• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 1,092 Views, 35 Comments

Showy Chaos - HeartfireFirebrand

Trixie returns to Ponyville with less than a stellar reception to say the leats forntunately a certain chaotic creature is more than willing to help

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Chapter 9: Remnant Practice

I shouted “I’m trying alright, I am not used to trying to funnel my emotions like this!”

Sombra sighed “Alright, how about this think of something that makes you mad. Anger is the most powerful driving force so let’s start with that. What makes you angry?”

I sat there “Um I’m not sure, I have gotten angry quite a lot.”

Sombra shook his head “Fine, then find something that has made you angry in the past.”

I looked through my memories, I felt something click. I roared “Damn him to Tartarus, he ruined everything that night.” I could see that pompous bastard’s face, Blueblood the one who turned my world on it’s head, the one who destroyed the way I saw the world. I hate him so much, I will make him pay.

Sombra smiled “Keep going.” I felt my form shift and I looked my hooves, they were a darker colour. Sombra levitated a mirror in front of me, I saw my Nightmare form staring back at me. I screamed. Sombra put his hoof on my shoulder, he said “Don’t worry, it’s still you, just a different version,” he smiled “You have done very well, whoever did this must have made very angry.”

I snarled “It‘s Prince Blueblood, he is utterly unforgivable, he was the exact opposite of princely. He used my clothes to sit on and even threw me in the way of a cake to protect himself.”

Sombra smiled “I have a plan, we are going to show him tonight but of it to work you need to able to turn into shadows.” I smiled and vanished into smoke, Sombra gasped “How did you do that?”

I frowned “I do remember what I did as Nightmare and I used this quite a few times.”

Sombra looked down “I’m sorry for bringing up bad memories.”

I smiled “Well then tell me your grand prank for Blueblood.”

Sombra smirked “Well we’re going to send him running to Luna like a timid foal running to their parents.”

I smirked “I like this idea.” I turned back to normal and continued my day, sowing dresses and serving customers.

I smiled “Goodnight Sweetie Belle, stay out of trouble.”

Sweetie Belle smiled “I promise not to get out of my bed tonight.”

I nodded and trotted out to see Sombra standing in front of me. He asked “Time for a little fun.”

I smiled “Agreed, let’s go.” After a few minutes to change forms we turned into mist and flew towards Canterlot, I loved the feeling of the wind. I think I’m starting to understand how Rainbow feels, flight is so liberating. We arrived in the castle, we stuck to the shadows.

We found Prince Blueblood shouting “Get out of my way, I’m Prince Blueblood and I require food.”

The guard frowned “I’m sorry Prince but I nopony is allowed to interrupt what’s going on in there.”

Prince Blueblood said “Fine, I didn’t need to eat anyway.”

The guard smiled and opened the door “Princess, I got him to go away.”

I heard Celestia’s voice “Good, now I can eat my cake in peace.” Sombra chuckled softly as we followed the Prince. As we followed him through the shadows, Sombra began making moaning sounds. I howled in response, I smiled as Prince Blueblood galloped to his room in fear, he locked his door. We slid under the door in our shadow forms. Sombra created the illusions of a Timberwolf and a Zompony, he screamed.

Then Sombra tapped him on the wither, he jumped and turned around. Sombra smiled a toothy grin “I’m the Lord of Shadows and you will serve me.”

I then followed his lead appearing behind him, I smirked “And he’s not alone, I am the Nightmare.”

We watched as he galloped out of the room screaming “Luna!!!!!” Sombra and I fell to the floor laughing, I must admit this was fun. I think I may do a few more pranks with Sombra’s help, oh Rainbow you are so going to get it now.

The with a pop we saw Luna glaring at us. She shouted “Sombra what are you doing here” she then looked at me “and who’s your friend, and why does she look familiar?”

Sombra said calmly “We’ll tell you once he leaves.” Blueblood was hiding behind Luna.

Luna said “Blueblood, you will leave.” He was about to open his mouth when she glared at him.

She then put up a soundproofing spell to prevent eavesdropping. Sombra smiled “We just were pranking him.”

I snarled “He deserved it too, that royal bastard. He was an absolute despicable stallion at the Gala!”

Luna eyes widened as she put two and two together “Rarity, how?!”

I asked “Do your remember my incident with the Nightmare? This is that form but right now it only has a fraction of that power. It is the remnant the Nightmare left behind. Still if I utilise it correctly I may surpass the original Nightmare.”

Luna gasped “Isn’t that dangerous, we were trying to fix this darkness issue?”

I frowned “Have you any results?” Luna shook her head. I said “Well then tell them not to bother, there is no point to it anymore. I can wield the darkness now and I’m in control.”

Me and Sombra returned to Ponyville before Luna could argue with us. Sombra asked “Are you okay with this?”

I had turned back to normal, Sombra looked at me concerned “Um, something’s wrong with your eyes.”

I levitated a mirror and saw my eyes had turned green like his, I smiled as I as the purple trails flowing out the back “I could make it work, I will have to make some design changes to what I wear though.”

Sombra asked “Are you okay?”

I let out wicked cackle , he jumped as his horn glowed. I laughed “I’m just teasing, come on let’s get some sleep.” I smiled as I dozed off thinking of how to get Dash back.”

Author's Note:

I hope enjoy this chapter.

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