• Published 7th May 2017
  • 7,165 Views, 200 Comments

Cell Vs The Rainbooms #CellGames - Dawn Flower

In the days leading up to the Cell Games, Cell faces off against his latest challenger(s).

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Cell vs. Juniper Montage

Perfect Cell stood in the centre of his Cell Games arena; however, this time, he wasn’t alone. The pegasus filly, Cozy Glow, stood a few feet across from him, standing up – albeit awkwardly – on her hind legs, in a martial arts stance.

“HA!” She suddenly screamed out, thrusting her forehooves out in front of her in a dramatic fashion. However, this was followed by nothing but a long, drawn-out silence, with the pegasus not getting the result that she wanted, and the frustration from this and her loss of focus caused the stance that her body was not built for caused her to fall forward on her face.

“Failed again!” Cell called out from the side. “Remember, Ki isn’t like this ‘magic’ that you have in your world, so you have to think differently if you want to use it.”

“Well, you’re not exactly the best teacher when it comes to explaining this ‘Ki’ stuff, and I have plenty of experience with bad teachers,” Cozy replied as she picked herself back up. “This isn’t as easy as you said it would be.”

“Yes it is,” Cell responded immediately. “Even three-year-olds can grasp this. Are you three years old, Cozy?”

“I’m twelve.”

“And I’m six and look at me!” Cell fired back immediately.

Cozy Glow simply had an annoyed look of defeat on her face as she stood back up on four hooves and brushed herself off. “Well, you disappeared a while back and I had no idea where you were, leaving me to try and figure it out on my own,” she tried to rationalise.

“What are you talking about? Since we were teleported back from Equestria, I’ve been here with you this whole time,” Cell replied hastily, in a rushed tone.

His weird reaction caused Cozy to cock an eyebrow in confusion. “Uhhmm, no, you definitely disappeared for awhi...”

“As I said: I have been here. The whole time,” Cell clarified in a completely serious – almost deflecting – and threatening tone of voice.

Cozy Glow instinctively backed off and dropped her questioning. “Uhhmm, right – the whole time,” Cozy replied, looking away awkwardly.

Now starting to calm down once again, Perfect Cell let out a sigh before continuing. “Look, from what you’ve told me of your life story, you already have the manipulative schemer aspect of villainy down, but now you need actual power to back it up so that all of your plans don’t crumble away once your initial plan fails and you’re left surrounded by – from what you’ve told me – I can only assume is the worst military to ever exist, anywhere. Since you apparently can’t use magic as a pegasus, Ki is a good alternative, and the Kamehameha is basically free real estate.”

Suddenly, Cell sensed somebody approaching the arena and turned to see who it was. It was – surprise surprise – a teenage girl, with pale, light grayish olive coloured skin, and green hair tied back in pigtails. She also wore a large pair of glasses on her face, which made her look like a hipster.

“Well, Cozy, looks like your training dummy here, so now you can properly test what you’ve learned. And here I was actually starting to get hopeful that these annoying interruptions were starting to cease.”

“Hi there, my name’s Juniper Montage,” the girl spoke up, waving in the direction of the big, green, bug-man. “I saw your announcement on T.V, and the Twitter following that you got was super impressive, so I figure that if I get a selfie with you and post it on Twitter, that will make me Internet famous and then my uncle will have no choice but to cast me in his movie, and then I can become real famous.” She gushed.

“Another millennial?” Cell then looked back to Cozy Glow again. “Yup, she’s all yours; go ahead and kill her.”

Cozy Glow simply nodded back in affirmation, confident that she would succeed this time. She then stood up straight, balancing on her two back hooves again, as she then brought her two front hooves together. “Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Ha!” She shouted out, aiming her forehooves out towards the human girl in front of her.

Sadly, the result was the same as last time; which is to say, no result.

Seeing this little pony standing up on its hind legs and posing like that made Juniper start gushing over her cuteness. “Oh. My. Gosh. That is the cutest thing I have ever seen.” She then took out her phone. “I totally need a picture of this.”

Cozy huffed in frustration at her failed attempt. Seeing her like this, Cell decided to speak up – ignoring the human girl in front of him completely – to give the pegasus some words of encouragement. “Remember, learning the basics of Ki control comes from your emotions. Now if I were a good guy, I’d say something like, ‘think of something that makes you happy’, but since we’re villains, how about we go the opposite route and you think of something that makes you angry, like say... Twilight Sparkle?”

“Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Ha!” Cozy Glow immediately screamed out, this time unleashing a massive energy blast that completely engulfed the teenage girl in front of her, vaporising her on the spot, before either she or Cell knew what happened.

After the blast had subsided, and the initial euphoria had worn off, Cozy Glow finally realised that she had succeeded in unleashing a massive Ki blast that completely vaporised someone... and she smirked. “Yes, now I have actual power to back up my manipulations! Nobody can stop me! I’m unstoppable! Mwuhahahahahahahahahahahaha!”

Seeing Cozy Glow laugh maniacally to herself, Cell could only stare at her, wide-eyed. “I may have just created a monster,” he deadpanned to himself. A moment later, he simply shrugged. “Eh, no matter. It’s not something I have to worry about.

“Alright, good job, Cozy. Now we’ll move on to your next lesson: after I’ve killed Goku and his friends at the Cell Games, I’m then going to blow up the planet, and then we’ll travel the universe, jumping from planet to planet so that I can test my perfection against the rest of the universe,” he explained. “So to ensure that you’ll be able to keep up, your next lesson will be seeing how long you can hold your breath in space.”

“Haha...” Cozy suddenly halted in her laughter. “Wait wha...” However, before she could finish, Cell quickly grabbed her and threw her upwards, into orbit.

After a few seconds, with Cell simply standing there, frozen in place, with his arms in the same position, he then cracked a smile. “Eh, she’ll be fine.”

Comments ( 11 )

“So to ensure that you’ll be able to keep up, your next lesson will be seeing how long you can hold your breath in space.”

“Haha...” Cozy suddenly halted in her laughter. “Wait wha...” However, before she could finish, Cell quickly grabbed her and threw her upwards, into orbit.

After a few seconds, with Cell simply standing there, frozen in place, with his arms in the same position, he then cracked a smile. “Eh, she’ll be fine.”


Welp, RIP Cozy Glow. She died as she lived: full of hot air.

AT LAST!!! Also, my sides! X,D ...However, I really DO hope that Cozy Glow doesn't die up there. Seeing her with Cell just seems right, like the dynamic duo or some shit.

Okay, now I'm hoping for a chapter where Cell is confronted by a revived Twilight and Sci-Twi, only for both to be vaporized by Cell and Cozy Glow.

Sadistic? Maybe. Hilarious? Absolutely!:heart:

Luna survived 1000 years in the vacuum of space, and Gokue fought Beerus in space briefly, and even had a conversation. She's also a cute cartoon horse. evil or not, I'm sure she's fine....pr she'll be revived with Spike's nads before the end of the season.

Really great and funny stuff, do hope for potentially more chapters. Seriously don't know why but just love the idea of Cozy Glow being Cell's sidekick/student.

Dawn Flower have you ever considered Having Cell face off against the Cutie mark Crusaders

She was in fact, Not fine

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