow me, and stay close this is a pretty rough places, but it's my favorite spot in canterlot." she looks at him as if he said something odd. "The reason is this is the only spot where someone like me even with my high rank will be treated the same as everypony else." he smiles. "You know what come on lets get a table the food here is amazing, and the drink menu is pretty extensive." he begins to go to the the door Emy following close behind. they go in a hallway leads to another door Glint knocks a couple times, a slot in the door slides over revealing a pair of golden avian eyes greet them. "As the Griffon rises he wonders how far he can go." the slot slides back over the loud sound of locks being undone can be heard. Glint looks back to Emy. "So?"

she looks a little sheepish. "Well i still haven't seen the insides." her trying to sound positive. Glint simply shakes his head. "what?" he sounds offended.

surprised Glint replies "Oh nothing, it's just you look kinda scared." she looks down almost embarrassed.

"It's just this place is far from my comfort zone." a shy tone to her voice.

"yeah that's why i wanted to come here, cause if life is about anything it's about new experiences." he says to encourages her, his words must have struck a chord with her, because she immediately changes. her whole expression goes from shy, and unsure to happily enthusiastic in a moment. "You okay?" he asks.

"Yes i am." she says proudly, as the door opens she takes the initiative, and goes in first. she turns to Glint with a sly smile. "You coming?"

Glint's heart pauses, his mind screams yes ma'am. he restrains himself. however, and simply follows her in. the bar smells of ales and spices. it is full wall to wall, with off duty guards, griffons, and some of the toughest ponies you could ever meet. Emy strolls right up to an empty booth taking a seat, Glint takes the seat opposite her. "So i likes this, you being so confident. it's very attractive."

Emy seemed embarrassed by Glints words, her cheeks turn red. "Well thank you Glint, but to be honest i'm never like this around anypony else." she looks at him biting her lip. "Usually i'm the one being the leader the on showing people things the haven't seen before. "I have to admit this is very surreal, and wonderful."

The rest of the night went by without any incident the two ponies spent the night joking, and laughing. they stayed til close it seemed they didn't want this night to end any time soon. By the time they left The Griffons Roost you could see they first peaking rays of sunlight cresting the horizon. they decided to take a stroll to Pony Joe's for a quick bite. He was just opening up when they arrived. He greeted them with a smile and a hot cup of coffee. they continued their walk even after sating their appetite. when they finally reach their destination a dual wave of bittersweet washed over the two. he bid her goodnight, and a pleasent morning considering the time, but before he could turn to leave she pulled him back kissing him for, but a moment before dissappearing behind her door. Glint stood there shock for a time, and when his senses returned he walked home with a certain satisfied swagger to his step.

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