• Published 8th May 2017
  • 670 Views, 2 Comments

Their Date - Blueninetails

A side story to 'Final Boss: Sweetie Belle'. Find out what happened between Spike and Applebloom during that Friday Night Sweetie and Button went on their date.

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Chapter 1

"No! I have better things to do on my Friday night than help Sweetie Belle with her date." Spike remarked as he continued to place books back onto their rightful places on the shelves.

Spike had been diligently working to finish organizing the books around the library, as per the request of Twilight, so he could meet up with some of his guy friends later for a fun evening of bad movies, games, and junk food. The task was made much easier since he had grown to be almost the size of a full grown stallion in the last couple of years.

Then the Cutie Mark Crusaders came by requesting his help. The trio went directly to the new library after they left school, immediately seeked out the young drake's help, and explained what they were trying to do. The plan was that the three of them had converted the barn to a makeshift restaurant area for Sweetie and Button's date later that evening, which admittingly surprised Spike for more than one reason.

"Come on, Spike! What could possibly be more important than helping out Sweetie Belle?" Scootaloo asked

"Plenty." he quickly remarked, "Aside from reorganizing these books, I still need to go back into town and buy some ink and parchment for Twilight, pick up my order from Sugarcube Corner, and then I'm suppose to meet up with Snips, Snails, and Pip to go to Rumble's place for movies and pizza."

"I can understand the first two, but seriously, you're just gonna hang out with the guys?! It'd be WAY more helpful if you just helped us."

"True, but it wouldn't be as fun, and I won't get a chance to hang out with my friends."

"Hey! We're yer friends too ya know." Applebloom rang in.

"True, but I'm closer friends with the guys than you three." Spike stated. "Besides, almost nine out of ten times I've helped you girls out, something always happens which makes me regret it later."

"Oh yeah?" Scootaloo challenged. "Tell us one occasion that happened."

"Well, last time, I almost broke my leg with that ridiculous idea you had with Pinkie's Party Cannon. I just consider myself lucky that as a dragon I'm built sturdy."

"Hey, it was our first time with a cannon, you can't blame us for setting the air pressure too high."

"Before that, was the Everfree tree sap incident. You, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle accidentally ended up almost glued to my tail and my right leg because you touched some blue tree sap that acts like rubbery super glue, and threatened to harden to an almost crystal-like texture."

"Oh, it wasn't that bad. I mean, Sweetie, Applebloom, and myself usually got our selves covered in tree sap years ago." Scootaloo stated with an embarrassed grin, remembering that one was specifically her fault.

"We had to get Zecora's help just to find a solvent to get us loose, and the formula she made was almost like acid." Spike stated angrily, his frills flaring out. "That was why she didn't want to use it on us till we were back in Ponyville, and near a flowing river, so we could wash the stuff off of us once we got unstuck."

The trio of young mares turned their attention away from Spike, looking everywhere but where the young dragon's direction.

"Shall I proceed with what happened before that?" He asked crossing his arms. "I'll give you a hint, it happened a year ago on Nightmare Night, and involved Scootaloo's scooter, Roseluck's stand, and about ten pounds worth of chocolate fondue."

"I actually forgot about that one." Sweetie stated as she nervously scratched the side of her head.

"Ya made yer point, Spike." Applebloom embarrassingly admitted. "If ya really refusin' ta help us out, then that's fine. We ain't gonna blame ya. This time though, Ah can promise ya that there ain't a way anythin' bad is gonna happen t' ya this time."

Spike didn't say anything but raised a brow, interested in how Applebloom would plan to keep that promise.

"We just need ya ta help put everythin' tah-gether ta make it all fancy."

"And what makes you three think I know how to make anything fancy?"

"Well, you did use to live in Canterlot." Sweetie Belle stated.

"Yeah, especially in the castle since you were Twilight's assistant while she was a student at Princess Celestia's school, right?" Scootaloo added.

"Hm..., point taken."

"So will ya do it?" Applebloom asked.

Spike hesitated for a moment before saying, "I dunno. What makes you so sure you can keep that promise?"

"It won't take much, ya just need ta be there fer an hour or so, and ya can leave. Nothin' bad can happen in an hour."

"We'll even pay you." Sweetie rang in.

"Pay me?!" He asked in a surprised tone.

Sweetie then used her magic to take out a medium-sized bit bag from her saddlebag and gave it to Spike.

Spike accepted it with a surprised look on his face, before it changed to a look of shock. Inside the bit bag were three sapphires and two rubies.

"Where did you-?"

"Rarity gave them to me to use on some of the dress designs I try to do once in a while; but, I decided to use them for this instead." Sweetie explained. "I know you like gemstones, Spike."

"All five of those are yours to keep, you just have to help us." Scootaloo stated.

"Please, Spike, we really need yer help with this." Applebloom begged.

Spike didn't say anything as he looked at the gems he was now holding, then gave a loud sigh, "I'm going to regret doing this, I just know I will."

"So you'll help?" Sweetie excitedly asked, a wide grin, which were shared by Applebloom and Scootaloo, on her face.

"Yeah, I'll help. Mind you, I'm going to make sure you keep that promise that nothing bad will happen. Understood?"

"We understand." All three replied back almost simultaneously.

To help speed up the process, Applebloom and Scootaloo went out to tend to Spike's other duties for the day, while Spike and Sweetie Belle worked to finish organizing all the books. Initially, Spike was hesitant to let Sweetie Belle assist him, mostly since she didn't understand the particular parameters of Twilight's organization, but with a little of careful instruction Sweetie was able to be of great help to Spike. Once everything was completed, all four made the trip to Sweet Apple Acres, where the Crusaders already had a few things prepared.

For the most part, a majority had already been set up: the main Apple Family barn was already cleaned up, the make-shift table, which was a large wooden tub, was already set up, and bales of hay stacked on the sides to block out the usual farm animal stalls and tools as well as act as make-shift walls. At the house, There were already clean pots and pans, as well as some fresh vegetables and other ingredients on the table, ready for use in what Spike could assume would be pasta.

Overall, the girls seemed to have what they needed; though, it was still a far cry from the 'fancy' restaurant they were aiming for. Considering the barn is probably where it mattered the most, Spike poured all his focus in and around the area of the barn, and immediately started advising and barking orders to the Crusaders to help improve the overall feel of the barn. The addition of having a tablecloth over the table and a candle, as well as some extra decorations were among the improvements he had suggested. He also suggested having another source of light on in the barn; while the girls' idea of using moonlight to lighten up the area was a good idea and rather romantic, it might make any unlit areas unnerving and may take away from the intended atmosphere. Fortunately, some Hearths Warming lights, not too dim yet not bright enough to take away from their goal, were easily found among the supplies around the barn.

At the moment, Applebloom was trying to position a large-potted plant in a way that didn't bother her, while Spike was sweeping away bits of hay they had inadvertently knocked off the bales when they were working to hang the Hearths Warming lights. He was also mildly concerned that he occasionally heard the sound of light snoring as he worked, but since Applebloom didn't seem to react to the sound, and he couldn't quite find the source, he assumed it was just his ears playing tricks on him.

Spike let out a silent sigh as he looked out towards the orchard, taking note of the sun's position before determining it's been more than an hour since he started helping the girls out. Since Applebloom did say about an hour, and it's been more than an hour, he decided to see if he could finish what he was doing then leave. Maybe with some luck he'll still have time to get to Rumble's home to enjoy some pizza and games.

He then turned to look at Applebloom, seeing her still trying to figure out what to do with that plant. He sighed and said, "The plant's fine, Applebloom. It was fine ten minutes ago, and it's fine now."

"Ya sure...? Somethin' about it just don't feel right ta me." She remarked as she cocked her head to side.

"Yes, I'm sure."

Applebloom still didn't seem convinced though as she continued to stare at the plant and contemplate what seemed off.

Spike sighed audibly as he rolled his eyes, before giving the plant a look over. He couldn't quite say what kind of plant it was, though he could hazard a guess that it was a green corn plant, and a rather tall one at that. It looked to be in fairly good health, save for a couple of dead leaves that still clung to the lower part of the stem on the plant.

After a moment of silence, Spike gave a mischievous smirk as he figured out what may finally get Applebloom to leave that plant alone. "Hey, I think I know what's wrong with it."

"What?" she asked without tearing her attention away from the plant, before seeing a green glow from the corner of her eye and feeling the increase of temperature in the direction of the glow, resulting in her jumping away in surprise.

Spike had let out a thin stream of his fire breath, thin enough to properly clip off and burn away two of the dead leaves of the plant without igniting more of the plant or risk burning down the barn.

"A trim." he remarked, before immediately dropping the broom and using his arms to protect himself as Applebloom ran over to him and started trying to hit his head with her front hooves.

"You stupid reptile! Were yah tryin' ta burn me?!" Applebloom shouted.

"No, of course not."

"Then what's the matter about jus' tellin' me!? Ya got a mouth and ya can talk!"

Spike didn't reply, but he did chuckle at Applebloom's attempts to hit him, thankful that his scales easily protected him from most injuries. Granted of course that he could still feel the points Applebloom hit him.

"If ya weren't mah friend, and ah wouldn't get in trouble, ah'd shove yer head into a tree." She gave one last strike with both her hooves, knocking Spike right onto his tail.

"Ow." He merely remarked, as Applebloom turned so she wasn't look at him anymore. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry Applebloom. I didn't mean it." He apologized with a chuckle.

She didn't show any signs of acknowledging his apology.

"Since everything seemed to be in order now, and it's been more than an hour, I'm thinking of going now."

"Fine, git."

"Before I go though, mind if I ask you something that's been bugging me since I got here?"

She turned to look at him from over her shoulder, clearly still upset about almost getting burned.

"How did you convince the rest of your family to agree to this?"

Applebloom's eyes widened and she looked away from him.

"I know you paid me for my services to help, but how did you convince your family to go along with this? The usage of several decorative pieces from your home, the space within the barn, and of course use of personal supplies to make the dinner, which I'm assuming you probably meant to be free of charge since it's for Sweetie Belle and you're helping her out. I know it's family and all and your probably free to use the stuff here within reason, and I'm sure your family isn't against you helping out a friend, but still, how did you convince them?"

"They, uh..." Applebloom hesitated for a moment before continuing. "They don't actually know ah'm doin' this?"

"They don't?" He asked with a surprised expression, "But, how?"

"Ah, uh, forgot ta tell 'em." she admitted as she turned to look at him again, offering a nervous grin, "Granny and Big Mac are actually out o' town in Appleloosa, helpin' Cousin Braeburn with the orchard there."

"And, Applejack...?"

Applebloom took a brief glance outside, looking to see where the sun was to guess the current time, then looked back at Spike, "Probably comin' back from the market soon."

Before Spike could guess how much trouble he probably was in now as an accomplice to all of this, they both heard somepony clear their throat. Looking to see who it was, they saw Applejack, Twilight, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo at the door of the barn. Applejack had a very unamused expression on her face, Rarity and Twilight looked confused, and Scootaloo and Sweetie looked nervous.

Applebloom forced a nervous laugh, "H-howdy, Sis."

"Hey, Twilight, Rarity..." Spike's greeting drifted a bit before nervously settling on the final name. "Applejack."

"Howdy, Applebloom. Howdy, Spike." she replied back, "Ah'd ask what was goin' on 'ere, but we already got Sweetie Belle ta tell us what ya'll were doin' ta the barn."

Sweetie nervously grinned.

"What ah wanna know is why did ah have ta hear it from Sweetie Belle, rather than from you, Applebloom?"

"Ah, uh... plum forgot ta tell ya." she responded with a sheepish grin.

Applejack sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose, "How did ya forget ta ask about turnin' the family barn into a restaurant?" she paused to let Applebloom reply, but when she didn't, "Yer lucky Big Mac ain't here right now, or ah'd make sure ya'd be grounded fer a week."

Her ears flattened against her head.

"Finish what yer doin' Applebloom, then I want ya washed up, and ready ta eat dinner in an hour and a half from now." Applejack stated pushing the Apple cart into the barn.

"Huh? What about-?"

"The date? Ah'm sure some fancy froo-froo restaurant will be open in town somewhere."

"But, Applejack!"

"But, nothin'." She replied firmly, then relaxed. "Sis, ah know ya wanted ta help, and ah can't be angry at'cha fer that, but ah just don't think we have enough supply ta be pretendin' ta be a restaurant. What were ya goin' ta serve? We ain't got much ingredients left other than fer the two of us till Big Mac and Granny comes back, and somepony can do a little grocery shoppin'."

The expression on Applebloom's face seemed to show that this was another oversight. Part of her almost ready to just agree, but another part still searching for a way to make this happen.

Twilight took notice, taking sympathy towards Applebloom. "Applejack, if that's all it takes, then I wouldn't mind finding some ingredients back at the castle you could use."

"Ah really don't want ta impose, Twi'light."

"It'd be no trouble at all, Applejack."

"Please, Applejack, we've been tryin' ta work on this fer a week now." Applebloom begged.

"Wait, ya three have been workin' this out fer a week? So why am I just hearin' about this now?"

Applebloom nervously shrugged.

"We wanted something that wouldn't be too costly." Scootaloo rang in, "And, we figured making it happen ourselves would be the best way to go about it."

"We wanted ta make it nice fer Sweetie's date."

"I'll vouch for them, Applejack." Spike rang in, "They asked me to help, and I can say they already had a lot done when I got here. They even paid me to help them make everything look nice."

"How much did they pay you, Spike?" Twilight asked, a genuine curious look on the faces of the three older mares.

Spike hesitate for a brief moment, "How much is three sapphires and two rubies?"

"Three sapphires and two rubies?! Where did you three find those?" Twilight asked.

"From me, correct?" Rarity asked as she looked at Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie nodded, "From the gems you gave me to use. I decided to just give them to Spike for helping us. We really needed to make everything look fancy."

Applejack remained silent to let it sink in, then turned to Twilight, silently asking what she thought about all this.

"I think you should, Applejack. If what Spike is saying is true, then I believe all the work they've put into this should be allowed some chance to be rewarded."

Applejack then looked towards Rarity.

"As much it pains me to say so, darling, I think we should allow them to hold Sweetie's date here at the, ugh..." Rarity's voice lowered to a quiet shudder. "barn."

"Ah guess that's it then." Applejack admitted.

"We can hold the date here?" Sweetie asked with a wide hopeful smile on her face.

Applejack chuckled, "Eeyep, ya can hold yer date 'ere at the barn."

The three younger mares gave a cheer and hugged.

"Still though, ya won't be able ta do a restaurant." Applejack stated with a smirk, "A' least not without some help."

"Yer willin' ta help out, Sis?"

"Granny Smith will have mah tail if ya make a mess around here, Applebloom. 'Sides, with ya forgettin' a couple of things, ya probably would appreciate the extra hoof with yer plan."

"We'll help too." Twilight voiced in, to which Rarity gave a nod of affirmation.

"Same here with me." Spike stated.

"But ya already did." Applebloom stated.

"Yeah, but I vouched for you, and after hearing you've been planning this stuff out for a while now, I'm willing to give ya a helping claw." He smirked, "Maybe in the kitchen, I do have good cooking skills."

"Whoa there, sugarcube, if we're usin' the kitchen here at Sweet Apple Acres, it's gonna be me that's working in the kitchen." Applejack stated.

"Allow him to at least help, Applejack." Twilight rang in, "I can personally say he does knows his way around a kitchen."

"Still the one makin' sure ya eat right, Twilight?" she asked with a smirk, to which the alicorn blushed in embarassment.

"What the hay. I'll help too." They heard a voice ring out above them.

The bunch looked up towards the voice, finding Rainbow Dash, who was lazily hanging the front half of her body over the edge from the roof of the barn.

"Oh, that's where the snoring was coming from. I guess I should've figured it was Rainbow Dash." Spike muttered to himself.

"Rainbow Dash? What in Equestria are doing up there?" Twilight asked.

"I was napping." She replied back.

"Consarnit, Rainbow! Why are ya always sleepin' around the farm fer?" Applejack asked.

"What can I say, it's kinda comfortable sleeping around here."

Rarity then looked back at her sister and her friends, "Well, it would appear you have quite the amount of help now, Sweetie."

Sweetie nodded, and looked at everyone around them, and said, "Thank you." a huge happy smile plastered on her face.

"This is gonna be awesome!" Scootaloo cheered just before the group started devising on what they needed to get done in preparation for Sweetie and Button's date.

Author's Note:

I know, I really shouldn't be doing this, starting a new story when I got plenty pending updates as it is, but I was sorta in a SpikeBloom mood, so I couldn't resist working on this one right now.

Initial plan was to hold off submitting this story till at least the next one was up and ready to read, but with my editor's and my current schedules, it seems to be making that difficult to do. The next two of what I'm thinking to be a four chapter story is done, but they still need proper editing and a little extra detailing here and there. I'll release those in due time, until then please enjoy this new story.

I'll do my best to get new chapters out for the other stories later, including a story that's been awaiting a proper update for over six years.