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Chapter 1 - Burnished Silver

Chapter 1 - Burnished Silver

Twilight broke on the horizon, the sun peeking above tree tops and mountains as it rose. Small rays of light drifted through Twilight Sparkle’s bedroom, falling upon her face. As slowly as possible, she opened her eyes and rubbed the sleep from them. Rousing herself, Twilight slipped out of the downy bed that had always seemed much too large for her, and walked to the window to gaze out at the land. It seemed surreal to her, the ruling Lady of Canterlot.

Why me? she wondered, as was her daily tradition. Why did everypony choose me? I never asked for this... this... Rainbow Dash had always told her it was an honor, but she could never bring herself to believe that. Twilight looked out the window, nearly all of Equestria in sight. The land she had been chosen to rule and to protect, and the land that was divided and torn apart.

Twilight turned from the window with a sigh. Walking across the massive room—formerly Princess Celestia’s private chambers—Twilight tried to force the thoughts of war from her mind, there would be plenty of time for that later. Her hooves padded over the soft rug, still emblazoned with Celestia’s sun insignia, another reminder of how she didn’t belong. She shook her head and looked at the one thing that was truly hers in the room, her crown. It was a small affair, a simple band of polished gold with a few amethyst stones set above her brow.

She levitated the crown off its pedestal and donned it. Glancing at the mirror, large enough for the princess, Twilight ran a brush through her mane quickly. For a moment, she let herself smile. The crown really was beautiful, and accented her coat nicely. The slight glint of purple from the dark stones seemed to reflect her eyes, and the polished silver stood out against her slate-blue mane. The moment ended and her smile fell away.

The oaken doors to her room opened, and Twilight strode out of them, holding her head high. Guards scrambled to collect themselves, righting their golden armor and holding spears at attention. The four of them saluted her as she walked past and closed the doors. She didn’t pay them any attention, still upset that they were posted outside her room anyway. At the end of the hallway, she turned towards the dining room.

The sound of her hooves on the stone floor was joined by another, walking slightly behind her but with a lighter step. “Good morning, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash grumbled, “You should really be kinder to your guards Twi. They’re there to protect you.”

“From what?” Twilight asked, blowing a lock of her mane out of her face..

Rainbow sighed. “Twilight, you know as well as I do that you have enemies. Ponies who would love to see you disappear. There are a lot of ponies that want to rule in your stead. We’re nearly at war Twilight, and Equestria needs you. It needs its queen, and it’s my—“

“Yes, it’s your job to protect me,” Twilight said, waving a hoof. “You know I don’t relish this, and I don’t want all the extravagancies that come with being in charge.”

“I’m sorry Twi, I really am. But we need you. You’re the only one who could even come close to ruling Equestria now that...” Rainbow trailed off, staring at the ground in front of her.

“Now that the princesses are gone,” Twilight finished for her. “I know Rainbow. I won’t let Equestria down... but I don’t want everypony bowing down, praising, and lavishing me.”

Rainbow chuckled and cuffed her on the shoulder. “Don’t worry Twi, I’m only looking out for your safety. You’ll always be an egghead to me.”

Twilight chuckled, her laughter echoing off the high stone ceiling. “Thanks Rainbow.” She opened the door to the kitchen and ducked inside. Rainbow Dash sighed and followed after her. They weaved through the kitchen, moving in and out of aisles with Twilight filching the occasional piece of fruit. Rainbow followed in her wake, struggling to keep the sword at her side from hitting any passing chefs. Finally, they emerged into the royal dining room, and Twilight sat in the closest chair. Rainbow sat next to her, shaking her head.

“I don’t see why we have to make a trip through the kitchen every morning. They’d be happy to bring you your breakfast in here. It would make everything much easier.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “You’re just upset because you can’t walk through there with your sword. Just try not wearing it one day. Really, you don’t have to worry so much.”

“Twilight, remember all the ponies who would like to see you dead or missing? I have to be prepared. Rarity may be our friend, but she is also challenging your throne. Lightning Strike holds Cloudsdale, and most of the pegasi cities. I’m still not sure if Quicksilver is insane, or brilliant, but either way he has several thousand believers that will follow him. Iron Hoof has a good position in Stalliongrad. Ambrosia is out there doing who knows what. And those are just the ones who I think are openly against your reign Twilight. Snow Field says he’ll remain loyal to you, but with Ambrosia cutting us off, and Iron Hoof bearing down on him, he may be forced to surrender. Twilight, you’re the only one who can bring them together. I won’t let that be jeopardized.”

Twilight sighed. “Rainbow, how many guards do you have in the castle alone?”

Rainbow thought for a moment before answering. “A bit over four hundred strictly guards.”

“And in the city?”

She looked at Twilight, raising an eyebrow in interest. “Around a thousand guards on the walls, and another three thousand in the barracks.”

Twilight smiled a knowing smile, the smile that always bothered Rainbow. “So, there are fourteen hundred guards, plus the army, all behind the four thick walls of Canterlot. That is, if they can scale the mountain while we harry their flanks and drop boulders on their camps. And if somepony manages to get through all of that, you seem to have forgotten the reason I was chosen to rule. I was Princess Celestia’s private student. I think I can handle myself.” She popped a slice of watermelon in her mouth, revealing in her victory.

“I still feel better with it at my side,” Rainbow Dash grumbled, stealing a strawberry from Twilight’s plate.

Twilight giggled. “Stealing from the Queen now, are we? I think several ponies would have your head for that, Rainbow,” she teased. “Perhaps I should call them. I’m sure Eagle Eye would like a promotion to head of my personal guard.”

Rainbow Dash blanched. “Come on Twilight... don’t play around like that. We’ve been friends for years, and I’ve always been there for you.”

Twilight laughed. “I’m just pulling your leg. Relax, I know you wouldn’t actually betray me. Besides, Eagle Eye is a drunken idiot. I wouldn’t trust him to guard a rock, much less myself.” She stood, eating the last of the fruit. “Now come on. Even with tensions so high, I must hold court today. Who knows, maybe Rarity will come and renounce her claim?”

Rainbow laughed, following on Twilight’s heels. Her eyes cast around, searching the room for anything she had neglected earlier. They made their way to the throne room slowly. Twilight always hated holding court, but she had been to enough of Celestia’s courts to know it was a necessary evil. Still, the thought never made her happy as she sat on the silver throne, Rainbow Dash stopping off to the side and a bit behind her.

The throne room was remarkably unchanged from her foalhood. Sure, the tapestries bore her cutie mark instead of Celestia’s and she had commissioned her own throne, but in construction, and in the heart of the stones, it would never be her castle. The smiths and squires had balked when she had ordered a new throne, many complaining that she could just use one of the ones left by the princesses. But none of them were hers, and as Queen, she needed every ounce of intimidation and authority to be hers and hers alone. Luna’s onyx throne was no good, everypony knew whose it was, and using it would only discredit her. Cadance’s maroon throne was out of the question, it hadn’t been used much anyway. Celestia’s golden throne was generic enough so that she conceivably could have used it, but there were too many memories that it brought up.

Twilight smiled at the polished silver metal, able to make out a vague reflection. Her memories were cut short as a young colt bellowed from the far end of the room, “Presenting the Lady of Night’s End, the Baron of the far West, defender of the Moon Spring, Lady Trixie Lulamoon.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie!” she snapped in the colt’s face, sending him scurrying to the side of the room where he took shelter behind a large armoured stallion. Trixie composed herself and strode the rest of the way, stopping at the steps to the throne.

Twilight rolled her eyes, but kept an even tone. “Welcome, Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon, to Canterlot, seat of the Queen of Equestria. What brings you this far from Night’s End?” Twilight remembered the city from her war studies. The city had sprung up around a spring of silver water, that some said came from the lakes of the moon itself. They’re fierce fighters too, Twilight thought.

Trixie bent her forelegs, the slate crown a stark contrast to her silver mane. “The Great and Powerful Trixie comes to pledge the support of Night’s End to the true Queen of Equestria. We of the Moon Spring do not forsake the good of the realm for the empty promises of false prophets.”

Twilight rose and walked down to Trixie, who drew an obsidian long sword. The blade was dull black in the sunlight, but in the moonlight it would glitter as if inlaid with stars. Rainbow Dash took a step forward, unsheathing her own blade, ready to rush to Twilight’s aid should anything happen. But Trixie only laid it at Twilight’s hooves.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie pledges the support of Night’s End in any conflict, big or small, to uphold all the laws of the realm, to aid the Queen in anything she can. She swears to protect her highness, Queen Twilight Sparkle, with her life,” Trixie intoned.

“Thank you, Trixie.” Twilight lifted the sword, presenting it to her. “You shall retain all of your titles and lands befitting your position. Rise Trixie, for now you are my vassal and I am your liege. Rise, and take back your sword... I fear you may need it in the coming months.”

Trixie did as she was told, sheathing her sword at her side as she stood and retreated to the wings, fading into the shadows. Twilight climbed the stairs back to her throne, the metal cool against her coat. The rest of the court passed uneventfully. Ponies brought their problems to her, whether great or small, asking for advice or action. She heard cases of farmers who claimed the same fields, shopkeepers who would swear that some mangy colt or filly had stolen from them, unsubstantiated reports of guard brutality, pleas for a truce from families split by the conflict, she even had to judge a few criminals, mostly petty thieves though. But most of all, she heard cries for food.

Finally she rose from her seat and started out of the throne room, effectively ending the day’s court. Some of the ponies outside screamed in protest, but the heavy doors slid shut and cut them off. Twilight waved a hoof, motioning for Rainbow and several others to follow her.

The council room she led them to was not very large, and much of the room was taken up by the large mahogany table in the center. Twilight strode to her seat at the head of the table and the assorted lords and ladies sat at their customary places. On her right sat Rainbow Dash, her lead counsel, but the seat on her left was reserved for a select pony that she chose to treat with her personally. Twilight smiled, looking out at the small council. Star Dust, the new head of the Academy for Gifted Unicorns, sat at the far end. Flanking him were General Spear Tip, a grizzled veteran of the border wars that had plagued Equestria for years, and Magister Silver Lining, who Twilight thought a relic of the modern bureaucracy, but the others insisted that he was invaluable to the country.

Clinging to the edges of the room, Trixie shuffled her hooves and glanced towards the exit. Twilight smiled and waved her over, motioning for her to sit in the unoccupied chair. Trixie walked over, glancing at each pony around the table suspiciously. After a long moment, she sat down and looked at the table. Laid out across the dark mahogany was a detailed map of Equestria, with both cities, factions, and neighboring countries highlighted against the physical terrain.

“What is all this?” Trixie asked, pointing to the map. “This room... this council... this map. What are you planning Twilight Sparkle?”

Spear Tip rose from his seat, growling in his throat. “You will address the Queen by her title or ‘Your Majesty’! Anything else is a disgrace and slander against the Queen of the realm!”

Twilight laughed and waved him back into his seat. “It is fine, General. In here, you are to speak to me plainly, on all matters.”

The battle-hardened unicorn sat down, grumbling to himself. He took a moment to compose himself, holding his nose in the air to seem dignified before speaking. “Lady Lulamoon, this is the Queen’s war council. We are her—“

“Enough,” Twilight cut in. “This is no war council, General Spear Tip. We are not at war with anyone, pony or otherwise. I suggest you remember that.” She paused, glaring at him for a minute before softening her gaze and turning to Trixie. “This is my general council.” She went around the room, introducing each of her advisors in turn. “These are the ponies that help me in governing Equestria. Their input helps me to understand policies, actions, and declarations that I make or do not make.”

Trixie looked around the room, her eyes meeting each of the other advisors. Finally, she nodded and leaned over to look at the map. Twilight smiled.

“We need to talk. In private,” Rainbow Dash whispered in her ear. Twilight frowned for a moment, her happiness broken. Rainbow led her to a far corner shrouded in dim torchlight. “Are you crazy, Twilight?”

Twilight scowled, lowering her voice so that the others couldn’t hear. “What do you mean, ‘am I crazy?’”

“Bringing Trixie in like this. Last time we saw her, she was a lying showmare who wouldn’t stick around to apologize for bringing an Ursa Major to Ponyville!” Rainbow hissed, her voice barely above a whisper. “She lost everything in that attack, and yet somehow made it all the way to the northern mountains? And now she’s the ruling lady of Night’s End? Then she just shows up in Canterlot, unannounced, and pledges fealty to you? I understand we need all the allies we can get, but this doesn’t seem right, Twi. We shouldn’t have her in our meetings.”

“Rainbow, you should know better than to assume things like that,” Twilight shot back. “First of all, it was an Ursa Minor and she didn’t bring it to town, Snips and Snails did.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that she lied about fighting one and would have let it destroy the town if you hadn’t been there.” Rainbow leaned forward, but was rebuffed by a cold stare from Twilight.

“Secondly, it has been years since that incident and we could easily have galloped to Night’s End and back at least ten times ourselves. Lastly, Night’s End has never had a true ruler since Princess Luna moved her seat to Canterlot over a thousand years ago. They choose somepony to act in the interests of the city during times of distress, and Trixie must have done something to impress them. She wasn’t swearing her fealty to me Rainbow, she was swearing the entire town’s fealty. Night’s End has always been loyal to the throne, no matter who sat on it. That is why we can trust her, because she doesn’t act on her desires, but those of the town she represents.”

Rainbow Dash sighed in defeat. “Fine... but I still don’t fully trust her.”

Twilight smiled. “Good, keep an eye on her. And while you’re at it, keep eyes on Star Dust, Spear Tip, and Silver Lining. I want to know their schedules, their families, their families’ schedules, what they eat for breakfast. Everything. I fear that even in my own council some wish to rule through me.”

Rainbow Dash nodded, turning back to the table and taking her seat again. Twilight made her way back too, meandering around the table and listening to the conversation. It droned on, General Spear Tip inquiring as to Night’s End’s military strength, and what they could lend to the army and Minister Silver Lining tried to weasel what she could about the other factions. But to her credit, Trixie danced around their questions deftly, neither confirming nor denying their guesses. Twilight let them interrogate her for a while, idly walking the room and surveying the intricate paneling.

Finally, she settled into her seat. The conversation died off as they turned to look at her, and after only a minute silence rung through the room. “I trust we are all acquainted with our new associate?” Twilight looked around, everyone nodding. “Good. Now, Silver what is the status with the negotiations?”

Silver Lining stood, shuffling her wings as everyone turned to look at her. “The emissary to Stalliongrad came back last night. From what he said, Iron Hoof is massing a large army and using the factories to supply it. I’m afraid that’s all he learned though. The day after he arrived, some ponies told him to leave, saying that they were from Iron Hoof. Ink Well didn’t even get the chance to talk to him. I sent the letter to Ambrosia to Fillydelphia. It’s the closest city to where ever he is, but I doubt he’ll get it.”

She sighed, looking down at the parchment in front of her. “I fear that the emissary to Quicksilver has disappeared. I told him to send word of his progress every day, but it’s been three days since his last letter.” Her wings fluttered at her side.

“We’re all worried for him Silver, but we can’t act with anger. I promise that he’ll be okay. Not even Quicksilver is crazy enough to treat someone who comes to negotiate peace badly. You have my word as Queen, Silver,” Twilight said, her voice ringing with authority.

Silver Lining nodded, returning to her report. “We received replies from the others, though they are not exactly favorable.”

Twilight smiled. “Favorable or not, I want to hear them.”

“Rarity replied that either we can bend our knees, and swear oaths to serve her and the pieces of the nobility that follow her, or we can meet with her a week from now, in Ponyville to talk face to face. I doubt she’ll move much though, the nobility is pressing her to usurp your throne. If we want to avoid fighting them, we’ll have to make concessions. Serious concessions.”

Twilight only nodded, her eyes fixed on the Magister. Spear Tip stood, a determined look in his eye. “Then we’ll meet them and our swords and spears will win us their allegiance.”

“We are not going to war if I can help it. Rarity is a friend of mine, and I’m sure that with time we can come to an appropriate agreement. I would remind you that our goal here is peace. I will not tear Equestria apart, not even with a war to keep it together.” Twilight glared at him, forcing him back down. “Carry on, Silver.”

“The other is a... slightly more reasonable offer from Lightning Flash,” Silver Lining said with a grimace. “He said that Cloudsdale shouldn’t be ruled by a unicorn, so he asked that you marry a pegasus. Specifically, he asked that you marry him.”

Twilight looked at her hooves and opened her mouth, ready to agree, but Rainbow beat her to it. “There’s no way we can give in to that!” Rainbow brought her hoof down on the table, causing it to shake.

Twilight looked up at her, a light blush rising in her cheeks. “What do you mean Rainbow?”

Rainbow Dash looked around, and, seeing everyone staring at her, sat back in her chair. “It’s just that... I knew him back in flight camp. He’s mean and a bully. Besides, he’s never been down from his little cloud, so he doesn’t exactly think much of non-pegasi,” she explained, looking at her hooves. “It’s just a bad idea.”

Twilight smiled and nodded. “Perhaps I can appease him by appointing more pegasi? Regardless, we shall keep the... marriage as a reserve option.” She paused, glancing at the embarrassed Rainbow Dash before changing the subject. “Where do we stand on the other races?”

Minister Silver Lining lit up, her mouth twisting into a smile. “The griffons aren’t outwardly hostile, which is unusual for them. So, we can take that as a good sign. They’ve also stopped all the border raids for the first time in a hundred years. And we got a letter from the ambassador to Zebrica saying that they would support you. He’s staying to negotiate exactly what kind of support they’re promising.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow and spoke, barely able to keep her tone flat. “And what happened to the ambassador to the deer folk?”

Silver Lining bit her lip and looked to Star Dust. “W-well... you see, Your Majesty, the deer folk haven’t been seen in hundreds of years. They... might not even exist. The last ponies that went into that forest never came back out. I-I didn’t send anyone to them... because it seemed useless.”

Twilight’s brow furrowed as she glared at the Magister. “Did I ask your opinion on the matter? No, I didn’t. If you had such issues with sending somepony to try and contact the deer folk, who were great friends with my predecessor, then you should have brought them up when we discussed it. As of now, I expect to have a report from an envoy within the week.”

Silver Lining nodded, her eyes as big as platters.

Sighing, Twilight took a moment to compose herself, letting her anger fade away. “I’m sorry Silver, I shouldn’t have snapped like that. But please, at least try and contact them. We need all the help we can get...” she trailed off, smiling at the quivering pegasus. “Now, General Tip, what is the status of our military?”

General Spear Tip rolled his eyes and stood, holding himself perfectly straight and rigid. “The same as ever, m’lady. We have several thousand unicorns and earth ponies ready to move, and nearly a thousand pegasi. That is not including the units that were sent to watch the borders. May I speak candidly, Your Majesty?”

Twilight nodded, watching the old veteran carefully.

“If we were allowed to recruit some trainers from the guard, m’lady, it would let us train the new recruits better, and more effectively. We need ponies who have seen combat, and there are almost none of those left under my command.” The General sat down, not waiting for an answer.

Twilight could only sigh. “Be that as it may, the guard is in place for a reason, General. They are to protect the city, not to attack. They will be no part of your plans, unless your plans involve getting all of them to attack us here, which as Queen I won’t allow.” General Spear Tip stood to protest, but Twilight cut him off. “I know what would happen, General. It would be a siege, and they would starve us until I was forced to surrender for the good of my subjects.” He sat down again, grumbling under his breath.

Twilight stood, her face drawn tight and her mouth set in a hard line. “This meeting is dismissed. I have some other matters to attend to.” Turning, she strode out of the door with Rainbow Dash in tow. She trotted through the halls and up flight after flight of stairs. As they wound their way up, the purple banners disappeared, replaced by old sun and moon banners that had never been taken down. Twilight led the way down a hall full of dust and cobwebs, coming to a stop at a pair of dull bronze doors several stories high.

Staring up at them, Rainbow Dash backed away. “Where are we Twilight? I... I’ve never been here before.”

Twilight sighed. “This is a place I never thought I’d come again. Rainbow, this is in the very upper reaches of the castle. I’m sorry I never told you about this entrance, but the only things that could come in here wouldn’t dare. They... don’t want to set foot in the castle.”

Rainbow Dash took another step back, the imposing doors looming in front of her. “It’s okay Twi... let’s just go back downstairs...”

Twilight smiled, but the pain etched on her face was obvious. “No, I have to do this Rainbow.”

Taking a deep breath, Rainbow puffed out her chest and stepped up next to Twilight. “Then we’ll do it together.”

A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked at her friend. “Thank you Rainbow, really, it means a lot to me, but I have to do this alone.” Twilight pulled the doors open enough for a single pony to walk through. Looking back, she saw Dash’s bravado disappear and fear taking root. “I’ll be fine, Rainbow. There is no danger through here, not for me. I’ll be back.”

A tear fell on the carpet even as Rainbow’s lips forced themselves into a smile. “You better,” she said, her voice cracking.

And with that, Twilight disappeared and the doors slammed shut.