• Published 8th Jun 2017
  • 1,836 Views, 61 Comments

Alicorn of balance: the second life - unknowncape7377

2017 A year that will be better than the last... Or so I thought when suddenly as the clock ticked down I saw a shooting star and made a wish... I never expected it to come true

  • ...

Chapter 2- The talking

Last time on Alicorn of balance

*next scene with throne room* " Who are you" "I am Astral Spirit" *Next scene with Luna in dream* "You're now officially a citizen of Equestria!" *next scene* "Welcome back to the world of the waking." "Did I do a good?" "It seems you have, Astral."

I woke up to the smell of pancakes permeating my room. I instantly knew that I needed to get to them before somepony eats them and I get none. On the way to the bedroom, I had passed the dining hall, so I knew my way around the castle. With my goal in mind, I went on my way slightly running in places to increase the chances that I get the delicious food. Unknown to me, I had plenty of time to get there, as the staff was feeding the WHOLE castle.

As I entered the dining hall, I noticed the Royal sisters eating pancakes, right beside them was a fresh plate that I assumed was for me. I walked up to the table and greeted both of the sisters.

"Hello, Celestia. Hi, Luna." I greeted them both, earning a response from the both of them.

"Good Morning, Astral. I assume you slept well." was the response from Celestia.

"I sure did!" I replied, seeing as the previous night was the best I had slept in years.

"The dream realm remained calm last night," Luna said, taking a sip of her drink. We ate in silence for a few minutes until I noticed something.

"Yet you seem exhausted." I pointed out, making Celestia giggle.

"Night court was exhausting" was her response.

"Well, hope you sleep well," I said, noting when Celestia said Luna is a night pony.

"Good day," said Luna as she left, no doubt for her bedchambers.

"What's the schedule?" I asked Celestia.

"Well, as for you, there is a medical checkup to make sure you are in perfect condition. Once that is done, you shall board a train to Ponyville. When you arrive, my student will introduce you to the town and help you get a job." she explained. I nodded, finishing the last of the delicious food.

"Well, seeing as I am full, I will head over to the doctor for that checkup. Then, I will head over to Ponyville. By the way, was that purple mare whom I had encountered yesterday your student?" I returned. She nodded with a smile.

"Yes, and I have arranged for her to help you get settled into the small town." was her reply. After some more confirmations of the day's plans, I set out for the day. The doctor's office was much less stressful than I initially expected, the staff was much faster than back home (taking almost 3 hours for a checkup), the checkup consisted of an x-ray, some blood tests, and a magic test. As it turns out, I possess levels over 9000 (heh). The doctor's sent my paperwork into a tube(which I assume go to either the other hospital in ponyville, the filing room, or to Celestia herself!)

Arriving at the Train station, I noticed ponies that were beginning to crowd around me, no doubt because I am an Alicorn, as I boarded the train with a ticket Celestia gave me. It turns out that she let me use a private car, no doubt her's.

Man, this car is huge!!! I mean, I could fit 2 of my car in here... with the furniture and all. My thoughts drifted towards home during the long ride. I started thinking about the computers that were left behind. pop!

"What was that?" I ask as I turn around to find... My Computer? Yes, my computer is somehow here. Rember, you have more power than you realize. "Who said that?" I asked out loud. There was no reply, so I continued to stare at my cuboid gaming computer.

"Next stop, Ponyville!!!" yelled a conductor. I must have been staring deep into thought longer than I had expected. Shortly later, the train arrived at the station. I had, at that time figured out that I could make various things appear and disappear with my powers.

Departing the train, I made everything I summoned disappear, as if the items never existed in the first place. Waiting at the station was the lavender alicorn that I had come to know as Celestia's student. She began speaking to me.

"How was the ride back? Comfortable, I assume?"

"Sure was, also discovered a cool power I have!" I replied, with enthusiasm.

"WHAT!?!" she screamed, "We must figure out why you are here and even get you home so-"I cut her off with a hoof to her mouth

"Stop right there. We Will figure this out. And I will make sure to be as much of a help as I can." My statement seemed to calm her, to some extent, and with that, we headed to the giant crystal tree/castle.

"Spike!? I'm back, and I brought a visitor." Twilight yelled into the vast hallways of the castle.

"I'm in the kitchen!" shouted a voice from afar. Twilight turned to me.

"Well, let's get to work." I nodded and followed Twilight, not at all staring at her backside for a moment.

Arriving at the library, Twilight said she was going to search the deep archives, I was free to look around. There were shelves with more books than the library of Congress back home. I had decided to go to the beginner's magic section to learn how to channel my new powers.

Hours later.

"I found something!!!" Exclaimed twilight as she teleported over, completely breaking my focus and the small lamp that I had managed to lift. I quickly replaced it with one same to the one broken, so that she wouldn't notice. It seems that I wasn't fast enough since she had noticed my mistake and immediately started with her questions and concerns for safety. I had remembered the powers that my OC has, so, I summoned a book that detailed technology of the human race. Might have broken her, because she is now reading through and taking notes to compare with their tech... the book has diagrams and will keep her occupied for the rest of the day.

Off in the distance, I heard a faint voice."You will get a party, and you will like it!"me, being the idiot that I am, Ignored this warning as being tired. That train ride had taken all day and there was a plate of sandwiches on the table. I took one, saving one for Twilight, and fell asleep on the surprisingly comfy bench next to it, unaware of the events the next day held.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

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