• Published 19th May 2017
  • 1,177 Views, 19 Comments

The Heroine in the Rough - Broman

Dinky Whooves goes out on a little errand in the city of Maretropolis. Little did she know that there was a hero watching over her.

  • ...

Hero or Vigilante?

The city of Maretropolis. A city filled with many species from all walks of life. In this city there are those who wish to coexist in peace, while others only seek prey upon the weak and helpless. The Power Ponies, who work tirelessly to keep the city safe, always keep vigil over the cities inhabitants. But, even watching the entire city, it's impossible to keep watch over the cities denizens and keep them safe.

That is, until Mare Do Well came to town.

She stood on the edge of a rooftop, overlooking the city like a stone statue. Her eyes scanned the city streets, its inhabitants unaware that she was watching. The light was fading from the afternoon sun, the last of its rays kissing her briefly as she surveyed her surroundings. She took a breath, taking the scents of the city around her. It was her home town, and she was willing to do whatever it takes to protect her city. After taking her breath of fresh air, she heard the bell tower, striking six times before silencing once more.

"It's seems that time is right." she said to herself, as she rose to her full height. She looked down below, seeing a red truck moving rather erratically on the lower streets, and she smiled underneath her mask.

"Time to go to work," she said, as she descended down the roof of the skyscraper.


“I’m so bored,” Dinky Whooves said, as she laid herself across her couch. She gave a small yawn, looking around the room in her home. The living room was standard as any other place, the only difference is her pile of finished homework on the coffee table. She looked up, seeing the flat screen T.V. settled on the opposite side of her. She looked over, spotting the remote on the front of the of the flat screen. Using her magic she grabbed the remote from her aura and brought it over. She then seized it with her hand and turned the T.V. on. The channel that turned on was the news station, which was just beginning it’s six o'clock time.

“Lets hope there something interesting,” she said as she watched the channel news.

“Hello. Welcome to the six o'clock news. I’m Mint Strong of MT news, and this is my human co-host Natalie Jensen.”

“Good to be here, Mint. It’s really nice being a part of this wonderful news station.” Natalie said, which piqued Dinky's interest. She would sometimes watch the news and it was usually two ponies or a gryphon co-host. Seeing a human on the news station made her curious to keep on watching.

“ It’s our pleasure to welcome you here, Natalie. Transferring from your own network back home was probably challenging, but we newscasters at MT news welcome you with open arms and are happy to have you here.”

“Oh thank you, Mint, that’s very nice of you.”

“Indeed. Now let's go to the main topics at hand for the City of Maretropolis.” Mint said, as he shuffled his papers and began to read.

As Dinky watched the news continue on, she propped up her bare feet onto the coffee table, wondering what the news station had to offer.

“Yes Mint, we begin with the preparations for the British and the president of the United States and their families to meet with the mayor of Maretropolis. Also coming to greet the families is both majesties, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. The two nations of Earth are seeking better ties with Equus and offer new trade deals and better cooperation.”

“Correct, Natalie. This is all in due to celebrate the eighteenth year since the first contact, when a portal from Equus to Earth was discovered and the two planets have coexisted ever since. However, it does baffle scientists on both sides of how this had happened, yet the connection has been steady ever since.”

“It seems the science community will never solve this phenomenon. It will likely remain a mystery for many years, or unless Princess Twilight figures it out.” Natalie joked to which Mint Strong gave a hearty laugh.

“Indeed if anyone could figure it out it would be her, Natalie. Since we're on topic, can you explain to some of our viewers as to how the relationship is between Earth and Equus ?”

" I know this topic, straight A's in my Social studies" Dinky said with a smile, having found it fascinating to learn culture exchange between their world and there's. As she delighted at the thought Natalie nodded and began to explain.

“Sure can. Since the first contact both sides didn’t know what to do. Nations on either side thought the other was a threat and wanted war with the unknown force. Luckily it didn’t come to that, and through a calm deliberation between both sides the nations of Earth and the nations of Equus formally signed the ‘Peace accords.’ After the first year of establishing connections Earth began to invest their business into the world of Equus and vice versa.

“Because of this open exploration and sharing of technologies both Earth and Equus made leaps and bounds and now cohabiting among major cities on both worlds. Ponies are easily making headway with farming techniques on American mid-west while Gryphons are enjoying living high in the Crimean Mountains and even in the Taiga region.”

“Indeed," Mint Strong said, as he added, "and humans have been making headway within Equestria and abroad, bringing new culture that is being spread throughout the planet. Immigrants who come here bring a piece of their history and both sides have been welcoming in the sharing of different civilizations. Though, recently many ponies in Equus and a few other races have felt that their own societies and cultures has been pushed aside because of the shock of human cultures. The has been even reports of hate groups that target against humans and that has been a hot topic issue for some time. ” Mint Strong said as he took a page and reshuffled it to the back.

“That is true, Mint. However, there has been some good progress of late that has allowed for further understanding and acceptance between the two sides, particularly within the city of Maretropolis as its shiny example. Foreign exchange students from Earth have been experiencing all of the wonderful things the city has to offer and learning the backgrounds of each different civilization. Through the military might of the gryphons, the deep traditions of the minotaur, and even the sacred religions belonging to the Kirin in Neighpon. Though, some have been surprised when they came here and found that ponies and other species were almost like them.”

“Ah anthropomorphic is the word you're looking for." Mint Strong said as a picture pulled up on screen viewing different species, all varying in different height. Dinky could easily see the three pony tribes, the gryphons, Minotaur, diamond dogs, and finally the humans in between them all. "Yes, and it is the same for the youth in the city and get the same reaction. Too think that there were intelligent beings that were closely resembled to ponies is beyond them. If humans could account for the different ears, horns, wings, and a number of other races and their differences then they would not be so inclined to have such views. Nonetheless, the two side do come to look past their differences as they continue their study.” He said as the picture was gone and replaced with both of them on the screen.

“You're right, Mint. Both sides have somewhat accepted the other side and new studies on coexisting between humans and the inhabitants of Equus has been relatively positive.”

“Indeed, Natalie, and with the leaders and their families from Britain and the USA coming here to Maretropolis, they will no doubt bring new ideas to the table. A new possibility, which has been talked a lot within Equestria's government, is allowing the students from Earth to intermingle with the communities within the city and abroad, and even allow host families to care for the students while they stay. Though the plan does have opposition, particularly with liberal major Harsh Wind. The longtime mayor of Maretropolis feels that the new exchanges is infringing on the city's identity and way of life. But that only hurts him in public opinion polls, which leads us into the next segment of this evening.” He said as a picture on screen showed the current mayor of Maretropolis. Harsh Wing, a grizzled pegasus with a sickly green mane and a red fur coat, was not very liked and Dinky would always hear her parents talking about him and how he is, what they say, 'bringing the cities image down with him'. She pushed the thought aside as she continued to listen to the news as Natalie picked off from where Mint Strong left off.

“You’re correct Mint and we do have the latest polls. Harsh Wind has been dealing with both new pressure on his high tax policy and for his poor performance in the private sector. There is trouble for him for his mishandling on social programs within the city and for many reports of cohesion between him and big donors, making him one rich mayor. Another bit of damaging polls from MT News show that he has two higher negative views on his handling of crime, which is at a record time high, and his comments on inter-species marriage.” She explained, to which Dinky tilted her head to the side, wondering what the mayor said about that subject.

“Indeed, liberal mayor Harsh Wind had spoken harshly against such unions since humans have started coming to Maretropolis sixteen years ago. It is uncommon practice and there are not many people, ponies or humans, who have been known to get to know one another and develop such relations. However, since that time, these union between species has been known by ponies and other races of Equus and some that favor them argue that the humans shouldn’t be any different. The mayor himself even made damning words to a ‘couple’ several years ago by saying, quote, ‘You humans have no right to be here and to infringe upon our lives and our culture. This is not normal behavior and you two will go straight to hell for this stupid union!’ unquote.” Mint Strong explained as Natalie nodded and flipped a few more papers on her desk.

“Yes that did bit him hard in the polls and he received harsh criticism for his remarks, including from the human, David Bronco, who seeks to gain the mayoral seat in next year’s election. He is the first human to run for mayor of Maretropolis and is much favorable by the populace. He claims that he has plans that will help the city get back on its feet and make Maretropolis a city free of crime. He also intends to keep the police with the latest gear and to protect them from the gang members that target the civilian centers and districts. Also another topic of interest is the increase of human targeted violence, where some fugitives beat upon random human individuals on the city streets. That is actually a heated segment that we will be getting to later in the program. Mint?”

"Fighting crime, that is what makes him awesome," Dinky said softly, as she imagined this, David Bronco, a hero clearing off the streets of the criminals and bullies on the streets. She maybe a smart unicorn, but she still has a fascination for heroes and heroines. She even had some quality edition Power Pony comics stashed in her room.

“Indeed Natalie. For tonight we have other news to speak about. Crime is still at all time high and that is what most people are afraid of. Not a day goes by when they hear a tragedy of a shooting or a robbery in a market place. The citizens of Maretropolis main issue is about protection for their families and for the neighborhoods they live in. But we can’t forget our favorite heroes who work tirelessly to keep our city streets safe and worry free. And no I’m not talking about the Backstreet Boys, who have made a resurgence since coming to Equus.” a few chuckles could be heard in the background as Natalie smiled and recovered the situation. Although, Dinky had a small frown from his comment.

There was nothing to laugh about The Back Street Boys, they are awesome.

"That trues. It’s our favorite heroines the Power Ponies. For many years they have kept this city safe from the most violent criminals and the vilest villains. They have proven loyal to the city's inhabitants and have risked life and limb to ensure the people are kept safe. The worst of all is the Mane-iac, who her very actions cause more harm to the citizens of Maretropolis.” she said as Mint took over.

“Indeed she does. She frequently clashes with police and has run rampant for many years, terrorizing the citizens with her dastardly deeds. However, when the Power Ponies began to interfere with her plans she has been deterred at every turn. After so many string of defeats, the city became safer because of the Power Ponies. Hopefully when she is finally caught and sentenced, the Era of Mane-iac’s terror will end. However, as many hope for that possibility, she is unpredictable and will likely return to wreak havoc upon the cities inhabitants.” Mint Strong said as Natalie turned to him with a statement of her own.

“She was defeated several months ago by the Power Ponies at the warehouse in the downtown district and has been hiding ever since. However, most of her followers still do her work and there has been many raids by the police in apprehending them. Though it is a safe reprieve from her savagery and merciless attacks it is a relief to Metropolis's citizens that the Power Ponies are always there and keeping vigilant watch over the city. Our only hope is to pray that she dosen’t make a return.”

"Oh she will come back," Dinky muttered, "They always do in dramatic fashion then when they least expect it, the heroes come in and save the day." Dinky finished as Strong Mint turned to Natalie.

“Speaking of vigilance, Natalie. Did you hear of a new vigilante in the city? Apparently the Power Ponies have created such an impact on the people of Maretropolis that some have begun dress up and began to help out in their own way. Though the MTPD, the Maretropolis Police Department, urges citizens to not take on anything that is dangerous and would refrain from taking matters into their own hands. They have urged them to report the incident and notify police of any threats. Though one notable citizen has been taking the news as of late. The Mysterious ‘Mare Do Well’ has been making a name for herself and been serving their own brand of justice. Notable gangs have been found and beaten into submission and there has been reports of some deaths because of her actions. She is like a modern Batman, as you call Natalie, but has a killer side to her.” he said as Dinky had a laugh.

Lets hope she's not wearing hockey pants. Dinky thought, still chuckling as Natalie took over.

“That is very true Mint and both the MTPD and the Power Ponies have called for her to come forward and to either submit herself to custody or to keep in touch with the other super heroines. She may try to keep the peace but some don’t have to die necessarily because of her actions.”

“That is so true, Natalie. We’ll take a quick break and in the next segment we will discuss David Bronco and his candidacy for mayor. Plus, later in this evening we’ll discuss the latest trend that has been hitting the streets. Pokemon Future. Is this new app a fun entertainment for millions or will it lead to deadly collisions? Find out after these-

Dinky Whooves blinked in surprise as she saw the TV cut out. She quickly turned to the perpetrator.

“Mom, I was watching that.” Dinky Doo said as she looked away from the T.V. Her mother, a gray pegasus with bright yellow eyes, settled the remote down on the table nearby. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a short sleeve shirt. She also donned on a apron that read ‘Kiss the Cook’ on the front and some of it was covered in smudges.

“I think that is enough T.V., Dinky.” Derpy Whooves said as she continued to cook dinner, “Besides, don’t you have homework to finish?” she asked as she cracked several eggs into a bowl and began to whisk them. Several pots were cooking on the stove and steam vented up into the air. The smells of tomato soup and fresh bread hung in the air. It was going to be a delicious dinner.

“I already finished my homework, Mom. I’m already ahead in my classes.” Dinky explained, pointing a finger toward the neatly stack of papers on the coffee table in front of her.

“That’s my little muffin,” she praised, as she continued to whisk the eggs again and again, making sure it had the right consistency. “Dinner should be ready in an hour and your father will be returning soon, so do you think you can help me settle the plates on the table?” She asked as she went to a nearby cupboard to grab a few cooking items.

Dinky stretched her legs and arms outward, making her joints go to the farthest extent before relaxing back at her sides. She got up and headed toward the kitchen, grabbing the plates from the nearby cupboard and settling them down onto the table. As she did this, her mother continued to bring a few cooking items out and settling them on the counter. Vanilla extract, sugar, salt, some yeast, no doubt she was making her special muffin recipe.

Dinky always loved that.

“This is going to be so exciting Dinky. Your father said that we will be having several guests coming over, and even a human will be here. I think he is a student and he might be looking for a host family to test for a possible program in the city. Can you imagine that, sweetie?” Derpy said as she continued to shuffle through the cupboards, apparently not finding what she was looking for.

“Hmm,” Dinky responded, only half listening to what he mother was saying, her mind was focused elsewhere, back to what was happening on the T.V. and the heroes that are out there defending the city. Several minutes later, and after Dinky finished setting the table. Derpy shut the last of the cupboards and had a disappointed look on her face.

“Oh horse feathers. There is no more flour for my muffin dessert recipe.” Derpy said and Dinky turned to her in surprise.

“Mom, you shouldn’t swear.”

“Oh. Sorry, muffin.” she said with a small blush. She then looked over at the clock then back at Dinky.

“Dinky, Would you be a dear and go get some some flour from the store?” she asked, making Dinky furrow her brow.

“But mom, why can’t Amethyst Star get it?” She asked, as her mother shook her head.

“Your sister already has plans with her friends and she won’t have time to go to the store and back.”

“But mom, I don’t want to go, it’s scary when it’s close to the night,” she complained before Derpy drew a breath and breathed out a deep sigh. She then went over to Dinky, bending down until she was at her level.

“Dinky. You only turned twelve several months ago. I know you're young but you're no longer a child. I want you to be a big girl for mommy and do this task. I trust that you can do this.”

Dinky looked over to the clock, it read 6:10. There was still light out at this hour but hopefully it will be enough. She then turned to her mother and nodded.

“Okay, mom, I can do it,” she said as her mom wrapped her arms around her in a big hug. She then returned the hug and kept the embrace for a few seconds. She always did love her hugs.

“I know you can do it, my little muffin,” she said as she reached for the counter and grabbed her wallet, pulling out several bills and hand them to Dinky. Dinky then placed them in her small coin purse that had Mistress Mare-velous on it, the top opening and closing like her lasso. “Be sure to get the flour and also some milk for tomorrow.”

Dinky nodded before settling her purse on the side of her belt. She went to the door, grabbing her shoes and quickly putting them on. As she did this she looked over to the left and saw her family picture on the desk nearby. It had her mother, who was wearing a long sleeve shirt, her sister, who looked bored being the picture, and her father, an earth pony stallion wearing a white shirt and a green tie, and she stood in between them. Her parents had large smiling faces and a happy grin spread across her own. After getting her shoes she opened up the door, only to hear her mother call out once more.

“Remember, go straight to the store dear. No dawdling, muffin.” she said as Dinky closed the door behind her. The neighborhood was nice place, several families were out and about, taking little walks or speaking with neighbors. They lived in the small district within the city of Maretropolis, the taller buildings and skyscrapers of the city surrounding them on all sides. Police were in and around the areas due to the local gangs so they were frequent on their patrols.

Dinky kept moving, her mind settled on getting to the store and back before it got darker. After several minutes of walking, she wandered into the streets of Maretropolis, moving casually on the sidewalk at a brisk pace. The streets were still active with people but as she continued on she would notice them disperse more, most likely the residents turning in for the night and being with their families. Dinky kept going, hoping to reach the store down at the end of the block.

She passed a corner and stopped when she almost passed a bulletin board. There was much graffiti and many torn signs, however only one seemed to stand out amongst the rest. She was looking at a poster that had the Power Ponies on the front. Light was behind each of the six ponies and they were looking outward with a determined yet optimistic expressions. Dinky looked at the poster for a moment longer before turning to get to the store. She soon neared a plaza, which was right across from where the store is. She was close and she would get the things she needed and get home, simple as that. She climbed a few steps and entered the plaza and stopped when she heard yelling.

She saw the plaza was deserted and in the corner of the plaza three figures, one earth pony and one pegasus, and one gryphon was beating upon somepony on the ground. She could see one of them holding a baseball bat in his hands and they were all covered in tattoos. They laughed and cursed, kicking the person on the ground. Dinky winced as the man gave muffled cries and she turned her head away, knowing she was near a dangerous situation. She looked at the other end of the plaza, the store was just right there. Taking a deep breath she made her way toward the other side of the plaza, hoping that the bullies wouldn’t spot her.

She was halfway when she heard a voice call out to her.

“Hey you! Were you going, girl?” She froze as she heard one of them called her out.

Thinking quickly she hesitantly replied. “Ah… no nowhere.” she turned to meet one of the bullies approaching her. He was blue earth pony with a bald head, his tattoos were bones that covered his face and open chest. In his right hand he had a large bat, with metal plates embedded in the wood. He chuckled to himself as he approached, right until he was standing over her.

“Nowhere is right, little girl. Seems to me that your lost.” he said, revealing his teeth along with a single golden tooth. “C'mere, let's have chat.” he said, wrapping his long arm around her and pulling her closer. Her nose ringed slightly as he smelled of alcohol and sweat. He then escorted her until she stood right in between the two bullies, a green pegasus and a beige gryphon. The two had equal number of tattoos and they stank of bad odor. He then pointed with his bat at what they were beating on.

“Here. Look at this… thing.” he said and Dinky took it all in. It was a human, cradled in a fetal position. The human had white skin, which was bruised on parts of his arms, and his hair was a light blonde, now dirty and out of place. He had blue eyes and they showed fear from the gang members. Some blood ran down the side of his lip and a cut was on his left cheek. “Here. Give it what he deserves. These humans have no right being here.” the goon said, handing over his bat to her then pushing her forward.

She stumbled for a second before she was standing over the lone human. He looked up at her and he had a perplexed look on his face. Dinky looked at the bat in her hand then back at the human.

“I… I don’t want to. I… I got to go.” she said meekly, which only earned laughter from the others. The blue goon then came forward with open arms and a cheeky smile.

“C’mon… just do it,” he suddenly push her again towards him, making her jump, “He’s not like us, it’s just a pathetic human.” he placed a hand on her shoulder, bring only false assurance to his words as she stared at the hurting human. “He is not one of us,” he added, now looking at the helpless human, and mocking the man.

Power Ponies were are you, she thought as remained where she was.

The human lowered his head, submitting himself to more brutal beating, but he looked more like he just passed out. Dinky, still hesitant in her heart, shook her head at them.

“I can’t. My mom always taught me that all lives matter. Humans and all of the species of Equus.” she said, making the blue goon laugh at her even more, nodding to his companions as he continued his chortle.

“Yeah that’s true. But only Equus lives matter, not these freaks.” he said and his two buddies agreed with him.

“I got to go. I have to get to the store before it closes or my mom would kill me.” she said as the blue goon backed away as if this was a joke. She then felt something tug on her belt and her coin purse was snatched.

“Hey.” she cried, watching as a green pegasus stallion with a beard was holding her money in his hand.

“Going to be hard without any money, girl. Keep away!” he said as he tossed it to the beige gryphon.

"Hey check it out, its the Mistress Mare-velous. She has nice a nice chest." the beige gryphon said as he tossed the coin purse in his claws.

"Give it back!" she yelled as she rushed toward him, but was only rewarded by them tossing her coin purse to his other friend. They did this for several moments, taunting and teasing her as they tossed and played keep away from Dinky. After another tossed she lunged for her coin purse, only to be stopped by the gryphon, holding her head back with his massive claw while he held the coin purse high enough away. She struggled for a few more moments before a loud honk came from behind the goons. A big red truck came rolling in and several more goons were inside.

“Hey, c’mon let's go. It’s time!” The driver called out as the three headed toward the truck, knocking Dinky aside as she watched helplessly as they walked away with her money. She ran after them hoping to snatch her purse before they got on. They already jumped in the back of the truck and took off down the street, while the blue goon was waving goodbye at her and having the same cheeky smile as before.


Mare Do Well sat atop a rooftop, watching the events unfold below. The little filly was being picked on as the three gang members were harassing her and pushing her to strike the defenseless human on the ground. Her eyes narrowed, and her gut instinct wanted nothing more then to fly down and beat them all to a bloody pulp. But she had to be patient. She knew they were nothing but small fry, and the only best way to catch the big fish, is to follow the minnows.

After waiting a few more moments, and watching the goons tease her again by taking her money, a red truck pulled into the vicinity. They called out to their friends and they immediately hopped on, and driving away. Mare Do Well stood up from her potion and small smile crawled up under her mask.

"It's time to dance." she said as she rushed along the roof tops, and chased her prey.


“That’s my money!” she called out, watching the red truck turn down the corner and onto a small street. She stomped her foot on the ground and took off after them, she was not going to allow them to take her money. She ran as she tried to keep up with the red truck, hearing the machine make wide turns and loud pops from it’s engine in the narrow streets. She quickly ran until she went into an alleyway, jumping on top of a box, and lifting herself over a stone wall. She landed a little hard but she was able to recover and kept going. She kept her pace and saw the truck making another quick turn into an adjacent alleyway. The truck soon stopped and she was able to get a good look. Dinky hid behind a broken pallet and watched as they began lifting boxes onto the truck. She saw the beige gryphon who had her purse, hefting it up and down and smile crept across his beak.

Dinky wanted to get it back, but she knew it would probably be too late.

Realizing that there were too many, she quickly moved to the next alleyway, hoping to get out and possibly notify the police. She turned the next corner, pausing only briefly to see if there any signs of any more of the bad guys. The only thing she could see was a few dumpsters, empty trash cans, and the few hanging street lights in the alley. Believing everything to be clear she made her way toward the street, only to stop in her tracks when she bumped into a goon. She screamed as saw that it was a large blue minotaur, with horns that were a meter high, and was standing over her, staring down at her.

Only for the bull to groan and double over, falling face first onto the floor of the alleyway.

Dinky had her hands up and she stood there in silence, unsure as to what happened or how the minotaur got knocked out, but it was certainly not by her. Another cry came from the adjacent alleyway and she saw another goon, a grey unicorn, get knocked to the floor. He spun onto his stomach and began to crawl away, only for a purple gloved hand to grab his feet and dragging him back into the dark alleyway. He cried out as his nails dragged into the dirt and his cries were snuffed when he went into the darkness. At the far end of the alley she saw four goons loading large crates onto the red truck, a few of which she recognized from earlier. They paused from their work when they heard the screaming and Dinky quickly hid behind a pile of boxes and stayed there, and only dared to peek out to see what was happening.. One of them pointed a finger down the alley and three gang members from earlier began to move towards their friend.

Dinky huddled her legs to her chest, keeping as still as possible. She could only stay still as her heart began to beat fast in her chest and the goons approached her position.

Several tense moments of uneasy silence passed and Dinky dared to take another look. She watched as the goons made their way toward their friend, the blue balded goon grabbed a nearby pipe while the other two had their bats close. When they were close one of them, the green pegasus with the beard, approached their fallen friend, placing a hand on to his back.

They were a dozen feet away and they had not noticed her and she held her breath and praying that she wouldn't be found.

“Hey, you alright?” He asked, as the minotaur roused in response.

“C’mon, get up,” his friend said once more, and the minotaur stir once again, but it sounded more like a groan. The green bearded goon got his buddy up and he supported him with his weight, while the other two looked about the alleyway, trying to find whoever caused this.

“Hey, man. You-” he began to say but was interrupted when something flew through the adjacent alleyway and crashed into a nearby power box, shattering the inside and causing the street lights from above to go out. The goons turned to see that it was their buddy, the grey unicorn, and his body was bruised and beaten from whatever that attacked him. As the lights flickered in and out Dinky saw somepony in the alleyway. A masked pony in a purple body suit and a wide hat, standing right before them. One of the goons, the beige gryphon, looked over in the direction of the alleyway, only to find it empty.

It was brief, but Dinky definitely saw somepony there. She waited with baited breath at what the goons would do.

The goons continued to look about the alley, all of them looked scared but held their weapons at the ready. The goon that hit the power box was stirring but looked down for the count.

“Show yourself, you coward!” The pegasus demanded

“Come out and fight!” The blue goon shouted, ready to swing his pipe at the ready.

A few seconds passed but nothing happened, only the silence of the wind blowing past them. Then, in a moment that caught her breath, Dinky watched as a figure strolled out of the alleyway and stood before them. She moved slow, yet with a graceful movement. Her body swayed from side to side and she couldn't tell what emotion she was showing under her mask. All she could tell was that she was ready to face them, and her inner hero was screaming at her to go get them. The goons jumped when she approached , ready to fight back, but only the beige gryphon gawked in surprise.

“Whoa, dude. Check out the honkers on this chick.” he said, pointing a talon directly at the masked mare’s chest. The two other buddies were giving cat calls and whistles, while the other two said nothing, fear gripping them as the mare stopped in her tracks. The mare looked down at her chest for a brief moment then back at the would-be gang member, her expression remaining ever the same.

She's not taking any lip from them. She's so cool, Dinky thought as the heroine placed a hand on her hip.

“Those are your final words, ‘check out her honkers?’ You're really pathetic individual if you think nothing about a women's chest all the time,” she said, her voice was calm and mysterious, with a bit of sass in her voice. The goons looked at her in disgust, only for their wounded friend, the grey unicorn, to point directly at her.

“Don’t get close man. She’s dangerous,” he explained, causing the beige gryphon to turn to him and laugh.

“Or what? Will big melons try and slap me to death?” He chuckled, turning back to the masked mare, only to find her standing in front of him. A little squawk came out of the gryphon as she grabbed the edge of his shirt and pulled him forward.

“No… clobber you some manners,” she said and slammed a fist into his head. The Gryphon flew back and slammed into the adjacent wall as the other goons attacked at once. Each one swung their bat or lead bar at her, only for to block and counter with her fist or feet. The grey unicorn and the minotaur also went for the attack, but they did so cautiously, allowing their friends to get in on her. She grabbed the first one, the green pegasus, and smacked his head with her long legs. The goon flew into his friend as the other three went after her. She parried the next few fists and returned a few of her own. Some of the goons flew back or slammed onto the ground causing the numbers to dwindle.

The minotaur swung a fist yet she parried by leaping onto the wall and spinning her lower body in wide kick, sending the big guy back and some spit flying from his mouth. As he fell to the ground with a big thud, both the grey unicorn and the green pegasus charged after her with their pipes swinging. She made a fighting stance, resembling that of a boxer, and was ready for them. They both swung and she ducked backwards, her upper body heading straight for the ground as the pipes missed her. Before she hit the ground, however, her hands had somehow wrapped around their necks and she brought them down with her, their heads slamming face first into the concrete.

Dinky could only watch in astonishment as she fought and beat down the bad guys. She moved with such speed and agility that she could not keep up with all of the action. As this was happening, she notice the other goons were hurrying to load the last of their crates onto the truck, while their friends continued to be pummeled by the Mare Do Well. Dinky watched as two of the goons were taken out and the Mare Do Well grabbed the bald headed earth pony and lifted him up.

“No, wait!” He cried as he was thrown out to crash into a pile of trash cans, sending the filthy debris all around them. The green pegasus, now having a bloody nose, swung his bat straight at the mare and she blocked it with the palm of her hand, stopping the stallion in his tracks. The pegasus gave a yelp as the masked mare huffed in response. She then lifted a leg and launched it, kicking him directly in the head. A couple teeth flew out as it struck, and sending him flying into the sky. The beige gryphon,finally out of his daze, lunged for her back, trying to hold her down. But, she quickly countered with the butt of her elbow into his face. He cried out as she grabbed his left arm and whirling him around her body and smacking him straight into the wall.

He rebonded for a moment, spitting up blood as she pulled him towards her. With a clench right fist she launched it straight up into a uppercut, the sound making a bone crunching blow. He stayed like that for a moment before he slid down, his head resting right on her abdomen. He rested for a split second before casually being lifted up from the mare. She made him stare at her one last time before his head fell back and was knocked out. She pushed him with the tip of her finger and he was out like a light at the foot of her feet. Not a moment later the green pegasus, that was in the air, came crashing down into a dumpster nearby, landing inside it with comedic fashion. As silence fell upon the alley, the mare remaining where she was, Dinky stared out in wonder.

Did she really do that? she thought as she watch the heroine. She could not believe her eyes and she shook her head at the unbelievable feat. The heroine defeated them all and still looked ready for a fight. In a way she looked to be on par as the Power Ponies. Whoever she was, she had the strength of at least ten stallions or more. It amazed her to know end of what this mare could do.

Then the masked mare looked in her direction.

Dinky, stopping in her small jubilation, was still as a statue as she moved forward. Her intended target was a struggling bald headed stallion as he crawled, trying to get away from her as fast his arms would allow it.

“No, please,” he desperately pleaded, trying to crawl inch by inch away from her. The Mare Do well kept on moving, walking over the fallen opponents as if they weren’t there. The mare soon came up behind him and placed a foot on his back.

“These will never be your streets,” she seethed, anger dripping from every word she spoke, “not now,” she stomped her foot onto his back several times, “not ever!” she then slammed her foot down on his neck and a sickening crunch came soon after. Dinky screamed and fell from her hiding spot, staring at the horrifying sight. The mare looked up and saw her crawl back, trying to get away from her. The mare was still, as if she did not expect her to be there.

“No…don’t hurt me, please!” Dinky cried, fear gripping her as the mare had her foot on the back of the stallion's neck. The mare lifted a hand to her.

“No… please don’t leave. I…” she tried to plea with her, trying to calm her down. However, it was short lived when a loud honk from the truck broke her concentration and the masked mare turned to see several of the goons getting inside; including the minotaur and the grey unicorn that she thought she knocked out earlier.

“Let's get out of here!” the goon in the truck yelled as he started the truck and the heroine clenched her fist and took a stance.

“You won’t escape me boys. The fun has just started!” she called out and began running after them. Dinky remained where she was, stunned by the motionless body before her and the charging vigilante. She knew that some vigilantes would break their foes bones or traumatize their victims, but she never would believe this one would kill on sight. As she remained where she was she didn't notice one of the goons grabbing a small object and pulling on its side.

“Eat this!” he called and threw it in a wide arc, not aiming at the masked mare. The object landed behind the masked mare and began to roll closer to Dinky. When it was close enough Dinky’s eyes fixated on it and she looked in horror as she realized that it was a grenade. The goons on the truck began to wheel out and Dinky cried out, helplessly crawling back as the grenade rolled closer. A small red dot was blinking at a rapid pace and it suddenly made a loud beep noise.

Dinky cried out as something grabbed her body.

The grenade exploded, sending fire and smoke into the air and shrapnel hitting the walls of the alley. Dinky felt her body slide on the ground, her arms held close to her body. For a moment she remained like that, hardly moving, barely breathing. She opened an eye and all she saw was purple. She felt fingers pressed on her head and though her hair, gently holding her from the ground. Her body was held close, her head resting underneath the mare’s neck while her cheek rested above her chest, which, true to the gryphons words, were big.

She certainly felt like a d size, probably bigger than her mother's, but as far as her mind was concerned, it was the least of her worries

For the masked mare had saved her life.

She then felt the mare shift in place, grunting in discomfort while holding her close. She soon stopped until she was in a sitting position and the mare was kneeling, her arms still held around Dinky’s head. The heroine soon parted and Dinky looked up in awe to see the mare looking at her. Her mask didn’t show any emotion but she could only assume that she was checking to see if she was alright. The masked mare then stood up slowly, grabbing her side as she did. Dinky scooted a little bit back, unsure how to respond to her. The mare grunted as she lifted a hand from her side, revealing a deep purple skin underneath her costume, it almost looked violet in the light but she Dinky was not sure. Although, she did see some blood on the mare’s hand. The mare grunted again as she placed her hand back onto her wound and she looked back down the alley, which was covered in thick smoke wondering where her quarry ran off to. Dinky looked to the side for a moment before looking back at her.

“You… you saved my life... when you could have stopped them.” she paused, unsure what else to say, until adding, “Why did you?”

The masked mare turned to look at her and Dinky flinched slightly as she stared at her. She couldn’t tell what emotion she was expressing but underneath that mask she was giving her a serious look. Dinky swallowed the lump in her throat as the mare remained silent, appearing to all the world as a mute statue. Then, after a moment of uneasy silence, the masked heroine looked to the side once again.

“I don’t want to see any children hurt again,” she said in a low voice, almost speaking to herself in a way. Before Dinky could reply the mare looked at her once again. “run home little filly. It’s not safe here for you, or for me.” she then tossed something towards her and Dinky gasped as the object landed in her lap. Dinky’s eyes widened as she looked at her coin purse in her hand. The picture of Mistress Mare-velous was staring at her and Dinky looked up to the heroine before her. She didn’t know how she did it but the masked hero gave her money back. She couldn’t tell but she imagine there was a smile underneath that mask. The mare then turned and headed toward the smoke, still holding on to her wound as she moved. Before she reached the safety of the vale Dinky stood up and called out to her.

“Are you that vigilant everyone talks about? Are you a hero, Mare Do Well?” she asked, making the masked mare stop in her tracks. As she stayed still Dinky notice the holes in her cape and saw the small scratches on her back, she thought she could see the wounds were still smoking from the grenade but she couldn't tell. The masked mare turned her head to the side to look at her, staying there for a brief second before turning her back to her.

“I never was.” she replied, entering the smoke and disappearing all together, while Dinky continued to have a smile on her face.

“I believe you are.”


About thirty minutes later Dinky was already rushing home with a sack of flour and a gallon of milk, pushing her legs as far as they could go. As she ran she had noticed an increase of cops in the area, most likely discovering the battle in the alleyway. She had also saw an ambulance nearby and she was certain that she saw the human on the stretcher, and he was speaking to the medics on scene.

At least he's okay. she thought as she kept running, pushing herself until she was home. As she sprinted towards her house she passed by the bulletin board that had the Power Ponies poster on the front.

She quickly returned and tore the poster from the wall and took it with her.

After several more minutes of running she reached her neighborhood safely she soon returned to her home. Dinky then opened the door, where she was greeted by her frightened mother.

“Oh, my muffin. I heard there was an explosion on the news. I hope you were safe sweetie.” she said desperately as she hugged her tightly. Dinky only gave a small smile and wrapped her armsaround her mother, but also clutched tightly to her poster in hand.

“I have such a story to tell you. You would not believe what happened tonight.”


As the excited filly began to explain to her parents of what had transpired she did not see a figure watching her from high above, the full moon shining right over her. The Mare Do Well only looked on as the young girl told her parents what had happened and soon took the conversation into the home. The mare didn’t move from her position, only staring out into the expanse of the city. She has been all around the municipality and always done things her way. When there was a challenge, she knew she can rise to meet it. No matter how treacherous it would lead or whatever traps laid before her. She took it to the end and she believed she could take it all on, no matter how daunting or no matter the cost. She had it all and just for this moment, she felt the city was hers.

Tonight, though, was far different and one that was too close to home.

I believe you are. The girl had said, just a little while ago.

It was the last thing the filly said before she took to the rooftops, the words gripping her heart and plucking it like a heartstrings. She didn’t know why it affected her so, yet it had touched her very core and she trembled with agony and grief. She looked down at her hands, and saw that they were shaking slightly and she knew the only reason why. The sole reason of the things that she wishes to amend, yet can never be healed. Her heart felt like glass and it shattered in the confines of her soul.

She was afraid of becoming one of them and not be accepted. For she knew she could never be one and be welcomed with open arms.

She can never become one of them.

The mare removed her wide hat and placed it on her side and slowly took her mask off. She pulled at the knitted string on the back of head, pulling it loose and allowing her skin to breath.The fabric then came off her face, letting loose large green hair that settled until it rested right behind her back. She opened her eyes, revealing green irises on the outer edge of her eye and a red iris in the center. She had a few tears streaming down her face, letting them fall down to the city streets below. She didn’t mind, for it was the truth in the girl's words that had touched her deep, deeper than any blade. She could never accomplish what the girl dreamed of her and that she could never become.

“I’m sorry little filly. This villain can never be a hero,” the Mane-iac said in a saddened voice, as she stood up from her perch and began to move away, her hair carrying her across the rooftops of the city of Maretropolis.

The End?

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed this story, particularly the twist at the end. I wanted to bring this out for a long time but I had to wait on the art work. Please do let me know what you think on this story and I will talk to you all later.

Again big Props to Pie-sama for making this art. Check out her link on the front page of the story.

Comments ( 19 )

Well, never thought that the Mane-iac would/could be the hero. I love how you potrayed Dinky. Young yet determined.

Do you know if Pie-Sama does requests?

8176351 Spoilers? I did't say anything about the Episode, the name gives it Away

8176571 Well, you did say The Mane-Iac was the hero in the comments section, completely spoiling Mare-Do-Well's identity.

8176584 it's no Spoiler as it was reveiled by the Last words.


I do thank you both on your comments, but it is appreciative to put the Spoilers in if you do mention something like that.

8176913 Thanks. Also, I'm glad that you liked my development of Dinky. I felt she was perfect for the role and I had to make sure she was unique in this story.

8178595 Indeed. :twilightsmile:

Also, thanks for watching, not sure how I exactly earned it, but I do hope you enjoy what I have to offer.

8178591 in which you succeed. dinky is my favorite Background filly. The Way you discribed the grenade reminds me of the grenades used in half Life 2.

Did Overwatch influence this in anyway?
And great story btw, did not expect mane-iac to be mare do well.

8179151 A little bit but not that much. Thank you for liking this, I do appreciate that.

Also, be sure to put spoilers when you reveal such things about some of the characters.

Damn look at those legs

They are quite shapely! :twilightsmile:

Why isn't there a dark tag?

Do you think it needs one?

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