• Published 20th May 2017
  • 2,844 Views, 30 Comments

Tales of First Contact: Unity - Banjo64

A collection of one shots about positive human-pony interactions.

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You've Been Invited to Join a Game on Steam!

“What do you think, Twilight?” asked Celestia.

Twilight sighed and put the report down.

“I agree with this assessment. I think it’s an inevitability that we’re going to have to connect to the internet at this point. I’ve lost count of how many requests we’ve had since humans started bringing their technology into Equestria. I really can’t think of any real objections, though I believe we should make every effort to warn everypony of the dangers this will present before we go through with it,” said Twilight.

“I agree, but I was referring to what you personally thought about it,” said Celestia.

Twilight let out another sigh.

“Well, on the one hoof, I’m ecstatic to have open access to such an extensive library of information. On the other, I’m worried about some of it’s darker aspects. I was given the opportunity to browse as I saw fit some time ago, and the things I saw…” Twilight trailed off.

“Such as the pornography of us that already exists?” asked Celestia with a bemused expression.

Twilight blushed, then cleared her throat.

“Yes, that’s one thing. But far more concerning, however, is the level of interactivity we will have with humans if we connect. We all know perfectly well that both humans and ponies have their good and bad eggs, but I’m not sure if Equestria’s ready to handle the level of deprivation that is an internet comment section,” said Twilight.

“Oh, I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Have you seen what the local papers have been publishing lately?” asked Celestia.

Twilight groaned and nearly slammed her head on her desk at the reminder.

“I agree we need to be cautious. Such a thing has never been seen in Equestria before, and we must make certain we respond appropriately. We all knew from the moment we decided to keep the portal open that our worlds would have to contend with each other’s dark side. But I think if the humans could deal with a necromantic invasion, we can deal with a few biting virtual words,” said Celestia.

Twilight looked back up with a determined expression.

“I know, but I want to be able to say more than ‘we think it’ll turn out OK because we like the technology.’ When problems start to arrive, and they most certainly will, I want to have some positive examples to point towards to remind everypony that this will ultimately be worth it. But I’m not sure how to do it. Maybe a small testing group? Get a few average ponies onto the internet and see how they react? That just seems too unpredictable to ensure the results we’re looking for,” said Twilight.

Celestia put a hoof to her mouth in thought for a moment. Then she had an idea.

“I think I have an answer. Have you heard what Luna’s been up to lately?” she asked.

“She was looking into human entertainment, right? I know the internet has a lot of engaging material, but that’s not what we're debating. I don’t see how that would help us prove the internet is worth the trouble,” said Twilight.

Celestia just gave one of her famous knowing smiles.

“Video games?” asked Rarity

Twilight nodded.

“Yes. Apparently the humans have made games that can be played with other people online. I have no idea how this is possible, but it’s given me an idea. I figured it be good for a culture exchange if a few ponies were willing to give them a try and play online with some humans,” said Twilight.

Twilight's friends all shared uncertain looks.

“Uh, no offence Twilight, but do any of us look like we’d be interested in that sort of thing? I’ve never touched a video game in my life, and I bet that’s true for most of us,” said Rainbow.

Pinkie replied by pulling out a joyboy.

“I said most, not all,” said Rainbow with an eye roll.

“I know. I’ve never played one myself, either. But part of this experiment is seeing how different ponies will react to this sort of thing. Between the six of us, we have quite a varied group without having to get anypony else involved. That said, if any of you really want to pass on this, I won’t argue. There’s plenty of other ponies I can turn to, but I figured I’d ask you girls first,” explained Twilight.

“Um… is this going to involve any of those really scary games we’ve been hearing about?” asked Fluttershy.

“Well, there’s no horror games on my list of recommendations,” said Twilight as she glanced at said list.

“Ah don’t think she just means horror, Twilight. She’s talkin’ about stuff with guns, blood, and all that nasty stuff,” said Applejack with a wave of her hoof.

Twilight sighed.

“There are a few on the list with such things, but I’m not asking all of you to play every game. I mean, the whole point of a video game is to have fun, and if you're too terrified or bored to enjoy yourself, I think it’s perfectly fine for you to just skip a game or two and play something else,” reassured Twilight.

There were some nods of agreement, though Rainbow just sighed.

“Alright, fine. But I still doubt this is going to be very fun,” said Rainbow.

Two months later…

Welcome to Summoner’s Rift

Rainbow cracked her neck as she gently set her hooves on her custom made mouse and keyboard.

“Alright, this is it. Everypony ready?” she asked.

“Heading bot with Fluttershy,” announced Pinkie Pie.

“Um… what she said…” mumbled Fluttershy.

“Placing ward, then heading mid,” announced Twilight.

“Headin’ towards blue, as planned. Ya comin’ Rainbow?” asked Applejack.

“On my way now. Let’s teach these monkeys how to play!” declared Rainbow.

30 Seconds Until Minions Spawn


“Aw yeah!” cheered Rainbow as she threw her hooves up.

“Oh well. GG, everyone. I really thought we had you there,” came the voice of one of their human opponents.

“I did too! You really had us on our last leg for a moment there. I still can’t believe Fluttershy managed to pull off that awesome triple,” said Pinkie.

“Yeah, well, that’s what happens when you get overconfident, Rachel,” said another human.

“Well, sorry if I thought their support was just cowering from us like she’d been doing for the entire game,” replied Rachel.

“I was, actually…” mumbled Fluttershy.

“Well, at any rate, I think you girls are really starting to get the hang of this. Another round?” asked the first human.

“Sorry, but we have a schedule to keep, and Rarity’s expecting us soon. Perhaps another time,” said Twilight.

“Right, right. RL just keeps getting the way. Well, see you horses later,” said the human.

“You know it, monkey,” said Rainbow as she closed the connection.

“Right. That’s mah que to head back to the farm. See y’all later,” said Applejack as she got and headed out the the door.

“OK, I’ll go let Rarity know it’s her turn next,” said Fluttershy as she followed Applejack.

Rainbow got up and stretched, her friends following suit.

“I take back ever doubting you, Twilight. This is awesome,” said Rainbow.

“I know! I didn't realize that these games were a chance to interact with humans in a competitive environment without any major physical distinction! There are truly one of the best inventions these humans ever made!” exclaimed Twilight with a squee.

Rainbow just gave her a deadpan look.

“My technobabble is a little rusty, but I think she means it's a way humans and ponies can compete with each other without worrying about the whole ‘we’re completely different species’ bit,” translated Pinkie.

“Yeah, that’s true. Not exactly going to challenge a human to a race anytime soon,” said Rainbow with a nod.

Then Twilight’s computer gave a ping.

“Ah. John and Mark must be ready for us. I believe that means me and Pinkie have some zombies to fight through. Good luck with your heist, Rainbow,” said Twilight as she turned back towards her computer.

“Remember to watch for Chargers this time, Twilight. We don’t want you to go for a swim again,” said Pinkie as she put her headset back on.

Rainbow just sighed and booted up the next game on her list. She just really didn’t like zombie games that much for some reason. Luckily, she’d found another online co-op shooter more to her tastes, and Rarity had found the game just as enjoyable.

A moment later, Rarity entered the game room.

“Good afternoon, everypony. Ready for our Payday, Rainbow Dash?” asked Rarity.

“You bet I am. Let’s hope we get some decent partners this time. That one guy from yesterday didn't even know that Shadow Raid's stealth only,” said Rainbow with a shake of her head.

“Oh heavens, yes. We’ve only been playing for a few months now, but it feels like we’re teaching humans how to play their own game sometimes,” said Rarity as she sat down at her computer.

Author's Note:

I don't have to say that there's a ton of stories about ponies and video games. However, I found this one fic that has a small scene of ponies and humans chating about video games as a punchline.

Can we get this idea done seriously?