• Published 16th May 2017
  • 1,749 Views, 25 Comments

Sweet Affection 2: Friends and Romance - Masterob

Starlight hopes to be a good mentor to the Crusaders and other foals while Rumble and Tender Taps try to help each other when it comes to filly love.

  • ...

Getting Help from Friends

The foals were nervous as they were flown away by Chrysalis and her Changelings. Each were in a separate barrier, wishing they were near each other for comfort, especially Rumble and Sweetie Belle.

"Rumble, I'm so worried, I really want you next to me," Sweetie Belle said, tears in her eyes.

"I know, I'm still here for you," Rumble reassured.

Scootaloo started angrily banging on the barriers, "I'm gonna make you all regret capturing us!"

"Yeah!" Dinky shouted. "We've been training with Starlight Glimmer! Well mostly me and Sweetie Belle, but still!"

"Oh be quiet!" a Changeling shouted. "What annoying little pests."

"Ignore them," Chrysalis said. "Their just being bratty little foals, they'll learn soon enough of our power."

"What are you even planning Chrysalis?" Apple Bloom asked.

"That is not for you to know, such knowledge couldn't be understood by mere foals anyway," Chrysalis said.

"I'm a lot smarter than ah look, and ah could say the same fer mah friends," Apple Bloom said.

"Still, I don't see the need to explain myself to mere foals," Chrysalis said.

Rumble hit the barrier a bit, "You won't win, whatever you're planning! Soon Starlight will find us, or she'll get Twilight and Thorax to help! You're not strong enough to defeat all of them!"

"Watch your tone with our Queen brat!" a Changeling shouted.

"He's not wrong!" Sweetie Belle shouted. "Once my sister Rarity finds out about this, she's gonna be mad! I wouldn't be surprised if her coltfriend and Rumble's big brother Thunderlane finds out sooner! He's gonna be just as mad!"

"Just as I expect," Chrysalis said. "They'll come to find you, because they love you, and that love will give us power. Plus with you around, I have something over them, making it much easier to defeat them."

"Don't underestimate their abilities Chrysalis!" Rumble shouted. "They're gonna beat you, so you might as well just let us go and fly away for good!"

"Just be quiet!" a Changeling shouted and hit the barrier hard to cause a magic zap to Rumble.

"Ow! Hey that hurt!" Rumble shouted as he rubbed his sides.

Sweetie Belle banged on her barrier. "Don't hurt my coltfriend!"

"Quiet or you'll feel that too!" the Changeling shouted.

Rumble growled a bit, "Don't you say that to her! I'll fight you myself if I have to!"

"Aw, such young love, keep those two close together if you don't mind," Chrysalis said.

"As you wish," the Changeling said, moving the orbs near each other.

"Rumble..." Sweetie Belle said, her hoof on the barrier.

"Don't worry Sweetie Belle, soon the others will save us," Rumble said, hoping to look reassuring as possible.

Truthfully Rumble himself was very scared, but he wouldn't show that in front of Sweetie Belle. He has to make sure she feels safe and have hope that they will be saved.

Tender Taps was just sitting in frustration. He had just gotten a chance to date Apple Bloom, now he was captured by Changelings. He doesn't even know what to do now. He really hopes to see Twilight again, he hopes she can save him from the Changelings.

Apple Bloom noticed how upset Tender Taps looked, she doesn't like seeing him that upset. She started making some plans, once she has the chance to, she will get all of her friends to safety, in time for her sister and the other Elements to handle the Changelings. She already claimed to be smarter than she looks, now she's going to prove it.

Back with Starlight, she is struggling to get up after her attack from Chrysalis, feeling a bit sore. "Damn, that wasn't pleasant." She then noticed Trixie making her way towards her.

"That didn't turn out so well now did it," Trixie asked.

"No, and now I'm worried about the foals," Starlight said. "They're probably really scared right now."

"Of course, being captured by Chrysalis isn't very pleasant, I know from experience," Trixie said.

Starlight glared a bit, "That's not helping."

"Sorry, but truthfully it's worse for me, because I know what they're going through, I don't like that. I want to save those foals as much as you do," Trixie said.

"We obviously can't do it alone, we're gonna need help," Starlight said.

"From who though? Twilight is all the way at The Changeling Hive, how did we even get there the last time?" Trixie asked.

"Discord! But I don't know how to call him," Starlight said.

"I don't think he'd help this time, he has nothing to benefit. Besides I would rather not work alongside him if I can help it," Trixie said.

"Trixie, now isn't the time for that, I know you and Discord aren't the best of friends but you need to put that aside," Starlight said.

"I still have my other point, I really don't think he'll be interested in helping. We should just go find Rumble's brother, he'll need to know what's going on," Trixie said.

Starlight nodded, "Alright then, let's go." She then lead Trixie towards where Thunderlane's home is. That took longer than expected
since Starlight doesn't go to Rumble's home often, in fact she doesn't really go there at all and has only passed by on occasion. Eventually they found where Rumble lived in Ponyville.

"Alright, here we go," Starlight said and knocked on the door, waiting for a response. "Wait, how am I even gonna tell him this!?"

"Tell him what? That his brother was captured by Changelings?" Trixie asked.

"Yes that, imagine being told something like that!" Starlight said.

"Well if he's gonna help, he'll need to know," Trixie reminded. "It might be hard for him but he's one of the only ones who can help."

Starlight sighed, "You're right, Thunderlane is a good pony to help since he's trained by The Wonderbolts."

"I'll help you tell him, make it easier for you," Trixie said.

Eventually the door opened, Thunderlane was standing at the doorway. "Starlight Glimmer? Little surprised to see you."

"Yeah, surprising huh?" Starlight said with a nervous chuckle.

Thunderlane turned to Trixie, "Aren't you that mare with the silly magic tricks?"

"They're not silly," Trixie said.

Thunderlane shook it off. "Anyway what brings you both here? Especially you Starlight, aren't you giving magic lessons or something?"

"About that, there was a little problem, you see-" Starlight was interrupted by Trixie.

"Hold on, before you answer that," Trixie looked to Thunderlane. "Are you truly Thunderlane?"

"Huh?" Thunderlane asked. "What does that mean?"

Starlight looked confused, "Trixie...what are you doing?"

"Making sure he's the real one," Trixie said.

Starlight looked confused, then remembered that he might be a Changeling pretending to be Thunderlane. They nearly forgot about that possibility, so she joined in. "So, are you dating anypony?"

Thunderlane's eyes widened, "Huh!? You know I'm dating Rarity!"

"What about your little sister?" Starlight asked.

"I have a little brother," Thunderlane corrected. "Who is dating Rarity's little sister."

"And who's your little brother?" Trixie asked.

"Rumble, seriously what's with these weird questions!?" Thunderlane asked.

Trixie glared a bit longer, then turned to Starlight. "His name is Rumble right?"

Starlight furrowed her brow, "Yes Trixie! You still haven't figured out his name!?"

"Wait I remember, Rumble's been saying how you've come to the castle to be a pain!" Thunderlane said.

"I don't come to be a pain! I come to help but the foals are being...oh wait, if you know this then you're definitely not a Changeling," Trixie said.

Thunderlane scoffed, "Of course I'm not a...wait Changeling?"

"Yeah, Changelings came into Ponyville and captured Rumble and the other foals. We wanted to make sure they weren't pretending to be anypony else," Trixie said.

Starlight's eyes widened at how Trixie just said it so casually almost. "Trixie!"

"What is it?" Trixie asked, looking to Starlight. "I'm just making sure he's not a Changeling."

Starlight pointed to a now freaked out Thunderlane. Trixie started to realize that perhaps she didn't say that as well as she should have. "I should have worded that better."

"My little brother was captured by Changelings!?" Thunderlane shouted, then flew up to look around. "Which way did they go! I gotta get Rumble back!"

"Thunderlane what's happening!" they heard from inside the home. The two looked to see Flitter running outside. "What's this about Rumble and Changelings!?"

Cloudchaser also ran outside and noticed Starlight and Trixie, "What's going on!?"

Thunderlane landed down and faced his two friends, "Rumble's been captured by The Changelings! He and the other foals, including Dinky!"

Flitter's pupils shrank, "My, little, Rumble...?" Suddenly tears formed in her eyes. "He's been captured...by those Changelings!?"

"Hey hold up!" Cloudchaser said. "What's going on anyway? I thought Changelings were our friends now! Did that Thorax guy go against us or something!?"

"It wasn't Thorax, these Changelings are still loyal to Chrysalis, she even showed up herself to take the foals," Starlight said.

"Chrysalis! She's back!?" Flitter asked.

"Yes, she's trying to take down Twilight again, I thinks he wants to use those foals for her plan," Starlight said.

"We gotta do something then!" Thunderlane shouted. "We need to go after them!"

"We can't go alone, we need to let Twilight know. Chrysalis expects her but we don't have much choice, at the very least we can probably get her sooner than she expects, it could take her by surprise," Starlight said.

"Twilight's all the way at The Changeling Kingdom though," Thunderlane said.

"One of us can fly there and let them know," Cloudchaser suggested.

"That's a great idea," Starlight said. "Plus maybe we can also talk to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, as well as The Wonderbolts."

"I'll go get The Wonderbolts," Thunderlane said. "Though I'd much rather go find my brother."

"Think about it though," Starlight said. "If you go right now, you might not be able to save him, there's not much you can do by yourself."

"I still have to try, he's my little brother!" Thunderlane said.

"I know he is, believe me I want to just go after them myself but if we don't do this right we won't be saving anypony," Starlight said. "You have to plan this out otherwise things won't go so well."

Thunderlane sighed, "Fine, I'll go see if I can find Spitfire."

"Who's gonna go let Twilight know?" Starlight asked.

"I can do that," Flitter said. "I'm pretty fast, even if I'm not a Wonderbolt or training to be one like Thunderlane and my sister, I can still move pretty fast."

"This might be an odd request, but do you think you can take me with you?" Trixie asked. "I know the situation better and I know Thorax pretty well, I want to be the one to explain it to him. Plus I have an idea of where the Changeling Hive is, I've only been there a couple of times since I helped save it but I should be able to guide you there."

Flitter tapped her chin, "Yeah, I should be able to fly you. You don't seem that heavy anyway."

"Alright, and now we just need to get to The Princesses," Starlight said and turned to Cloudchaser. "Mind doing the same as your sister any flying me to the castle?"

"I can do that," Cloudchaser said and lowered herself. "Climb on."

"You too Trixie," Flitter said, lowering herself as well.

The two mares nodded and each sat on the backs of their Pegasus ponies. This felt a little odd to them but they needed to get this done.

"Alright, come on...I'm sorry I don't think I know your name," Trixie said.

"My name's Flitter, my sister is Cloudchaser," Flitter answered.

"Ok Flitter, as you might know, I am The Great and Powerful Trixie, but you may simply refer to me as Trixie, though if you choose to use 'Great and Powerful', I will not mind," Trixie said.

Flitter rolled her eyes, then chuckled a bit. "Wow, you really have a grand opinion of yourself, just like Rainbow Dash."

"Yes well, off we go then," Trixie said as Flitter flew up and out of Ponyville.

Cloudchaser also flew up, "It should take long for me to get to Princess Celestia's Castle, hold on tight." With that she too flew out of Ponyville.

Thunderlane flew up, facing the direction of where The Wonderbolts Academy would be, "Really hope they can help." Before he flew off to find Spitfire, he heard another voice.


Thunderlane turned to see Derpy, "Oh, Derpy it's you."

Derpy rushed to him, "What's happening? I think I saw some Changelings not too long ago, then I heard a big blast near the castle."

"Long story, come with me to The Wonderbolts Academy, I'll explain as we're flying," Thunderlane said.

Derpy nodded, "Right." The two then flew off together.

As Flitter flew towards The Changeling Kingdom, Trixie was shielding her face from the wind. "Wow you're a really fast flyer! Why aren't you a Wonderbolt?"

"I wasn't that interested, besides I hear it's pretty tough and I don't think I can handle that. I'm happy where I am though," Flitter said.

"That's all that matters I guess," Trixie said. "So tell me, what's your relation to Rumble?"

"I take care of him with my sister, he's kinda like a little brother. He's very sweet and adorable, I love to give him hugs too. He's a cuddly little colt," Flitter said.

"Seems like that other filly has his attention now though," Trixie said.

Flitter groaned, "Yeah, too much attention. Since he started dating Sweetie Belle, Rumble seemed different. I can't say it's a bad thing since he's a lot more confident and sure of himself, but I kinda liked when he was a little more shy. It made me want to cuddle with him more."

"Looks like you miss his attention," Trixie said.

"I do, I mean I know he still loves me like he always did and he's still very polite, I just wish he didn't give her that much attention. Plus I worry she's too much like her sister, I've seen those flirty eyes she's been giving Rumble, plus Thunderlane said they've been kissing more and more lately, like really kissing," Flitter said.

"I know, I was them at the castle once, such passion," Trixie said.

Flitter gritted her teeth, "He's not ready for that, those two need to make sure they don't get too passionate."

Trixie shook her head, "Anyway let's not worry about that. Besides I'm sure once Rumble's been saved, he'll more than enjoy a hug from you."

"Right, I'll be the one to save him then," Flitter said with determination. "Anyway are we almost there?"

"Just a bit longer," Trixie said. "Let's hurry."

"Right!" Flitter said and flew much faster toward The Changeling Hive, further motivated by her desire to save Rumble.

With Cloudchaser, she and Starlight were already close to Celestia's castle.

"Good thing Ponyville and Canterlot aren't that far from each other," Starlight said. "I just hope none of the Changelings are there either."

"Hey, why would The Changelings only go to Twilight's castle anyway?" Cloudchaser asked. "Why didn't they capture all of Ponyville like before?"

"I don't think there are as many Changelings," Starlight said. "They probably can take over a place like they used to. They have to plan things carefully."

"If there aren't that many, why don't we just go after them ourselves like Thunderlane suggested?" Cloudchaser said.

"I don't know how many there are still, besides if Chrysalis is there then Celestia needs to know," Starlight said.

"Guess you're right, anyway there's the Castle," Cloudchaser said, nearing the castle.

As Starlight looked, she could see Celestia on the Balcony, looking over Equestria. "Let's land there!"

"Wait, is that proper?" Cloudchaser asked.

"I know Celestia, I am the pupil of her pupil after all," Starlight said.

"Guess you have a point," Cloudchaser said and flew towards the balcony with Starlight calling.

"Princess Celestia!"

Celestia looked to see the two, "Starlight Glimmer, this is a surprise."

Cloudchaser landed on the Balcony, letting Starlight get off as the two bowed to Celestia.

"It's great to see you again Princess," Starlight said.

Celestia nodded, "Same to you Starlight." She turned to Cloudchaser, "A friend of yours?"

"I'm Cloudchaser, I doubt you know me, I'm not close friends with Twilight or anything," Cloudchaser said.

"She's friends with the colt that Rarity's dating, and her friend's little brother is dating Sweetie Belle, one of the ponies Twilight has been giving magic lessons too before she went to see Thorax. Now I'm the one giving her the magic lessons," Starlight explained, then blushed a little. "I don't think I really needed to explain that much."

"It's fine, honestly it makes me happy to hear you and Twilight helping a young filly with her magic, especially one that's Rarity's little sister, The Element of Generosity," Celestia said. "Also this colt, is his name Rumble?"

"Whoa you know about Rumble?" Cloudchaser asked.

"Twilight did mention him a couple of times, saying that two young foals fell in love in her castle, and that it's a very adorable thing to see," Celestia said.

"Wow, Rumble's gonna be excited to know that Princess Celestia knows about him," Cloudchaser said.

"I know about the other foals as well, Twilight speaks very highly of them," Celestia said. "Anyway what brings you both here?"

"It's about those foals actually, they're in danger, and so will all of Equestria if we don't move fast" Starlight said.

"What's wrong?" Celestia asked, looking worried. "What's the trouble?"

"It's Queen Chrysalis, she's back!" Starlight said.

"Chrysalis!?" Celestia said in disbelief, then furrowed her brow. "What has she done?"

"She captured the foals, she's hoping to use them to get to Twilight as well," Starlight said.

Celestia huffed in displeasure, "That mare...Why must she do such things?"

"We hate to bother you about this but-" Cloudchaser said, but Celestia interrupted.

"It's no bother, my duty is to protect Equestria after all," Celestia said. "Do you have an idea where they went Starlight?"

"That's the thing, I don't know where she went," Starlight said.

"We'll find them, perhaps I can get assistance from The Wonderbolts," Celestia said.

"Actually my friend Thunderlane already went to find them. We both trained with The Wonderbolts so we can get to their Academy with no trouble," Cloudchaser said.

"It was my idea," Starlight said, then looked aside. "Not to brag but..."

"No it's fine, you're good with planning it seems," Celestia said. "Still I could use more Pegasus ponies to help."

"There's one in my old village, her name is Night Glider," Starlight said.

"Once my sister returns from The Changeling Kingdom she'll help too," Cloudchaser said.

"Has she gone to warn Twilight Sparkle?" Celestia asked.

Cloduchaser nodded, "Yes, along with Trixie."

"Good, I admire your quick thinking," Celestia said.

"Well it was mostly Starlight," Cloudchaser said.

"Come on, I don't mind sharing credit, the five of us planned this out after all," Starlight said.

Celestia tapped her chin, "Perhaps I can also let Shining Armor know, he can assist in his search."

"I can go get him if you'd like," Starlight said. "Maybe Sunburst can also help."

"I'll as Luna to go, you should go with your friend here to your old village since you know where it is and find that other Pegasus," Celestia said.

Cloudchaser nodded, "Right." She turned to Starlight, "Let's go."

Starlight climbed onto Cloudchaser and faced Celestia, "What would you do?"

"What else? I'll be looking for those foals as well," Celestia said.

"You too?" Cloudchaser asked. "Um wouldn't you be sending your guards though?"

"I too wish to find Chrysalis, besides I'm not gonna just do nothing, what kind of Princess would I be?" Celestia asked.

Starlight nodded with a smile, "You're a great Princess."

Celestia extended her wings, "I will let my guards know, you two do what you must."

Cloudcahser nodded and flew off with Starlight, Celestia then flying off herself.

At The Changeling Hive, Thorax is walking with Spike and The Elements, preparing the final lessons for the Changelings.

"Looks like they're understanding friendship much better at least," Twilight said.

"Took them long enough though," Rainbow Dash complained, much to the annoyance of her friends.

"I'm glad you're all able to help, truthfully I don't feel like I have a clue what I'm doing," Thorax said.

"Oh don't stay that, you're a great ruler, you just need a little more practice," Twilight said. "It was hard for me when I first became a Princess."

"But you're not required to rule anything, you help with Friendship, which is easy for you because you have such great friends. Me I have to watch over an entire Kingdom, that's a little scary for me," Thorax said.

"You have friends too, and we're all here to help," Spike said.

"Exactly, you don't need to-" Twilight stopped talking a moment when she noticed something unusual. "Is that Trixie?"

The others looked to see Flitter flying in with Trixie.

"Why is she riding on Flitter's back?" Rainbow Dash asked while scratching her head in confusion.

"Wonder why they're even here?" Twilight said.

Flitter landed before the Elements and let Trixie off of her back, to the confusion of the others.

"Hey Trixie, it's good to see you but what brings you here suddenly?" Thorax asked.

Trixie looked around, "Question, are all of the Changelings here still good? Like they won't attack or do anything against us?"

"Huh?" Thorax asked. "What's going on?"

"Trixie said that Changelings went to Ponyville, they went into the castle and captured the foals there, including my poor little Rumble," Flitter said.

"What!?" The Element shouted at the same time.

"Wait, Changelings did that!?" Spike asked.

Rarity looked very worried, "They took Sweetie Belle!? My darling little sister!?"

"Apple Bloom too!?" Applejack asked.

"And Scootaloo!?" Rainbow Dash shouted.

Thorax shook his head, "Please tell me this is a type of joke."

Trixie glared at Thorax, "Would I joke about something like that!?"

Thorax turned to Flitter, "Did you see any of them as well?"

"No, though as I flew out of Ponyville I did notice some of the ponies looked scared, they probably saw her as well. I even looked back at Twilight's castle, it looks like something happened to it," Flitter said.

Twilight looked especially worried, "Where's Starlight!? Is she alright!?"

"She's fine, took an attack from Chrysalis as did myself but we're ok. She went with Flitter's sister Cloudchaser to Canterlot so they can let Princess Celestia know," Trixie said.

"Thunderlane is helping too, he went to find The Wonderbolts so they can help," Flitter said.

"If he did then I should go help as well," Rainbow Dash said. "I'll go fly to The Academy and see if I can assist them in any way."

"Not gonna happen!" they heard. Suddenly a group of pre-transformed Changelings arrived before them.

"Huh!? Where did you come from!?" Trixie asked.

"We've been here all this time, pretending to be one of Thorax's Changelings, waiting for a chance to attack," a Changeling said.

Thorax let out a heavy sigh, "Damn, I knew something was off, I should have seen this coming!"

Twilight glared at the group, "Wait, did you cause the Friendship problem here to get all of us to come?"

"In a way, we just wanted you and waited for the day that Thorax needed your help. The fact that all your friends came made it so much easier," a Changeling said.

"Now we can go through with our plan," another Changeling said.

The ponies stood in a stance, looking ready for a fight. Moments later more Changelings came, but it was the ones that had transformed from the Magic of Friendship.

"King Thorax!" the shouted and landed before him, ready to protect everypony.

"Good, let's make this fun!" a Changeling said.

During this, Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash, "Listen, when we give you the chance, you need to fly off."

"Huh? I can't leave any of you!" Rainbow Dash said.

"You have too, we can handle these Changelings but you need to find The Wonderbolts so you can defeat Chrysalis and save the foals," Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash still looked unsure, but gave in with a nod. "Alright then."

Twilight turned back and faced the Changelings, charging her magic. "We won't lose, not to any of you. Our Friendship is that strong!"