• Published 11th Jul 2012
  • 5,084 Views, 44 Comments

Sleepless Nights - Goatmeal

Twilight Sparkle struggles to understand and deal with her feelings. (Ugh, feelings again? I know right.)

  • ...

The Sleepover

Chapter 3: The Sleepover

Rainbow Dash lay resting upon her haunches on a high cloud, a cloud she often went to when she felt she needed time alone to think alone. Forelegs hung over the cloud’s perimeter as the cyan mare’s eyes fixed on the scenery beneath. It was early dawn and not many ponies were up at this time. Although, every now and then, she would see a few walking out of their households and into the streets, perhaps to open up their stores for the day or meet a friend.

The mare let out a sigh and rolled over to instead lie on her back with her front forelegs tucked near to her chest. She put on a face as she began to ruminate.

What was wrong with Twilight?

- The Evening Prior -

Twilight treaded out of the park, her head bowed low, as Celestia’s sun gradually set behind her. Cobblestone lay before her and she tried to ignore the recurrent clicks her hooves made each time they hit the ground. Instead, she focused her mind with brooding. Her head battled with various anxieties, but one concern continued to prick at the back of her mind like an itch that couldn’t be scratched:

If she told Rainbow of her feelings, would Rainbow judge her for being a filly-fooler or would she simply not be interested?

Turning a corner, Twilight sighed inwardly. Having asked herself that question a million times already, she knew it couldn’t be answered without an action of some sort on her part. The action, though, was what scared her.

“Hey Twi!” Rainbow Dash announced from above, earning a slight jump of surprise from the unicorn. She looked up to see her friend gliding softly down to land next to her. “What’s got you down?”

Twilight bit her tongue, looking away from her friend’s eyes as she lied. “Nothing, Rainbow. I’m fine.”

Rainbow cocked her head to the side, and considered Twilight skeptically. “Come on Twi, I saw how you were looking. What’s bothering you?”

Twilight shuffled her hooves, thinking fast. What could she say? She wanted to say what was on her mind but she likewise knew this wasn’t the time, or place, to say it. So, in the end, she decided on the truth; or, at least, part of it.

“I’m lonely Rainbow,” she stated, closing her eyes in embarrassment. “Spike has been in Canterlot and I don’t like being all by myself in that library.”

“Oh,” Rainbow muttered, at first not knowing what to say. Then she grinned as an idea crossed into her mind. “How about a sleepover?”

Twilight’s eyes snapped open. “What?”

“How about a sleepover?” Rainbow repeated a bit more slowly. “Tomorrow night?”

“Yes!” Twilight replied far too quickly, earning a surprised yet amused look from the pegasus. She blushed furiously and, smiling faintly, continued more softly. “That sounds like fun.”

- Present -

Still lying on the cloud, Rainbow questioned her own actions. Why had she suggested the sleepover? As she grappled with the question in her mind, again and again she found herself coming to the same conclusion: that she recognized Twilight was lonely and, as any decent friend would do, she wanted to help out. Although she didn’t particularly like admitting it to herself, she could truly understand Twilight’s feelings. She didn’t live with anypony. It was just herself in that big cloud house. Oftentimes she would find herself struck with boredom, not knowing what to do whereas, other times, she even felt a bit lonely. Yet, as she continued to tell herself this was the reason she had suggested the sleepover, something else pestered her. Something that told her this answer she gave herself was only a small part of the full truth. But she couldn’t figure it out.

Even though she felt unsettled without a secure answer, simply thinking about the sleepover made Rainbow feel warmer inside. She decided to stick with the conclusion that she knew Twilight was lonely and, as any decent friend would do, she wanted to help out.

- - -

Twilight stood in front of the boutique, a hurried ear twitch giving away her unease. Having risen just fifteen minutes prior from sleep, the unicorn had a terrible bed mane and a slightly tense look about her. However, she was in a time of need and she knew she could count on Rarity.

The unicorn elevated her hoof from the ground and knocked three times on the boutique’s front door before dropping it back to the ground and waiting patiently.

A few seconds passed before Rarity answered the door. “Welcome to Rarity’s boutique, where-” She stopped midsentence upon viewing her friend’s state. “Twilight! What happened?”

“Rarity, I need your advice.” Twilight answered. “It’s about somepony else.”

The alabaster unicorn smiled, having a feeling she knew why Twilight was here. “Oh, of course my darling, I would be happy to be of service!” She stepped aside lightly and ushered her friend inside with a quick wave of her hoof. “Please, do come in.”

Twilight walked into the boutique, flashing a hasty smile of thanks for her friend before Rarity shut the door behind her. Stepping forwards, Rarity gestured towards a large red sofa on the left side of the room, silently requesting Twilight to sit as she moved another sofa with her magic to sit in front of her friend. Twilight obliged and, soon, Rarity sat across from her, humbly looking at Twilight to allow her friend to start first.

Twilight observed Rarity for a few seconds, deliberating just how to breach the subject. She desperately wanted to spill to her friend of all the confusions she was going through, but also just as frantically wanted to keep her feelings private, afraid of rejection.

“I—” No, that wasn’t the way she wanted to say it. She reconsidered her plan of attack. “Do you—?” No, not that either. Twilight paused, flicking her tail in aggravation and looking down with a sigh. This was harder than it seemed.

Understanding Twilight’s hesitation, Rarity stood up and moved to sit next to her friend. She placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes. “It’s Rainbow, isn’t it?”

Twilight’s eyes stood still and a knot of tension quickly formed in her chest with the revelation that Rarity already knew. But how could she know? Better yet, how much did she know? She frowned slightly. “How—?”

“It’s obvious my dear,” Rarity interrupted, laughing slightly. “However,” she persisted, letting the smile run from her face as a look of importance took over. “It’s not so much about how I know as it is about how you’re going to deal with this, don’t you think?”

Twilight felt the knot of tension in her chest diminish with the realization that, with the way her former sentence had been formed, Rarity accepted her being filly-fooler.

Sinking down on her belly Twilight allowed her hooves to run over the silk of Rarity’s sofa in absent mindless strokes. After a moment, feeling calmer, Twilight responded. “I don’t know what to do, Rarity.” She sighed, lowering her head between her forelegs to look at the bare ground beneath. “What if she doesn’t feel the same?” She flinched marginally as another thought crossed into her mind. “What if she won’t be my friend anymore because I’m a filly-fooler?”

“Now, now, Twilight. You know just as well as I do that there’s nothing wrong with being a filly-fooler. If she rejects you as a friend for being one, then she isn’t really a friend.”

Twilight sucked her breath in at this. As much as Rarity was right, it hurt to think that perhaps their friendship would be gone because of these feelings. If she was honest with herself, it was this fear that kept her from saying anything to the mare. The only thing that kept her hopes kindling was the reminder that Rainbow Dash was the element of loyalty. Twilight logically understood being called the element of loyalty didn’t mean Rainbow had to be her friend, but she felt that the gamble of them keeping their friendship was at least fifty percent because of it. Still, the promise the other side of the coin provided haunted her.

“What should I do Rarity?” Twilight asked, changing the subject back to the original question to ease her mind. “I’m being eaten up on the inside and I don’t know if I can endure being caged with my own feelings like this forever as Rainbow continues on blissfully unaware. I know that sounds selfish, but if I don’t do something then I’ll stay with these anxious feelings for the rest of my life and it is just… horrible. Unless, of course, I force our friendship to end, which would be—”

“Twilight.” Rarity interrupted swiftly, seeing where her friend’s thoughts were leading. “I think you should simply find a way to tell her how you feel.”

Twilight sighed and looked at Rarity, knowing that, even though she was afraid and trying to hide, that was exactly what needed to be done in the end. For her mind, and because she felt it was the proper thing to do for their friendship. “Thank you Rarity, you’re right.”

“You’re quite welcome my dear!” Rarity said, pleased she could help her friend. She paused briefly before continuing. “And remember Twilight, when the time is right, just go for it.”

- - -

Twilight frantically rushed around the library, adjusting various books and cleaning any spots she felt she missed the first time around. It calmed her mind to clean and aided her from thinking about the worst that could happen. Looking up at the wall’s clock she saw that it was almost eight. Rainbow would be there any minute and, although she knew the pegasus wouldn’t care about the library being clean or not, she wanted everything to be perfect. Privately, she once again thanked Rarity for giving her the courage to open up to Rainbow. She would tell her when the moment was perfect.

With a knock at the door Twilight was thrown out from her furious haste. Putting her duster lightly down on the nearest table, she trotted over to the door and opened it, still trying to collect herself.

Rainbow stood there, smiling awkwardly. “Hey Twilight.”

“Hi Rainbow,” Twilight said, flashing a smile. “Come on in.”

As her friend trotted in she noted the cleaned library. It wasn’t too unusual for Twilight to clean so, in the end, she paid it little mind.

“So,” Rainbow began, “whatcha’ want to do?”

Twilight blushed upon hearing this. She knew exactly what she wanted to do, but she wasn’t about to tell Rainbow. “Well, I got this book on sleepovers,” she said instead. “I’ve never had one before so we could just browse through the activities and see what looks like fun?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Rainbow said with a smile.

- - -

Ten minutes later, the two ponies lay flat on their stomachs in front of the fireplace, the sleepover book open in front of them. Twilight smiled to herself. It hadn’t been coincidence that they were in front of the fire, nor that they were laying so close together.

“Maybe a pillow fight?” Rainbow asked.

“No,” Twilight responded. “A bit too rowdy for me. How about a hooficure?” she asked, looking over at Rainbow with inquiring eyes. She already knew what her friend’s answer would be, but she asked anyways, finding the expressions of contempt Rainbow made somewhat endearing.

Sure enough, Rainbow made promise by narrowing her eyes and giving an expression of pure disapproval to Twilight. Twilight could almost hear the question ‘seriously?’ in the air, although none was outright spoken. Blushing, the unicorn giggled, her feelings for the mare slightly coming through for a moment.

The reaction didn’t go unnoticed though, like all the other times. Rainbow smiled a bit uneasily, not understanding why her friend would laugh, much less giggle. “Are you okay, Twi?”

Twilight looked up and smiled. “Yes,” she replied softly, her eyes regarding the magenta orbs in front of her which were still strewn with curiosity. The mood was perfect; the fire near them was warm, its lighting casted soft shadows onto Rainbow’s body, and the atmosphere around the pair was serene. She craved to reach out desperately and tell her friend how she felt but also didn’t want to ruin the moment. Then Rarity’s reminder sounded in the back of her mind.

“Twi… what’s-” Rainbow started.

Twilight cut her off by closing the gap between them. Their lips met as Twilight kissed her.

Rainbow’s eyes went wide and she pulled back, now understanding. Twilight next words were spoken in confidence this time. “Rainbow, will you go out with me?”

For several seconds they simply looked at each other. Rainbow didn’t know what to say, she had never expected that out of Twilight. Then the realization of what was fully going on hit her.

The pegasus stood up abruptly, much to Twilight’s surprise. The look in Rainbow’s eyes caused the unicorn’s heart to drop like an iron ball in a matter of milliseconds.

“No.” Rainbow answered.

Her breath was stolen.