• Published 11th Jul 2012
  • 1,550 Views, 24 Comments

The Weeping Willow - videomaster21XX

Evening never would have guessed that stopping under a willow tree in the Everfree would lead him on a rescue mission. To see her in danger... He has to do something.

  • ...

The Weeping Willow (Re-written)

“Well, this day has been less than perfect” Evening Storm mused as he made his way through the vines and trees. By now his sapphire mane and tail were filled with so many tangles and small twigs that it’d likely take hours to get them all out. Not an experience he was looking forward to. Even worse, his black coat was matted with mud. If he ever made it back, he’d seriously consider a trip to the spa. He only hoped he could afford what it took to clean him. Thankfully, the saddlebags he commissioned from Rarity, while just as dirty, proved to be ever resilient to tears and damage.

“Go get some woolywop plants Twilight said.” He muttered to himself as he pushed past another wall of leaves. “They’re right near the edge! It’ll be easy!”

Yeah, it’d been easy till that manticore attacked him. What was it even doing that close to the edge of the forest anyway?! No, better question, why the hay did he run into the Everfree to get away? What kind of moron does that?

Well apparently this moron. He thought bitterly as he tried to find any possible signs of a trail. He must have been out here for hours now. No doubt his teacher had either come looking for him or sent a search party. Some student of magic he was.

That was his life though. Mr. Walking Disaster. Ever since foalhood his magic had been erratic to say the least. Grooming spells catching his hair on fire. A flower blooming spell summoning a swarm of bees to him. He still remembered that one time when he tried to change the color of a small wagon. The result was the thing becoming a pile of freshly baked bread.

Eventually he had heard of Princess Twilight Sparkle, and how she had once been the element of magic. He hoped if anypony could help him learn how to control his wild magic, it was her. He almost smiled at the memory. Had it really been almost a year since he’d become her student? Frowning, he tapped his horn with a hoof. Too bad he wasn’t any closer to controlling this thing. He didn’t understand it, and doubted his teacher did either. Even his cutie mark didn’t shed any light on this mystery.

Looking back at his flank, he saw the mud had collected so thickly in that area on him that one could barely see it anymore. With a shrug, he turned back toward his travels.

It’s just as well, he thought to himself with a sigh, what does a mark like that even mean anyway? A multi-forked bolt of lightning, over what he could only guess to be two red crescent moons facing each other to almost form a circle. Much like his magic, it made no sense.

Ugh, he was getting off track. He needed to find a way out of the forest and back to ponyville. He could worry about his shortcomings later. He should probably be keeping an eye out for any more manticores or timberwolves and the like as well. There was no telling what this place had to hide.

Yawning, he paused to rub his eyes. He had been at this for a while now and needed to find a place to rest for a bit, if one could even find such a place in this forest. He wasn’t too keen on trying to sleep here, but at the rate he was going he’d drift off while walking.

No, a resting spot he’d have to find, and just pray to Celestia he woke up before anything ate him. It would be so much easier if he could just do the age old tactic of staying in once place while letting the search party find him, but such a thing in here was impossible. As dangerous as the Everfree was, traveling it was still a far better option than standing still and waiting for it to kill you. Almost like a response, he heard a howl from far off cause the hair upon his back to raise. He really hoped he found an empty cave or something, and soon.

As if on cue, upon walking around a particularly large rock he was met by a curious sight: a single white tree, which stood in contrast to its dreary surroundings. What a strange place to find in the middle of the Everfree. Well, at any rate, it looked like as good a place as any. With how weary he was, he didn’t think he’d last long enough to find another spot.

Scanning the area, he took stock of his surroundings. The ‘rock’ he had been walking around was part of a set of equally large stones that completely covered three sides of the area, almost as if someone carved a crescent into them just to plant this tree. A bit odd, but perfect for his needs. This way he’d be enclosed on three sides with only this wall of dense forest to really worry about. Given how jagged the walls became the higher you looked, he wasn’t worried about any creatures coming from up above, and with luck the lone tree in the center would shield him from the eyes of any flying predators.

“Good thing I always come prepared.” He spoke aloud to himself as he reached into a saddle pouch with his magic. Feeling around with it for a few moments, he finally found what he was looking for, floating out a vial of blue dust. Careful to moderate how much pours out with his magic, he carefully began to draw a circle around himself and the tree.

Satisfied with the outline, he put the vial away while focusing a small bit of magic into his horn. If he tried to do the spell with his magic alone, there was no telling what could happen. He just couldn’t risk that. Thankfully this was using some magic he’d learned from Zecora. Pressing the very tip of his horn on the line, he let his magic flow into it. The circle glowed brightly for a few moments before settling, a dull scent of burnt bananas being the only evidence of its existence.

But why that smell? Bananas aren’t even an ingredient! Evening pondered as he laid out a blanket. If there was one thing about magic he’d like to experiment more with, it was the odd smells most would produce. Sure a natural spell of the horn generally didn’t emit a scent, unless it was particularly powerful, but when it came to powders or potions, you’d get the oddest of aromas. Though he supposed it helped to identify a potion of strength when they all smelt like gravy, he wondered why books never seemed to mention that part? Did they just find the information irrelevant?

The spell itself was a circle of protection which would help hide his presence from the world, as well as alert him to any creature that might cross its border. He was amazed at the size of the area he had managed to cover given the amount of dust he had. The enclosed space was large enough for him to set up an entire campsite complete with a tent if he had one. Shame he didn’t, though the tree he was under worked well enough. He couldn't remember ever seeing such a tree in the Everfree Forest before. Everything about it was strange, almost mystical.

With a small sigh he let his eyes roll over it. The tree was a weeping willow, it’s bark and branches practically white. He swore they almost seemed to glow with their own inner light, its many drooping branches still unbloomed. Lovely as it was, he couldn’t help but feel it was out of place.

He took a few moments to gaze out into the forest in an attempt to catch a glimpse of any of its more aggressive inhabitants. Despite his search, the forest remained oddly silent, as if the wildlife itself avoided this place. Not even the flutter of a bird’s wings could be heard.

Something about it just radiated serenity. He wondered if he had fallen into a trap, almost nothing in this place was ever as it seemed. Still he didn’t think this was such an area. He couldn’t place how exactly he knew. It was just something about the air. The feel of it all.

Don’t get too cocky, he thought to himself whilst eyeing the wall of trees again. There was no telling what could come strolling out of those toward him. Still with the circle of protection and the stone walls, he should be safe. Lying beneath the willow, he listened to the sounds of the forest. The wind blowing softly through the trees, playing a melody as it weaved its way through the branches. The way they swayed in rhythm with the gusts was all very peaceful.

As he lied there, his eyes began to wander, glancing at this and taking in that. He hadn’t really been expecting to find anything that interesting, just your usual moss and grass. Yet, find something he did, about five feet from his position sat what appeared to be a rock in the perfect shape of a rectangle. Evening was pretty sure rocks didn’t naturally form that way, and taking a closer look, he was pretty sure they didn’t form symbols on themselves either.

“So, that’s a thing.” He said out loud to himself, a habit he had when alone and nervous. It just always felt better to hear a voice then stark silence. “Now, do I ignore it and sleep, or do I walk over there and find out what those symbols might say?”

With a sigh, he got back up on his hooves. Curse his stupid curiosity. He just knew it was going to turn out to be a gravestone as he wiped away some of the moss. It was surprising he had managed to see the symbols in the first place, given the overgrowth. With the obstruction gone he could indeed see several cravings, though what they said was beyond him. They certainly weren’t in any language he’d ever encountered, despite the hours, if not days, he spent in the Canterlot library reading up on all sorts of books about this kind of stuff. He bet his teacher would know. Too bad she wasn’t here.

Brushing his hoof over the odd markings, he wondered who would come all the way to a place like this just to place this here. How long had this tree even been here? Could these symbols predate it? A chill ran up his back as the wind picked up, the branches dancing all around him. The sheer stillness that had once been so inviting was quickly making him uneasy.

“Help me!” came a sudden cry from behind. He had never spun around so fast before in his life. His eyes darting in every direction, looking for the smallest hint of anything out of place. Despite the clarity and nearness of the voice, there was nothing and no signs that anything ever had been, even the wind had stopped. Had he imagined it? Maybe he was just that tired? The circle of protection would warn him if anything crossed it, even a pony. Unless they had already been here, but that should be impossible. The branches weren’t that thick, even he could see nothing was hiding in them.

Giving his head a shake, he attempted to clear his mind as he glanced one last time at the rock before stopping dead in his tracks. The writing had become blurry and appeared to be changing into something he could actually decipher.

Then again, he couldn’t tell if the writing was changing, or if he was suddenly able to comprehend the markings. Regardless, he could now understand what had been carved there. Assuming this new ‘ability’ of his was to be trusted, the writing translated to: “Be praised o’ Moon Breeze, for your life is the seal of this evil.”

The words sent a chill up Evening’s spine, they didn’t sound all that comforting. The thought of what may have happened here disturbed him.

With a shudder he considered leaving the area right then and there, but his body had other plans. He was weary from his journey and that protection spell had just tired him out more. Breathing a regretful sigh, he settled himself back down on the grass under the willow, being careful to keep the stone in his sight. None of this made him feel any better about his situation, but what could he do? Exhaustion had already set in, at this rate he’d be lucky to crawl out of the woods. Whatever event that rock was talking about, it had happened long ago, there was no reason to get worked up over it now. He didn't know how long he lied there, but eventually his eyes closed and the world faded into darkness.

* * *

It was the cold that woke him. An icy chill that seemed to purposely choose his back to brush upon. Jolting his head up, he saw he was still in his makeshift campsite, though many things had changed.

The first thing he registered was that it was now night, and deep into it. Had he really slept that long? He had set off early afternoon at the latest! Sure he had spent quite a few hours wandering aimlessly in the forest, but enough for the sun to set? Looking up, he could see the full moon illuminating the sky in all it’s glory. Usually this had a calming effect on him, he always enjoyed the night, but here in the Everfree it was a different story. He didn’t like what creatures could be found here in the day, he didn’t even want to think about what it hid at night. How was he supposed to get out of here now? Even though the moon was lighting the area up rather well, he didn't like his odds when going into that forest now.

Wait a sec, he thought idly. The moon shouldn’t be making it this bright.

That’s when the second major change finally hit him. The weeping willow he was currently taking shelter under had bloomed. Craning his neck around, he could see the many silver-like blossoms swaying in the wind. Their twinkling reminded him of bells so much that he almost swore he could hear them jingle.

Everything about this felt unnatural, as if he was caught in a dream.

“Help…” Evening’s eyes widened at the word. He was sure he had heard that, but it didn’t sound like anypony had said it. It was more like the wind itself had somehow spoken. Taking an uneasy glance around, he confirmed he was still the only one here.

“Help her…” It said again. Whatever it was, it was seriously creeping him out.

“H-Hello?” He called out as loudly as he dared. “Who’s there? Help who!?”

“Help her!” The strange voice repeated, urgently this time. Despite the wind picking up, he could still hear the voice as if it was speaking directly into his mind. Again, he looked around, trying to grasp just a glimpse of who was speaking, or any possible figure for him to help. This should have scared him. Should have made him want to run, but instead he felt oddly relaxed. Had this all been a trap after all? Was he poisoned by the tree and now lay dying? Was this all a hallucination?

Again the cold wind struck at him, causing his entire body to shiver. No, this couldn’t be a dream. The bite of the chill was too real, but then what? What was going on?

“Please…” The voice wailed with the wind. The branches of the willow wisped around him in a frantic dance of chaos as the air seemed to cyclone around his body. He knew something was wrong. The scent of rainwater and sulfur filled his nose. It was the same smell that clung to the magical ruins in the Castle of the Two Sisters when Twilight had taken him there. How could a mere willow tree produce the same ominous aroma?

Finally coming to his senses, he tried to run. As dangerous as it would be in those woods, a Timberwolf he understood, this he did not. Despite his best efforts, his legs refused to budge, with a jolt he realized he couldn’t even feel them anymore.

What’s happening!? He cried in his mind while still trying to move. It wasn’t even a feeling of numbness in his limbs. It felt as if they simply weren’t there. He tried to frantically pick himself up with magic, only to lose concentration as the icy wind continued to bite at the parts of his body he could still sense. The feeling was spreading! Was it the cold? The poison? Was this the tree's game? To numb him so he’d be easy prey for some predator!?

There was nothing he could do but let it take him. His vision fading back into darkness. He had been so sure the willow had meant him no harm. Guess he had been made a fool of one last time. He briefly wondered if Twilight would ever find his body as his consciousness was stolen from him.

* * *

Slowly, Evening began to realize that he was once again aware of his surroundings, at least to a degree. The first thing he noticed was something breathing, the second was the darkness still around him. Now so thick it had become smothering. Despite both these things and the events he just witnessed, Evening felt an odd sense of calm. He still couldn’t feel his body. Everything felt strangely disconnected, as if the very world around him was nothing more than an illusion. As time trickled by, he heard something being dragged as well as soft crying.

It occurred to him that whatever was whimpering was the same thing that was breathing. If he had to guess he’d say it was female. Whoever or whatever it was, she sounded young. Evening could almost feel her pain, while he may not know what he shared this darkness with, he could tell it was no threat.

He wanted to move closer to his passenger, but still couldn’t feel his body. He couldn’t even feel his surroundings, it was almost like he was suspended in water, a pitch black liquid that pressed in on him from all sides. Except he couldn’t actually feel it touch him, it was more of a sensation. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced before, and it left him at a loss for words. Whatever was happening, he was not in control of it.

So why wasn’t he panicking? Evening didn’t know what to think about this. He was a disembodied spirit for all he knew and all he could focus on was the presence beside him. ‘Help her’ the voice had said. Was he supposed to help this unseen female? How was he to do that when he couldn’t even move?

Another sob broke his train of thought. There were too many questions right now and it would be better for him to focus on what he did know. Whatever had happened had left him unable to move and unable to panic. There was also something here with him and it was hurt. The cries were actually beginning to bother him. He didn’t even know this thing, yet deep down he still wanted to save it. The desire burned in him. Everything that was happening just felt too surreal. His feelings felt forced, his body light. What kind of nightmare was he in?

Could that be it? He thought. Was this nothing more than a dream? Was waking up with the tree in bloom just another dream itself? He wasn’t sure, but it was the best idea he could come up with. If that was it, then what was he dreaming and why?

“This is it” spoke a gruff voice suddenly. This new voice startled Evening. By the sound of it, the owner could only be male. Two more voices answered with affirmative grunts, one male and one female. Two stallions and a mare. What role were they to play? Did they have anything to do with the whimpering voice near him, and if so, why?

“Get the foal,” came the mare’s voice, a nasty emphasis on the word ‘foal’. Her voice was stern and direct, same as the stallions. Whatever they were doing, they certainly weren’t here for a picnic. As soon as the mare had spoken, the breathing began to accelerate, small gasps mixed in with the sobs. Before he had any chance to think about it, the world exploded in light.

He thought for a moment that he’d been blinded. Instead the world seemed to shift into being around him. He was in the same place he had fallen asleep in, except the weeping willow was gone. A gray unicorn stallion stood by the rock Evening had seen the carvings on. He looked much like many of the unicorn guards he’d seen in Canterlot. Another stallion, an earth pony, stood off to the side, the same color and build as his partner. Of the three, he was the only one who looked like he didn't want to be there, his actions appeared forced. Finally, there was the mare, a white pegasus. He attempted to look around to see if there were any others, but found that much like everything else to do with his body, he wasn’t in control of the direction he gazed either.

What little he could see didn’t feel right. This was supposed to be the Everfree Forest, but if that was the case, it was too orderly. He had once found it interesting to see how a pony controlled forest, like the Whitetail Woods, differed from a place like the Everfree. As he floated there now, it felt more like the former. It was also strange to see three guards without any weapons that he could see. One unicorn would not be enough to take on the dangers of the Everfree.

A nagging thought began to tug at the back of his mind. He wasn’t sure where it had come from, but it reminded him that there was only one time this forest had ever been under pony control. If that was the case, he’d be one thousand years in the past at least. Could what he was seeing be a vision from that time? Some scripted event he was meant to behold?

That still left one last player upon this stage, whatever was the source of the breathing, most likely the foal the pegasus spoke of. Said breathing of which had now given way to silent sobs. As the world turned to focus on her, Evening gasped.

On the surface she appeared to be a unicorn filly, no older then one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders if he had to guess. Her coat was a dark blue and her mane was a shade of what appeared to be silver, though given how dirty it was, it was hard to tell. She lay within a large brown sack, the drag mark from it causing him to feel ill. Had they been dragging her through the woods this entire time!?

That was not what caught his eye or made him gasp. That had been the fact her horn had a large crack in it. Evening knew from experience that it was not easy to crack the horn of a unicorn. Whatever had been done to cause that was something he didn’t want to think about.

The next thing he took in were the many bruises on her body. Dried blood and dirt stained her coat. Her mane and tail were a mess, tattered with chunks missing.

The worst of it all were her eyes, her two green eyes, that were now red and puffy from hours of crying. It was the look of those eyes that would haunt him. They seemed so defeated, as if she had given up on everything. What had these ponies done to her? Why would they do such a thing? The question repeated over and over in his head as he stared at her.

“Prepare the site,” the Pegasus said. With a reluctant nod, the earth pony began to struggle with a wooden post, dragging it to where the willow would be. He watched as the pony stuck it in the ground, making sure it would not tip over. The post itself was bizarre. It was covered with all sorts of magical runes, set in such a pattern that whatever spell was etched into this thing had to be very powerful.

Meanwhile the unicorn had begun to cast a spell on the rock. It didn’t take long for Evening to discover the unicorn was etching the symbols he had seen. He had known whatever happened here had not been good. Now he would see it first-hoof. The realization caused his stomach to clench.

As her companions finished their preparations, the pegasus slowly trotted up to the young filly. She gazed at her with silent hate. After staring at her for few moments she spoke with a voice like ice, “Any final words?”

Holding back tears, the small unicorn looked up at the pegasus through eyes that no longer held any remnants of youth .Yet still that underlying fear remained. After attempting to speak many times, each time having to gulp back a sob, she answered, “Why me?”

The pegasus sneered, “Do you really need to ask? You who are named after the night which threatened to consume us not one week prior to this day?”

“But I-” The filly attempted to say before the pegasus cut her off.

“Silence! It’s because you share a name with the night that you should be the savior of these woods.” The pegasus lifted her head, her expression like steel, “You should feel honored.”

The filly lowered her own head, her eyes no longer able to produce tears, “I don’t want to die.”

The pegasus snorted, “Few do”

Evening tensed. This can’t be real. How could anypony do this? She’s but a foal! Stop! You have to stop! His pleas did nothing to change the scene before him.

“All preparations are complete,” the unicorn stated while trotting up to the mare. “By Celestia’s mane, let this work.”

Celestia would never condone this! Evening thought fiercely. True, he didn’t know what they intended, but he knew that whatever it was it would be horrible. The thought tore at him. If only he could move!

“It will work,” the pegasus responded,“With Moon Breeze’s sacrifice, the forest will be freed from the curse and the last remnants of Nightmare Moon’s betrayal shall be purged!”

So, you’re Moon Breeze, Evening thought, looking back toward the filly. It was a pretty name, at least to him. It pained him to think that she was going to be killed because of it. He wondered, did she curse her own name?

Moon Breeze dropped to the ground, her will depleted. Evening still didn’t understand how killing this filly was going to accomplish anything.

He was forced to watch as the unicorn levitated Moon Breeze to the post. The earth pony had a rope which he quickly used to bind the filly. Evening wanted to help her, but he still couldn’t move; his body might as well be mist.

“Do it,” the pegasus commanded staring at Moon Breeze, her eyes unblinking. The unicorn nodded and began to concentrate. The post around Moon Breeze began to glow with the light of his magical aura, the magical runes glowed pure white in response. With loud creaks, large roots shot out of the post’s base, drilling their way into the soil. The earth pony looked away in disgust as the post began to enlarge itself, the wood from it jutting around Moon Breeze like teeth.

Evening realized that was exactly what they were, teeth. The tree was getting ready to eat her. That was what the writing meant by her life being the seal. Her fate was to be consumed by the willow tree, her spirit to be trapped there for eternity.

He had thought Moon Breeze couldn’t cry anymore, yet tears began to flow from her eyes. Those tears changed to droplets of blood while the bark closed in around her. Evening watched in silent horror as it crawled up her body, slowly, drawing ever closer to her face.

‘Help her!’ He remembered the voice telling him during the willow tree’s bloom. It had to be talking about Moon Breeze, but how could he help her? He couldn’t even control the direction he looked! What was he supposed to do whilst in a form like this!?

Moon Breeze’s near dead eyes stared at him, unfocused and unseeing. Yet as the bark neared its destination, one final glint of despair budded in her eyes. The strength returning to her limbs as she attempted to struggle against her binds in vain. Just before the bark began to swallow her, she whispered one last phrase, “Please… Somepony help me.”

With a flash, he recalled the other voice that called to him. The one he thought he heard just before he slept the first time. That voice had belonged to her! He hadn’t realized at the time how sad it had been. She had spent a thousand years trapped here. A thousand years crying for help that never arrived.

All that remained free were her eyes; eyes that gazed out at the last bits of moonlight they’d ever see…

Evening couldn’t take it anymore. He didn’t want to watch, but was unable to look away. He was going to see this filly die.

Stop it! He screamed in his mind.Don’t make me watch this! Why show me this if there is nothing I can do? Why torture me so? If only I could move! If only I could do something! If- If only I could-

“STOP IT!” His voice shook the leaves around him as it echoed through the forest. In that very instant the bark halted as four pairs of eyes all turned to gaze at him.

“W-Who are you!?” the Unicorn stammered. Evening was about to attempt to turn around to see who the unicorn was talking to when he realized two very important things: One, he could actually move his head. Two, that weightless feeling had evaporated. With a start he realized that he could once more feel every inch of his body, which included a now hammering heart. If this was a dream, he had entered it physically.

“N-Nightmare Moon! She has come to devour us!” the earth pony shouted as he attempted to flee. This brought Evening’s focus back to the scene. He watched the pegasus mare grab the fleeing earth pony by the tail, halting him in his tracks. After making sure he’d stay put she spoke herself, “Fool! If this is Nightmare Moon where are her wings? Anypony can see it’s just a unicorn stallion!”

She then turned toward Evening. While her companions appeared frightened and panicked, her eyes betrayed only the slightest amount of unease. “Who are you and what do you want?” she demanded while taking a step forward. “No doubt you’re named after the night yourself? Have you come to smite us for opposing your mistress?”

Evening weighed his options very carefully. He was still dizzy from his nightmare suddenly becoming a reality. He was also outnumbered and outmatched. These ponies were of the royal guard, many years in the past or not, and even if he did attempt to fight them, his magic generally ended up with his own flank catching fire.

Still, he couldn't forgive them for what they were doing to Moon Breeze. Something in him raged and it was focused only on one thing; stopping this. Without thinking he spoke, “What do you hope to gain from all this?”

He spoke in a slow deliberate manner, causing both the earth pony and the unicorn to shudder with fear. Only the pegasus remained calm, though Evening could see the doubt in her eyes.

“Is it not obvious?” she shot back with a scoff, “We are going to sacrifice this filly to create a seal. One that will purge this forest of the curse your mistress brought upon it!” The news disgusted him. What evil was in this forest that they thought something like this would help? There was no way Celestia knew of this.

“Oh, and who might that be?” Evening asked without a hint of interest in his tone. Inwardly he was shaking. Just keep playing it up. He repeated in his mind. If they caught on, he’d be killed for sure and the filly left to her fate.

“Don’t get coy with me!” she spat, “I speak of Nightmare Moon! It’s thanks to her that the castle now lies in ruins! Her, that this very forest has lost the law and order we pegasi brought to its weather! Her, that Princess Celestia hasn’t spoken a word in days!”

Evening narrowed his eyes, “Very well, but what does the filly have to do with this? She is not of Nightmare Moon, any foal can see that.”

“Do you think me blind?” the Pegasus shouted, “Of course I know that! Nonetheless, she is named after the night! The night your mistress attempted to burden upon us forever! Moon Breeze will be the first of many cornerstones that shall seal away the evil attempting to consume this land!”

So that’s her game, Evening thought to himself. This must be shortly after Luna, as Nightmare Moon, had been sealed away. He had heard rumors, stories of how the old castle in the Everfree Forest had been abandoned after those events. How the forest became the thing it was known for in his time. With that knowledge in mind, he knew that what she was attempting here was pointless, if there was only a way he could show her that. Would it even make a difference? He had to try, he still wasn’t sure he could fight them.

“You believe such a crime can seal this evil!?” he shouted back, barely containing his rage. “The murder of a child? And you dare call me the servant of Nightmare Moon!” His horn let out a crackle of energy.

“What I do is for the good of all Equestria!” the pegasus screamed back. “It is you and your ilk that have brought this tragedy!”

“Me and my ilk?!” he cried back, “for what having a name and color scheme that matches the night? How damn crazy are you!?”

“Enough!” she shouted, spreading her wings, “if you insist on hindering us I’ll destroy you personally!”

With one flap of her wings, she was airborne. Evening cursed his temper as he desperately tried to catch where she had flown to. At the moment both of her companions appeared hesitant to attack him. He only hoped they remained that way long enough for him to come up with a plan.

There was no way in Tartarus he could take them on all at once so he had to try and pick them off one by one. Without warning the pegasus slammed into his side, causing him to fly smack dab into one of the rock walls.

“GUH!” He croaked, falling to the ground. It was just bad luck that the first pony he had to contend with was the leader. Already he could see her cohorts regaining their composure at seeing him hit. If he didn’t act now, they’d all be on him.

“What’s the matter, knave? No more pitiful boasts of misplaced justice!?” The pegasus asked as she hovered in the air. Evening winced as he got back up on his hooves. She was a talker eh? If Twilight’s brother, Shining, could see this, he’d knock her down in ten seconds flat.

Don’t waste this opportunity, he told himself. Now that he had his back to the wall there was really only one way she could get to him, and he’d be able to see it. Still, that wouldn’t do any good if he couldn’t counterattack. Given his luck with magic, spells were out, and there was no way he could outfight her.

“Allow me to end your pitiful life.” She said before flying up in an arc to gain speed. The way she was twisting made it clear that her intention was to ram him head on. Time seemed to slow as he watched her approach. Could he even hope to dodge this? Whatever he did, he'd better do it fast!

Frantically, he tried to think of what options he had. Even if he could cast any spells, he doubted he’d be able to hit her! The best he could do was levitate stuff and that had the same problem. He could chuck a rock at her, but it would be impossible to hit her at that velocity! Looking around, he couldn’t even see a rock he could work with. Whilst there were plenty of them around, they were mere pebbles that had likely fallen from the stone walls around him over time. Even if he was to throw a ton of them they’d- wait that’s it!

Steeling himself, he waited till she swooped down to ram him. Whilst he had a feeling she suspected that he was going to try something, he went ahead with his plan and grabbed as many of the small pebbles between them as he could, launching them directly upward.

The pegasus only had enough time to close her eyes before flying through a wall of rubble. This bought Evening enough time to yank himself sideways with his own levitation magic as the pegasus slammed into the rock wall beside him, dropping to the ground with a thud.

Looking back at her, he could tell she was only dazed. She wasn’t in the royal guard for nothing. He’d have to get to the filly fast.

“Y-You monster!” The earth pony cried, charging at him. Crap! He was out of time! Even now he could see the unicorn getting ready to charge as well. In a panic, he pointed his horn at charging stallion and cast the first spell that came to his mind. A spell that just so happened to be for grooming manes.

Immediately, the stallion’s mane and tail caught on fire, causing him to flail around in terror. Ironically, while Evening had done this to himself more times than he cared to remember, the fire seemed to be more looks than actual effect. It could burn for a full two minutes before it did any actual damage. Thinking quickly, he aimed to have this done long before that.

Lifting the still panicked earth pony with his magic, he hurled him with all the might he could muster at the unicorn who was so taken aback by it all that he simply let his fellow guard slam into him, causing both of them to go tumbling away.

Not wasting a second, he rushed to the tree opening and began to tear at the teeth-like wood that had been closing around the filly with his hooves. Daring to let his magic rest for only a moment, he began to use it to tear apart the upper part of the ‘mouth’ as it were. The strain of using so much magic, even on something as simple as levitation this quickly would catch up to him, but at the moment he didn’t care.

“S-somepony came…” Moon Breeze whispered as she stared at him with unbelieving eyes. Evening would have consoled her if he wasn’t so afraid of the guards recovering. Part of him considered just gripping her body with magic and yanking her out, but given her condition he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. It was too risky.

“Please tell me this is not a dream…” She breathed, her body shaking. Despite the situation, Evening found himself gazing back at her with a smile.

“It’s no dream, little one. Slamming into that wall hurt way too much for that to be true!” Much to his surprise, she smiled back at him, her eyes glistening with fresh tears.

“T-thank Celestia… Oh thank her and you…” She croaked out, her eyes filled with such relief. It made his heart ache. If only he could be half the unicorn his mentor was, he would have done a lot more to this lot than just stunning them!

“Just try and relax, I’ll have you out of here so- GAK!” His head jerked back as something wrapped itself around his neck, carefully turning himself around, he could see it was a thick green vine coming from the ground. Before he could attempt to do anything, five more sprung from a crack in the earth to constrict not only his limbs, but his body as well. With all six vines holding him in place, the unicorn guard stepped into view, his horn glowing.

“Target is secure Commander Willow Wisp.” He said as the pegasus trotted into view, a slight wobble to her steps.

“Excellent work soldier.” She said, staring at Evening coldly. To his left he could see the earth pony now covered in dirt walk up as well. His only chance was gone. There was no way he could get to the filly now. Damn it! If only he had more time! If only he could cast actual magic! Already, he heard Moon Breeze begin to whimper.

“You’ve given us a lot of trouble tonight.” Willow Wisp spat, “but your attempt, though more effective than I gave you credit for, are for naught. We shall continue with the ritual, but not before disposing of you. I’m taking no more chances.” Moving her head to her side, she slid out a single small dagger hidden in her breastplate. Her gaze emotionless, she began to move towards him.

So this was it? He couldn't do anything after all? He would be killed here, and Moon Breeze sealed into the willow tree as fated. Desperately, he tried to struggle against his binds, but they were much too strong. Summoning any strength left, he began to attempt one last feat of magic.

“Gale Root!” The pegasus barked around the dagger in her mouth. As soon as she spoke the unicorn guard’s horn glowed brighter, his aura clamping down on Evening’s own.

A suppression spell! Evening thought wearily. Even on his best day he wasn’t sure if he could fight such a thing.

“Stern Mount!” The pegasus barked at the earth pony. “Be ready to stop the stallion if he breaks free. I don't want anymore surprises you hear me?”

“Y-Yes commander!” He replied fearfully, but moved into position as directed. Evening was frantically trying to gather up enough magic to break free of the suppression spell while also trying to figure out his next move when Moon Breeze began to sob even louder.

“No! No please don’t!” She sobbed, barely loud enough for them to hear. With what little strength she had, she struggled against her own binds.

“Don’t hurt him! I-I’ll do as you ask, just let him go! Please!”

“Moon Breeze, no!” Evening cried without thinking. How could she possibly say that? They had barely met! Why would she give up her own life for his!?

Why did you risk your own for her? A voice asked inside his head.

I couldn’t… I couldn’t just stand there! He said back. Was that it? Was that her reason as well?

“How very generous of you.” Willow Wisp chortled, “but neither of you are in a position to make any deals. Watch now, little one. See what happens to those who try to resist. It’ll be much easier if you just accept your fate.”

Evening gritted his teeth as fresh anger bubbled to the surface. Moon Breeze’s only crime was having a name and color scheme that matches the night. For those stupid reasons her life was going to be cut painfully short. Any friends and family forever wondering what became of her.

His vision washed red as he stared at the ones responsible for this. How could they? How could anypony do this to a mere filly? All those bruises, that cracked horn. He was vaguely aware of a rumbling sound as he glared at them. Just how much torment had they put her through!?

“P-please, no…” Moon Breeze sobbed softly behind him. The small amount of hope he had given her draining out of her voice.

He had to help her! It didn’t matter what he did, he would NOT let this happen!

“Don’t. Touch. Her.” He growled, staring at the ponies before him coldly. He could barely register Stern Mount glancing nervously upwards as Willow Wisp laughed.

“Um C-commander?” Stern Mount stuttered trying to gain her attention, she paid him no mind however, her focus was on Evening.

“Her life is meant for something greater, you-” Evening had heard enough.

“I SAID DON’T TOUCH HER!” He screamed, his horn blazing to life. It was over so quickly that he barely registered what had happened. The moment he shouted, three large bolts of lightning struck the three would be murderers before him with frightening accuracy. Not one stone on the ground had been touched. The only damage left behind were their smoking armor and coats.

Without thinking, he rushed to their sides, eyes washing over their downed forms. With a breath of relief he found them all still alive. The blunt of the damage had been absorbed by their armor, no doubt magically enchanted to protect them. What few black spots he saw on their coats was nothing more than singed fur. They’d live, but it was doubtful they would wake up anytime soon. Despite all they had tried to do here, he wanted them alive to face their punishment.

It was only now that he realized the vines had loosened their grip on him. Getting an idea for them, he used his levitation magic to move and cut them into makeshift rope that he quickly tied around the limbs of the unconscious three, just in case. His head hurt from the effort. Had he really used that much magic today? What had just happened?

Forgetting himself for a moment, he stared at the three now bound guards in confusion. How lucky had he been that that lightning struck all three of them like that, but shouldn't that be almost impossible? Looking up, he could just make out the last remnants of black clouds that had produced the lightning. Everfree’s weather was weird, but it didn’t do things like that, not even in his time.

Wait, what’s that smell? He sniffed. Burnt wood and pickle juice?! The last time he smelt that combination was when he’d attended that Trixie show and she had summoned a small storm cloud as part of her act. Being in the front row, he had managed to get a good whiff of the aroma before she had moved on to another trick. How could he be smelling it now? Wouldn’t that mean-

His eyes widened as he stared back down at the three. Stern Mount looking up, the rumbling in his ears! That hadn't just been his anger, he had somehow summoned storm clouds! A storm summon while being suppressed? That took tremendous magic to accomplish! How could he, of all ponies, have done it? He couldn’t do any spell right!

A gust of wind brought him back to his senses. That wasn’t important right now. Moon Breeze was still trapped, everything else could wait. As he turned to rush towards her, the three guards popped back into his mind. If he left them here like this, it was possible they’d be attacked by some random creature, or even eventually break free and try again. Much as he hated them, he didn’t want either to happen. Taking another note from the Great and Powerful Trixie, he lit up his horn once more, sending a few fireworks into the sky. If his hunch was correct, there were still a lot of good guards stationed at the castle. Hopefully they’d find these three and deal with them properly.

With that done, he ran up to the tree, going right back to work in clearing the wooden teeth from around Moon Breeze. The fact that he had not only properly cast one, but two spells currently being the farthest thing from his mind. Moon Breeze made naught a sound as he was finally able to clear enough wood to use his magic to untie the rope binding her, quickly enveloping her in his aura so she wouldn't fall

Just as carefully he sat her down on the grass and held his breath as he watched her, desperately hoping he hadn't been too late. With a great sigh of relief, he saw her lift her head to look up at him with a dazed expression. She lied there, motionless, for a few moments, until she finally spoke.

“Are… Are you an Angel?” she asked quietly. He might have laughed if not for the sorrow he felt when gazing into those eyes. Those were the eyes of a pony who had endured great pain. Greater pain than he had ever known. A filly her age should not possess such eyes.

“Nope, just a normal unicorn like you,” he replied with a soft smile, “My name is Evening Storm, what’s yours?” Of course he knew what her name was, but it seemed like a good way to start as any. There were so many questions he wanted to ask her, so many things he wanted to understand, but he didn’t dare ask them now. Not after everything she had just been through.

“I’m… Moon Breeze…”

“That’s a very nice name.”

“Thank you,” she replied before falling silent for a moment, “Am I dead?”

Evening reassured her as gently as he could. “No Moon Breeze you are not. I heard your cries for help, and here I am.”

Slowly, the tears returned to her eyes, “Then… I’m not going to die?”

Evening shook his head, “No.”

Before he knew what was happening, she leapt at him, burying her face in his chest. “Thank you!” she sobbed with relief. More relief than a filly her age should have needed to ever feel. “Thank you! Thank you so much!”

He held her then as tight as he could, beginning to cry along with her.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, “I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I’m so sorry…”

“You helped me!” she cried, the tears soaking his fur, “That’s all that matters...”

“I had to.” He said softly. “I’d never forgive myself if I had done anything else.”

She muttered something unintelligible, her face still buried in his fur. He waited a few more seconds before asking one question he couldn’t keep quiet.

"Why did you try to sacrifice yourself for me?”

“I-I don’t want anypony to be hurt because of me. T-that pony kept saying how everything was my fault a-and I-” Evening lifted her head so he could look her in the eyes.

“Forget what she said! You did nothing wrong! Nothing that happened has been your fault Moon Breeze! Please tell me you understand that!”

“I… really? I-I’m not a bad pony?” His heart ached. What happened to her before he got here?

“No. No, you are not a bad pony. I promise you that. Never doubt yourself, Moon Breeze. You are just you. It’s not up to other ponies to decide who you are, only you have the right to do that!” Moon Breeze just stared back at him. After a few moments she gave a slight nod, and buried her face back in his fur sobbing away. With a smile he let her do so as he stroked her back in understanding.

They remained that way for a few moments before Evening took charge of the situation. With luck, the other guards would be here soon. He really doubted there would be any that shared in Willow Wisp's ideals. However, it was going to be very awkward explaining his presence here to them.

“The good guards should be here soon,” he said staring into her eyes. “Don’t worry, these ones will help.”

“I-If you say so.” She squeaked back.

“I’m sure of it, and I’ll be there too. Is there anypony we could contact to let them know you’re okay?” Moon Breeze shook her head sadly.



She lowered her head. “G-Gone…”

She was an orphan? Willow hadn’t killed them, had she? He shook his head. No he couldn’t think like that. Even if she had, it wasn’t his place to pass judgment. Let Princess Celestia have her. Still, this perplexed him. What would happen to her? He wanted to help her as much as he could, but didn’t even know what brought him here or how long he had in this era. As he tried to lean down to nuzzle her, he realized with dread that he could not. His body had once more begun to lose feeling. Whatever put him here seemed to be taking him back. Not now! He couldn’t be out of time now!

“Evening?” Moon Breeze asked, eyes once more full of fear, “What’s happening to you?”

“I’m sorry…” he said, desperately wishing to delay this. “I’m so sorry. I don’t belong here. I don’t even know how I got here to begin with. It seems... It seems I have to go back now.”

“NO!” Moon Breeze screamed, panic rising back up in her voice, “No! You can’t! Don’t leave! DON’T!”

“I don’t have a choice!” he yelled, “Whatever brought me here is taking me back! Moon Breeze, you have to run! Run to the castle! I promise you the guards there will help you!”

“No, No I want to stay with you!”

Evening wished he could shake his head.

“You can’t!" He pleaded. "Please! I don’t want to chance Willow and her cohorts waking up before help arrives! You have to be safe!”

“Wait! Take me with you!” she cried, trying to frantically hold on to him. It was proving more and more difficult as time wore on. His body was returning to whatever mist it had been before.

“I can’t! You have to run! Please!” His heart was hammering. “I don’t want you to die!”

“And I don’t want you to go!”

With one last desperate surge of magic, Evening attempted to grab her in order to move her as far away from the area as he could. He had just managed to wrap his aura around her when the world went dark. His surroundings once more, nothing but dreams of darkness...

* * *

“Moon Breeze, Run!” he cried, jerking his head up. It took a few seconds for him to register that he was once again in the clearing where he had stopped to rest. The sun just now peeking over the horizon, the tree branches drooping around him, unbloomed. Had none of that really happened? Everything from the mysterious voice telling him to help to his rescue of the filly, was it nothing more than a hallucination? With a heavy heart, he turned his gaze toward the tree trunk.

It was not as smooth as it had been when he had settled down. Now there was a large chunk ripped out of it, a multitude of blue glowing fungi filling the hole. He could only stare, unbelieving, as a great wave of joy washed over him. No doubt that those were the remains of the broken prison, they had to be. So it wasn't a dream after all, Evening thought. That meant I really did save Moon-

The memory of her name shook him. While he may have saved her life, he had left her alone in that, or rather, this clearing. He knew she had not been trapped in the tree, but what if the three had managed to wake up and free themselves? What if they had done something worse to her?

“Nnn, don’t leave…” came a small voice. Evening froze. That had come from his right, and despite seeing his saddle bags laying on the ground a mere hoofs length from him, something was pressing against his side. Almost too anxious to look, he was afraid his mind was playing tricks on him as he slowly turned his head to behold a small dark blue filly unicorn, with a silver mane, cuddled against him.

“Moon Breeze!” he almost shouted, barely able to restrain his joy. He gave her side a nuzzle, half expecting her to vanish the moment he touched her. The small filly blinked a few times before she looked around, clearly confused with her surroundings. Noticing Evening, her expression changed from that of confusion to joy. With a sudden burst of energy she tackled him, or at least attempted to.

“Evening! You’re still here!” she cried, hugging him as tightly as she could. “I was so afraid you left me!”

“Well,” he said with a smile, “It seems I took you with me instead.”

“Took me…” she said examining her surroundings. Her gaze falling upon the weeping willow. As if waiting for her, the flowers once more opened in full bloom, filling her eyes with wonder. With a start, he saw that her entire body was different now. Evening didn’t understand any of it, but her coat was clean, her mane and tail whole and unmatted. Even the crack in her horn had vanished.

“Where are we?” she asked, staring at him with wide eyes.

Evening laughed a rich, happy laugh, the first he had in days. “All in due time, Moon Breeze. I think that first we should get you someplace safe.”

She flinched, “You’re not going to leave me are you?”

Evening shook his head, “Never.”

Her mouth slowly cracked into a small smile, for Moon Breeze, it was probably the biggest smile she had had in a long time. He didn’t know how this had happened, or why it was him who was chosen to do it, but right now, none of that mattered.

For whatever reason, he was allowed to save this filly, and that’s all he cared about. Setting her on his back after his saddlebags, he gave her another comforting nuzzle before heading to Ponyville.

Now how am I going to explain this to Twilight? He thought as they trotted along, the willow slowly falling out of sight behind them. Perhaps it was just his imagination, but he could swear it seemed happier.

* * *

Elsewhere, at the bottom of a particular canyon sat a cave which housed a certain silver tree decorated by several jewels. Most of the jewels shone with a dull glow, except for one that had been flickering. Unbeknownst to both Evening and Moon Breeze, as they left the clearing of the weeping willow, that one flickering jewel began to glow brighter than the others. It’s light steady and strong. Only for one of the other gems to begin flickering, the image of a forgotten magical pool appearing upon it’s surface...

Six jewels of harmony here now rest

Six elements of friendship in which we are blessed

Yet for each one there has been a horrible crime

A life cut short before it’s time

Somepony to help them has finally been found

To this quest they are unwittingly bound

For every time there is a flickering light

They must venture forth to set a wrong to right...

Author's Note:

Took me forever, but I finally had the drive and desire to alter this thing.

Hopefully this take is a lot better. As of right now I haven't had a chance to let my editor go over it, so some other alterations may be applied in the next couple of days.

As for the ending, I'm really going to leave it up to reader reaction on if there is anymore to be done with this. I really 'should' be working on other works right now, but wanted to attempt to polish this story into something better than I originally gave it.

Comments ( 11 )

This is truly unexpected.
Let's see how we've improved, shall we?

Well it'd be nice to get one comment on if it's improved any.

:/ I tried the best day and best time to see if I could get any new readers and failed miserably.

Times a-movin' and so are people and their stories.
If you wanted new readers you should have re-published this whole shebang and hope for it to get Featured.
FimFiction is still going strong, but it too isn't what it used to be anymore either, less people readin', less writin'.
We haven't finished reading this yet, although what we have read so far has led us to this conclusion: you need an editor/proofreader.
The tale is still good though!

I mention in my author's notes that my editor hasn't gone over it yet. (They haven't been online for a bit)

Also, a failure, like most everything else, is subjective ;P

Best day? For whom? When it's Day in EU, it's Night in the US.

Best time? For whom yet again? Did you mean timezone(lmao wat)? Seasonal time(I mean, it's still summer so most people will be out and about instead of reading stuff on FF)? Regional time(where you live, how many people do you know from your location that actually visit FF)? "Commercial" time(a lot of people are excited about upcoming movies, books, shows, games, fashion designs etc. and probably don't have time or remember to visit FF in the rush, at the moment everyone seems to be hyped about NMS and SC)?
The list goes on!

Besides, there are no such things as failures!
There are consequences(or in this case, the lack thereof)!
We learn from everything, we learn from our misgivings the most, because we subconsciously don't want anything that we believe is "bad" to happen, do we?
So we always try to either prevent or minimize the chance of bad things happening, but they still happen and from those we have learned to live.
It is by your mind alone that you choose for something to be a failure.
We all have expectations, for we think and by thinking we have thought of math, logic and most importantly, patterns.
When something doesn't conform to the pattern that we expected it to, well...
Some think like you, some think like I described and some just try again until they get what they wished for :P

Comment posted by Zanec deleted Aug 4th, 2016

When we finish reading this you are going to have one very long comment with all the mistakes we saw and tried to correct.
Nothing bad, we promise.

Comment posted by Zanec deleted Aug 5th, 2016

Well, shoot, I had downloaded this story years ago and last month finally read it and now I see there's an updated version twice as long. More to read, I guess? :twilightsheepish:

Yeah I tried re-working it into a better story.

Still not quite I managed it. Didn't get many comments on it. :/

Four years.
We have changed.
We didn't even remember.

The Weeping Willow holds up to our current standards of excellence.

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