• Published 25th Sep 2019
  • 5,674 Views, 71 Comments

A Love That Can Heal Your Pain - Jordanwolfboy

For as long as you can remember, you've always had a hard life. However, when you start attending a new school called Canterlot High, you begin to feel like there is hope in the world. Especially when you meet a certain fiery haired girl.

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Chapter 9: Answers and Confessions

Sunset sprinted through town making her way towards your house in hopes of finding you and figuring out why you acted the way you did when you ran away. She makes her way to your house and bangs on your door. She waited for a moment before your mother answers the door. Thankfully, you introduced Sunset to your parents some time ago so she didn't have to go through with introductions.

“Sunset? How can I help you?” Your mom asked.

"Hi Mrs. Mous. I'm sorry if I sound rude or anything but I'm in a hurry right now. Is Anon home by any chance?" Sunset asked hoping that you were here. Unfortunately, your mother shook her head.

“I’m sorry but he’s not here. Wasn’t he supposed to be with you today?” She started sounding worried. Sunset proceeded to tell her what happened which your mom gasped at.

“Oh no, I was afraid of this happening.” Your mom said which confused Sunset.

“What are you talking about?” She questioned. Your mom looked back at her before walking up to her and putting her hands on Sunsets shoulders.

“Look Sunset honey, from what you’ve described, Anon is not in a stable condition right now! We need to find him before he does something drastic!” Your mom said frantically. Sunset wanted to know what was going on but understood the severity of the situation. “You need to go get your friends and anyone else you know to go out and look for him! I’m gonna go get my husband and we’ll both go search together! Got it?!” Sunset nodded to her demand before sprinting out the door while calling her friends to meet her in front of the school.

Sunset waited in front of the school for a few minutes before the rest of the Rainbooms came running up to her.

“We got the text Sunset! What’s going on?” Twilight asked.

“It’s Anon, he’s missing!” Sunset said which made the girls gasp.

“Nonnys missing?! What happened?!” Pinkie questioned her. Sunset told them what happened which made them very worried for your wellbeing.

“We’ve gotta find him! He should be somewhere here or in the city!” Rainbow Dash said before Sunset proposed a plan.

“Here’s what we’ll do: Half of us are gonna check here in the neighborhood and the other half will check the city! If one of us finds him, then she needs to text the others where they are, got it?!” The others agreed to the plan before splitting up into teams and going to their separate locations in the hopes of finding you.

Sunset, Twilight, Rainbow, and Pinkie searched the neighborhood by asking people walking around if they’ve seen you or by knocking on peoples doors and asking them. Meanwhile, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy searched the city by checking places like the theatre, mall, and the arcade. Your mom and dad were also helping by driving around in their car and searched both the neighborhood and the city.

A Few Hours Later

The sun was beginning to set as the girls had met back in front of the school along with your parents.

“Have you guys had any luck in finding him?” Sunset asked hopefully. This only resulted in disappointed looks from everyone.

“We looked everywhere Sunset, but we couldn’t find him.” Applejack said while your mom broke down in tears. Your dad did his best to comfort her but it was all for naught as she kept crying.

“I can’t bear the thought of Nonny being all alone. The fact that I can’t be there for him to make him smile just......kills me.” Pinkie says sadly before her usually poofy hair deflated like a balloon while Fluttershy gently rubbed her back.

“There’s gotta be somewhere that we haven’t looked yet! Anyone got any ideas?!” Rainbow asked. The others began thinking of any possible places that they haven’t looked. They at first couldn’t think of anything because they had pretty much looked everywhere. They thought for a few more minutes before Sunset finally realized something. There was one final place that you could have gone to, but it was something that only you and her knew about.

“I think I might know where he is!” Sunset said which got the others attention and your mom stopped crying.

“Well what are you waiting for Sunset? Take us to him!” Your dad begged but Sunset shook her head.

“I think it’s best if I go alone you guys, if all of us are there it might overwhelm him especially concerning the condition that he’s in right now.” Most of them had mixed feelings about this before your mom spoke.

“She’s right. I think we should let her do this herself, besides if anyone here is capable of finding him and getting through to him, it’s her.” She says before walking up to Sunset and gave her a surprise hug.

“Do what you have to do Sunset. Just......bring our son back.” Sunset nodded to your moms plea before ending the hug and bolting off towards her destination. Even if there was a chance that you weren’t there, she had to be sure. The Rainbooms turned to your parents with concerned looks.

“Mrs. Mous, are you sure that this is a good idea?” Rarity asked. Your mom nodded to her question before looking forward and silently praying that you were alright.

Sunset ran for about ten minutes before arriving at the hill that you and her went to two weeks ago. She slows down to try and regain her breath before resuming walking up the hill. She looks and sees a silhouette in the distance silently sitting by themselves. She slowly walked up to them and they’re revealed to be you. You sat there with bloodshot eyes and puffy cheeks, clear signs of crying, while staring at the sunset that shined beautifully. It took every ounce of Sunsets willpower to not run up and tackle you into a hug, but she knew that you were not in the mood for that kind of thing so she decided to take it slow. She slowly walked up to your form and silently called out to you.

“Anon?” Your eyes turned over to her but they immediately closed upon seeing her and you turned your head away from her.

G-Go away Sunset.” You whispered silently. She wouldn’t listen to you though.

“Anon, please tell me what’s wrong.” She pleaded with you.

J-Just leave me alone. I can’t be near you anymore.

“What do you mean?” She asked. You looked back at her for a few seconds before bursting out into tears again while you hugged your legs. She walks over to you and crouched down to your level before reaching out to tilt your head up to look at her. “Please Anon, I need to know what’s going on. Why are you acting like this? Was it something I did? Was the necklace too much for you? What is it? Please tell me.” She begged. You stared at her for a moment before finally saying something.

I’m scared.

“Of what?” She asked. You paused before continuing.
“Of losing you.” You said in a more prominent tone. This confused Sunset greatly. You were scared of losing her? She wasn’t going anywhere so why the sudden fear? She needed to get to the bottom of it.

“Why would you be afraid of losing me?” She asked.

“Because of what happened to Drizzle Drop.....and my other friends.” You confessed.

“Who’s Drizzle Drop?” She inquired. You stared at her pondering if you should tell her. Seeing as how it wouldn’t do any good to run away again you buckled down and told her.

“It started five years ago....” You began telling her everything. Drizzle Drop, your other friends, the happy memories you made with them, even.......their deaths. All of it came pouring out of you like a waterfall. Sunset just sat there listening to everything while giving a few nods here and there. You also told her how them dying is what lead you to attempting suicide. How the rope had snapped and you hit your head hard on the dresser and how that blow had apparently made you repress your memory about them. All of it made so much sense to you now. Why you kept getting that gut feeling, why it was telling you to stay away from Sunset, why you kept having those nightmares. That memory was trying to find its way back into your mind. Also, you were afraid that what happened to your old friends is what will happen to Sunset and the other girls.

"Anon." Sunset spoke after you were finished telling your story. "I get it. You're afraid that you're going to lose me, but I'm not going to die." She tried to reassure you but this wasn't getting through to you.

"You don't know that Sunset! You might be alive today, but for all we know you could end up dead the very next day! That's how life always is, for me at least." You turned away from her before continuing. "Life always finds a way to take away the things that you care about the most. Whether it be something as simple as a toy that you had since childhood or maybe your favorite pizza place closes down permanently." You turned back to her with tears in your eyes. "Or maybe something that is extremely personal to you like the only friends that you ever had in your entire existence! Life gives, but it also takes away, and I'm afraid that that's what's going to happen to you and the rest of the girls. One day, I don't know when, you and the others will be gone and I'll be all alone again!" You finished before crying into your hands. Sunset stood there devastated by how much this affected you. She thought for a moment trying to figure out the right words to say until she finally came up with some that may not completely resolve the situation, but they might help it a little bit.

"Anon, I might not completely understand what your going through, but please hear me when I say this. You can't go through life thinking like that. You can't just always be in fear that the things that you care about the most will just be taken away at any given moment. If you can't live for yourself, then live for them! Do you think they would want you to live the rest of your life always being sad that any friends you make will be taken from you? No, they wouldn't! They would have wanted you to live on and be the happiest that you can be. You now have a bunch of new friends that care about you so much, myself included." She lectured you which she hoped was making you understand. You looked back at her and decided to ask her something.

"Why do you care so much Sunset? I'm nothing but a sad and pathetic human being whos always had to deal with horrible people in my life. So pathetic that I went as far as attempting suicide. So why?! Why do you even care?! WHY DID YOU GO THROUGH ALL OF THIS TROUBLE FOR ME?!"

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, YOU NUMBSKULL!!!!!" She exclaimed before pulling you into a kiss. She wraps her arms around your neck as you stood there wide eyed for a moment before closing your eyes and returning the kiss. This was something that was obviously very new to you. You have never kissed a girl at any point in your life, so this was definitely a surprise to you. You held the kiss for about five to ten minutes before breaking it as she stares at you with watery eyes.

"You...……….love me?" You asked ignoring the fact that it was a stupid and obvious question. She nods.

"I do. When I first met and got to talking with you, you were so sweet and kind that I couldn't help but feel something for you. When you and I hung out at my place that one day, I felt like I could trust you enough to tell you about my past and how bad I was as a person and how after I was done, you said that you didn't care about who I was and only cared about who I am now. You have no idea how much I needed to hear that from someone like you. And when we saw the sunset two weeks ago and when you told me about your painful past and how much it did to you, that's when I finally realized that I fell for you. That I needed to be there for you so that you can finally put your past behind you and can finally be happy. I love you Anon Y Mous. I love you so much that I can't even begin to describe it!" She finally finished confessing. You were stunned by all of this. All this time she felt the same way for you and you didn't even notice. You started feeling bad that you had missed the signs until you looked back at her.

"I...….I love you too Sunset. At first I didn't even know what love was until I started feeling it for you when I first met you. You're just so sweet and compassionate, not to mention beautiful." She blushed at the comment. "When you first told me about how you used to be a bully, I honestly couldn't believe it at first because of how amazing you are. How you had managed to change your ways and tried to make things right with everyone at CHS. If that's not dedication, then I don't know what is." You then held both of her hands in your own. "I've never had the opportunity to share my love for a girl in my life. Drizzle Drop could have been a chance, but I honestly never felt that way for her and I don't think she felt the same way either, but with you it's different. So now I must ask. Sunset Shimmer, will you please give me the chance to share my love with you?" You asked. This resulted in her bursting out in tears and gave you a bear hug.

"Yes! Yes! YES! Of course I will Anon!" She shouted happily while the both of you stood there holding each other for what seemed like hours but was only ten minutes. The both of you finally broke the hug before making your way back to town. You looked at her and you reached out and held her hand. She looks back at you and smiles before resting her head on your shoulder as you walked in silence.

The Rainbooms and your parents were patiently waiting back at your place to see if Sunset had successfully found you. They waited with baited breath before the front opened revealing it to be you and Sunset.

"ANON!!!!" The girls screamed before running over and giving you a group hug.

"We were so worried about you! We looked for you for hours but we couldn't find you!" Rainbow said while having a single tear in her eye.

"Darling, you don't know how much you scared us!" Rarity cried.

"Yeah Nonny! I was so afraid of not being able to make you smile anymore!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"We were starting to think we would never see you again!" Fluttershy said while crying into your chest.

"Don't you ever do something like that ever again, ya hear me sugarcube!?" Applejack pleaded.

"We can't stand the thought of losing you Anon!" Twilight shouted.

"I know. I'm sorry for making you guys worry. Sunset managed to find me and talk some sense into me." You said while smiling over at Sunset who smiled back. The group hug was separated as you looked over to your parents who politely waited for the girls to stop hugging you. You walked over to them and they pulled you into a hug. "I'm so sorry mom and dad. I'm so sorry for making you worry." You apologized which made them both smile.

"It's alright sweetheart. We're just glad that you're home safe and sound." Your mom said which your dad nodded to.

"We just want you to know that me and your mother love you very much. It would have really hurt us if something bad happened to you." He added. After that you, your parents, your new girlfriend, and your friends decided to hang out at your place for the next couple of hours watching movies, playing board games, the typical stuff that you would do at a hangout. After it was all said and done, the girls said their goodbyes while they each gave you a hug as they left with Pinkies being so tight that you had to straighten your back out afterwards. Finally, it was time for Sunset to leave as you both stood in the doorway.

"I'll see you later Sunset."

"I'll see you later Anon." She says before pulling you into a gentle kiss which you gladly reciprocated. It lasted for a minute before you separated. She gently booped you on the nose with a finger before starting to walk away before you called out to her.

"Wait, Sunset!" She turns around and looks at you. "If your not busy next Friday, maybe you and I can go out and get some coffee or something?" You asked to which she smiled to.

"Sure. Then maybe afterwards we can watch a movie and then watch the sunset together." She added. You nodded to this request.

"So it's a date?" You asked. She nodded.

"It's a date." She confirmed before blowing you a kiss and walking away. You closed the door and turned around to see your parents widely grinning at you.

"What?" You asked jokingly.

"So son, it looks like you and Sunset are finally together. Is that true?" Your dad asked playfully. You blushed and looked away from them.

"Y-Yeah dad. Me and her are a couple now." You said which made him beam with happiness.

"My son finally got himself a girlfriend! Can you believe it honey?" He asked your mom.

"Oh, I can definitely believe it dear. Especially with how much of a gentleman he's become as of late." She said with a sly grin. Later that evening you were about ready for bed before your parents came in to check on you.

"Anon, how are you feeling?" Your mom asked. You smiled at her question.

"I'm feeling good mom. Better than I've been in a long time." You answered. They both smiled and you got into bed. Your mom came up and kissed you on the forehead.

"Good night sweetie."

"Good night mom." Your dad walked up and gently patted your shoulder

"Good night buddy."

"Good night dad." They started walking away before you called to them.

"Wait, mom, dad?" They stopped and looked at you. "Did you know about what happened to my old friends and how my memory of them was repressed?" They looked at each other before looking back at you.

"We did, and we're sorry for not telling you Anon. We wanted to see if you would be able to move on and be happy again. Please don't be mad at us." Your mom said. You thought for a moment before looking back at them and smiling.

"It's okay. You were just trying to protect me. While I will admit that I kind of wish that you had told me sooner, but I'm not angry or anything I just wanted to know for sure." You said which they gave a sigh of relief at. "Good night you guys. I love you." You said while getting into a comfortable position.

"We love you too sweetie." Your mom said before they slowly walked out and turned off the lights and closed the door. You laid in bed for a few minutes before staring up at the ceiling and closing your eyes before having one final thought.

'Drizzle Drop, Stargazer, Thunder Volt, Blaze burst. Wherever you are, if your watching over me, I just want to say thank you for being some of the best friends that a guy could ask for. I promise that I will live on for you guys even in my darkest moments. And I'm glad to say that I've made some new friends and I finally found someone that can pull me out of any dark hole that I fall into, and her name is Sunset Shimmer.'

Author's Note:

Boy was this was quite a lot for me to write. But thankfully it's done. But stick around people because there is an epilogue that I have planned after this chapter. So be sure to keep a look out for it. Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter please tell me what you liked and also if there are any improvements that I could have made.